tencent cloud


API Documentation

Last updated: 2019-09-23 12:04:45
The documentation is not available now.

    Basic APIs

    For more information on the definitions of SecretId, SecretKey, Bucket and other terms and how to obtain them, please see COS Glossary.

    Obtain Bucket list

    Method prototype

    public Guzzle\Service\Resource\Model listBucket(array $args = array())

    Request example

    //Obtain bucket list
    $result = $cosClient->listBuckets();

    Example of returned result

        [data:protected] => Array
                [Owner] => Array
                        [ID] => qcs::cam::uin/3210232098:uin/3210232098
                        [DisplayName] => 3210232098
                [Buckets] => Array
                        [0] => Array
                                [Name] => accesslog-10055004
                                [Location] => ap-shanghai
                                [CreationDate] => 2016-07-29T03:09:54Z
                        [1] => Array
                                [Name] => accesslogbj-10055004
                                [Location] => ap-beijing
                                [CreationDate] => 2017-08-02T04:00:24Z
                [RequestId] => NWE3YzgxZmFfYWZhYzM1MGFfMzc3MF9iOGY5OQ==

    Create Bucket

    Method prototype

    // Create a bucket
    public Guzzle\Service\Resource\Model createBucket(array $args = array());

    Request parameters

    $args is an associative array containing the following fields:

    Parameter Name Description Type Required
    Bucket Bucket name string Yes
    Acl ACL permission control string No

    Request example

    //Create a bucket
    //The bucket name entered must be in a format of {name}-{appid}
    $result = $cosClient->createBucket(array('Bucket' => 'testbucket-125000000'));

    Example of returned result

        [data:protected] => Array
                [Location] => 
                [RequestId] => NWE3YzgzMTZfMTdiMjk0MGFfNTQ1OF8xNjEyYmE=

    Delete Bucket

    Method prototype

    // Delete a bucket
    public Guzzle\Service\Resource\Model deleteBucket(array $args = array());

    Request parameters

    $args is an associative array containing the following fields:

    Parameter Name Description Type Required
    Bucket Bucket name string Yes

    Request Example

    //Delete a bucket
    //The bucket name entered must be in a format of {name}-{appid}
    $result = $cosClient->deleteBucket(array('Bucket' => 'testbucket-125000000'));

    Response Example

        [data:protected] => Array
                [RequestId] => NWE3YzgzMTZfMTdiMjk0MGFfNTQ2MF8xNjBjZTI=

    Simple upload of file

    Method prototype

    public Guzzle\Service\Resource\Model putObject(array $args = array())

    Request parameters

    $args is an associative array containing the following fields:

    Parameter Name Description Type Required
    Bucket Bucket name, which is composed of numbers, lowercase letters and "-". string Yes
    Body The content of the uploaded file, which can be a file stream or a byte stream file/string Yes
    Key Object key is the unique identifier of the object in the bucket. For example, in the object's access domain name bucket1-1250000000.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/doc1/pic1.jpg, the object key is doc1/pic1.jpg. string Yes
    ACL Sets file ACL, such as 'private', 'public-read', and 'public-read-write' string No
    GrantFullControl Grants the specified account the permission to read and write files string No
    GrantRead Grants the specified account the permission to read files string No
    GrantWrite Grants the specified account the permission to write files string No
    StorageClass Sets file storage type: STANDARD and STANDARD_IA. Default: STANDARD String No
    Expires Sets Content-Expires string No
    CacheControl Cache policy. Sets Cache-Control string No
    ContentType Content type. Sets Content-Type string No
    ContentDisposition File name. Sets Content-Disposition string No
    ContentEncoding Encoding format. Sets Content-Encoding string No
    ContentLanguage Language type. Sets Content-Language string No
    ContentLength Sets transmission length string No
    ContentMD5 Sets MD5 of the uploaded file for verification string No
    Metadata User-defined file meta information array No
    ServerSideEncryption Server-side encryption method string No
    #### Request example
    # Upload a file
    ## putObject (API for upload. File size is limited to 5 GB)
    ### Upload strings in memory
    try {
        $result = $cosClient->putObject(array(
            'Bucket' => $bucket,
            'Key' => $key,
            'Body' => 'Hello World!'));
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        echo "$e\n";
    ### Upload file stream
    try {
        $result = $cosClient->putObject(array(
            'Bucket' => $bucket,
            'Key' => $key,
            'Body' => fopen($local_path, 'rb')));
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        echo "$e\n";
    ### Set header and meta
    try {
        $result = $cosClient->putObject(array(
            'Bucket' => $bucket,
            'Key' => $key,
            'Body' => fopen($local_path, 'rb'),
            'ACL' => 'string',
            'CacheControl' => 'string',
            'ContentDisposition' => 'string',
            'ContentEncoding' => 'string',
            'ContentLanguage' => 'string',
            'ContentLength' => integer,
            'ContentType' => 'string',
            'Expires' => 'mixed type: string (date format)|int (unix timestamp)|\DateTime',
            'GrantFullControl' => 'string',
            'GrantRead' => 'string',
            'GrantWrite' => 'string',
            'Metadata' => array(
                'string' => 'string',
            'StorageClass' => 'string'));
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        echo "$e\n";

