tencent cloud


API Documentation

Last updated: 2019-09-23 12:20:12
The documentation is not available now.

    XML C SDK operations of COS service return the result corresponding to each API calling, including response code, error code, error description, etc. See the exception types at the end of the document.

    For more information on the definitions of SecretId, SecretKey, Bucket and other terms and how to obtain them, please see COS Glossary.

    The following describes how to use each API in the SDK. For the sake of brevity, subsequent examples only illustrate how to use the API rather than how to handle exceptions.

        cos_status_t *s = NULL;
        s = cos_put_object_from_file(options, &bucket, &object, &file, &headers, &resp_headers);
        if (!s && !cos_status_is_ok(s)) {
            // Output logs for exceptions and handle exceptions as needed
            cos_warn_log("failed to put object from file", buf);
            if (s->error_code) cos_warn_log("status->error_code: %s", s->error_code);
            if (s->error_msg) cos_warn_log("status->error_msg: %s", s->error_msg);
            if (s->req_id) cos_warn_log("status->req_id: %s", s->req_id);

    Bucket Operations

    Put Bucket

    Feature description

    This API (Put Bucket) is used to create a Bucket under the specified account.

    Method prototype

    cos_status_t *cos_create_bucket(const cos_request_options_t *options, 
                                    const cos_string_t *bucket, 
                                    cos_acl_e cos_acl, 
                                    cos_table_t **resp_headers);


    Parameter Name Description Type
    options COS request option Struct
    bucket Bucket name, which must be in a format of {name}-{appid} String
    cos_acl Allows users to define permissions.
    Default: COS_ACL_PRIVATE(0)
    resp_headers Returns HTTP response header Struct

    Returned result

    Returned Result Description Type
    code Error code Int
    error_code Error description String
    error_msg Error message String
    req_id Request message ID String


        cos_pool_t *p = NULL;
        int is_cname = 0;
        cos_status_t *s = NULL;
        cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;
        cos_acl_e cos_acl = COS_ACL_PRIVATE;
        cos_string_t bucket;
        cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;
        //create memory pool
        cos_pool_create(&p, NULL);
        //init request options
        options = cos_request_options_create(p);
        options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);
        init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->appid, TEST_APPID);
        options->config->is_cname = is_cname;
        options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);
        cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);
        //create bucket
        s = cos_create_bucket(options, &bucket, cos_acl, &resp_headers);
        if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {
            printf("create bucket succeeded\n");
        } else {
            printf("create bucket failed\n");
        //destroy memory pool

    Delete Bucket

    Feature description

    This API (Delete Bucket) is used to delete a Bucket under the specified account. The Bucket must be empty before it can be deleted.

    Method prototype

    cos_status_t *cos_delete_bucket(const cos_request_options_t *options,
                                    const cos_string_t *bucket, 
                                    cos_table_t **resp_headers);


    Parameter Name Description Type
    options COS request option Struct
    bucket Bucket name, which must be in a format of {name}-{appid} String
    resp_headers Returns HTTP response header Struct

    Returned result

    Returned Result Description Type
    code Error code Int
    error_code Error description String
    error_msg Error message String
    req_id Request message ID String


        cos_pool_t *p = NULL;
        int is_cname = 0;
        cos_status_t *s = NULL;
        cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;
        cos_string_t bucket;
        cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;
        //create memory pool
        cos_pool_create(&p, NULL);
        //init request options
        options = cos_request_options_create(p);
        options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);
        init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->appid, TEST_APPID);
        options->config->is_cname = is_cname;
        options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);
        cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);
        //delete bucket
        s = cos_delete_bucket(options, &bucket, &resp_headers);
        if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {
            printf("create bucket succeeded\n");
        } else {
            printf("create bucket failed\n");
        //destroy memory pool

    Get Bucket

    Feature description

    This API (Get Bucket) is equivalent to List Object. It is used to list some or all of the Objects under the Bucket. Read permission is required to initiate this request.

    Method prototype

    cos_status_t *cos_list_object(const cos_request_options_t *options,
                                  const cos_string_t *bucket, 
                                  cos_list_object_params_t *params, 
                                  cos_table_t **resp_headers);


    Parameter Name Description Type
    options COS request option Struct
    bucket Bucket name, which must be in a format of {name}-{appid} String
    params Parameter for the Get Bucket operation Struct
    encoding_type The encoding method of the returned value String
    prefix Indicates the prefix match, which is used to specify the prefix address of the returned file String
    marker Entries are listed using UTF-8 binary order by default, starting from the marker String
    delimiter Parameter for the Get Bucket operation String
    max_ret Maximum number of entries returned at a time. Default is 1,000 Struct
    truncated Indicates whether the returned entry is truncated. Value: 'true' or 'false' Boolean
    next_marker If the returned entry is truncated, NextMarker represents the starting point of the next entry String
    object_list Lists the object information returned through the Get Bucket operation Struct
    key The name of the Object returned through the Get Bucket operation Struct
    last_modified The time when the Object returned through the Get Bucket operation was last modified Struct
    etag The SHA-1 algorithm check value of the Object returned through the Get Bucket operation Struct
    size The size of the Object returned through the Get Bucket operation (in bytes) Struct
    owner_id The Object owner UID returned through the Get Bucket operation Struct
    storage_class The storage level of the Object returned through the Get Bucket operation Struct
    common_prefix_list The same paths between Prefix and delimiter are grouped as the same type and defined as Common Prefix Struct
    resp_headers Returns HTTP response header Struct

    Returned result

    Returned Result Description Type
    code Error code Int
    error_code Error description String
    error_msg Error message String
    req_id Request message ID String


        cos_pool_t *p = NULL;
        int is_cname = 0;
        cos_status_t *s = NULL;
        cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;
        cos_string_t bucket;
        cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;
        //create memory pool
        cos_pool_create(&p, NULL);
        //init request options
        options = cos_request_options_create(p);
        options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);
        init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->appid, TEST_APPID);
        options->config->is_cname = is_cname;
        options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);
        cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);
        //get bucket(list object)
        cos_list_object_params_t *list_params = NULL;
        cos_list_object_content_t *content = NULL;
        list_params = cos_create_list_object_params(p);
        s = cos_list_object(options, &bucket, list_params, &resp_headers);
        if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {
            printf("list object succeeded\n");
            cos_list_for_each_entry(cos_list_object_content_t, content, &list_params->object_list, node) {
                key = printf("%.*s\n", content->key.len, content->key.data);
        } else {
            printf("list object failed\n");
        //destroy memory pool

    Put Bucket ACL

    Feature description

    Put Bucket ACL is used to write the Bucket ACL. You can import ACL information by using Header: "x-cos-acl", "x-cos-grant-read", "x-cos-grant-write", "x-cos-grant-full-control".

    Method prototype

    cos_status_t *cos_put_bucket_acl(const cos_request_options_t *options, 
                                     const cos_string_t *bucket, 
                                     cos_acl_e cos_acl,
                                     const cos_string_t *grant_read,
                                     const cos_string_t *grant_write,
                                     const cos_string_t *grant_full_ctrl,
                                     cos_table_t **resp_headers);


    Parameter Name Description Type
    options COS request option Struct
    bucket Bucket name, which must be in a format of {name}-{appid} String
    cos_acl Allows users to define permissions.
    Default: COS_ACL_PRIVATE(0)
    grant_read Users to whom the read permission is granted String
    grant_write Users to whom the write permission is granted String
    grant_full_ctrl Users to whom both read and write permissions are granted String
    resp_headers Returns HTTP response header Struct

    Returned result

    Returned Result Description Type
    code Error code Int
    error_code Error description String
    error_msg Error message String
    req_id Request message ID String


        cos_pool_t *p = NULL;
        int is_cname = 0;
        cos_status_t *s = NULL;
        cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;
        cos_string_t bucket;
        cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;
        //create memory pool
        cos_pool_create(&p, NULL);
        //init request options
        options = cos_request_options_create(p);
        options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);
        init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->appid, TEST_APPID);
        options->config->is_cname = is_cname;
        options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);
        cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);
        //put bucket acl
        cos_string_t read;
        cos_str_set(&read, "id=\"qcs::cam::uin/12345:uin/12345\", id=\"qcs::cam::uin/45678:uin/45678\"");
        s = cos_put_bucket_acl(options, &bucket, cos_acl, &read, NULL, NULL, &resp_headers);
        if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {
            printf("put bucket acl succeeded\n");
        } else {
            printf("put bucket acl failed\n");
        //destroy memory pool

    Get Bucket ACL

    Feature description

    This API (Get Bucket ACL) is used to obtain the ACL (Access Control List) of a Bucket. Only the Bucket owner has the access to this API.

