tencent cloud


Online and Login

Terakhir diperbarui:2024-02-06 09:25:44

    Guidelines for Account and Password

    Login Account (Email): The account is the email you have communicated to the administrator or the email that the administrator has assigned to you.
    Password: Once the administrator successfully creates an account, the system will send a random password email to the specified email. Please use this random password for the first login.

    Step 1: Log in to the workspace

    Directly access the workstation, enter your email address and password to log in, as shown in the following illustration:
    Access the link directly: https://connect.tencentcloud.com
    Email address: The registration email provided to the administrator by you
    Login password: After the admin successfully creates the account, the system will send a random password email to that address, please use this random password to log in for the first time.

    Step 2: Access the Target Application

    Step 3: Official Launch

    You can confirm whether the agent status in the top-right corner is available (indicated by a green dot) for normal service.
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