    Response Example

        [data:protected] => Array
                [Expiration] => 
                [ETag] => "ed076287532e86365e841e92bfc50d8c"
                [ServerSideEncryption] => AES256
                [VersionId] => 
                [SSECustomerAlgorithm] => 
                [SSECustomerKeyMD5] => 
                [SSEKMSKeyId] => 
                [RequestCharged] => 
                [RequestId] => NWE3Yzg0M2NfOTcyMjViNjRfYTE1YV8xNTQzYTY=
                [ObjectURL] => http://testbucket-1252448703.cos.cn-south.myqcloud.com/11%2F%2F32%2F%2F43

    Multipart upload

    This API is used to split a file (limited to 40 TB) into multiple parts for upload. Concurrent upload of multiple parts is allowed.

    The steps of multipart upload are as follows:

    1. Initialize multipart upload, and obtain uploadid. (createMultipartUpload)
    2. Upload data in parts concurrently. (uploadPart)
    3. Complete multipart upload. (completeMultipartUpload)

    The steps of multipart upload also include obtaining uploaded parts (listParts) and terminating multipart upload (abortMultipartUpload).

    Method prototype

    // Initialize multipart upload
    public Guzzle\Service\Resource\Model createMultipartUpload(array $args = array());
    // Upload data in parts
    public Guzzle\Service\Resource\Model uploadPart(array $args = array());
    // Complete multipart upload
    public Guzzle\Service\Resource\Model completeMultipartUpload(array $args = array());
    // List uploaded parts
    public Guzzle\Service\Resource\Model listParts(array $args = array());
    // Abort multipart upload
    public Guzzle\Service\Resource\Model abortMultipartUpload(array $args = array());

    Upload files

    Request example

    ## Upload (Advanced API for upload. Multipart upload is used by default. File size is limited to 50 TB)
    ### Upload strings in memory
    try {
        $result = $cosClient->Upload(
            $bucket = $bucket,
            $key = $key,
            $body = 'Hello World!');
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        echo "$e\n";
    ### Upload file stream
    try {
        $result = $cosClient->Upload(
            $bucket = $bucket,
            $key = $key,
            $body = fopen($local_path, 'rb'));
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        echo "$e\n";
    ### Set header and meta
    try {
        $result = $cosClient->upload(
            $bucket= $bucket,
            $key = $key,
            $body = fopen($local_path, 'rb'),
            $options = array(
                'ACL' => 'string',
                'CacheControl' => 'string',
                'ContentDisposition' => 'string',
                'ContentEncoding' => 'string',
                'ContentLanguage' => 'string',
                'ContentLength' => integer,
                'ContentType' => 'string',
                'Expires' => 'mixed type: string (date format)|int (unix timestamp)|\DateTime',
                'GrantFullControl' => 'string',
                'GrantRead' => 'string',
                'GrantWrite' => 'string',
                'Metadata' => array(
                    'string' => 'string',
                'StorageClass' => 'string'));
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        echo "$e\n";

    For a file smaller than 5 MB, use single upload.
    Otherwise, use multipart upload.

    Response Example

        [data:protected] => Array
                [Location] => testbucket-1252448703.cos.cn-south.myqcloud.com/111.txt
                [Bucket] => testbucket
                [Key] => 111.txt
                [ETag] => "715691804ee474f2eb94adb2c5c01155-1"
                [Expiration] => 
                [ServerSideEncryption] => AES256
                [VersionId] => 
                [SSEKMSKeyId] => 
                [RequestCharged] => 
                [RequestId] => NWE3Yzg0YTRfOTUyMjViNjRfNWYyZF8xNTI5ZDQ=

    Download files

    This API is used to download files locally or to memory.

