tencent cloud


Scenario 1: Device Interconnection

Last updated: 2021-08-30 16:45:33


    If you need to achieve the features as shown below in a smart home scenario (this is not a real product but only used to demonstrate IoT Hub's capabilities), you can follow the steps in this document.


    Two types of smart devices (door and air conditioner) can be created in the IoT Hub SDK and connected with each other based on cross-device messaging and the rule engine as shown below:


    airConditioner1 cannot achieve message communication by directly subscribing to the update messages of door1. For the reason, please see Feature Components - Permission Management.


    Creating door product and device

    1. Log in to the IoT Hub console and click Products on the left sidebar.
    2. On the product list page, click Create Product.
    3. Create a door product (Door), select the authentication method, enter the product description, and click Confirm.
    4. After successful creation, you can view the basic information of the product.
    5. Click to enter the Door product, select the Devices tab, and create a device (door1).

      If you create a device with asymmetric encryption, a device key will be returned, which will be used for device communication and will not be stored on the IoT Hub backend. Please keep it confidential.

    6. Click Manage to query the device details.
      • Certificate authentication:
      • Key authentication:

    Creating air conditioner product and device

    1. Log in to the IoT Hub console and click Products on the left sidebar.
    2. On the product list page, click Create Product.
    3. Create an air conditioner product (AirConditioner), select the authentication method, enter the product description, and click Confirm.
    4. After successful creation, you can view the basic information of the product.
    5. Create a device (airConditioner1) on the Devices tab page.
    6. Click Manage to query the device details.

    On the device details page, the device certificate and device private key are used for TLS-based MQTT asymmetric encryption, and the symmetric key is used for symmetric encryption (for the differences between those two communication methods, please see Feature Components - Device Connection.


    The creation of the above resources can be done by the backend through RESTful APIs. For more information, please see API Overview.

    Creating rule engine

    For detailed directions, please see Overview.

    Downloading SDK

    For the SDK download method, please see SDK Download.

    Compiling and running SDK for C demo

    SDK for C demo:

    • samples/scenarized/door_mqtt_sample.c is the MQTT-based logic code for the door device.
    • samples/scenarized/aircond_shadow_sample.c is the MQTT-based logic code for the air conditioner device.

    Below describes how to compile and run the device interconnection demo in a Linux environment with key authentication as an example:

    1. Compile the SDK

    Modify CMakeLists.txt to ensure that the following options exist:

    set(BUILD_TYPE                   "release")
    set(COMPILE_TOOLS                "gcc") 
    set(PLATFORM                     "linux")

    Run the following script for compilation:


    The demo outputs aircond_shadow_sample and door_mqtt_sample are in the output/release/bin folder.

    2. Enter the device information

    Enter the information of the airConditioner1 device created above in the JSON file aircond_device_info.json.


    Enter the information of the door1 device in another JSON file door_device_info.json.


    3. Run the aircond_shadow_sample demo

    In the code of aircond_shadow_sample, _register_subscribe_topics implements the subscription to the /{productID}/{deviceName}/control topic and registers the corresponding callback handler. After receiving a message from this topic, the callback determines whether the message content is "come_home" or "leave_home" and instructs airConditioner to turn on or off accordingly. _simulate_room_temperature simply simulates the changes in indoor temperature and energy consumption of airConditioner. You can also implement other custom logic.

    Because the device interconnection scenario involves two demos running simultaneously, you can run the air conditioner demo in the current terminal console first, and you can see that the demo subscribes to the topic and then enters the loop waiting status. The initial status of the air conditioner is close:

