tencent cloud


Integration Guide

Last updated: 2022-07-13 17:59:31

    This document describes how to use the MLVB SDK to implement live streaming.

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    This Document Describes

    • How to integrate the Player SDK for Android.
    • How to use the Player SDK for live playback.
    • How to use the underlying capabilities of the Player SDK to implement more live streaming features.

    SDK Integration

    Step 1. Download the SDK ZIP file

    Download the SDK ZIP file and integrate the SDK into your application as instructed in the SDK integration document.

    Step 2. Add a view

    The SDK provides TXCloudVideoView for video rendering by default. First, add the following code to the layout XML file:


    Step 3. Create a player object

    The TXLivePlayer module of the Player SDK is used to implement the live playback feature. Use the setPlayerView API to associate the module with the video_view control just added to the UI.

    // `mPlayerView` is the view added in step 1
    TXCloudVideoView mView = (TXCloudVideoView) view.findViewById(R.id.video_view);
    // Create a player object
    TXLivePlayer mLivePlayer = new TXLivePlayer(getActivity());
    // Associate the player object with the view

    Step 4. Start playback

    String flvUrl = "http://2157.liveplay.myqcloud.com/live/2157_xxxx.flv";
    mLivePlayer.startPlay(flvUrl, TXLivePlayer.PLAY_TYPE_LIVE_FLV); // FLV is recommended
    Option Enumerated Value Description
    PLAY_TYPE_LIVE_RTMP 0 The URL passed in is an RTMP live streaming URL
    PLAY_TYPE_LIVE_FLV 1 The URL passed in is an FLV live streaming URL
    PLAY_TYPE_LIVE_RTMP_ACC 5 The low-latency URL (applicable to only mic connect scenarios)
    PLAY_TYPE_VOD_HLS 3 The URL passed in is an HLS (M3U8) playback URL

    We recommend you not use the HLS protocol to play back live streaming video sources in your app because the latency is too high (though HLS protocol is suitable for VOD). Instead, we recommend using LIVE_FLV and LIVE_RTMP playback protocols.

    Step 5. Stop playback

    You need to terminate the view control when stopping the playback, especially before the next call of startPlay. This can prevent memory leak and screen flashing issues.

    In addition, when exiting the playback UI, you need to call the onDestroy() function for the rendering view. This can prevent memory leak and "Receiver not registered" alarms.

    public void onDestroy() {
       mLivePlayer.stopPlay(true); // `true` indicates to clear the last-frame image

    The boolean parameter of stopPlay indicates whether to clear the last-frame image. Early versions of the live player of the RTMP SDK don't have a pause function; therefore, this boolean value is used to clear the last-frame image.

    If you want to retain the last-frame image after VOD stops, simply do nothing after receiving the playback stop event; playback will stop at the last frame by default.

    How to Use

    This document describes how to use common live streaming features.

    1. Image adjustment

    • view: size and position
      You can modify the size and position of video images by adjusting the size and position of the video_view control added in step 1.

    • setRenderMode: Aspect fill or aspect fit

    Value Description
    RENDER_MODE_FULL_FILL_SCREEN Images are scaled to fill the entire screen, and the excess parts are cropped. There are no black bars in this mode, but images may not be displayed in whole.
    RENDER_MODE_ADJUST_RESOLUTION The longer side of the image is scaled to fit the screen. In this mode, neither side of the image will exceed the edge of the screen. Images are centered, and there may be black bars.
    • setRenderRotation: Image rotation
    Value Description
    RENDER_ROTATION_PORTRAIT Normal playback (the Home button is below the video image)
    RENDER_ROTATION_LANDSCAPE Clockwise rotation of the video image by 270 degrees (the Home button is on the left of the image)
    // Set the fill mode
    // Set the rotation of video

    2. Playback pause

    Technically speaking, live playback cannot be paused. In this document, pausing the playback means freezing the video image and disabling audio, while the video source continues to be streamed in the cloud. When you call resume, the playback will start from the time of resumption. This is different from VOD, where when you pause or resume the playback, the player will behave the same way as it does when you pause or resume a local video file.

    // Pause playback
    // Resume playback

    3. Message reception

    This feature is used to deliver custom messages from the publisher to the audience along with audio/video data. It is applicable to the following scenarios:

    • Online quiz: The pusher delivers the questions to the audience. Seamless "sound-image-question" synchronization can be achieved.
    • Live show: The pusher delivers lyrics to the audience. The lyrics can be displayed in real time on the player and will not be affected by video encoding quality degradation.
    • Online education: The publisher delivers laser pointer and doodle operations to the viewers to circle and underline content in the player in real time.