    Method prototype

    cos_status_t *cos_get_bucket_acl(const cos_request_options_t *options, 
                                     const cos_string_t *bucket, 
                                     cos_acl_params_t *acl_param, 
                                     cos_table_t **resp_headers)


    Parameter Name Description Type
    options COS request option Struct
    bucket Bucket name, which must be in a format of {name}-{appid} String
    acl_param Parameter for the Get Bucket ACL operation Struct
    owner_id The Bucket owner ID returned through the Get Bucket ACL operation String
    owner_name The Bucket owner name returned through the Get Bucket ACL operation String
    object_list Information of authorized user and permissions returned through the Get Bucket ACL operation Struct
    type Authorized account type returned through the Get Bucket ACL operation String
    id Authorized user ID returned through the Get Bucket ACL operation String
    name Authorized user name returned through the Get Bucket ACL operation String
    permission Information of authorized user and permissions returned through the Get Bucket ACL operation String
    resp_headers Returns HTTP response header Struct

    Returned result

    Returned Result Description Type
    code Error code Int
    error_code Error description String
    error_msg Error message String
    req_id Request message ID String


        cos_pool_t *p = NULL;
        int is_cname = 0;
        cos_status_t *s = NULL;
        cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;
        cos_string_t bucket;
        cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;
        //create memory pool
        cos_pool_create(&p, NULL);
        //init request options
        options = cos_request_options_create(p);
        options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);
        init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->appid, TEST_APPID);
        options->config->is_cname = is_cname;
        options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);
        cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);
        //get bucket acl
        cos_acl_params_t *acl_params = NULL;
        acl_params = cos_create_acl_params(p);
        s = cos_get_bucket_acl(options, &bucket, acl_params, &resp_headers);
        if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {
            printf("get bucket acl succeeded\n");
            printf("acl owner id:%s, name:%s\n", acl_params->owner_id.data, acl_params->owner_name.data);
            cos_acl_grantee_content_t *acl_content = NULL;
            cos_list_for_each_entry(cos_acl_grantee_content_t, acl_content, &acl_params->grantee_list, node) {
                printf("acl grantee type:%s, id:%s, name:%s, permission:%s\n", acl_content->type.data, acl_content->id.data, acl_content->name.data, acl_content->permission.data);
        } else {
            printf("get bucket acl failed\n");
        //destroy memory pool

    Put Bucket Lifecycle

    Feature description

    This API (Put Bucket Lifecycle) is used to write Bucket lifecycle rules.

    Method prototype

    cos_status_t *cos_put_bucket_lifecycle(const cos_request_options_t *options,
                                           const cos_string_t *bucket, 
                                           cos_list_t *lifecycle_rule_list, 
                                           cos_table_t **resp_headers);


    Parameter Name Description Type
    options COS request option Struct
    bucket Bucket name, which must be in a format of {name}-{appid} String
    lifecycle_rule_list Parameter for the Put Bucket Lifecycle operation Struct
    id Lifecycle rule ID String
    prefix Specifies the prefix to which the rule applies. String
    status Indicates whether the rule is enabled. Enumerated values: Enabled, Disabled. String
    expire Rule expiration attribute Struct
    days Indicates the number of days before the deletion operation is performed. Int
    date Indicates when the deletion operation is performed. String
    transition Rule transition attribute, which indicates when the Object is transited to Standard_IA Struct
    days Indicates the number of days before the transition operation is performed. Int
    date Indicates when the transition operation is performed. String
    storage_class Specifies the target storage class to which the object is transited. Enumerated values: Standard_IA. String
    abort Sets the maximum length of time allowed for a multipart upload. Struct
    days Indicates the number of days within which the upload must be completed after the multipart upload starts. Int
    resp_headers Returns HTTP response header Struct

    Returned result

    Returned Result Description Type
    code Error code Int
    error_code Error description String
    error_msg Error message String
    req_id Request message ID String


        cos_pool_t *p = NULL;
        int is_cname = 0;
        cos_status_t *s = NULL;
        cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;
        cos_string_t bucket;
        cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;
        //create memory pool
        cos_pool_create(&p, NULL);
        //init request options
        options = cos_request_options_create(p);
        options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);
        init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->appid, TEST_APPID);
        options->config->is_cname = is_cname;
        options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);
        cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);
        //put bucket lifecycle
        cos_list_t rule_list;
        cos_lifecycle_rule_content_t *rule_content = NULL;
        rule_content = cos_create_lifecycle_rule_content(p);
        cos_str_set(&rule_content->id, "testrule1");
        cos_str_set(&rule_content->prefix, "abc/");
        cos_str_set(&rule_content->status, "Enabled");
        rule_content->expire.days = 60;
        cos_list_add_tail(&rule_content->node, &rule_list);
        rule_content = cos_create_lifecycle_rule_content(p);
        cos_str_set(&rule_content->id, "testrule2");
        cos_str_set(&rule_content->prefix, "efg/");
        cos_str_set(&rule_content->status, "Disabled");
        cos_str_set(&rule_content->transition.storage_class, "Standard_IA");
        rule_content->transition.days = 30;
        cos_list_add_tail(&rule_content->node, &rule_list);
        rule_content = cos_create_lifecycle_rule_content(p);
        cos_str_set(&rule_content->id, "testrule3");
        cos_str_set(&rule_content->prefix, "xxx/");
        cos_str_set(&rule_content->status, "Enabled");
        rule_content->abort.days = 1;
        cos_list_add_tail(&rule_content->node, &rule_list);
        s = cos_put_bucket_lifecycle(options, &bucket, &rule_list, &resp_headers);
        if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {
            printf("put bucket lifecycle succeeded\n");
        } else {
            printf("put bucket lifecycle failed\n");
        //destroy memory pool

    Get Bucket Lifecycle

    Feature description

    This API (Get Bucket Lifecycle) is used to obtain Bucket lifecycle rules.

    Method prototype

    cos_status_t *cos_get_bucket_lifecycle(const cos_request_options_t *options,
                                           const cos_string_t *bucket, 
                                           cos_list_t *lifecycle_rule_list, 
                                           cos_table_t **resp_headers);


    Parameter Name Description Type
    options COS request option Struct
    bucket Bucket name, which must be in a format of {name}-{appid} String
    lifecycle_rule_list Parameter for the Get Bucket Lifecycle operation Struct
    id Lifecycle rule ID String
    prefix The prefix to which the rule applies String
    status Indicates whether the rule is enabled. Enumerated values: Enabled, Disabled. String
    expire Rule expiration attribute Struct
    days Indicates the number of days before the deletion operation is performed. Int
    date Indicates when the deletion operation is performed. String
    transition Rule transition attribute, which indicates when the Object is transited to Standard_IA Struct
    days Indicates the number of days before the transition operation is performed. Int
    date Indicates when the transition operation is performed. String
    storage_class Specifies the target storage class to which the object is transited. Enumerated values: Standard_IA. String
    abort Sets the maximum time length allowed for a multipart upload. Struct
    days Indicates the number of days within which the upload must be completed after the multipart upload starts. Int
    resp_headers Returns HTTP response header Struct

    Returned result

    Returned Result Description Type
    code Error code Int
    error_code Error description String
    error_msg Error message String
    req_id Request message ID String


        cos_pool_t *p = NULL;
        int is_cname = 0;
        cos_status_t *s = NULL;
        cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;
        cos_string_t bucket;
        cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;
        //create memory pool
        cos_pool_create(&p, NULL);
        //init request options
        options = cos_request_options_create(p);
        options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);
        init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->appid, TEST_APPID);
        options->config->is_cname = is_cname;
        options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);
        cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);
        //get bucket lifecycle
        cos_list_t rule_list_ret;
        s = cos_get_bucket_lifecycle(options, &bucket, &rule_list_ret, &resp_headers);
        if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {
            printf("get bucket lifecycle succeeded\n");
        } else {
            printf("get bucket lifecycle failed\n");
        //destroy memory pool

    Delete Bucket Lifecycle

    Feature description

    This API (Delete Bucket Lifecycle) is used to delete Bucket lifecycle rules.

