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Process Configuration Details

Last updated: 2023-12-29 11:44:51
    title: Process Configuration Details - CODING Help Center pageTitle: Process Configuration Details pagePrevTitle: Text Editor pagePrev: ci/process/text.html pageNextTitle: Graphical Editor pageNext: ci/process/visual-editor.html alias: process/detail.html
    This document provides you a guidance on compiling a build process and describes parameters in each step.

    Code repositories


    Checks out source code from a Git repository in the current project. This command is a simpler version of the checkout command.
    Parameter list:
    Git URL url: string
    Branch branch: string
    Change log changelog: string
    Identity authentication ID credentialsId: string
    Poll poll: boolean

    Check out from version control

    Universally checks out SCM code (Git or SVN).
    This step returns content in a map format. If you are using Git, you could use the following:
    def scmVars = checkout scm
    def commitHash = scmVars.GIT_COMMIT
    // or
    def commitHash = checkout(scm).GIT_COMMIT
    The parameter scm is an object that allows the SCM type to be configured, such as the following:
    GitSCM example:
    checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: env.GIT_BUILD_REF]],
    userRemoteConfigs: [[url: env.GIT_REPO_URL]]])
    userRemoteConfigs parameter list:
    url: string
    name: string, name of a remote repository such as "origin"
    refspec: string, for more information, see Git Internals - The Refspec.
    branches: array of objects (optional)
    changelog: boolean (optional)
    credentialsId: string (optional)
    doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: boolean (optional)
    submoduleCfg: array (optional)
    SubversionSCM: Checks out code from an SVN server. Example:
    checkout([$class: 'SubversionSCM', remote: 'http://sv-server/repository/trunk']]])
    Parameter list:
    locations: array of objects
    remote: string
    credentialsId: string
    local: string, specifies a local directory (relative to the workspace) as the location of code to be checked out
    depthOption: string. Corresponds to --depth. The default value is unlimited. Learn More.
    ignoreExternalsOption: boolean

    Build process


    Parameter list:
    label: string, environment label name such as java-8

    Collect artifacts

    Collects build results (such as jar, war, or apk). Note that the artifacts collected are saved and deleted along with the build history. This is just a temporary storage space. We recommend using "Artifact Management" for version management of build results.
    Parameter list:
    artifacts: string, you can use the wildcard * to specify the path pattern of files in the workspace to be collected while keeping to the Apache Ant Path Rules
    allowEmptyArchive: boolean (optional). Generally, this command results in "Building Failed" if no file appropriate to the collection pattern is found. If this parameter is set to "true", a build process returns a warning if there are no artifacts, instead of a failure result.
    caseSensitive: boolean (optional). By default, file path rules are case-sensitive. If this parameter is set to "false", the rules are non-case-sensitive.
    defaultExcludes: boolean (optional)
    excludes: boolean (optional), you can exclude certain files when setting the path pattern while keeping to the Apache Ant Path Rules
    fingerprint: boolean (optional), file hashes are also calculated during collection
    onlyIfSuccessful: boolean (optional), only collected when "Build successful" is returned

    Execute shell script

    Executes a shell script.
    pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
    stage('Example') {
    steps {
    echo 'Hello World'
    sh 'ls -al'

    Collect JUnit test reports

    Collects JUnit and TestNG test reports (in XML). You can specify the XML files to be collected using **/build/test-reports/*.xml, for example. Do not include XML files that are not reports. You can use commas to separate multiple rules.
    Parameter list:
    testResults: string
    allowEmptyResults: boolean (optional), "file does not exist" or "file is empty" is allowed
    keepLongStdio: boolean (optional), all test logs, including those of passed test cases, are kept


    Change directory substep

    Changes directory substeps. You can fill in some substeps in the "dir" block, which will be run in the specified directory path.
    Parameter list:
    path: string


    Pauses for a period of time until the set due time. Similar to sleep xxx in Unix.
    Parameter list:
    time: int


    Sends an error signal. Used when you need to partially terminate an execution process. You can also use throw new Exception(), but the exception stack printed is shorter if you use "error".
    Parameter list:
    message: string

    Current directory

    Returns the current directory path as a string.
    Parameter list:
    tmp: boolean (optional). This parameter returns a temporary directory associated with the workspace. Generally, it is used when you need to store some temporary files without confusing the workspace directory.

    Write file

    Writes the specified content into a file.
    Parameter list:
    file: string
    text: string
    encoding: string. File encoding. If left empty, the default encoding in the current run environment is used. In the case of a binary file, a base-64-encoded result is returned.

    Read file

    Reads a file from a relative path and returns the file content as a string.
    Parameter list:
    file: string, path address relative to the workspace directory
    encoding: string. File encoding. If left empty, the default encoding in the current run environment is used. In the case of a binary file, a base-64-encoded result is returned.

    Retry substep

    Retries the specified block until the set maximum number of retries is reached. Stops retrying if the execution process ends normally. Keeps retrying until the set maximum number of retries is reached if an exception occurs in the execution process. The build process terminates if an exception occurs during the last try.
    Parameter list:
    count: int

    Time-limited substep

    Executes the process in a block within a limited time. When the time is up, the exception org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.FlowInterruptedException is returned. The optional unit parameter is minutes by default.
    Parameter list:
    time: int
    activity: boolean. Time is calculated when there is no new content in the log rather than based on an absolute execution time.

    Catch error in substep

    Catches errors in the specified substep.

    Timed substep

    Records the execution time of the specified substep in the form of a Unix timestamp.

    Loop substep

    Loops the execution of the specified substep for the designated number of times.

    Conditional loop substep

    Loops the execution of the specified substep until the substep returns "true".
    Prints information in the log.
    Parameter list:
    message: string

    Run arbitrary pipeline script

    Runs an arbitrary pipeline script.

    Run Groovy source file

    Runs a Groovy source file in this location during the build process.
    pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
    stage('Example') {
    steps {
    echo 'Hello World'
    load 'test.groovy'

    Run yarn audit

    Runs a yarn audit in the specified directory. In Continuous Integration, you can see the vulnerabilities found during the yarn dependency audit on the results page.
    Parameter list:
    directory: string (optional). Fill in the directory location of yarn.lock. Runs in the root directory of the project by default.
    collectResult: boolean (optional). Collects yarn audit reports.

    Run npm audit

    Runs an npm audit in the specified directory. In Continuous Integration, you can see the vulnerabilities found during the npm dependency audit on the results page.
    Parameter list:
    directory: string (optional). Fill in the directory location of package.json. Runs in the root directory of the project by default.
    collectResult: boolean (optional). Collects npm audit reports.

    Merge merge request

    Merges code. You can merge the specified merge request.
    Parameter list:
    token: string, project token
    depot: string, repository name
    mrResourceId: string, specified resource ID
    commitMessage: string, merged commit message template
    deleteSourceBranch: boolean (optional), deletes source branch
    fastForward: boolean (optional), tries fast-forward merge

    Merge request comment

    Comments on a merge request. You can comment on a specified merge request.
    Parameter list:
    token: string, project token
    depot: string, repository name
    mrResourceId: string, specified resource ID
    commentContent: string, comment template
    ==== 2020/08/13 ====
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