    You can use this feature as follows:

    • Set setEnableMessage in TXLivePlayConfig to true.
    • Make TXLivePlayer use TXLivePlayListener to listen for the message PLAY_EVT_GET_MESSAGE (2012).
    //Sample code for Android
      mTXLivePlayer.setPlayListener(new ITXLivePlayListener() {
          public void onPlayEvent(int event, Bundle param) {
              if (event == TXLiveConstants.PLAY_ERR_NET_DISCONNECT) {
                  roomListenerCallback.onDebugLog("[AnswerRoom] Stream pull failed: The network is disconnected");
                  roomListenerCallback.onError(-1, "The network is disconnected, and stream pull failed");
              else if (event == TXLiveConstants.PLAY_EVT_GET_MESSAGE) {
                  String msg = null;
                  try {
                      msg = new String(param.getByteArray(TXLiveConstants.EVT_GET_MSG), "UTF-8");
                  } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
          public void onNetStatus(Bundle status) {

    4. Screencapturing

    Call snapshot to take a screenshot of the live streamed video. This method captures a frame of the video. To capture the UI, use the corresponding API of the Android system.

    mLivePlayer.snapshot(new ITXSnapshotListener() {
    public void onSnapshot(Bitmap bmp) {
        if (null != bmp) {
           // Get the screenshot bitmap

    5. Live stream recording

    Live stream recording is an extended feature in the live streaming scenario: When audience members are watching a live stream, they can click the "Record" button to record a live stream segment and publish it through a video distribution platform such as Tencent Cloud VOD. This allows them to distribute the video as a UGC message on social media platforms like WeChat Moments.

    // Specify a `ITXVideoRecordListener` to sync the recording progress and result
    // Start recording. This API can be placed in the response function of the "Record" button. Currently, only the video source can be recorded, while other data such as on-screen comments cannot.
    mLivePlayer.startRecord(int recordType);
    // ...
    // ...
    // Stop recording. This API can be placed in the response function of the "Stop" button.
    • The recording progress is measured by time and will be notified of through the onRecordProgress of ITXVideoRecordListener.
    • A recorded file will be notified of as an MP4 file through the onRecordComplete of ITXVideoRecordListener.
    • TXUGCPublish is used to implement video upload and publishing. For detailed directions, see Android.

    6. Seamless definition switch

    During daily use, network conditions change constantly. When the network conditions are poor, switching to a lower image quality can reduce lag, and the higher quality video can be switched back when network conditions improve.
    Traditionally, playback is interrupted when a stream is switched, which can cause problems such as video image discontinuity, black screen, and lag. With the seamless switch solution, you can switch to another stream without interrupting the live streaming.

    The definition switch API can be called at any time after live streaming starts.

    // The stream `http://5815.liveplay.myqcloud.com/live/5815_62fe94d692ab11e791eae435c87f075e.flv` is being played back
    // Switch to a new stream with a bitrate of 900 Kbps

    You need to configure PTS alignment on the backend to use the seamless definition switch feature. To do this, submit a ticket.

    7. Live stream replay

    The time shifting feature allows you to return to any previous time point during a live stream and resume playback from that time point. It is highly suitable for scenarios in which there is no need for interaction but viewers may want to rewind and replay a video, such as sports and gaming events.

    // Call `startPlay` first before setting time shifting
    // Start playback
    TXLiveBase.setAppID("1253131631"); // Configure `appId`
    mLivePlayer.prepareLiveSeek();     // The backend requests the live streaming start time

    After correct configuration, the current progress will not start from 0 in the LAY_EVT_PLAY_PROGRESS event, but will be calculated based on the actual playback start time.
    Call the seek method to start live streaming again from a previous time point

    mLivePlayer.seek(600); // Start playback from the 10th minute

    Configure the following settings on the backend to connect to time shifting:

    • Recording: Configure the time shifting duration and time shifting storage period.
    • Playback: Enable metadata acquisition in time shifting.

    The time shifting feature is currently in beta testing. To use it, submit a ticket.

    8. Latency adjustment

    The live playback feature of the SDK is not based on FFmpeg, but Tencent Cloud's proprietary playback engine, which is why the SDK offers better latency control than open-source players do. We provide three latency control modes, which can be used for showrooms, game streaming, and hybrid scenarios.

    • Comparison of control modes
    Control Mode Lag Rate Average Latency Applicable Scenario Description
    Expedited mode Relatively high 2s–3s Live show (online quiz) Has better latency control and is suitable for scenarios that require a low latency.
    Smooth mode Lowest ≥ 5s Game live streaming (Tencent Penguin eSports) Suitable for game live streaming scenarios with a high bitrate, such as battle royale games.
    Auto mode Network adaption 2s–8s Hybrid scenario The better the audience's network, the shorter the latency, and vice versa.
    • Code to integrate the three modes
      TXLivePlayConfig mPlayConfig = new TXLivePlayConfig();
      // Auto mode
      // Expedited mode
      // Smooth mode
      // Start the playback after configuration

    For more information on stutter and latency control, see Video Stutter.

    9. Ultra low-latency playback

    The live player supports live playback at a latency of about 400 ms. It can be used in scenarios with very strict requirements for latency, such as remote claw machine and mic connect. You need to know the following information about this feature:

    • Enabling this feature is not required
      This feature doesn't need to be enabled in advance, but the live stream must be in Tencent Cloud, because there are technical and other difficulties in implementing an ultra low-latency linkage across cloud service providers.