    Method prototype

    cos_status_t *cos_delete_bucket_lifecycle(const cos_request_options_t *options,
                                              const cos_string_t *bucket, 
                                              cos_table_t **resp_headers);


    Parameter Name Description Type
    options COS request option Struct
    bucket Bucket name, which must be in a format of {name}-{appid} String
    resp_headers Returns HTTP response header Struct

    Returned result

    Returned Result Description Type
    code Error code Int
    error_code Error description String
    error_msg Error message String
    req_id Request message ID String


        cos_pool_t *p = NULL;
        int is_cname = 0;
        cos_status_t *s = NULL;
        cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;
        cos_string_t bucket;
        cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;
        //create memory pool
        cos_pool_create(&p, NULL);
        //init request options
        options = cos_request_options_create(p);
        options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);
        init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->appid, TEST_APPID);
        options->config->is_cname = is_cname;
        options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);
        cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);
        //delete bucket lifecycle
        s = cos_delete_bucket_lifecycle(options, &bucket, &resp_headers);
        if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {
            printf("delete bucket lifecycle succeeded\n");
        } else {
            printf("delete bucket lifecycle failed\n");
        //destroy memory pool

    Put Bucket CORS

    Feature description

    This API (Put Bucket CORS) is used to set the cross-origin resource sharing permission of the Bucket.

    Method prototype

    cos_status_t *cos_put_bucket_cors(const cos_request_options_t *options,
                                      const cos_string_t *bucket, 
                                      cos_list_t *cors_rule_list, 
                                      cos_table_t **resp_headers);


    Parameter Name Description Type
    options COS request option Struct
    bucket Bucket name, which must be in a format of {name}-{appid} String
    cors_rule_list Parameter for the Put Bucket CORS operation Struct
    id Sets rule ID String
    allowed_origin Allowed access sources. The wildcard * is supported String
    allowed_method Allowed HTTP operations. Enumerated values: GET, PUT, HEAD, POST, DELETE String
    allowed_header When an OPTIONS request is sent, notifies the server about which custom HTTP request headers are allowed for subsequent requests. Wildcard "*" is supported. String
    expose_header Sets the custom header information that can be received by the browser from the server end String
    max_age_seconds Sets the validity period of the results obtained by OPTIONS Int
    resp_headers Returns HTTP response header Struct

    Returned result

    Returned Result Description Type
    code Error code Int
    error_code Error description String
    error_msg Error message String
    req_id Request message ID String


        cos_pool_t *p = NULL;
        int is_cname = 0;
        cos_status_t *s = NULL;
        cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;
        cos_string_t bucket;
        cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;
        //create memory pool
        cos_pool_create(&p, NULL);
        //init request options
        options = cos_request_options_create(p);
        options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);
        init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->appid, TEST_APPID);
        options->config->is_cname = is_cname;
        options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);
        cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);
        //put bucket cors
        cos_list_t rule_list;
        cos_cors_rule_content_t *rule_content = NULL;
        rule_content = cos_create_cors_rule_content(p);
        cos_str_set(&rule_content->id, "testrule1");
        cos_str_set(&rule_content->allowed_origin, "http://www.qq1.com");
        cos_str_set(&rule_content->allowed_method, "GET");
        cos_str_set(&rule_content->allowed_header, "*");
        cos_str_set(&rule_content->expose_header, "xxx");
        rule_content->max_age_seconds = 3600;
        cos_list_add_tail(&rule_content->node, &rule_list);
        rule_content = cos_create_cors_rule_content(p);
        cos_str_set(&rule_content->id, "testrule2");
        cos_str_set(&rule_content->allowed_origin, "http://www.qq2.com");
        cos_str_set(&rule_content->allowed_method, "GET");
        cos_str_set(&rule_content->allowed_header, "*");
        cos_str_set(&rule_content->expose_header, "yyy");
        rule_content->max_age_seconds = 7200;
        cos_list_add_tail(&rule_content->node, &rule_list);
        rule_content = cos_create_cors_rule_content(p);
        cos_str_set(&rule_content->id, "testrule3");
        cos_str_set(&rule_content->allowed_origin, "http://www.qq3.com");
        cos_str_set(&rule_content->allowed_method, "GET");
        cos_str_set(&rule_content->allowed_header, "*");
        cos_str_set(&rule_content->expose_header, "zzz");
        rule_content->max_age_seconds = 60;
        cos_list_add_tail(&rule_content->node, &rule_list);
        //put cors
        s = cos_put_bucket_cors(options, &bucket, &rule_list, &resp_headers);
        if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {
            printf("put bucket cors succeeded\n");
        } else {
            printf("put bucket cors failed\n");
        //destroy memory pool

    Get Bucket CORS

    Feature description

    This API (Get Bucket CORS) is used to obtain the cross-origin resource sharing permission configuration of the Bucket.

    Method prototype

    cos_status_t *cos_get_bucket_cors(const cos_request_options_t *options,
                                      const cos_string_t *bucket, 
                                      cos_list_t *cors_rule_list, 
                                      cos_table_t **resp_headers);


    Parameter Name Description Type
    options COS request option Struct
    bucket Bucket name, which must be in a format of {name}-{appid} String
    cors_rule_list Parameter for the Get Bucket CORS operation Struct
    id Sets rule ID String
    allowed_origin Allowed access sources. The wildcard * is supported String
    allowed_method Allowed HTTP operations. Enumerated values: GET, PUT, HEAD, POST, DELETE String
    allowed_header When an OPTIONS request is sent, notifies the server about which custom HTTP request headers are allowed for subsequent requests. Wildcard "*" is supported. String
    expose_header Sets the custom header information that can be received by the browser from the server end String
    max_age_seconds Sets the validity period of the results obtained by OPTIONS Int
    resp_headers Returns HTTP response header Struct

    Returned result

    Returned Result Description Type
    code Error code Int
    error_code Error description String
    error_msg Error message String
    req_id Request message ID String


        cos_pool_t *p = NULL;
        int is_cname = 0;
        cos_status_t *s = NULL;
        cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;
        cos_string_t bucket;
        cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;
        //create memory pool
        cos_pool_create(&p, NULL);
        //init request options
        options = cos_request_options_create(p);
        options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);
        init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->appid, TEST_APPID);
        options->config->is_cname = is_cname;
        options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);
        cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);
        //get bucket cors
        cos_list_t rule_list_ret;
        s = cos_get_bucket_cors(options, &bucket, &rule_list_ret, &resp_headers);
        if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {
            printf("get bucket cors succeeded\n");
            cos_cors_rule_content_t *content = NULL;
            cos_list_for_each_entry(cos_cors_rule_content_t, content, &rule_list_ret, node) {
                printf("cors id:%s, allowed_origin:%s, allowed_method:%s, allowed_header:%s, expose_header:%s, max_age_seconds:%d\n",
                    content->id.data, content->allowed_origin.data, content->allowed_method.data, content->allowed_header.data, content->expose_header.data, content->max_age_seconds);
        } else {
            printf("get bucket cors failed\n");
        //destroy memory pool

    Delete Bucket CORS

    Feature description

    This API (Delete Bucket CORS) is used to delete the cross-origin resource sharing permission configuration of the Bucket.

    Method prototype

    cos_status_t *cos_delete_bucket_cors(const cos_request_options_t *options,
                                         const cos_string_t *bucket, 
                                         cos_table_t **resp_headers);


    Parameter Name Description Type
    options COS request option Struct
    bucket Bucket name, which must be in a format of {name}-{appid} String
    resp_headers Returns HTTP response header Struct

    Returned result

    Returned Result Description Type
    code Error code Int
    error_code Error description String
    error_msg Error message String
    req_id Request message ID String


        cos_pool_t *p = NULL;
        int is_cname = 0;
        cos_status_t *s = NULL;
        cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;
        cos_string_t bucket;
        cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;
        //create memory pool
        cos_pool_create(&p, NULL);
        //init request options
        options = cos_request_options_create(p);
        options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);
        init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->appid, TEST_APPID);
        options->config->is_cname = is_cname;
        options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);
        cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);
        //delete bucket cors
        s = cos_delete_bucket_cors(options, &bucket, &resp_headers);
        if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {
            printf("delete bucket cors succeeded\n");
        } else {
            printf("delete bucket cors failed\n");
        //destroy memory pool

    Put Bucket Versioning

    Feature description

    This API (Put Bucket Versioning) is used to enable or suspend the version control of the Bucket.

