tencent cloud


Super Player - Android

Last updated: 2018-10-12 10:48:41
The documentation is not available now.

    Feature Overview

    Super Player is an open source, TXVodPlayer-based solution including video information pulling, switching between landscape/portrait modes, definition selection, on-screen comment and other features. With Super Player, you can provide a playback experience comparable to any popular video App in a short time.

    Integration Preparations

    1. Download SDK + Demo package from Android.

    2. Open source the UI-related codes of the player. Copy the open-source codes in the app/src/main/java/com/tencent/liteav/demo/play/ folder and the image resources in the app/src/main/res/drawable-xxhdpi/ folder to your App project.

    3. The on-screen comment in Demo integrates a third-party open source library DanmakuFlameMaster, which is available on github. You can also obtain it by configuring the build.gradle as in the Demo.

      compile 'com.github.ctiao:DanmakuFlameMaster:0.5.3'

    Creating a Player

    The main type of the super player is SuperVideoPlayer. You need to create it first.

    mSuperVideoPlayer = (SuperVideoPlayer) findViewById(R.id.video_player_item_1);

    Obtaining Video Information

    Unlike playback of an ordinary URL, fileId is required to obtain video information.

    TXPlayerAuthParams *p = [TXPlayerAuthParams new];
    p.appId = 1252463788;
    p.fileId = @"4564972819220421305";
    TXPlayerAuthBuilder authBuilder = new TXPlayerAuthBuilder();
    try {
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
        Toast.makeText(mContext, "Enter the correct AppId", 0).show();

    fileId is generally returned by the server after the video is uploaded:

    1. After the video is published from the client, the server returns fileId to the client.
    2. If the video is uploaded from the server, the fileId is included in the upload confirmation notification.

    If the file already exists in Tencent Cloud, find it in the VOD Management and click to view the appId and fileId in the video details at the right side.

    Video Management

    If the request is successful, SDK will inform the upper layer of the video information as an event.

    Example of SuperVideoPlayer in Demo

    mTXPlayerGetInfo = new TXVodPlayer(context);
     * Obtain the information of the video corresponding to fileId
    private ITXVodPlayListener mGetVodInfoListener = new ITXVodPlayListener() {
        public void onPlayEvent(TXVodPlayer player, int event, Bundle param) {
            String playEventLog = "receive event: " + event + ", " + param.getString(TXLiveConstants.EVT_DESCRIPTION);
            Log.d(TAG, playEventLog);
            if (event == TXLiveConstants.PLAY_EVT_GET_PLAYINFO_SUCC) { // VOD file information obtained successfully
                VodRspData data = new VodRspData();
                data.cover = param.getString(TXLiveConstants.EVT_PLAY_COVER_URL);
                data.duration = param.getInt(TXLiveConstants.EVT_PLAY_DURATION);
                data.url = param.getString(TXLiveConstants.EVT_PLAY_URL);
                if (mVideoPlayCallback != null) {

    Switching Between Videos

    You can call setPlayUrl to play another video in the player

    String url = "http://1252463788.vod2.myqcloud.com/xxx/yyy/v.f20.mp4";
    if (mSuperVideoPlayer != null) {
        mSuperVideoPlayer.updateUI("New video");

    Removing the Player

    When the player is not needed, call "onDestroy" to reset the player's internal status to prevent interference to the next playback.

    if (mSuperVideoPlayer != null) {
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