    Method prototype

    // Download a file
    public Guzzle\Service\Resource\Model getObject(array $args = array());

    Request parameters

    $args is an associative array containing the following fields:

    Parameter Name Description Type Required
    Bucket Bucket name string Yes
    Key Object key is the unique identifier of the object in the bucket. For example, in the object's access domain name bucket1-1250000000.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/doc1/pic1.jpg, the object key is doc1/pic1.jpg. string Yes
    SaveAs Local file path string No
    VersionId Version number of Object string No

    Request Example

    # Download a file
    ## getObject (Download file)
    ### Download the file to memory
    try {
        $result = $cosClient->getObject(array(
            'Bucket' => $bucket,
            'Key' => $key));
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        echo "$e\n";
    ### Download the file locally
    try {
        $result = $cosClient->getObject(array(
            'Bucket' => $bucket,
            'Key' => $key,
            'SaveAs' => $local_path));
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        echo "$e\n";
    ### Specify the range of file download
     * Range format: 'bytes=a-b'
    try {
        $result = $cosClient->getObject(array(
            'Bucket' => $bucket,
            'Key' => $key,
            'Range' => 'bytes=0-10',
            'SaveAs' => $local_path));
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        echo "$e\n";
    ### Set response header
    try {
        $result = $cosClient->getObject(array(
            'Bucket' => $bucket,
            'Key' => $key,
            'ResponseCacheControl' => 'string',
            'ResponseContentDisposition' => 'string',
            'ResponseContentEncoding' => 'string',
            'ResponseContentLanguage' => 'string',
            'ResponseContentType' => 'string',
            'ResponseExpires' => 'mixed type: string (date format)|int (unix timestamp)|\DateTime',
            'SaveAs' => $local_path));
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        echo "$e\n";

    Response Example

        [data:protected] => Array
                [Body] =>
                [DeleteMarker] => 
                [AcceptRanges] => bytes
                [Expiration] => 
                [Restore] => 
                [LastModified] => Fri, 09 Feb 2018 01:10:56 GMT
                [ContentLength] => 5242880
                [ETag] => "715691804ee474f2eb94adb2c5c01155-1"
                [MissingMeta] => 
                [VersionId] => 
                [CacheControl] => private
                [ContentDisposition] => attachment; filename*="UTF-8''111.txt"
                [ContentEncoding] => 
                [ContentLanguage] => 
                [ContentRange] => 
                [ContentType] => text/plain; charset=utf-8
                [Expires] => 
                [WebsiteRedirectLocation] => 
                [ServerSideEncryption] => AES256
                [SSECustomerAlgorithm] => 
                [SSECustomerKeyMD5] => 
                [SSEKMSKeyId] => 
                [StorageClass] => 
                [RequestCharged] => 
                [ReplicationStatus] => 
                [RequestId] => NWE3Yzg4ODlfMThiMjk0MGFfMmI3OV8xNWQxNDg=

    Deleting Files

    This API is used to delete objects on COS.

    Method prototype

    // Delete a file
    public Guzzle\Service\Resource\Model deleteObject(array $args = array());

    Request parameters

    $args is an associate array containing the following fields:

    Parameter Name Description Type Required
    Bucket Bucket name string Yes
    Key Object key is the unique identifier of the object in the bucket. For example, in the object's access domain name bucket1-1250000000.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/doc1/pic1.jpg, the object key is doc1/pic1.jpg. string Yes
    VersionId Version number of Object string No

    Request example

    // Delete an object on COS
    $result = $cosClient->deleteObject(array(
        //The bucket name entered must be in a format of {name}-{appid}
        'Bucket' => 'testbucket-125000000',
        'Key' => 'hello.txt'));

    Response Example

        [data:protected] => Array
                [DeleteMarker] => 
                [VersionId] => 
                [RequestCharged] => 
                [RequestId] => NWE3Yzg5MzJfY2FhMzNiMGFfNDVjOV8yY2QyMzg=

    Obtaining object attributes

    Obtain the attributes of an object on COS.

    Method prototype

    // Obtain file attributes
    public Guzzle\Service\Resource\Model headObject(array $args = array());

    Request parameters

    $args is an associative array containing the following fields:

    Parameter Name Description Type Required
    Bucket Bucket name string Yes
    Key Object key is the unique identifier of the object in the bucket. For example, in the object's access domain name bucket1-1250000000.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/doc1/pic1.jpg, the object key is doc1/pic1.jpg. string Yes
    VersionId Version number of Object string No

    Response Example

        [data:protected] => Array
                [DeleteMarker] => 
                [AcceptRanges] => 
                [Expiration] => 
                [Restore] => 
                [LastModified] => Thu, 08 Feb 2018 17:34:53 GMT
                [ContentLength] => 12
                [ETag] => "ed076287532e86365e841e92bfc50d8c"
                [MissingMeta] => 
                [VersionId] => 
                [CacheControl] => 
                [ContentDisposition] => 
                [ContentEncoding] => 
                [ContentLanguage] => 
                [ContentType] => application/octet-stream
                [Expires] => 
                [WebsiteRedirectLocation] => 
                [ServerSideEncryption] => AES256
                [SSECustomerAlgorithm] => 
                [SSECustomerKeyMD5] => 
                [SSEKMSKeyId] => 
                [StorageClass] => 
                [RequestCharged] => 
                [ReplicationStatus] => 
                [RequestId] => NWE3YzhhM2RfMWViZTk0MGFfNWMzMF8xNTFiZDg=

    Request example

    // Obtain the attributes of a file on COS
     //The bucket name entered must be in a format of {name}-{appid}
    $result $cosClient->headObject(array('Bucket' => 'testbucket-125000000', 'Key' => 'hello.txt'));

    Check whether a Bucket exists

    Check whether a bucket on COS exists.