    Method prototype

    cos_status_t *cos_put_bucket_versioning(const cos_request_options_t *options,
                                            const cos_string_t *bucket, 
                                            cos_versioning_content_t *versioning, 
                                            cos_table_t **resp_headers);


    Parameter Name Description Type
    options COS request option Struct
    bucket Bucket name, which must be in a format of {name}-{appid} String
    versioning Parameter for the Put Bucket Versioning operation Struct
    status Indicates whether version is enabled. Enumerated values: Suspended, Enabled. String
    resp_headers Returns HTTP response header Struct

    Returned result

    Returned Result Description Type
    code Error code Int
    error_code Error description String
    error_msg Error message String
    req_id Request message ID String


        cos_pool_t *p = NULL;
        int is_cname = 0;
        cos_status_t *s = NULL;
        cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;
        cos_string_t bucket;
        cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;
        //create memory pool
        cos_pool_create(&p, NULL);
        //init request options
        options = cos_request_options_create(p);
        options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);
        init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->appid, TEST_APPID);
        options->config->is_cname = is_cname;
        options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);
        cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);
        //put bucket versioning
        cos_versioning_content_t *versioning = NULL;
        versioning = cos_create_versioning_content(p);
        cos_str_set(&versioning->status, "Enabled");
        s = cos_put_bucket_versioning(options, &bucket, versioning, &resp_headers);
        if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {
            printf("put bucket versioning succeeded\n");
        } else {
            printf("put bucket versioning failed\n");
        //destroy memory pool

    Get Bucket Versioning

    Feature description

    This API (Get Bucket Versioning) is used to obtain the information on the version control of the Bucket.

    Method prototype

    cos_status_t *cos_get_bucket_versioning(const cos_request_options_t *options,
                                            const cos_string_t *bucket, 
                                            cos_versioning_content_t *versioning, 
                                            cos_table_t **resp_headers);


    Parameter Name Description Type
    options COS request option Struct
    bucket Bucket name, which must be in a format of {name}-{appid} String
    versioning Parameter for the Get Bucket Versioning operation Struct
    status Indicates whether version is enabled. Enumerated values: Suspended, Enabled. String
    resp_headers Returns HTTP response header Struct

    Returned result

    Returned Result Description Type
    code Error code Int
    error_code Error description String
    error_msg Error message String
    req_id Request message ID String


        cos_pool_t *p = NULL;
        int is_cname = 0;
        cos_status_t *s = NULL;
        cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;
        cos_string_t bucket;
        cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;
        //create memory pool
        cos_pool_create(&p, NULL);
        //init request options
        options = cos_request_options_create(p);
        options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);
        init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->appid, TEST_APPID);
        options->config->is_cname = is_cname;
        options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);
        cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);
        //get bucket versioning
        cos_versioning_content_t *versioning = NULL;
        versioning = cos_create_versioning_content(p);
        s = cos_get_bucket_versioning(options, &bucket, versioning, &resp_headers);
        if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {
            printf("put bucket versioning succeeded\n");
            printf("bucket versioning status: %s\n", versioning->status.data);
        } else {
            printf("put bucket versioning failed\n");
        //destroy memory pool

    Put Bucket Replication

    Feature description

    This API (Put Bucket Replication) is used to add replication configuration to the bucket for which versioning is enabled. If the bucket already has a replication configuration, the request will replace the existing configuration.

    Method prototype

    cos_status_t *cos_put_bucket_replication(const cos_request_options_t *options,
                                             const cos_string_t *bucket, 
                                             cos_replication_params_t *replication_param, 
                                             cos_table_t **resp_headers);


    Parameter Name Description Type
    options COS request option Struct
    bucket Bucket name, which must be in a format of {name}-{appid} String
    replication_param Parameter for the Put Bucket Replication operation Struct
    role Operator's account information String
    rule_list replication configuration information Struct
    id Indicates the name of a specific Rule. String
    status Indicates whether the rule is enabled. Enumerated values: Enabled, Disabled. String
    prefix Prefix match. Prefixes cannot overlap, otherwise an error is returned. String
    dst_bucket Destination bucket ID. Format: resource identifier qcs:id/0:cos:[Region]:appid/[APPID]:[Bucketname]. String
    storage_class The storage class of Object. Enumerated values: Standard, Standard_IA.
    Default value: the original bucket class.
    resp_headers Returns HTTP response header Struct

    Returned result

    Returned Result Description Type
    code Error code Int
    error_code Error description String
    error_msg Error message String
    req_id Request message ID String


        cos_pool_t *p = NULL;
        int is_cname = 0;
        cos_status_t *s = NULL;
        cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;
        cos_string_t bucket;
        cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;
        //create memory pool
        cos_pool_create(&p, NULL);
        //init request options
        options = cos_request_options_create(p);
        options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);
        init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->appid, TEST_APPID);
        options->config->is_cname = is_cname;
        options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);
        cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);
        //put bucket replication
        cos_replication_params_t *replication_param = NULL;
        replication_param = cos_create_replication_params(p);
        cos_str_set(&replication_param->role, "qcs::cam::uin/100000616666:uin/100000616666");
        cos_replication_rule_content_t *rule = NULL;
        rule = cos_create_replication_rule_content(p);
        cos_str_set(&rule->id, "Rule_01");
        cos_str_set(&rule->status, "Enabled");
        cos_str_set(&rule->prefix, "test1");
        cos_str_set(&rule->dst_bucket, "qcs:id/0:cos:cn-east:appid/1253686666:replicationtest");
        cos_list_add_tail(&rule->node, &replication_param->rule_list);
        rule = cos_create_replication_rule_content(p);
        cos_str_set(&rule->id, "Rule_02");
        cos_str_set(&rule->status, "Disabled");
        cos_str_set(&rule->prefix, "test2");
        cos_str_set(&rule->storage_class, "Standard_IA");
        cos_str_set(&rule->dst_bucket, "qcs:id/0:cos:cn-east:appid/1253686666:replicationtest");
        cos_list_add_tail(&rule->node, &replication_param->rule_list);
        rule = cos_create_replication_rule_content(p);
        cos_str_set(&rule->id, "Rule_03");
        cos_str_set(&rule->status, "Enabled");
        cos_str_set(&rule->prefix, "test3");
        cos_str_set(&rule->storage_class, "Standard_IA");
        cos_str_set(&rule->dst_bucket, "qcs:id/0:cos:cn-east:appid/1253686666:replicationtest");
        cos_list_add_tail(&rule->node, &replication_param->rule_list);
        s = cos_put_bucket_replication(options, &bucket, replication_param, &resp_headers);
        if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {
            printf("put bucket replication succeeded\n");
        } else {
            printf("put bucket replication failed\n");
        //destroy memory pool

    Get Bucket Replication

    Feature description

    This API (Get Bucket Replication) is used to read the cross-origin replication configuration information in a bucket.

    Method prototype

    cos_status_t *cos_get_bucket_replication(const cos_request_options_t *options,
                                             const cos_string_t *bucket, 
                                             cos_replication_params_t *replication_param, 
                                             cos_table_t **resp_headers);


    Parameter Name Description Type
    options COS request option Struct
    bucket Bucket name, which must be in a format of {name}-{appid} String
    replication_param Parameter for the Get Bucket Replication operation Struct
    role Operator's account information String
    rule_list replication configuration information Struct
    id Indicates the name of a specific Rule. String
    status Indicates whether the rule is enabled. Enumerated values: Enabled, Disabled. String
    prefix Prefix match. Prefixes cannot overlap, otherwise an error is returned. String
    dst_bucket Destination bucket ID. Format: resource identifier qcs:id/0:cos:[Region]:appid/[APPID]:[Bucketname]. String
    storage_class The storage class of Object. Enumerated values: Standard, Standard_IA.
    Default value: the original bucket class.
    resp_headers Returns HTTP response header Struct

    Returned result

    Returned Result Description Type
    code Error code Int
    error_code Error description String
    error_msg Error message String
    req_id Request message ID String


        cos_pool_t *p = NULL;
        int is_cname = 0;
        cos_status_t *s = NULL;
        cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;
        cos_string_t bucket;
        cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;
        //create memory pool
        cos_pool_create(&p, NULL);
        //init request options
        options = cos_request_options_create(p);
        options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);
        init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->appid, TEST_APPID);
        options->config->is_cname = is_cname;
        options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);
        cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);
        //get bucket replication
        cos_replication_params_t *replication_param2 = NULL;
        replication_param2 = cos_create_replication_params(p);
        s = cos_get_bucket_replication(options, &bucket, replication_param2, &resp_headers);
        if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {
            printf("get bucket replication succeeded\n");
            printf("ReplicationConfiguration role: %s\n", replication_param2->role.data);
        cos_replication_rule_content_t *content = NULL;
            cos_list_for_each_entry(cos_replication_rule_content_t, content, &replication_param2->rule_list, node) {
            printf("ReplicationConfiguration rule, id:%s, status:%s, prefix:%s, dst_bucket:%s, storage_class:%s\n",
                    content->id.data, content->status.data, content->prefix.data, content->dst_bucket.data, content->storage_class.data);
        } else {
            printf("get bucket replication failed\n");
        //destroy memory pool

    Delete Bucket Replication

    Feature description

    This API (Delete Bucket Replication) is used to delete the cross-origin replication configuration in the Bucket.