    ./output/release/bin/aircond_shadow_sample -c ./device_info.json
    INF|2019-09-16 23:25:17|device.c|iot_device_info_set(67): SDK_Ver: 3.1.0, Product_ID: GYT9V6D4AF, Device_Name: airConditioner1
    INF|2019-09-16 23:25:19|mqtt_client.c|IOT_MQTT_Construct(125): mqtt connect with id: Nh9Vc success
    DBG|2019-09-16 23:25:19|mqtt_client_subscribe.c|qcloud_iot_mqtt_subscribe(138): topicName=$shadow/operation/result/GYT9V6D4AF/airConditioner1|packet_id=56171
    DBG|2019-09-16 23:25:19|shadow_client.c|_shadow_event_handler(63): shadow subscribe success, packet-id=56171
    INF|2019-09-16 23:25:19|aircond_shadow_sample.c|event_handler(96): subscribe success, packet-id=56171
    INF|2019-09-16 23:25:19|shadow_client.c|IOT_Shadow_Construct(172): Sync device data successfully
    INF|2019-09-16 23:25:19|aircond_shadow_sample.c|main(256): Cloud Device Construct Success
    DBG|2019-09-16 23:25:19|mqtt_client_subscribe.c|qcloud_iot_mqtt_subscribe(138): topicName=GYT9V6D4AF/airConditioner1/control|packet_id=56172
    DBG|2019-09-16 23:25:19|shadow_client.c|_shadow_event_handler(63): shadow subscribe success, packet-id=56172
    INF|2019-09-16 23:25:19|aircond_shadow_sample.c|event_handler(96): subscribe success, packet-id=56172
    INF|2019-09-16 23:25:19|aircond_shadow_sample.c|main(291): airConditioner state: close
    INF|2019-09-16 23:25:19|aircond_shadow_sample.c|main(292): currentTemperature: 32.000000, energyConsumption: 0.000000

    4. Run the door_mqtt_sample demo to simulate a homecoming event

    Open another terminal console and run the door demo. According to the program launch parameter -t airConditioner1 -a come_home, you can see that the demo sends a JSON message {"action": "come_home", "targetDevice": "airConditioner1"} to the /{productID}/{deviceName}/event topic, which notifies the target device airConditioner1 of the homecoming event.

    ./output/release/bin/door_mqtt_sample -c  ./output/release/bin/device_info.json -t airConditioner1 -a come_home
    INF|2019-09-16 23:29:11|device.c|iot_device_info_set(67): SDK_Ver: 3.1.0, Product_ID: S3EUVBRJLB, Device_Name: door1
    INF|2019-09-16 23:29:11|mqtt_client.c|IOT_MQTT_Construct(125): mqtt connect with id: d89Wh success
    INF|2019-09-16 23:29:11|door_mqtt_sample.c|main(229): Cloud Device Construct Success
    DBG|2019-09-16 23:29:11|mqtt_client_publish.c|qcloud_iot_mqtt_publish(329): publish topic seq=46683|topicName=S3EUVBRJLB/door1/event|payload={"action": "come_home", "targetDevice": "airConditioner1"}
    INF|2019-09-16 23:29:11|door_mqtt_sample.c|main(246): Wait for publish ack
    INF|2019-09-16 23:29:11|door_mqtt_sample.c|event_handler(81): publish success, packet-id=46683

    5. Observe the message reception of the air conditioner and simulate a message response

    Observe the printout of aircond_shadow_sample. You can see that the homecoming message sent by door1 and forwarded by the cloud has been received, the state has changed to open, and the indoor temperature currentTemperature (adjusted to the configured default temperature) and the energy consumption energyConsumption have changed dynamically.

    INF|2019-09-16 23:29:11|aircond_shadow_sample.c|main(291): airConditioner state: close
    INF|2019-09-16 23:29:11|aircond_shadow_sample.c|main(292): currentTemperature: 32.000000, energyConsumption: 0.000000
    INF|2019-09-16 23:29:12|aircond_shadow_sample.c|on_message_callback(140): Receive Message With topicName:GYT9V6D4AF/airConditioner1/control, payload:{"action":"come_home","targetDevice":"airConditioner1"}
    INF|2019-09-16 23:29:12|aircond_shadow_sample.c|main(291): airConditioner state: open
    INF|2019-09-16 23:29:12|aircond_shadow_sample.c|main(292): currentTemperature: 31.000000, energyConsumption: 1.000000

    Configuring SDK for Android demo

    Implement SDK for Android door demo

    Door.java is the door device class. Please enter the PRODUCT_ID, DEVICE_NAME, DEVICE_CERT_NAME, and DEVICE_KEY_NAME obtained in the previous steps for product and device creation and place the device certificate and device private key files in the assets directory:

