tencent cloud


Submitting Video Tagging Job

Last updated: 2022-10-09 14:27:35

    Feature Description

    This API is used to submit a video tagging job.

    API Explorer is recommended.
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    Sample request

    POST /jobs HTTP/1.1
    Host: <BucketName-APPID>.ci.<Region>.myqcloud.com
    Date: <GMT Date>
    Authorization: <Auth String>
    Content-Length: <length>
    Content-Type: application/xml

    Request headers

    This API only uses common request headers. For more information, see Common Request Headers.

    Request body

    This request requires the following request body:

          <UserData>This is my data.</UserData>

    The nodes are described as follows:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type Required
    Request None Request container Container Yes

    Request has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type Required
    Tag Request Job tag: VideoTag String Yes
    Input Request Information of the media file to be processed Container Yes
    Operation Request Operation rule Container Yes
    QueueId Request Queue ID of the job String Yes
    CallBackFormat Request Job callback format, which can be JSON or XML (default value). It has a higher priority than that of the queue. String No
    CallBackType Request Job callback type, which can be Url (default value) or TDMQ. It has a higher priority than that of the queue. String No
    CallBack Request Job callback address, which has a higher priority than that of the queue. If it is set to no, no callbacks will be generated at the callback address of the queue. String No
    CallBackMqConfig Request TDMQ configuration for job callback as described in Structure, which is required if CallBackType is TDMQ. Container No

    Input has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type Required
    Object Request.Input Name of the media file on which to perform the video tagging job. Currently, .mp4, .avi, .mkv, .wmv, .rmvb, .flv, and .mov formats are supported. For videos longer than 30 minutes, submit a ticket for assistance. String Yes

    Operation has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type Required
    VideoTag Request.Operation VideoTag job parameter Container Yes
    JobLevel Request.Operation Job priority. The greater the value, the higher the priority. Valid values: 0, 1, 2. Default value: 0. String No
    UserData Response.JobsDetail.Operation The user information passed through. String No

    VideoTag has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type Required Constraints
    Scenario Request.Operation.VideoTag Scenario type. You can select the application scenario of the video tag. The used algorithm, input, and output vary by scenario. string Yes The current version is only adapted to the Stream scenario


    Response headers

    This API only returns common response headers. For more information, see Common Response Headers.

    Response body

    The response body returns application/xml data. The following contains all the nodes:

              <UserData>This is my data.</UserData>

    The nodes are as described below:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type
    Response None Response container Container

    Response has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type
    JobsDetail Response Job details Container

    JobsDetail has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type
    Code Response.JobsDetail Error code, which is returned only if State is Failed String
    Message Response.JobsDetail Error message, which is returned only if State is Failed String
    JobId Response.JobsDetail Job ID String
    Tag Response.JobsDetail Job tag: VideoTag String
    State Response.JobsDetail Job status. Valid values: Submitted, Running, Success, Failed, Pause, Cancel. String
    CreationTime Response.JobsDetail Job creation time String
    StartTime Response.JobsDetail Job start time String
    EndTime Response.JobsDetail Job end time String
    QueueId Response.JobsDetail ID of the queue which the job is in String
    Input Response.JobsDetail Input resource address of the job Container
    Operation Response.JobsDetail Operation rule Container

    Input has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type
    Region Response.JobsDetail.Input Bucket region String
    Bucket Response.JobsDetail.Input Result storage bucket String
    Object Response.JobsDetail.Input Output result filename String

    Operation has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type
    VideoTag Response.JobsDetail.Operation Same as Request.Operation.VideoTag in the request. Container
    VideoTagResult Response.JobsDetail.Operation Video tag analysis result, which will not be returned when the job is not completed. Container
    UserData Response.JobsDetail.Operation The user information passed through. String
    JobLevel Response.JobsDetail.Operation Job priority String

    VideoTagResult has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type
    StreamData Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult Result of the video tagging job in the Stream scenario Container

    StreamData has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type
    Data Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult.StreamData Result list of the video tagging job in the Stream scenario Container
    SubErrCode Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult.StreamData Algorithm status code. 0: Success. Other values: Exception. Container
    SubErrMsg Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult.StreamData Algorithm error message. ok indicates a success. If the request fails, the corresponding error is returned. Container

    Data has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type
    Tags Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult.StreamData.Data Video tag and video category information Container
    PersonTags Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult.StreamData.Data Person tag information Container
    PlaceTags Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult.StreamData.Data Scene tag information Container
    ActionTags Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult.StreamData.Data Action tag information Container
    ObjectTags Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult.StreamData.Data Object tag information Container