    Method prototype

    cos_status_t *cos_delete_bucket_replication(const cos_request_options_t *options,
                                                const cos_string_t *bucket, 
                                                cos_table_t **resp_headers);


    Parameter Name Description Type
    options COS request option Struct
    bucket Bucket name, which must be in a format of {name}-{appid} String
    resp_headers Returns HTTP response header Struct

    Returned result

    Returned Result Description Type
    code Error code Int
    error_code Error description String
    error_msg Error message String
    req_id Request message ID String


        cos_pool_t *p = NULL;
        int is_cname = 0;
        cos_status_t *s = NULL;
        cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;
        cos_string_t bucket;
        cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;
        //create memory pool
        cos_pool_create(&p, NULL);
        //init request options
        options = cos_request_options_create(p);
        options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);
        init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->appid, TEST_APPID);
        options->config->is_cname = is_cname;
        options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);
        cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);
        //delete bucket cors
        s = cos_delete_bucket_replication(options, &bucket, &resp_headers);
        if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {
            printf("delete bucket replication succeeded\n");
        } else {
            printf("delete bucket replication failed\n");
        //destroy memory pool

    Object Operations

    Get Object

    Feature description

    This API (Delete Object) is used to download a file (Object) locally. This operation requires that the user have the read permission for the target Object or the read permission for the target Object be available for everyone (public-read).

    Method prototype

    cos_status_t *cos_get_object_to_file(const cos_request_options_t *options,
                                         const cos_string_t *bucket, 
                                         const cos_string_t *object,
                                         cos_table_t *headers, 
                                         cos_table_t *params,
                                         cos_string_t *filename, 
                                         cos_table_t **resp_headers);


    Parameter Name Description Type
    options COS request option Struct
    bucket Bucket name, which must be in a format of {name}-{appid} String
    object Object name String
    headers Additional COS request header Struct
    params Parameter for the COS request operation Struct
    filename The file name of an Object stored locally String
    resp_headers Returns HTTP response header Struct

    Returned result

    Returned Result Description Type
    code Error code Int
    error_code Error description String
    error_msg Error message String
    req_id Request message ID String


        cos_pool_t *p = NULL;
        int is_cname = 0;
        cos_status_t *s = NULL;
        cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;
        cos_string_t bucket;
        cos_string_t object;
        cos_string_t file;
        cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;
        //create memory pool
        cos_pool_create(&p, NULL);
        //init request options
        options = cos_request_options_create(p);
        options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);
        init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->appid, TEST_APPID);
        options->config->is_cname = is_cname;
        options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);
        cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);
        //get object
        cos_str_set(&file, TEST_DOWNLOAD_NAME);
        cos_str_set(&object, TEST_OBJECT_NAME);
        s = cos_get_object_to_file(options, &bucket, &object, NULL, NULL, &file, &resp_headers);
        if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {
            printf("get object succeeded\n");
        } else {
            printf("get object failed\n");
        //destroy memory pool

    Head Object

    Feature description

    This API (Head Object) is used to get the metadata of an Object. It has the same permissions as Get Object.

    Method prototype

    cos_status_t *cos_head_object(const cos_request_options_t *options, 
                                  const cos_string_t *bucket, 
                                  const cos_string_t *object,
                                  cos_table_t *headers, 
                                  cos_table_t **resp_headers);


    Parameter Name Description Type
    options COS request option Struct
    bucket Bucket name, which must be in a format of {name}-{appid} String
    object Object name String
    headers Additional COS request header Struct
    resp_headers Returns HTTP response header Struct

    Returned result

    Returned Result Description Type
    code Error code Int
    error_code Error description String
    error_msg Error message String
    req_id Request message ID String


        cos_pool_t *p = NULL;
        int is_cname = 0;
        cos_status_t *s = NULL;
        cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;
        cos_string_t bucket;
        cos_string_t object;
        cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;
        //create memory pool
        cos_pool_create(&p, NULL);
        //init request options
        options = cos_request_options_create(p);
        options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);
        init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->appid, TEST_APPID);
        options->config->is_cname = is_cname;
        options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);
        cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);
        //head object
        cos_str_set(&object, TEST_OBJECT_NAME);
        s = cos_head_object(options, &bucket, &object, NULL, &resp_headers);
        if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {
            printf("head object succeeded\n");
        } else {
            printf("head object failed\n");
        //destroy memory pool

    Put Object

    Feature description

    This API (Put Object) is used to upload a file (Object) to the specified Bucket.

    Method prototype

    cos_status_t *cos_put_object_from_file(const cos_request_options_t *options,
                                           const cos_string_t *bucket, 
                                           const cos_string_t *object, 
                                           const cos_string_t *filename,
                                           cos_table_t *headers, 
                                           cos_table_t **resp_headers);


    Parameter Name Description Type
    options COS request option Struct
    bucket Bucket name, which must be in a format of {name}-{appid} String
    object Object name String
    filename The file name of an Object stored locally String
    headers Additional COS request header Struct
    resp_headers Returns HTTP response header Struct

    Returned result

    Returned Result Description Type
    code Error code Int
    error_code Error description String
    error_msg Error message String
    req_id Request message ID String


        cos_pool_t *p = NULL;
        int is_cname = 0;
        cos_status_t *s = NULL;
        cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;
        cos_string_t bucket;
        cos_string_t object;
        cos_string_t file;
        cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;
        //create memory pool
        cos_pool_create(&p, NULL);
        //init request options
        options = cos_request_options_create(p);
        options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);
        init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->appid, TEST_APPID);
        options->config->is_cname = is_cname;
        options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);
        cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);
        //put object
        cos_str_set(&file, TEST_DOWNLOAD_NAME);
        cos_str_set(&object, TEST_OBJECT_NAME);
        s = cos_put_object_from_file(options, &bucket, &object, &file, NULL, &resp_headers);
        if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {
            printf("put object succeeded\n");
        } else {
            printf("put object failed\n");
        //destroy memory pool

    Delete Object

    Feature description

    This API (Delete Object) is used to delete a file (Object).

    Method prototype

    cos_status_t *cos_delete_object(const cos_request_options_t *options,
                                    const cos_string_t *bucket, 
                                    const cos_string_t *object, 
                                    cos_table_t **resp_headers);


    Parameter Name Description Type
    options COS request option Struct
    bucket Bucket name, which must be in a format of {name}-{appid} String
    object Object name String
    resp_headers Returns HTTP response header Struct

    Returned result

    Returned Result Description Type
    code Error code Int
    error_code Error description String
    error_msg Error message String
    req_id Request message ID String


        cos_pool_t *p = NULL;
        int is_cname = 0;
        cos_status_t *s = NULL;
        cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;
        cos_string_t bucket;
        cos_string_t object;
        cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;
        //create memory pool
        cos_pool_create(&p, NULL);
        //init request options
        options = cos_request_options_create(p);
        options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);
        init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->appid, TEST_APPID);
        options->config->is_cname = is_cname;
        options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);
        cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);
        //delete object
        cos_str_set(&object, TEST_OBJECT_NAME);
        s = cos_delete_object(options, &bucket, &object, &resp_headers);
        if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {
            printf("delete object succeeded\n");
        } else {
            printf("delete object failed\n");
        //destroy memory pool

    Delete Multiple Object

    Feature description

    This API (Delete Multiple Object) is used for batch deletion of files. A maximum of 1000 files are allowed to be deleted at a time. COS provides two modes for returned results: Verbose and Quiet. Verbose mode will return the result of deletion of each Object, while Quiet mode only returns the information of the Objects with an error.

