tencent cloud


Push Plan

Last updated: 2024-01-16 17:34:39


    A push plan helps operational personnel and developers manage multiple push tasks for different push targets in the form of combinations and allows them to view the overall effect of pushes by plan and evaluate the achievement of overall goals.

    Use Cases

    Managing push tasks for different operational goals

    Multiple push tasks may need to be created for phased events such as 6/18 and 11/11 shopping festivals or for the same operational goal such as improving the retention rate of new users. In such cases, you can create a push plan to manage them and view the number of messages reached and user clicks at the plan level, so as to understand the conversion effect and achievement of marketing goals.

    Notifications and pushes triggered by user

    For common push types such as like, comment, share, and private message, you can group all single-user push tasks of the same type into the same plan and view data such as the number of push messages and user clicks in the type by day, so as to evaluate the promotional effect of the message type on user activity.


    Creating a push plan in the console

    Method 1:
    2. In the left sidebar, choose Message Management > Push Plan and click Create Plan.
    3. In the Create Plan dialog box, enter the plan name and description and click OK. After the plan is created, you can view its name, description, and number of push tasks and edit or delete it at any time on the push plan page. Note that the default plan cannot be edited or deleted.
    Method 2:
    2. In the left sidebar, choose Message Management > Task List and click Create Push.
    3. Click Create New Plan.
    4. In the pop-up dialog box, enter the plan name and description and click OK. After the plan is created, it will be automatically selected for the current push.

    Viewing the push tasks under a push plan

    2. In the left sidebar, choose Message Management > Push Plan, select the target push plan, and click Details to go to the push task list page.

    Creating a push task in a push plan

    On the push plan details page, click the Task List tab, and click Create Push.

    Viewing the aggregated statistics of a push plan

    On the push plan details page, click the Plan Overview tab, and you can view the aggregated statistics of the push plan.

    Using RESTful APIs (to create a push plan or specify a push plan for push)

    Creating a push plan

    Create a push plan as instructed here. Then, you can specify it for message push.

    Sample creation

    "planName":"VIP_Level 15",
    "planDescribe":"VIP member benefits"

    Specifying a push plan for push

    When calling the push API, you can set the plan_id to specify the ID of the push plan for the target recipients. For more information, please see Optional Parameter Description in the RESTful API document.
    Sample push:
    "audience_type": "token",
    "token_list": [ "05da87c0ae********fa9e08d884aada5bb2"],
    "title": "Push title",
    "content": "Push content",
    "aps": {
    "alert": {
    "subtitle": "Push subtitle"
    "badge_type": -2,
    "category": "INVITE_CATEGORY"
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