tencent cloud


Bulk Writing Data

Last updated: 2021-07-15 15:57:58

    Bulk Writing Data into Single Metric

    This API can be used to write data records into a single metric either in bulk or not. To improve the write efficiency, we recommend you write data in bulk.

    Request address

    The address is the instance IP and port, such as, which can be obtained in the console.

    Request path and method

    Request path: /${metric_name}/doc/_bulk, where ${metric_name} is the metric name.
    Method: POST


    The doc keyword is the _type of the written data and must be added to facilitate subsequent system parsing and upgrade.

    Request parameters

    You can set the filter_path parameter to filter and simplify the returned results. For more information, please see Batch Querying Data.

    Request content

    You need to bulk write data as structured data in NDJSON format into a metric, which is similar to the following:

    Data to be written\n
    Data to be written\n

    The format of the metadata is as shown below:

    "index" : 
    "_id" : "1",                # Document ID (optional)
    "_routing": "sh"            # Routing value (optional)

    The format of the written data is as shown below:

    "field1" : "value1",
    "field2" : "value2"

    When writing data, you can set the _routing parameter to specify the shards where data to be written. This parameter is optional and can be specified to any value. You can specify the same _routing value for different data records to route them into the same shard. In addition, if you specify an already set _routing parameter value during a query, the system will query data in the specified shard, which can greatly accelerate the query. You need to add a line break at the end of the request body.

    Response content

    You should note that the returned result of the bulk data write API is different from those of other APIs. Please pay attention to the errors (not error) field in the JSON result first. If it is false, all data records were successfully written; if it is true, some data records failed to be written, and you can get the failure details from the items field.
    The items field is an array, where each element corresponds to a write request. You can check whether each element has the error field to judge whether the corresponding request is successful. If the error field exists, the request failed. The specific error information is in the error field. If the error field doesn't exist, the request succeeded.

    Sample code for curl

    Sample response upon success:

    curl -u root:le201909 -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -X POST 172.16.345.14:9201/ctsdb_test/doc/_bulk -d'
    {"index":{"_routing": "sh" }}
    {"index":{"_routing": "sh" }}


       "took": 134,
       "errors": false,
                "_index": "ctsdb_test@1505232000000_1",
                "_type": "doc",
                "_id": "AV_8eeo_UAkC9PF9L-2q",
                "_version": 1,
                "result": "created",
                    "total": 2,
                    "successful": 2,
                    "failed": 0
                "created": true,
                "status": 201
                "_index": "ctsdb_test2@1505232000000_1",
                "_type": "doc",
                "_id": "AV_8eeo_UAkC9PF9L-2r",
                "_version": 1,
                "result": "created",
                    "total": 2,
                    "successful": 2,
                    "failed": 0
                "created": true,
                "status": 201

    The errors value returned above is false, indicating that all data records were successfully written. The items array indicates the write result of each record in the same order as in the bulk request. For single records in items, the status of 2XX indicates that the record was successfully written. _index indicates the child metric where the data was written, and _shards indicates the replica write status. In the above sample, total indicates two replicas, and successful indicates that data was successfully written into both replicas.

    Sample response upon failure:

    curl -u root:le201909 -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -X POST 172.16.345.14:9201/hcbs_client_trace/doc/_bulk -d'


     "took": 7,
     "errors": true,
     "items": [
         "index": {
           "_index": "hcbs_client_trace",
           "_type": "type",
           "_id": "AWMe9r9lNifptzIWMVPT",
           "_version": 1,
           "result": "created",
           "_shards": {
             "total": 2,
             "successful": 2,
             "failed": 0
           "created": true,
           "status": 201
         "index": {
           "_index": "hcbs_client_trace",
           "_type": "type",
           "_id": "AWMe9r9lNifptzIWMVPU",
           "status": 400,
           "error": {
             "type": "mapper_parsing_exception",
             "reason": "failed to parse [io_type]",
             "caused_by": {
               "type": "number_format_exception",
               "reason": "For input string: \"abc\""

    The errors value returned above is true, indicating that some data records failed to be written. The items array indicates the write result of each record in the same order as in the bulk request. For single records in items, the status of 2XX indicates that the record was successfully written. The error field indicates the detailed error information. _index indicates the child metric where the data was written, and _shards indicates the replica write status. In the above sample, total indicates two replicas, and successful indicates that data was successfully written into both replicas.

    Bulk Writing Data into Multiple Metrics

    This API can be used to write data records into multiple metrics either in bulk or not. To improve the write efficiency, we recommend you write data in bulk.

    Request address

    The address is the instance IP and port, such as, which can be obtained in the console.

    Request path and method

    Request path: _bulk
    Method: PUT


    The doc keyword is the _type of the written data and must be added to facilitate subsequent system parsing and upgrade.

    Request parameters

    You can set the filter_path parameter to filter and simplify the returned results. For more information, please see Batch Querying Data.

    Request content

    You need to bulk write data as structured data in NDJSON format into a metric, which is similar to the following:

    Data to be written\n
    Data to be written\n

    The format of the metadata is as shown below:

    "index" : 
        "_index" :"metric_name",    # Metric where data is to be written
        "_type" : "doc",            # Document type of the data to be written
        "_id" : "1",                # Document ID (optional)
        "_routing": "sh"            # Routing value (optional)

    The format of the written data is as shown below:

    "field1" : "value1",
    "field2" : "value2"

    When writing data, you can set the _routing parameter to specify the shards where data to be written. This parameter is optional and can be specified to any value. You can specify the same _routing value for different data records to route them into the same shard. In addition, if you specify an already set _routing parameter value during a query, the system will query data in the specified shard, which can greatly accelerate the query. Note that you need to add a line break at the end of the request body.

    Response content

    You need to judge whether a request is successful based on the error field. If the response content contains the error field, the request failed. The specific error information is in the error field. Note: if the request succeeded but the errors (not error) field is not false, the specific data that failed to be written is indicated in the errors field.

    Sample code for curl


    curl -u root:le201909 -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -X PUT 172.16.345.14:9201/_bulk -d'
    {"index":{"_index" : "ctsdb_test", "_type" : "doc", "_routing": "sh" }}
    {"index":{"_index" : "ctsdb_test2", "_type" : "doc", "_routing": "sh" }}


       "took": 134,
       "errors": false,
                "_index": "ctsdb_test@1505232000000_1",
                "_type": "doc",
                "_id": "AV_8eeo_UAkC9PF9L-2q",
                "_version": 1,
                "result": "created",
                    "total": 2,
                    "successful": 2,
                    "failed": 0
                "created": true,
                "status": 201
                "_index": "ctsdb_test2@1505232000000_1",
                "_type": "doc",
                "_id": "AV_8eeo_UAkC9PF9L-2r",
                "_version": 1,
                "result": "created",
                    "total": 2,
                    "successful": 2,
                    "failed": 0
                "created": true,
                "status": 201

    The errors value returned above is false, indicating that all data records were successfully written. The items array indicates the write result of each record in the same order as in the bulk request. For single records in items, the status of 2XX indicates that the record was successfully written. _index indicates the child metric where the data was written, and _shards indicates the replica write status. In the above sample, total indicates two replicas, and successful indicates that data was successfully written into both replicas.

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