    Method prototype

    cos_status_t *cos_delete_objects(const cos_request_options_t *options,
                                     const cos_string_t *bucket, 
                                     cos_list_t *object_list, 
                                     int is_quiet,
                                     cos_table_t **resp_headers, 
                                     cos_list_t *deleted_object_list);


    Parameter Name Description Type
    options COS request option Struct
    bucket Bucket name, which must be in a format of {name}-{appid} String
    object_list List of objects to be deleted Struct
    key Name of object to be deleted String
    is_quiet Indicates whether the Quiet mode is enabled.
    True(1): Quiet mode is enabled; False(0): Verbose mode is enabled. Default is False(0).
    resp_headers Returns HTTP response header Struct
    deleted_object_list List of deleted objects Struct

    Returned result

    Returned Result Description Type
    code Error code Int
    error_code Error description String
    error_msg Error message String
    req_id Request message ID String


        cos_pool_t *p = NULL;
        int is_cname = 0;
        cos_status_t *s = NULL;
        cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;
        cos_string_t bucket;
        cos_string_t object;
        cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;
        //create memory pool
        cos_pool_create(&p, NULL);
        //init request options
        options = cos_request_options_create(p);
        options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);
        init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->appid, TEST_APPID);
        options->config->is_cname = is_cname;
        options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);
        cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);
        //init delete object list
        char *object_name1 = TEST_OBJECT_NAME1;
        char *object_name2 = TEST_OBJECT_NAME2;
        cos_object_key_t *content1 = NULL;
        cos_object_key_t *content2 = NULL;
        cos_list_t object_list;
        cos_list_t deleted_object_list;
        content1 = cos_create_cos_object_key(p);
        cos_str_set(&content1->key, object_name1);
        cos_list_add_tail(&content1->node, &object_list);
        content2 = cos_create_cos_object_key(p);
        cos_str_set(&content2->key, object_name2);
        cos_list_add_tail(&content2->node, &object_list);
        //delete objects
        int is_quiet = COS_TRUE;
        cos_str_set(&object, TEST_OBJECT_NAME);
        s = cos_delete_objects(options, &bucket, &object_list, is_quiet, &resp_headers, &deleted_object_list);
        if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {
            printf("delete objects succeeded\n");
        } else {
            printf("delete objects failed\n");
        //destroy memory pool

    Put Object ACL

    Feature description

    This API (Put Object ACL) is used to write the ACL configuration of an Object in the Bucket. You can import ACL information by using Header: "x-cos-acl", "x-cos-grant-read", "x-cos-grant-write", "x-cos-grant-full-control".

    Method prototype

    cos_status_t *cos_put_object_acl(const cos_request_options_t *options, 
                                     const cos_string_t *bucket,
                                     const cos_string_t *object,  
                                     cos_acl_e cos_acl,
                                     const cos_string_t *grant_read,
                                     const cos_string_t *grant_write,
                                     const cos_string_t *grant_full_ctrl,
                                     cos_table_t **resp_headers);


    Parameter Name Description Type
    options COS request option Struct
    bucket Bucket name, which must be in a format of {name}-{appid} String
    object Object name String
    cos_acl Allow users to define permissions. Valid values: COS_ACL_PRIVATE(0), COS_ACL_PUBLIC_READ(1) and COS_ACL_PUBLIC_READ_WRITE(2). Default: COS_ACL_PRIVATE(0) Enum
    grant_read Users to whom the read permission is granted String
    grant_write Users to whom the write permission is granted String
    grant_full_ctrl Users to whom both read and write permissions are granted String
    resp_headers Returns HTTP response header Struct

    Returned result

    Returned Result Description Type
    code Error code Int
    error_code Error description String
    error_msg Error message String
    req_id Request message ID String


        cos_pool_t *p = NULL;
        int is_cname = 0;
        cos_status_t *s = NULL;
        cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;
        cos_string_t bucket;
        cos_string_t object;
        cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;
        //create memory pool
        cos_pool_create(&p, NULL);
        //init request options
        options = cos_request_options_create(p);
        options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);
        init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->appid, TEST_APPID);
        options->config->is_cname = is_cname;
        options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);
        cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);
        //put object acl
        cos_str_set(&object, TEST_OBJECT_NAME);
        cos_string_t read;
        cos_str_set(&read, "id=\"qcs::cam::uin/12345:uin/12345\", id=\"qcs::cam::uin/45678:uin/45678\"");
        s = cos_put_object_acl(options, &bucket, &object, cos_acl, &read, NULL, NULL, &resp_headers);
        if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {
            printf("put object acl succeeded\n");
        } else {
            printf("put object acl failed\n");
        //destroy memory pool

    Get Object ACL

    Feature description

    This API (Get Object ACL) is used to obtain access permission of an Object under a Bucket. Only the Bucket owner has the access to this API.

    Method prototype

    cos_status_t *cos_get_object_acl(const cos_request_options_t *options, 
                                     const cos_string_t *bucket,
                                     const cos_string_t *object,
                                     cos_acl_params_t *acl_param, 
                                     cos_table_t **resp_headers)


    Parameter Name Description Type
    options COS request option Struct
    bucket Bucket name, which must be in a format of {name}-{appid} String
    object Object name String
    acl_param Parameter for the Get Object ACL operation Struct
    owner_id The Bucket owner ID returned through the Get Object ACL operation String
    owner_name The Bucket owner name returned through the Get Object ACL operation String
    object_list Information of authorized user and permissions returned through the Get Object ACL operation Struct
    type Authorized account type returned through the Get Object ACL operation String
    id Authorized user ID returned through the Get Object ACL operation String
    name Authorized user name returned through the Get Object ACL operation String
    permission Information of authorized user and permissions returned through the Get Object ACL operation String
    resp_headers Returns HTTP response header Struct

    Returned result

    Returned Result Description Type
    code Error code Int
    error_code Error description String
    error_msg Error message String
    req_id Request message ID String


        cos_pool_t *p = NULL;
        int is_cname = 0;
        cos_status_t *s = NULL;
        cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;
        cos_string_t bucket;
        cos_string_t object;
        cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;
        //create memory pool
        cos_pool_create(&p, NULL);
        //init request options
        options = cos_request_options_create(p);
        options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);
        init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->appid, TEST_APPID);
        options->config->is_cname = is_cname;
        options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);
        cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);
        //get object acl
        cos_acl_params_t *acl_params2 = NULL;
        acl_params2 = cos_create_acl_params(p);
        s = cos_get_object_acl(options, &bucket, &object, acl_params2, &resp_headers);
        if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {
            printf("get object acl succeeded\n");
            printf("acl owner id:%s, name:%s\n", acl_params2->owner_id.data, acl_params2->owner_name.data);
            acl_content = NULL;
            cos_list_for_each_entry(cos_acl_grantee_content_t, acl_content, &acl_params2->grantee_list, node) {
                printf("acl grantee id:%s, name:%s, permission:%s\n", acl_content->id.data, acl_content->name.data, acl_content->permission.data);
        } else {
            printf("get object acl failed\n");
        //destroy memory pool

    Put Object Copy

    Feature description

    This API (Put Object Copy) is used to copy a file from source path to the destination path.