    * Product ID
    private static final String PRODUCT_ID = "YOUR_PRODUCT_ID";
    * Device name
    protected static final String DEVICE_NAME = "YOUR_DEVICE_NAME";
    * Key
    private static final String SECRET_KEY = "YOUR_DEVICE_PSK";
    * Device certificate name
    private static final String DEVICE_CERT_NAME = "YOUR_DEVICE_NAME_cert.crt";
    * Device private key file name
    private static final String DEVICE_KEY_NAME = "YOUR_DEVICE_NAME_private.key";
    1. Perform an emptiness check on the MQTT connection instance in enterRoom(). If it is empty, perform initialization and initiate connect(); otherwise, determine whether the connection is valid, and if so, publish the event topic.
    2. As an example, the content of the message is assembled and published based on the action (come_home or leave_home) and targetDeviceName (name of the device to relay to) parameters you specified when running the program. You can organize the message content and topic on your own to execute your own message publishing logic.

    Implementing SDK for Android air conditioner demo

    Airconditioner.java is the air conditioner device class. Just like in Implementing SDK for Android door demo, you need to enter the information related to the product and device first.

    1. Initialize the MQTT connection instance in the Airconditioner constructor and initiate connect().
    2. After the MQTT connection is successfully established, subscribe to the control topic.

    Running demo

    1. Click the Run icon in Android Studio to install the demo.

    2. Switch the bottom tab to the device interconnection fragment and observe the log information in the demo and logcat. The following is the log information in logcat:
      airConditioner1 was connected to IoT Hub and subscribed to the topic

      com.qcloud.iot I/com.qcloud.iot.mqtt.TXMqttConnection: Start connecting to ssl://connect.iot.qcloud.com:8883
      com.qcloud.iot I/com.qcloud.iot.mqtt.TXMqttConnection: onSuccess!
      com.qcloud.iot I/IoTEntryActivity: connected to ssl://connect.iot.qcloud.com:8883
      com.qcloud.iot I/com.qcloud.iot.mqtt.TXMqttConnection: Starting subscribe topic: ******/airConditioner1/control
      com.qcloud.iot I/IoTEntryActivity: onSubscribeCompleted, subscribe success
    3. Click Enter to connect to IoT Hub and publish the control topic. The corresponding message is:

      "{\"action\": \"come_home\", \"targetDevice\": \"airConditioner1\"}"
    4. Observe the log information in the demo and logcat. The following is the log information in logcat:

      • door1 was connected to IoT Hub

        com.qcloud.iot I/com.qcloud.iot.mqtt.TXMqttConnection: Start connecting to ssl://connect.iot.qcloud.com:8883
        com.qcloud.iot I/com.qcloud.iot.mqtt.TXMqttConnection: onSuccess!
        com.qcloud.iot I/IoTEntryActivity: connected to ssl://connect.iot.qcloud.com:8883
      • door1 published a topic (come_home)

        com.qcloud.iot I/com.qcloud.iot.mqtt.TXMqttConnection: Starting publish topic: ******/door1/event Message: {"action": "come_home", "targetDevice": "airConditioner1"}
      • airConditioner1 received the topic forwarded by the rule engine

        com.qcloud.iot I/com.qcloud.iot.mqtt.TXMqttConnection: Received topic: ******/airConditioner1/control, message: {"action":"come_home","targetDevice":"airConditioner1"}
        com.qcloud.iot D/IoTEntryActivity: receive command: open airconditioner, count: 1
    5. Click Leave to publish the control topic. The corresponding message is:

      "{\"action\": \"leave_home\", \"targetDevice\": \"airConditioner1\"}"
    6. Observe the log information in the demo and logcat. The following is the log information in logcat:

      • door1 published a topic (leave_home)

        com.qcloud.iot I/com.qcloud.iot.mqtt.TXMqttConnection: Starting publish topic: ******/door1/event Message: {"action": "leave_home", "targetDevice": "airConditioner1"}
      • airConditioner1 received the topic forwarded by the rule engine

        com.qcloud.iot I/com.qcloud.iot.mqtt.TXMqttConnection: Received topic: ******/airConditioner1/control, message: {"action":"leave_home","targetDevice":"airConditioner1"}
        com.qcloud.iot D/IoTEntryActivity: receive command: close airconditioner, count: 2
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