tencent cloud


Accessing TcaplusDB

Last updated: 2022-03-29 15:49:30

    TcaplusDB can be accessed and read through multiple ways such as client tool, SDK toolkits in various programming languages, and RESTful API.

    Accessing TcaplusDB Through Client Tool

    You can use the tcaplus_client for Linux to access TcaplusDB.

    Accessing TcaplusDB Through SDK for C++ API

    You can use the SDK for C++ to access TcaplusDB.

    Accessing TcaplusDB Through RESTful API

    You can access TcaplusDB through RESTful API. For more information, please see Description.

    • You can access TcaplusDB through RESTful API for Python as instructed here.

    • You can access TcaplusDB through RESTful API for PHP as instructed here.

    • You can access TcaplusDB through RESTful API for Go as instructed here.

    • You can access TcaplusDB through RESTful API for Java as instructed here.

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