    Method prototype

    cos_status_t *cos_copy_object(const cos_request_options_t *options,
                                  const cos_string_t *copy_source, 
                                  const cos_string_t *dest_bucket, 
                                  const cos_string_t *dest_object,
                                  cos_table_t *headers,
                                  cos_copy_object_params_t *copy_object_param,
                                  cos_table_t **resp_headers);


    Parameter Name Description Type
    options COS request option Struct
    copy_source Path of the source file String
    dest_bucket Destination bucket name, which must be in a format of {name}-{appid} String
    dest_object Destination object name String
    headers Additional COS request header Struct
    copy_object_param Parameter for the Put Object Copy operation Struct
    etag MD5 algorithm check value for the returned file String
    last_modify Returns the last modification time of the file in GMT format String
    resp_headers Returns HTTP response header Struct

    Returned result

    Returned Result Description Type
    code Error code Int
    error_code Error description String
    error_msg Error message String
    req_id Request message ID String


        cos_pool_t *p = NULL;
        int is_cname = 0;
        cos_status_t *s = NULL;
        cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;
        cos_string_t bucket;
        cos_string_t object;
        cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;
        //create memory pool
        cos_pool_create(&p, NULL);
        //init request options
        options = cos_request_options_create(p);
        options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);
        init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->appid, TEST_APPID);
        options->config->is_cname = is_cname;
        options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);
        cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);
        //put object copy
        cos_str_set(&object, TEST_OBJECT_NAME);
        cos_string_t copy_source;
        cos_str_set(&copy_source, TEST_COPY_SRC);
        cos_copy_object_params_t *params = NULL;
        params = cos_create_copy_object_params(p);
        s = cos_copy_object(options, &copy_source, &bucket, &object, NULL, params, &resp_headers);
        if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {
            printf("put object copy succeeded\n");
        } else {
            printf("put object copy failed\n");
        //destroy memory pool

    Multipart Upload Operations

    Initiate Multipart Upload

    Feature description

    This API (Initiate Multipart Upload) is used to initialize multipart upload. After the request is executed successfully, Upload ID is returned for the subsequent Upload Part requests.

    Method prototype

    cos_status_t *cos_init_multipart_upload(const cos_request_options_t *options, 
                                            const cos_string_t *bucket, 
                                            const cos_string_t *object, 
                                            cos_string_t *upload_id, 
                                            cos_table_t *headers,
                                            cos_table_t **resp_headers);


    Parameter Name Description Type
    options COS request option Struct
    bucket Bucket name, which must be in a format of {name}-{appid} String
    object Object name String
    upload_id Upload ID returned through the operation String
    headers Additional COS request header Struct
    resp_headers Returns HTTP response header Struct

    Returned result

    Returned Result Description Type
    code Error code Int
    error_code Error description String
    error_msg Error message String
    req_id Request message ID String


        cos_pool_t *p = NULL;
        int is_cname = 0;
        cos_status_t *s = NULL;
        cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;
        cos_string_t bucket;
        cos_string_t object;
        cos_string_t file;
        cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;
        //create memory pool
        cos_pool_create(&p, NULL);
        //init request options
        options = cos_request_options_create(p);
        options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);
        init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->appid, TEST_APPID);
        options->config->is_cname = is_cname;
        options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);
        cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);
        //init mulitipart upload
        cos_str_set(&object, TEST_OBJECT_NAME);
        s = cos_init_multipart_upload(options, &bucket, &object, 
                                      &upload_id, headers, &resp_headers);
        if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {
            printf("init multipart upload succeeded\n");
        } else {
            printf("init multipart upload failed\n");
        //destroy memory pool

    Upload Part

    Feature description

    This API (Upload Part) is used to implement multipart upload after initialization. A file can be split into 10000 chunks at most (minimum is 1) for multipart upload, and the size of each file chunk should be between 1 MB and 5 GB. Parameters partNumber and uploadId are required for Upload Part (partNumber is the file chunk No. Out-of-order upload is supported).

    Method prototype

    cos_status_t *cos_upload_part_from_file(const cos_request_options_t *options,
                                            const cos_string_t *bucket, 
                                            const cos_string_t *object,
                                            const cos_string_t *upload_id, 
                                            int part_num, 
                                            cos_upload_file_t *upload_file,
                                            cos_table_t **resp_headers);


    Parameter Name Description Type
    options COS request option Struct
    bucket Bucket name, which must be in a format of {name}-{appid} String
    object Object name String
    upload_id Upload task number String
    part_num Part number Int
    upload_file Information on the local file to be uploaded Struct
    resp_headers Returns HTTP response header Struct

    Returned result

    Returned Result Description Type
    code Error code Int
    error_code Error description String
    error_msg Error message String
    req_id Request message ID String


        cos_pool_t *p = NULL;
        int is_cname = 0;
        cos_status_t *s = NULL;
        cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;
        cos_string_t bucket;
        cos_string_t object;
        cos_string_t file;
        cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;
        int part_num = 1;
        int64_t pos = 0;
        int64_t file_length = 0;
        //create memory pool
        cos_pool_create(&p, NULL);
        //init request options
        options = cos_request_options_create(p);
        options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);
        init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->appid, TEST_APPID);
        options->config->is_cname = is_cname;
        options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);
        cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);
        //upload part from file
        int res = COSE_OK;
        cos_upload_file_t *upload_file = NULL;
        cos_file_buf_t *fb = cos_create_file_buf(p);
        res = cos_open_file_for_all_read(p, TEST_MULTIPART_FILE, fb);
        if (res != COSE_OK) {
            cos_error_log("Open read file fail, filename:%s\n", TEST_MULTIPART_FILE);
        file_length = fb->file_last;
        while(pos < file_length) {
            upload_file = cos_create_upload_file(p);
            cos_str_set(&upload_file->filename, TEST_MULTIPART_FILE);
            upload_file->file_pos = pos;
            pos += 2 * 1024 * 1024;
            upload_file->file_last = pos < file_length ? pos : file_length; //2MB
            s = cos_upload_part_from_file(options, &bucket, &object, &upload_id,
                    part_num++, upload_file, &resp_headers);
            if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {
                printf("upload part succeeded\n");
            } else {
                printf("upload part failed\n");
        //destroy memory pool

    Complete Multipart Upload

    Feature description

    Complete Multipart Upload is used to complete the entire multipart upload. After you have uploaded all the file chunks using Upload Parts, you can use this API to complete the upload. When using this API, you need to provide the PartNumber and ETag for every chunk in Body, to verify the accuracy of chunks.

    Method prototype

    cos_status_t *cos_complete_multipart_upload(const cos_request_options_t *options,
                                                const cos_string_t *bucket, 
                                                const cos_string_t *object, 
                                                const cos_string_t *upload_id, 
                                                cos_list_t *part_list, 
                                                cos_table_t *headers,
                                                cos_table_t **resp_headers);


    Parameter Name Description Type
    options COS request option
    bucket Bucket name, which must be in a format of {name}-{appid} String
    object Object name String
    upload_id Upload task number String
    part_list Parameter for the Complete Multipart Upload operation Struct
    part_number Part number String
    etag ETag value of a part, which is sha1 check value. It must be enclosed in double quotes, such as "3a0f1fd698c235af9cf098cb74aa25bc" String
    headers Additional COS request header Struct
    resp_headers Returns HTTP response header Struct

    Returned result

    Returned Result Description Type
    code Error Codes Int
    error_code Error description String
    error_msg Error message String
    req_id Request message ID String


        cos_pool_t *p = NULL;
        int is_cname = 0;
        cos_status_t *s = NULL;
        cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;
        cos_string_t bucket;
        cos_string_t object;
        cos_string_t file;
        cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;
        cos_list_part_content_t *part_content = NULL;
        cos_complete_part_content_t *complete_part_content = NULL;
        int part_num = 1;
        int64_t pos = 0;
        int64_t file_length = 0;
        //create memory pool
        cos_pool_create(&p, NULL);
        //init request options
        options = cos_request_options_create(p);
        options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);
        init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->appid, TEST_APPID);
        options->config->is_cname = is_cname;
        options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);
        cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);
        //list part
        params = cos_create_list_upload_part_params(p);
        params->max_ret = 1000;
        s = cos_list_upload_part(options, &bucket, &object, &upload_id, 
                                 params, &resp_headers);
        if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {
            printf("List multipart succeeded\n");
        } else {
            printf("List multipart failed\n");
        cos_list_for_each_entry(cos_list_part_content_t, part_content, &params->part_list, node) {
            complete_part_content = cos_create_complete_part_content(p);
            cos_str_set(&complete_part_content->part_number, part_content->part_number.data);
            cos_str_set(&complete_part_content->etag, part_content->etag.data);
            cos_list_add_tail(&complete_part_content->node, &complete_part_list);
        //complete multipart
        s = cos_complete_multipart_upload(options, &bucket, &object, &upload_id,
                &complete_part_list, complete_headers, &resp_headers);
        if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {
            printf("Complete multipart upload from file succeeded, upload_id:%.*s\n", 
                   upload_id.len, upload_id.data);
        } else {
            printf("Complete multipart upload from file failed\n");
        //destroy memory pool

    List Parts

    Feature description

    This API (List Parts) is used to query the uploaded parts in a specific multipart upload process.

