tencent cloud



最后更新时间:2023-05-29 15:17:03




    1. 在 CLI 中执行 terraform apply 前,可以使用以下命令开启本地日志跟踪:
    export TF_LOG=DEBUG
    export TF_LOG_PATH=./terraform.log
    2. 开启后,再次执行以下命令。
    terraform apply/destroy
    执行完毕后,可查看 Terraform 本地文件夹会生成一个 terraform.log 的文件。文件记录了 tencentcloud provider 定义的日志输出。如下图所示:


    本例中创建了一个 K8S cluster 并挂载一台已经存在的 CVM 作节点。
    ➜ terraform apply
    2021/12/09 17:53:02 [WARN] Log levels other than TRACE are currently unreliable, and are supported only for backward compatibility.
    Use TF_LOG=TRACE to see Terraform's internal logs.
    data.tencentcloud_instance_types.default: Refreshing state...
    data.tencentcloud_cbs_storages.storages: Refreshing state...
    data.tencentcloud_vpc_subnets.vpc2: Refreshing state...
    data.tencentcloud_images.default: Refreshing state...
    data.tencentcloud_vpc_subnets.vpc: Refreshing state...
    An execution plan has been generated and is shown below.
    Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
    + create
    Terraform will perform the following actions:
    # tencentcloud_kubernetes_cluster.managed_cluster will be created
    + resource "tencentcloud_kubernetes_cluster" "managed_cluster" {
    + certification_authority = (known after apply)
    + claim_expired_seconds = 300
    + cluster_as_enabled = false
    + cluster_cidr = ""
    + cluster_deploy_type = "MANAGED_CLUSTER"
    + cluster_desc = "test cluster desc"
    + cluster_external_endpoint = (known after apply)
    + cluster_internet = false
    + cluster_intranet = false
    + cluster_ipvs = true
    + cluster_max_pod_num = 32
    + cluster_max_service_num = 32
    + cluster_name = "keep"
    + cluster_node_num = (known after apply)
    + cluster_os = "ubuntu16.04.1 LTSx86_64"
    + cluster_os_type = "GENERAL"
    + cluster_version = "1.10.5"
    + container_runtime = "docker"
    + deletion_protection = false
    + domain = (known after apply)
    + id = (known after apply)
    + ignore_cluster_cidr_conflict = false
    + is_non_static_ip_mode = false
    + kube_config = (known after apply)
    + network_type = "GR"
    + node_name_type = "lan-ip"
    + password = (known after apply)
    + pgw_endpoint = (known after apply)
    + security_policy = (known after apply)
    + user_name = (known after apply)
    + vpc_id = "vpc-h70b6b49"
    + worker_instances_list = (known after apply)
    + worker_config {
    + availability_zone = "ap-guangzhou-3"
    + count = 1
    + enhanced_monitor_service = false
    + enhanced_security_service = false
    + instance_charge_type = "POSTPAID_BY_HOUR"
    + instance_charge_type_prepaid_period = 1
    + instance_charge_type_prepaid_renew_flag = "NOTIFY_AND_MANUAL_RENEW"
    + instance_name = "sub machine of tke"
    + instance_type = "S1.SMALL1"
    + internet_charge_type = "TRAFFIC_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR"
    + internet_max_bandwidth_out = 100
    + password = (sensitive value)
    + public_ip_assigned = true
    + subnet_id = "subnet-1uwh63so"
    + system_disk_size = 60
    + system_disk_type = "CLOUD_SSD"
    + user_data = "dGVzdA=="
    + data_disk {
    + disk_size = 50
    + disk_type = "CLOUD_PREMIUM"