    • The playback URL must be configured with hotlink protection
      The playback URL cannot be a general CDN URL and must carry a hotlink protection signature. For more information on how to calculate a signature, see Hotlink Protection URL Calculation.

    • ACC must be specified as the playback type
      When calling the startPlay playback function, you need to set type to PLAY_TYPE_LIVE_RTMP_ACC, and the SDK will use the RTMP-UDP protocol to directly pull the live stream.

    • It has a limit on the number of streams played back concurrently
      Currently, a maximum of ten streams can be played back concurrently. Because the cost of low-latency lines is much greater than CDN lines, we encourage users to use this feature only in scenarios that actually require high interaction rather than using it for scenarios which do not require extremely low latency.

    • The latency of OBS doesn't meet the requirements
      If TXLivePusher is used, call setVideoQuality to set quality to MAIN_PUBLISHER or VIDEO_CHAT. It's difficult to achieve low latency with OBS because data tends to build up at the streaming end.

    • It is billed by playback duration
      This feature is billed by playback duration, and the fees are subject to the number of pulled streams, but not the audio/video stream bitrate. For pricing details, see Pricing Overview.

    10. Video information acquisition

    The Player SDK plays back a video through a URL string. The URL doesn't contain the video information, and you need to access the cloud server to load such information. Therefore, the SDK can only send the video information to your application as event notifications. For more information, see Event Listening.

    For example, you can use the NET_STATUS_VIDEO_WIDTH and NET_STATUS_VIDEO_HEIGHT of onNetStatus to get the video width and height. For detailed directions, see Status feedback (onNetStatus).

    Event Listening

    You can bind a TXLivePlayListener to the TXLivePlayer object. Then, all internal SDK status messages will be notified to you through onPlayEvent (event notification) and onNetStatus (status callback) messages.

    Event notification (onPlayEvent)

    1. Playback events

    Event ID Code Description
    PLAY_EVT_PLAY_BEGIN 2004 Video playback started.
    PLAY_EVT_PLAY_PROGRESS 2005 Video playback progress (including the current playback progress, loading progress, and total video duration).
    PLAY_EVT_PLAY_LOADING 2007 The video is being loaded. The LOADING_END event will be reported if video playback resumes.
    PLAY_EVT_VOD_LOADING_END 2014 Video loading ended, and video playback resumed.

    Do not hide the playback image after receiving PLAY_LOADING: Because the length of time between PLAY_LOADING and PLAY_BEGIN is uncertain (it may be five seconds or five milliseconds), some customers hide the playback image upon LOADING and display the image upon BEGIN, which will cause serious image flashing (especially in live streaming). We recommend you place a translucent loading animation on top of the video playback image.

    2. Stop events

    Event ID Code Description
    PLAY_EVT_PLAY_END 2006 Video playback ended.
    PLAY_ERR_NET_DISCONNECT -2301 The network was disconnected and could not be reconnected after multiple retries. You can restart the player to perform more connection retries.
    PLAY_ERR_HLS_KEY -2305 Failed to get the HLS decryption key.

    How do I determine whether live streaming is over?
    Due to the varying implementation principles of different standards, no end events (error code 2006) are returned for many live streams. Instead, when a host pushing a stream, the SDK will soon find that data stream pull fails (WARNING_RECONNECT) and attempt to retry until the PLAY_ERR_NET_DISCONNECT event is thrown after three failed attempts.

    Therefore, both error codes 2006 and -2301 need to be listened for and used to determine the end of live streaming.

    3. Warning events

    You can ignore the following events, which are only used to notify you of some internal events of the SDK.

    Event ID Code Description
    PLAY_WARNING_VIDEO_DECODE_FAIL 2101 Failed to decode the current video frame.
    PLAY_WARNING_AUDIO_DECODE_FAIL 2102 Failed to decode the current audio frame.
    PLAY_WARNING_RECONNECT 2103 The network was disconnected, and automatic reconnection was performed (the PLAY_ERR_NET_DISCONNECT event will be thrown after three failed attempts).
    PLAY_WARNING_HW_ACCELERATION_FAIL 2106 Failed to start the hardware decoder, and the software decoder was used instead.

    Status feedback (onNetStatus)

    The notification is triggered once every second to provide real-time feedback on the current status of the pusher. It can act as a dashboard to inform you of what is happening inside the SDK so you can better understand the current network conditions and video information.

    NET_STATUS_CPU_USAGECurrent instantaneous CPU utilization
    NET_STATUS_VIDEO_WIDTHVideo resolution - width
    NET_STATUS_VIDEO_HEIGHTVideo resolution - height
    NET_STATUS_NET_SPEEDCurrent network data reception speed
    NET_STATUS_VIDEO_FPSCurrent video frame rate of streaming media
    NET_STATUS_VIDEO_BITRATECurrent video bitrate in Kbps of streaming media
    NET_STATUS_AUDIO_BITRATECurrent audio bitrate in Kbps of streaming media
    NET_STATUS_CACHE_SIZEBuffer (`jitterbuffer`) size. If the current buffer length is 0, lag will occur soon.
    NET_STATUS_SERVER_IPConnected server IP
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