    Method prototype

    // Obtain file attributes
    public Guzzle\Service\Resource\Model headBucket(array $args = array());

    Request parameters

    $args is an associative array containing the following fields:

    Parameter Name Description Type Required
    Bucket Version number of Object string No

    Request example

    // Obtain the attributes of a file on COS
     //The bucket name entered must be in a format of {name}-{appid}
    $result $cosClient->headBucket(array('Bucket' => 'testbucket-125000000'));

    Response Example

        [data:protected] => Array
                [RequestId] => NWE3YzhhN2VfY2VhMzNiMGFfMmNmXzJjNzc3Zg==

    Obtaining file list

    Obtain the list of files on COS.

    Method prototype

    // Obtain a file list
    public Guzzle\Service\Resource\Model listObjects(array $args = array());

    Request parameters

    $args is an associative array containing the following fields:

    Parameter Name Description Type Required
    Bucket Bucket name string Yes
    Delimiter Delimiter string No
    Marker Marker string No
    MaxKeys Maximum number of objects int No
    Prefix Prefix string No

    Request example

    // Obtain the bucket members
    //The bucket name entered must be in a format of {name}-{appid}
    $result = $cosClient->listObjects(array('Bucket' => 'testbucket-125000000'));

    Example of returned result

        [data:protected] => Array
                [Name] => testbucket-1252448703
                [Prefix] => 
                [Marker] => 
                [MaxKeys] => 1000
                [IsTruncated] => 
                [Contents] => Array
                        [0] => Array
                                [Key] => 11/32/43
                                [LastModified] => 2018-02-08T17:09:16.000Z
                                [ETag] => "ed076287532e86365e841e92bfc50d8c"
                                [Size] => 12
                                [Owner] => Array
                                        [ID] => 1252448703
                                        [DisplayName] => 1252448703
                                [StorageClass] => STANDARD
                        [1] => Array
                                [Key] => 111
                                [LastModified] => 2018-02-08T17:41:11.000Z
                                [ETag] => "ed076287532e86365e841e92bfc50d8c"
                                [Size] => 12
                                [Owner] => Array
                                        [ID] => 1252448703
                                        [DisplayName] => 1252448703
                                [StorageClass] => STANDARD
                        [2] => Array
                                [Key] => 111.txt
                                [LastModified] => 2018-02-08T17:11:00.000Z
                                [ETag] => "715691804ee474f2eb94adb2c5c01155-1"
                                [Size] => 5242880
                                [Owner] => Array
                                        [ID] => 1252448703
                                        [DisplayName] => 1252448703
                                [StorageClass] => STANDARD
                [RequestId] => NWE3YzhiYjdfMWJiMjk0MGFfMzA4M18xNjdiNDM=


    Method prototype

    // Obtain a file list
    public Guzzle\Service\Resource\Model putBucketACL(array $args = array());

    Request parameters

    $args is an associative array containing the following fields:

    Parameter Name Description Type Required
    Bucket Bucket name string Yes
    ACL ACL permission control string No
    GrantRead Grants read permission to the authorized user. Format: id=" ", id=" ". For authorization to a subaccount, id="qcs::cam::uin/:uin/"; for authorization to the root account, id="qcs::cam::uin/:uin/". For example: 'id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/123", id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/456"' string No
    GrantWrite Grants write permission to the authorized user. Format: id=" ", id=" ". For authorization to a subaccount, id="qcs::cam::uin/:uin/"; for authorization to the root account, id="qcs::cam::uin/:uin/". For example: 'id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/123", id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/456"' string No
    GrantFullControl Grants read and write permissions to the authorized user. Format: id=" ", id=" ". For authorization to a subaccount, id="qcs::cam::uin/:uin/"; for authorization to the root account, id="qcs::cam::uin/:uin/". For example: 'id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/123", id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/456"' string No

    Request example

    try {
        $result = $cosClient->PutBucketAcl(array(
            //The bucket name entered must be in a format of {name}-{appid}
            'Bucket' => 'testbucket-125000000',
            'Grants' => array(
                    'Grantee' => array(
                        'DisplayName' => 'qcs::cam::uin/327874225:uin/327874225',
                        'ID' => 'qcs::cam::uin/327874225:uin/327874225',
                        'Type' => 'CanonicalUser',
                    'Permission' => 'FULL_CONTROL',
                // ... repeated
            'Owner' => array(
                'DisplayName' => 'qcs::cam::uin/3210232098:uin/3210232098',
                'ID' => 'qcs::cam::uin/3210232098:uin/3210232098',
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        echo "$e\n";

