tencent cloud


Last updated: 2024-03-29 11:45:59

    Purchase and After-sales Service

    How to Procure the Enterprise Drive?

    You may visit the Enterprise Drive Purchase Page to directly select and procure the Enterprise Drive. For more details, please refer to the Purchase Guide.

    How is the Enterprise Drive Charged?

    All charges for the Enterprise Drive are prepaid. For a detailed explanation of the charges and pricing, please refer to the Overview.

    How Is the Traffic Charged?

    The Enterprise Drive charges for outbound traffic that exceeds the free quota. You can purchase traffic resource packs in advance for deduction. For pricing and purchasing of resource packs, please refer to the Purchase Guide > Packages documentation.

    What Is the Free Traffic?

    Free Traffic Quota = 10GB/person/month × number of licenses × validity period of the cloud drive
    For detailed instructions, please refer to the Purchase Guide > Free Tier documentation.

    How Are Resource Packs Refunded?

    If the refund requirements are met, you can apply for a refund of the resource pack. For more details, please refer to the Refund documentation.

    Is There a User Manual Available?

    You can visit User Manual for further information.

    Can I Restore Accidentally Deleted Data?

    Files that have been permanently deleted are currently not recoverable. You can enable the version history feature to save multiple versions of files, and promptly restore files from the recycle bin before they expire.

    Is there a mobile version for the Enterprise Drive?

    Currently, a mobile app is not supported. However, you can access the Enterprise Drive through a mobile browser.

    What formats are supported for online preview or editing in the drive?

    The Enterprise Drive supports online preview of dozens of file formats including pptx, docx, xlsx, pdf, htm, jpg, mp3, mp4, and others. It also supports online editing of files in formats such as pptx, ppt, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, etc. For more details, please refer to the Specifications and Limitations.

    Account and Login

    How does one log into the Enterprise Drive?

    The universal login address for the Enterprise Drive is: https://intl.pan.tencent.com. You can also bind a custom domain in the management center of the Enterprise Drive and use this custom domain to log in.
    Login Account: If you have purchased the drive on the Enterprise Drive purchase page, a super administrator account has already been bound. You can directly use this phone number for verification to log into the Enterprise Drive.

    How Can One Modify the Super Administrator's Mobile Phone Number or Replace the Super Administrator?

    Prerequisite: The user to become the new super administrator is also within this enterprise.
    1. Navigate to the Drive page on the Enterprise Drive console.
    2. Click the edit button next to the super administrator account column. In the displayed window, enter the new mobile phone number you want to bind, and receive and fill in the verification code. After you click Confirm, the super administrator account will be bound to the new mobile phone number.
    3. After replacement, the original super administrator account will be changed to a regular user account.

    How Can One Swap Mobile Phone Numbers between Users within the Same Enterprise? User A has mobile phone number a, user B has phone number b, and the goal is to exchange their mobile phone numbers.

    Prerequisite: A phone number c is required, which is not associated with this enterprise.
    1. User A should first change their phone number to c within the drive.
    2. User B should then modify their phone number to a within the drive.
    3. User A should change their phone number to b within the drive.

    Where can the PC version of the enterprise drive be downloaded?

    Log in to Tencent Cloud Enterprise Drive web page, click the client download icon in the top right corner, and select the PC client you want to download.

    User management

    Is the Storage Capacity Shared across the Entire Enterprise or Is There a Set Quota for Each Individual?

    The enterprise drive storage capacity you have purchased will be shared among all members of the enterprise. Additionally, the drive also allows administrators to allocate a portion of the storage quota for individual use by specified members.

    Does the historical version of the enterprise drive occupy storage space?

    The historical versions of the enterprise drive do occupy storage space. Users can manually delete the historical versions of files; concurrently, administrators can set the maximum number of historical versions and the automatic deletion cycle for expired versions in the management background.

    Can I Initiate the Sharing of External Links for Multiple Files or Folders Simultaneously?


    How can enterprise users be added to the drive?

    You can navigate to the drive's Management Center > User Management page, click on Create New User to add users individually, or click on Bulk Import to download the user information template. After filling it out, upload the form to complete the bulk import of users and team creation. For more details, please refer to the User Manual.

    How Can I Configure an Administrator?

    Only the super administrator has the ability to set and modify the administrative status of users. Navigate to the drive's Management Center > User Management page, select the user that needs to be set, click on Operation and then Manage. Change the user's status to System Administrator, then click Confirm to save the changes.

    What Is the Difference between a Super Administrator and a System Administrator?

