tencent cloud


List of Supported DMC Commands

Last updated: 2022-07-25 16:22:57

Database Management Center (DMC) allows you to log in to your TencentDB instances to access them, view their key metric information, and run Redis commands. The Redis commands currently supported by DMC are as listed below, where the supported custom commands include INFO, SLOWLOG, and SCAN.
In the following table, ✓ indicates "supported", x indicates "unsupported", and - indicates that cross-slot access is not applicable to the command:

Command GroupCommand2.8 Memory Edition (Standard Architecture)4.0 Memory Edition (Standard Architecture)4.0 Memory Edition (Cluster Architecture)5.0 Memory Edition (Standard Architecture)5.0 Memory Edition (Cluster Architecture)Cross-Slot Support in Memory Edition (Cluster Architecture)
connection group echo -
ping CustomCustom-
select -
hash group hdel -
hexists -
hget -
hgetall -
hincrby -
hincrbyfloat -
hkeys -
hlen -
hmget -
hmset -
hset -
hsetnx -
hstrlen -
hvals -
hscan -
keys group del
scan CustomCustom-
expire -
expireat -
type -
ttl -
persist -
pexpire -
pexpireat -
pttl -
randomkey -
rename x
renamenx x
touch -
restore -
unlink xx
move -
dump -
list group lindex -
linsert -
llen -
lpop -
lpush -
lpushx -
lrange -
lrem -
lset -
ltrim -
rpop -
rpoplpush x
rpush -
rpushx -
blpop x
brpop x
brpoplpush x
sets group sadd -
scard -
sdiff x
sdiffstore x
sinter x
sinterstore x
sismember -
smembers -
smove x
spop -
srandmember -
srem -
sscan -
sunion x
sunionstore x
sorted sets group zadd -
zcard -
zcount -
zincrby -
zinterstore x
zlexcount -
zrange -
zrangebylex -
zrangebyscore -
zrank -
zrem -
zremrangebylex -
zremrangebyrank -
zremrangebyscore -
zrevrange -
zrevrangebylex -
zrevrangebyscore -
zscore -
zrevrank -
zscan -
zunionstore x
zpopmax xxx-
zpopmin xxx-
bzpopmax xxx-
bzpopmin xxx-
strings group append -
bitcount -
bitop x
bitpos -
decr -
decrby -
get -
getbit -
getrange -
getset -
incr -
incrby -
incrbyfloat -
msetnx x
psetex -
setex -
set -
setbit -
setnx -
setrange -
strlen -
bitfield x-
hyperloglog group pfadd -
pfcount x
pfmerge x
server group client list -
client getname -
client setname -
dbsize -
info CustomCustom-
time -
lastsave -
slowlog CustomCustom-
cluster keyslot xxx-
cluster nodes xxx-
cluster slots xxx-
cluster info xxx-
lolwut xxx-
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