    Response Example

        [data:protected] => Array
                [RequestId] => NWE3YzhiZTZfZDRiMjk0MGFfODMwXzJjODllYw==


    Method prototype

    // Obtain a file list
    public Guzzle\Service\Resource\Model getBucketACL(array $args = array());

    Request parameters

    Field Name Type Default Required Description
    Bucket string None Yes Bucket name

    Request example

    try {
        $result = $cosClient->GetBucketAcl(array(
            //The bucket name entered must be in a format of {name}-{appid}
            'Bucket' => 'testbucket-125000000',));
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        echo "$e\n";

    Response Example

        [data:protected] => Array
                [Owner] => Array
                        [ID] => qcs::cam::uin/3210232098:uin/3210232098
                        [DisplayName] => qcs::cam::uin/3210232098:uin/3210232098
                [Grants] => Array
                        [0] => Array
                                [Grantee] => Array
                                        [ID] => qcs::cam::uin/327874225:uin/327874225
                                        [DisplayName] => qcs::cam::uin/327874225:uin/327874225
                                [Permission] => FULL_CONTROL
                [RequestId] => NWE3YzhjMTRfYzdhMzNiMGFfYjdiOF8yYzZmMzU=


    Method prototype

    // Obtain a file list
    public Guzzle\Service\Resource\Model putObjectACL(array $args = array());

    Request parameters

    Parameter Name Description Type Required
    Bucket Bucket name string Yes
    Key Object key is the unique identifier of the object in the bucket. For example, in the object's access domain name bucket1-1250000000.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/doc1/pic1.jpg, the object key is doc1/pic1.jpg. string Yes
    ACL ACL permission control string No
    GrantRead Grants read permission to the authorized user. Format: id=" ", id=" ". For authorization to a subaccount, id="qcs::cam::uin/:uin/"; for authorization to the root account, id="qcs::cam::uin/:uin/". For example: 'id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/123", id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/456"' string No
    GrantWrite Grants write permission to the authorized user. Format: id=" ", id=" ". For authorization to a subaccount, id="qcs::cam::uin/:uin/"; for authorization to the root account, id="qcs::cam::uin/:uin/". For example: 'id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/123", id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/456"' string No
    GrantFullControl Grants read and write permissions to the authorized user. Format: id=" ", id=" ". For authorization to a subaccount, id="qcs::cam::uin/:uin/"; for authorization to the root account, id="qcs::cam::uin/:uin/". For example: 'id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/123", id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/456"' string No

    Request example

    try {
        $result = $cosClient->PutObjectAcl(array(
            'Bucket' => 'testbucket-1252448703',
            'Key' => '111.txt',
            'Grants' => array(
                    'Grantee' => array(
                        'DisplayName' => 'qcs::cam::uin/327874225:uin/327874225',
                        'ID' => 'qcs::cam::uin/327874225:uin/327874225',
                        'Type' => 'CanonicalUser',
                    'Permission' => 'FULL_CONTROL',
                // ... repeated
            'Owner' => array(
                'DisplayName' => 'qcs::cam::uin/3210232098:uin/3210232098',
                'ID' => 'qcs::cam::uin/3210232098:uin/3210232098',
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        echo "$e\n";

    Response Example

        [data:protected] => Array
                [RequestCharged] => 
                [RequestId] => NWE3YzhjZDdfY2JhMzNiMGFfNjVhOV8yZDJhNjY=


    Method prototype

    // Obtain a file list
    public Guzzle\Service\Resource\Model getObjectACL(array $args = array());

    Request parameters

    Parameter Name Description Type Required
    Bucket Bucket name string Yes
    Key Object key is the unique identifier of the object in the bucket. For example, in the object's access domain name bucket1-1250000000.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/doc1/pic1.jpg, the object key is doc1/pic1.jpg. string Yes

    Request example

    try {
        $result = $cosClient->getObjectAcl(array(
            //The bucket name entered must be in a format of {name}-{appid}
            'Bucket' => 'testbucket-125000000',
            'Key' => '11'));
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        echo "$e\n";

    Example of returned result

        [data:protected] => Array
                [Owner] => Array
                        [ID] => qcs::cam::uin/3210232098:uin/3210232098
                        [DisplayName] => qcs::cam::uin/3210232098:uin/3210232098
                [Grants] => Array
                        [0] => Array
                                [Grantee] => Array
                                        [ID] => qcs::cam::uin/327874225:uin/327874225
                                        [DisplayName] => qcs::cam::uin/327874225:uin/327874225
                                [Permission] => FULL_CONTROL
                [RequestCharged] => 
                [RequestId] => NWE3YzhjZDdfY2JhMzNiMGFfNjU5OF8yYzlkMmE=