    # tencentcloud_kubernetes_cluster_attachment.test_attach will be created
    + resource "tencentcloud_kubernetes_cluster_attachment" "test_attach" {
    + cluster_id = (known after apply)
    + hostname = "user"
    + id = (known after apply)
    + instance_id = "ins-lmnl6t1g"
    + labels = {
    + "test1" = "test1"
    + "test2" = "test2"
    + password = (sensitive value)
    + security_groups = (known after apply)
    + state = (known after apply)
    + worker_config {
    + docker_graph_path = "/var/lib/docker"
    + is_schedule = true
    + data_disk {
    + auto_format_and_mount = false
    + disk_size = 50
    + disk_type = "CLOUD_PREMIUM"
    Plan: 2 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
    Do you want to perform these actions?
    Terraform will perform the actions described above.
    Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.
    Enter a value: yes
    tencentcloud_kubernetes_cluster.managed_cluster: Creating...
    Error: [TencentCloudSDKError] Code=InternalError.CidrConflictWithOtherCluster, Message=DashboardError,Code : -10013 , Msg : CIDR_CONFLICT_WITH_OTHER_CLUSTER[cidr is conflict with cluster id: cls-1zc0kpyo], err : CheckCIDRWithVPCClusters failed,CIDR( conflict with clusterCIDR,ClusterID:cls-1zc0kpyo,clusterCIDR:,err:CIDR1:,firstIP:,conflict with CIDR2:, RequestId=d7dfb178-f081-480a-9bc3-89efc5fb1db5
    on main.tf line 424, in resource "tencentcloud_kubernetes_cluster" "managed_cluster":
    424: resource "tencentcloud_kubernetes_cluster" "managed_cluster" {
    CLI 提示错误如下:
    [TencentCloudSDKError] Code=InternalError.CidrConflictWithOtherCluster, Message=DashboardError,Code : -10013 , Msg : CIDR_CONFLICT_WITH_OTHER_CLUSTER[cidr is conflict with cluster id: cls-1zc0kpyo], err : CheckCIDRWithVPCClusters failed,CIDR( conflict with clusterCIDR,ClusterID:cls-1zc0kpyo,clusterCIDR:,err:CIDR1:,firstIP:,conflict with CIDR2:, RequestId=d7dfb178-f081-480a-9bc3-89efc5fb1db5
    1. 找到 requestId: d7dfb178-f081-480a-9bc3-89efc5fb1db5
    2. 打开 terraform.log,搜索该 requestId,找到上下文如下所示:
    2021-12-09T17:53:20.222+0800 [DEBUG] plugin.terraform-provider-tencentcloud.exe: 2021/02/25 17:53:20 [DEBUG] setting computed for "worker_instances_list" from ComputedKeys
    _CONFLICT_WITH_OTHER_CLUSTER[cidr is conflict with cluster id: cls-1zc0kpyo], err : CheckCIDRWithVPCClusters failed,CIDR( conflict with clusterCIDR,ClusterID:cls-1zc0kpyo,clusterCIDR:,err:CIDR1:,firstIP:,conflict with CIDR2:"},"RequestId":"d7dfb178-f081-480a-9bc3-89efc5fb1db5"}},cost 370.8109ms
    6 is conflict with cluster id: cls-1zc0kpyo], err : CheckCIDRWithVPCClusters failed,CIDR( conflict with clusterCIDR,ClusterID:cls-1zc0kpyo,clusterCIDR:,err:CIDR1:,firstIP:,conflict with CIDR2:, RequestId=40d3ee5d-f723-4ef9-8f01-32d725464d51
    2021-12-09T17:53:20.593+0800 [DEBUG] plugin.terraform-provider-tencentcloud.exe: 2021/12/09 17:53:20 common.go:79: [DEBUG] [ELAPSED] resource.tencentcloud_kubernetes_cluster.create elapsed 371 ms
    3. 分析日志,可定位是创建 K8s cluster 过程中出现问题。示例中是因为 cidr 与已存在的其他 K8s cluster 有冲突造成的。
    若 CLI 提示错误信息不够清晰,或无 requestID 的报错造成定位有困难,可将 tf 项目文件,CLI 提示错误以及其产生的日志 terraform.log 文件通过 提交工单 请求协助。




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