    Super administrators and system administrators differ in aspects such as account creation and member management permissions. In terms of account creation, the user who purchases the enterprise drive will become the super administrator of the enterprise, and there is only one such account per enterprise. The system administrator status, on the other hand, is granted by the super administrator. In terms of member management permissions, both have the authority to create, modify, and delete any ordinary member, but the super administrator will additionally have management authority over the system administrator. For more details, please refer to the User Manual.

    How Is a User's Information Modified?

    Both the super administrator and system administrator can navigate to the drive's Management Center > User Management page, select the user that needs to be set, click on Operation and then Manage to change the user's nickname and remark information. Users can also click on Personal Avatar > Personal Settings to change their nickname, avatar, and bound mobile number on their own.

    How Is a Team Created?

    Both the super administrator and system administrator can navigate to the drive's Management Center > Team Management page and click on Create New Team to establish a team. If the members you wish to include in the team have not yet joined the drive you can use User Management > Bulk Import to download the user information template, fill in the team information in the table, and synchronize to complete the user import and team creation.

    How Is a User Be Added to a Team?

    Both the super administrator and system administrator can navigate to the drive's Management Center > Team Management page, select the corresponding team, and then click on Update Team Members. After selecting the users to be added and assigning their permissions within the team, click on Confirm to complete the addition.

    Is the Team Administrator Supported?

    The drive supports the team administrator function. Both the super administrator and system administrator can navigate to the drive's Management Center > Team Management page, select the corresponding team, and choose a user already within the team to change their status to team administrator. The team administrator can view and modify any file content and authorization in the corporate space of the team they manage.

    How Is a User's Permissions Configured?

    The super administrator, system administrator, and team administrator can navigate to the drive's Management Center > Team Management page, select the corresponding team, and then choose a specific user to set their permissions within the team. The owner of a collaborative group can select the group, open the drawer on the right side of the page, choose Member Management, and modify the user's permissions within the group. Regular members can set the file permissions of the sharee when sharing files, and can also modify these permissions at any time in Share Management located in the drawer on the right side of the page.

    Is Employee Offboarding Supported?

    The corporate drive supports job handover functionality. When an employee leaves the company, the super administrator and system administrator can navigate to the drive's Management Center > User Management page, select the corresponding user and click Delete. Subsequently, in the pop-up window, select Data Transfer, sequentially choose the data that needs to be transferred and the member who will receive the data, to complete the job handover of data.

    File Sharing and Distribution

    What Is the Difference between Sharing and Distributing?

    Within the drive, sharing typically refers to the act of sharing files with other users within the company and assigning them file permissions, while distribution generally implies the process of sharing files with any user inside or outside the company by creating secure external links.

    Can a Sharing External Link Be Created for a Folder?

    A sharing external link can be created for a folder.

    How Can Multiple Files Be Combined to Create a Sharing External Link?

    You can select multiple files at once, and then right-click to choose the Share Button for sharing.

    Can the External Link Continue to Be Shared after It Has Expired?

    After the external link has expired, you need to navigate to the Secure External Link page, select the corresponding external link, click on View External Link, and modify the validity period of the external link. Then you can share it.

    Does previewing or downloading files through an external link consume drive traffic?

    Previewing or downloading files through an external link will consume the outbound traffic of the drive.

    Can the Created External Links Still Be Accessed after the Administrator Has Disabled the External Link Feature?

    After the administrator has disabled the enterprise external link feature in the management center, all existing external links will become invalid and will no longer support external access.

    How Can I Share Files with Users from Other Teams?

    Select the file you want to share, right-click and choose Add Share Member. In the member list, select the team or team members you want to share with. After setting the file permissions for them, click Confirm to complete the sharing process.

    Uploading Files

    Standard Upload

    1. Click on the folder list upload and select the folder or file to upload. A file selection window will appear.
    2. Select the required file and click Upload to initiate the upload process.
    3. You can monitor the progress of the upload in the transfer list.

    Drag-and-Drop Upload

    1. Select the file or folder you want to upload.
    2. Drag and drop into the target file list where you want to upload. The upload will commence.

    Synchronous Upload

    Synchronous drive capabilities can be enabled for file transfer on the desktop version TCED, achieving the upload of multiple files.

    File management

    What Is the Maximum Retention Period for Deleted File Recovery/Files in the Recycle Bin?

    For public cloud, data can be retained for a maximum of 90 days. After 90 days, the data will be automatically deleted.

    Do Deleted File Recovery/Files in the Recycle Bin Occupy Storage Space?

    They occupy the enterprise storage space. If you have confirmed that you do not need the data, please manually clear it.
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