    Method prototype

    // Obtain a file list
    public Guzzle\Service\Resource\Model putBucketCors(array $args = array());

    Request parameters

    Parameter Name Description Type Required
    Bucket Bucket name string Yes
    CORSRules CORS rules array Yes
    AllowedMethods Allowed HTTP operations. Enumerated values: GET, PUT, HEAD, POST, DELETE. array No
    AllowedOrigins Allowed access sources. The wildcard "*" is supported. Format: protocol://domain_name[:port], for example, http://www.qq.com array No
    AllowedHeaders When an OPTIONS request is sent, notifies the server about which custom HTTP request headers are allowed for subsequent requests. Wildcard "*" is supported. array No
    ExposeHeaders Sets the custom header information that can be received by the browser from the server end. array No
    MaxAgeSeconds Sets the validity period of the results obtained by OPTIONS string No
    ID Sets rule ID string No
    #### Request example
    try {
        $result = $cosClient->putBucketCors(array(
            //The bucket name entered must be in a format of {name}-{appid}
            'Bucket' => 'testbucket-125000000',
            // CORSRules is required
            'CORSRules' => array(
                    'AllowedHeaders' => array('*',),
                // AllowedMethods is required
                'AllowedMethods' => array('Put', ),
                // AllowedOrigins is required
                'AllowedOrigins' => array('*', ),
                'ExposeHeaders' => array('*', ),
                'MaxAgeSeconds' => 1,
            // ... repeated
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        echo "$e\n";

    Example of returned result

        [data:protected] => Array
                [RequestCharged] => 
                [RequestId] => NWE3YzhjZDdfY2JhMzNiMGFfNjVhOV8yZDJhNjY=


    Method prototype

    // Obtain a file list
    public Guzzle\Service\Resource\Model getBucketCors(array $args = array());

    Request parameters

    Parameter Name Description Type Required
    Bucket Bucket name string Yes
    #### Request example
    try {
        $result = $cosClient->getBucketCors(array(
            //The bucket name entered must be in a format of {name}-{appid}
            'Bucket' => 'testbucket-125000000',
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        echo "$e\n";

    Response Example

        [data:protected] => Array
                [CORSRules] => Array
                        [0] => Array
                                [ID] => 1234
                                [AllowedHeaders] => Array
                                        [0] => *
                                [AllowedMethods] => Array
                                        [0] => PUT
                                [AllowedOrigins] => Array
                                        [0] => http://www.qq.com
                [RequestId] => NWE3YzhkMmRfMTdiMjk0MGFfNTQzZl8xNWUwMGU=


    Method prototype

    // Obtain a file list
    public Guzzle\Service\Resource\Model deleteBucketCors(array $args = array());

    Request parameters

    • params (Object): Parameter list
      • Bucket - (String): Bucket name

        Request example

    try {
        $result = $cosClient->deleteBucketCors(array(
            //The bucket name entered must be in a format of {name}-{appid}
            'Bucket' => 'testbucket-125000000',
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        echo "$e\n";

    Example of returned result

        [data:protected] => Array
                [RequestCharged] => 
                [RequestId] => NWE3YzhjZDdfY2JhMzNiMGFfNjVhOV8yZDJhNjY=

    Copy objects

    Method prototype

    // Obtain a file list
    public Guzzle\Service\Resource\Model copyObject(array $args = array());

    Request parameters

    Parameter Name Description Type Required
    Bucket Bucket name, which is composed of numbers, lowercase letters and "-". string Yes
    CopySource Copies the source object string Yes
    Key Object key is the unique identifier of the object in the bucket. For example, in the object's access domain name bucket1-1250000000.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/doc1/pic1.jpg, the object key is doc1/pic1.jpg. string Yes
    ACL Sets file ACL, such as 'private', 'public-read', and 'public-read-write' string No
    GrantFullControl Grants the specified account the permission to read and write files string No
    GrantRead Grants the specified account the permission to read files string No
    GrantWrite Grants the specified account the permission to write files string No
    StorageClass Sets file storage type: STANDARD and STANDARD_IA. Default: STANDARD String No
    Expires Sets Content-Expires string No
    CacheControl Cache policy. Sets Cache-Control string No
    ContentType Content type. Sets Content-Type string No
    ContentDisposition File name. Sets Content-Disposition string No
    ContentEncoding Encoding format. Sets Content-Encoding string No
    ContentLanguage Language type. Sets Content-Language string No
    ContentLength Sets transmission length string No
    ContentMD5 Sets MD5 of the uploaded file for verification string No
    Metadata User-defined file meta information array No
    ServerSideEncryption Server-side encryption method string No
    #### Request example
    # API for simple copy
    try {
        $result = $cosClient->copyObject(array(
            //The bucket name entered must be in a format of {name}-{appid}
            'Bucket' => 'testbucket-125000000',
            // CopySource is required
            'CopySource' => 'lewzylu03-1252448703.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/tox.ini',
            // Key is required
            'Key' => 'string',
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        echo "$e\n";
    #For files larger than 5 GB, multipart copy is used by default.
    try {
        $result = $cosClient->Copy($bucket = 'lewzylu01-1252448703',
            $key = 'string',
            $copysource = 'lewzylu02-1252448703.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/test1G',
            $options = array('VersionId'=>'MTg0NDY3NDI1NTk0MzUwNDQ1OTg'));
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        echo "$e\n";