    Tags (video tag) has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type
    Tag Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult.StreamData.Data.Tags Tag name String
    TagCls Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult.StreamData.Data.Tags Tag category String
    Confidence Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult.StreamData.Data.Tags Tag model prediction score. Value range: [0, 1]. Float

    Tags (video category) has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type
    Tag Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult.StreamData.Data.Tags Video category String
    Confidence Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult.StreamData.Data.Tags Tag model prediction score. Value range: [0, 1]. Float

    PersonTags has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type
    Name Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult.StreamData.Data.PersonTags Person name String
    Confidence Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult.StreamData.Data.PersonTags Tag model prediction score Float
    Count Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult.StreamData.Data.PersonTags Number of person appearances String
    DetailPerSecond Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult.StreamData.Data.PersonTags Location and time of person appearance Container

    DetailPerSecond has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type
    TimeStamp Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult.StreamData.Data.PersonTags.DetailPerSecond Appearance time in seconds String
    Confidence Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult.StreamData.Data.PersonTags.DetailPerSecond Tag model prediction score Float
    BBox Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult.StreamData.Data.PersonTags.DetailPerSecond Relative coordinates of the object with top-left corner as the origin Container

    BBox has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type
    X1 Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult.StreamData.Data.PersonTags.DetailPerSecond.BBox Relative position of coordinate X1 String
    Y1 Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult.StreamData.Data.PersonTags.DetailPerSecond.BBox Relative position of coordinate Y1 String
    X2 Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult.StreamData.Data.PersonTags.DetailPerSecond.BBox Relative position of coordinate X2 String
    Y2 Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult.StreamData.Data.PersonTags.DetailPerSecond.BBox Relative position of coordinate Y2 String

    PlaceTags has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type
    Tags Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult.StreamData.Data.PlaceTags Video scene tag information, which may not be returned and is the same as Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult.StreamData.Data.Tags. Container
    StartTime Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult.StreamData.Data.PlaceTags Segment start time in seconds String
    EndTime Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult.StreamData.Data.PlaceTags Segment end time in seconds String
    StartIndex Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult.StreamData.Data.PlaceTags Segment start frame number String
    EndIndex Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult.StreamData.Data.PlaceTags Segment end frame number String
    ClipFrameResult Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult.StreamData.Data.PlaceTags Top 1 single frame recognition result String

    ActionTags has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type
    Tags Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult.StreamData.Data.ActionTags Video action tag information, which may not be returned and is the same as Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult.StreamData.Data.Tags. Container
    StartTime Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult.StreamData.Data.ActionTags Segment start time in seconds String
    EndTime Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult.StreamData.Data.ActionTags Segment end time in seconds String

    ObjectTags has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type
    Objects Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult.StreamData.Data.ObjectTags Video object tag information, which may not be returned and is the same as Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult.StreamData.Data.Tags. Container
    TimeStamp Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult.StreamData.Data.ObjectTags Timestamp of the identified object in seconds String

    Object has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type
    Name Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult.StreamData.Data.ObjectTags.Objects Object name Container
    Confidence Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult.StreamData.Data.ObjectTags.Objects Tag model prediction score. Value range: [0, 1]. Float
    BBox Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult.StreamData.Data.ObjectTags.Objects Relative coordinates of the object with top-left corner as the origin, which is the same as Response.JobsDetail.Operation.VideoTagResult.StreamData.Data.PersonTags.DetailPerSecond.BBox. Container

    Error codes

    There are no special error messages for this request. For common error messages, see Error Codes.



    POST /jobs HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: q-sign-algorithm=sha1&q-ak=AKIDZfbOAo7cllgPvF9cXFrJD0a1ICvR****&q-sign-time=1497530202;1497610202&q-key-time=1497530202;1497610202&q-header-list=&q-url-param-list=&q-signature=28e9a4986df11bed0255e97ff90500557e0ea057
    Host: examplebucket-1250000000.ci.ap-beijing.myqcloud.com
    Content-Length: 166
    Content-Type: application/xml
          <UserData>This is my data.</UserData>


    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/xml
    Content-Length: 230
    Connection: keep-alive
    Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2022 15:23:12 GMT
    Server: tencent-ci
    x-ci-request-id: NTk0MjdmODlfMjQ4OGY3XzYzYzhf****
              <UserData>This is my data.</UserData>