    Method prototype

    // Obtain a file list
    public Guzzle\Service\Resource\Model putBucketLifecycle(array $args = array());

    Request parameters

    Parameter Name Description Type Required
    Bucket Bucket name, which is composed of numbers, lowercase letters and "-". string Yes
    Rules Sets the appropriate rules, including ID, Filter, Status, Expiration, Transition, NoncurrentVersionExpiration, NoncurrentVersionTransition, AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload array Yes
    ID Sets rule ID string No
    Filter Describes a collection of Objects that are subject to the rules. array Yes
    Status Sets whether Rule is enabled. Available values: Enabled or Disabled string Yes
    Expiration Sets the expiration rule for Object. You can specify the number of days (Days) or a date (Date). array No
    Transition Sets the rule for changing the storage type of Object. You can specify the number of days (Days) or a date (Date). Available value for StorageClass: Standard_IA. array No

    Request example

    try {
        $result = $cosClient->putBucketLifecycle(array(
        //The bucket name entered must be in a format of {name}-{appid}
        'Bucket' => 'testbucket-125000000',
        // Rules is required
        'Rules' => array(
                'Expiration' => array(
                    'Days' => 1,
                'ID' => 'id1',
                'Filter' => array(
                    'Prefix' => 'documents/'
                // Status is required
                'Status' => 'Enabled',
                'Transitions' => array(
                        'Days' => 200,
                        'StorageClass' => 'Standard_IA')),
                // ... repeated
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        echo "$e\n";

    Example of returned result

        [data:protected] => Array
                [RequestCharged] => 
                [RequestId] => NWE3YzhjZDdfY2JhMzNiMGFfNjVhOV8yZDJhNjY=


    Method prototype

    // Obtain a file list
    public Guzzle\Service\Resource\Model getBucketLifecycle(array $args = array());

    Request parameters

    Parameter Name Description Type Required
    Bucket Bucket name string Yes
    #### Request example
    try {
        $result = $cosClient->getBucketLifecycle(array(
            //The bucket name entered must be in a format of {name}-{appid}
            'Bucket' =>'testbucket-125000000',
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        echo "$e\n";

    Example of returned result

        [data:protected] => Array
                [Rules] => Array
                        [0] => Array
                                [ID] => id1
                                [Filter] => Array
                                        [Prefix] => documents/
                                [Status] => Enabled
                                [Transition] => Array
                                        [Days] => 200
                                        [StorageClass] => Standard_IA
                                [Expiration] => Array
                                        [Days] => 1000
                [RequestId] => NWE3YzhlZjNfY2FhMzNiMGFfNDVkNF8yZDIxODE=


    Method prototype

    // Obtain a file list
    public Guzzle\Service\Resource\Model deleteBucketLifecycle(array $args = array());

    Request parameters

    Parameter Name Description Type Required
    Bucket Bucket name string Yes
    #### Request example
    try {
        $result = $cosClient->deleteBucketLifecycle(array(
            //The bucket name entered must be in a format of {name}-{appid}
            'Bucket' =>'testbucket-125000000',
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        echo "$e\n";

    Example of returned result

        [data:protected] => Array
                [RequestCharged] => 
                [RequestId] => NWE3YzhjZDdfY2JhMzNiMGFfNjVhOV8yZDJhNjY=

    Obtain object download URL

    Obtain a signed download URL of an object

    Request example

    //Obtain object download URL
    //The bucket name entered must be in a format of {name}-{appid}
    $bucket =  'testbucket-125000000';
    $key = 'hello.txt';
    $region = 'cn-south';
    $url = "/{$key}";
    $request = $cosClient->get($url);
    $signedUrl = $cosClient->getObjectUrl($bucket, $key, '+10 minutes');

    Use a temporary key

    $cosClient = new Qcloud\Cos\Client(
            'region' => 'cn-south',
            'timeout' => ,
            'credentials'=> array(
                'appId' => '',
                'secretId'    => '',
                'secretKey' => '',
                'token' => '')));

    Restore an archived file

    Method prototype

    // Restore an archived file
    public Guzzle\Service\Resource\Model deleteObject(array $args = array());

    Request parameters

    $args is an associative array containing the following fields:

    Parameter Name Description Type Required
    Bucket Bucket name string Yes
    Key Object key is the unique identifier of the object in the bucket. For example, in the object's access domain name bucket1-1250000000.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/doc1/pic1.jpg, the object key is doc1/pic1.jpg. string Yes
    Days Storage duration integer Yes
    Tier Restoration type string No

    Request example

      try {
        $result = $cosClient->restoreObject(array(
            // Bucket is required
            'Bucket' => 'lewzylu02',
            // Objects is required
            'Key' => '11',
            'Days' => 7,
            'CASJobParameters' => array(
                'Tier' =>'Bulk'
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        echo "$e\n";

    Enable multiple versions

    Method prototype

    // Enable multiple versions
    public Guzzle\Service\Resource\Model putBucketVersioning(array $args = array());

    Request parameters

    $args is an associate array containing the following fields:

    Parameter Name Description Type Required
    Bucket Bucket name string Yes
    Status Multi-version status string Yes
    #### Request example
    try {
        $result = $cosClient->putBucketVersioning(
        array('Bucket' => 'lewzylu02',
        'Status' => 'Enabled')
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        echo "$e\n";

    Example of returned result

        [data:protected] => Array
                [RequestCharged] => 
                [RequestId] => NWE3YzhjZDdfY2JhMzNiMGFfNjVhOV8yZDJhNjY=

    Obtain bucket version

    Method prototype

    // Obtain bucket version
    public Guzzle\Service\Resource\Model getBucketVersioning(array $args = array());

    Request parameters

    $args is an associative array containing the following fields:

    Parameter Name Description Type Required
    Bucket Bucket name string Yes

    Request example

    try {
        $result = $cosClient->getBucketVersioning(
            array('Bucket' => 'lewzylu02',)
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        echo "$e\n";

    Example of returned result

        [data:protected] => Array
                [Status] => Enabled
                [RequestId] => NWE3YzhmZTVfNjIyNWI2NF80YzQ3XzJkNjU4NQ==

    Method prototype

    // Print the file lists of different versions
    public Guzzle\Service\Resource\Model listObjectVersions(array $args = array());

    Request parameters

    $args is an associative array containing the following fields:

    Parameter Name Description Type Required
    Bucket Bucket name string Yes
    Delimiter Delimiter string No
    Marker Marker string No
    MaxKeys Maximum number of objects int No
    Prefix Prefix string No

    Request example

    try {
        $result = $cosClient->listObjectVersions(
            array('Bucket' => 'lewzylu02',
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        echo "$e\n";

    Example of returned result

       [data:protected] => Array
                [Name] => lewzylu02-1252448703
                [Prefix] => test1G
                [KeyMarker] => 
                [VersionIdMarker] => 
                [MaxKeys] => 1000
                [IsTruncated] => 
                [Versions] => Array
                        [0] => Array
                                [Key] => test1G
                                [VersionId] => MTg0NDY3NDI1NTg1ODc4Nzk3NjI
                                [IsLatest] => 1
                                [LastModified] => 2018-01-05T03:07:51.000Z
                                [ETag] => "202cb962ac59075b964b07152d234b70"
                                [Size] => 3
                                [StorageClass] => STANDARD
                                [Owner] => Array
                                        [UID] => 1252448703
                        [1] => Array
                                [Key] => test1G
                                [VersionId] => MTg0NDY3NDI1NTk0MzI3NDU3NTk
                                [IsLatest] => 
                                [LastModified] => 2017-12-26T08:26:50.000Z
                                [ETag] => "13ddf6552868644926ba606cd287106b-1"
                                [Size] => 5242880
                                [StorageClass] => STANDARD
                                [Owner] => Array
                                        [UID] => 1252448703
                        [2] => Array
                                [Key] => test1G
                                [VersionId] => MTg0NDY3NDI1NTk0MzI3ODAzODc
                                [IsLatest] => 
                                [LastModified] => 2017-12-26T08:26:16.000Z
                                [ETag] => "3c86b7371340b2174b875fa7bcc0bd9a-1"
                                [Size] => 5242880
                                [StorageClass] => STANDARD
                                [Owner] => Array
                                        [UID] => 1252448703
                [RequestId] => NWE3YzkwMGFfMTliYjk0MGFfMWUwOWRfMmJlZWIx
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