    Method prototype

    cos_status_t *cos_list_upload_part(const cos_request_options_t *options,
                                       const cos_string_t *bucket, 
                                       const cos_string_t *object, 
                                       const cos_string_t *upload_id, 
                                       cos_list_upload_part_params_t *params,
                                       cos_table_t **resp_headers);


    Parameter Name Description Type
    options COS request option Struct
    bucket Bucket name, which must be in a format of {name}-{appid} String
    object Object name String
    upload_id Upload task number String
    params Parameter for the List Parts operation Struct
    part_number_marker Entries are listed using UTF-8 binary order by default, starting from the marker String
    encoding_type The encoding method of the returned value String
    max_ret Maximum number of entries returned at a time. Default is 1,000 String
    truncated Indicates whether the returned entry is truncated. Value: 'true' or 'false' Boolean
    next_part_number_marker If the returned entry is truncated, NextMarker represents the starting point of the next entry String
    part_list Information on completed part Struct
    part_number Part number String
    size Part size (in bytes) String
    etag SHA-1 algorithm check value for the part String
    last_modified The time when the part was last modified String
    resp_headers Returns HTTP response header Struct

    Returned result

    Returned Result Description Type
    code Error code Int
    error_code Error description String
    error_msg Error message String
    req_id Request message ID String


        cos_pool_t *p = NULL;
        int is_cname = 0;
        cos_status_t *s = NULL;
        cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;
        cos_string_t bucket;
        cos_string_t object;
        cos_string_t file;
        cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;
        cos_list_part_content_t *part_content = NULL;
        cos_complete_part_content_t *complete_part_content = NULL;
        int part_num = 1;
        int64_t pos = 0;
        int64_t file_length = 0;
        //create memory pool
        cos_pool_create(&p, NULL);
        //init request options
        options = cos_request_options_create(p);
        options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);
        init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);
        cos_str_set(&options->config->appid, TEST_APPID);
        options->config->is_cname = is_cname;
        options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);
        cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);
        //list part
        params = cos_create_list_upload_part_params(p);
        params->max_ret = 1000;
        s = cos_list_upload_part(options, &bucket, &object, &upload_id, 
                                 params, &resp_headers);
        if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {
            printf("List multipart succeeded\n");
        } else {
            printf("List multipart failed\n");
        cos_list_for_each_entry(cos_list_part_content_t, part_content, &params->part_list, node) {
            complete_part_content = cos_create_complete_part_content(p);
            cos_str_set(&complete_part_content->part_number, part_content->part_number.data);
            cos_str_set(&complete_part_content->etag, part_content->etag.data);
            cos_list_add_tail(&complete_part_content->node, &complete_part_list);
        //complete multipart
        s = cos_complete_multipart_upload(options, &bucket, &object, &upload_id,
                &complete_part_list, complete_headers, &resp_headers);
        if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {
            printf("Complete multipart upload from file succeeded, upload_id:%.*s\n", 
                   upload_id.len, upload_id.data);
        } else {
            printf("Complete multipart upload from file failed\n");
        //destroy memory pool

    Abort Multipart Upload

    Feature description

    This API (Abort Multipart Upload) is used to abort a multipart upload operation and delete uploaded file chunks. When Abort Multipart Upload is called, a failure is returned for any request that is using Upload Parts.

    Method prototype

    cos_status_t *cos_abort_multipart_upload(const cos_request_options_t *options,
                                             const cos_string_t *bucket, 
                                             const cos_string_t *object, 
                                             cos_string_t *upload_id, 
                                             cos_table_t **resp_headers);


    Parameter Name Description Type
    options COS request option Struct
    bucket Bucket name, which must be in a format of {name}-{appid} String
    object Object name String
    upload_id Upload task number String
    resp_headers Returns HTTP response header Struct

    Returned result

    Returned Result Description Type
    code Error code Int
    error_code Error description String
    error_msg Error message String
    req_id Request message ID String


        cos_pool_t *p = NULL;
        cos_string_t bucket;
        cos_string_t object;
        int is_cname = 0;
        cos_table_t *headers = NULL;
        cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;
        cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;
        cos_string_t upload_id;
        cos_status_t *s = NULL;
        //create memory pool & init request options
        cos_pool_create(&p, NULL);
        options = cos_request_options_create(p);
        init_test_request_options(options, is_cname);
        headers = cos_table_make(p, 1);
        cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);
        cos_str_set(&object, TEST_MULTIPART_OBJECT);
        //init multipart upload
        s = cos_init_multipart_upload(options, &bucket, &object, 
                                      &upload_id, headers, &resp_headers);
        if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {
            printf("Init multipart upload succeeded, upload_id:%.*s\n", 
                   upload_id.len, upload_id.data);
        } else {
            printf("Init multipart upload failed\n"); 
        //abort multipart upload
        s = cos_abort_multipart_upload(options, &bucket, &object, &upload_id, 
        if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {
            printf("Abort multipart upload succeeded, upload_id::%.*s\n", 
                   upload_id.len, upload_id.data);
        } else {
            printf("Abort multipart upload failed\n"); 

    List Multipart Uploads

    Feature description

    This API (List Multiparts Uploads) is used to query multipart upload operations that are still in process. Up to 1000 such operations can be listed each time.

    Method prototype

    cos_status_t *cos_list_multipart_upload(const cos_request_options_t *options,
                                            const cos_string_t *bucket, 
                                            cos_list_multipart_upload_params_t *params, 
                                            cos_table_t **resp_headers);


    Parameter Name Description Type
    options COS request option Struct
    bucket Bucket name, which must be in a format of {name}-{appid} String
    params Parameter for the List Multipart Uploads operation Struct
    encoding_type The encoding method of the returned value String
    prefix Indicates the prefix match, which is used to specify the prefix address of the returned file String
    upload_id_marker If the returned entry is truncated, NextMarker represents the starting point of the next entry String
    delimiter Delimiter is a sign.
    If Prefix exists, the same paths between Prefix and delimiter are grouped as the same type and defined as Common Prefix, and then all Common Prefixes are listed.
    If Prefix does not exist, the listing process starts from the beginning of the path.
    max_ret Maximum number of entries returned at a time. Default is 1,000 String
    key_marker Used together with upload-id-marker.
    If upload-id-marker is not specified, entries whose ObjectNames are in front of key-marker (according to alphabetical order) will be listed.
    If upload-id-marker is specified, entries whose ObjectNames are in front of key-marker (according to alphabetical order) will be listed, and entries whose ObjectNames are equal to key-marker and UploadIDs are in front of upload-id-marker (according to alphabetical order) will also be listed.
    upload_id_marker Used together with key-marker.
    If key-marker is not specified, upload-id-marker will be ignored.
    If key-marker is specified, entries whose ObjectNames are in front of key-marker (according to alphabetical order) will be listed, and entries whose ObjectNames are equal to key-marker and UploadIDs are in front of upload-id-marker (according to alphabetical order) will also be listed.
    truncated Indicates whether the returned entry is truncated. Value: 'true' or 'false' Boolean
    next_key_marker If the returned entry is truncated, NextMarker represents the starting point of the next entry String
    next_upload_id_marker If the returned entry is truncated, NextMarker represents the starting point of the next entry String
    upload_list Provides information on multipart upload Struct
    key Object name String
    upload_id The ID of current multipart upload String
    initiated Indicates the start time of current multipart upload. String
    resp_headers Returns HTTP response header Struct
    typedef struct {
        cos_list_t node;
        cos_string_t key;
        cos_string_t upload_id;
        cos_string_t initiated;
    } cos_list_multipart_upload_content_t;

    Returned result

    Returned Result Description Type
    code Error code Int
    error_code Error description String
    error_msg Error message String
    req_id Request message ID String


        cos_pool_t *p = NULL;
        cos_string_t bucket;
        int is_cname = 0;
        cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;
        cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;
        cos_status_t *s = NULL;
        cos_list_multipart_upload_params_t *list_multipart_params = NULL;
        //create memory pool & init request options
        cos_pool_create(&p, NULL);
        options = cos_request_options_create(p);
        init_test_request_options(options, is_cname);
        cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);
        //list multipart upload
        list_multipart_params = cos_create_list_multipart_upload_params(p);
        list_multipart_params->max_ret = 999;
        s = cos_list_multipart_upload(options, &bucket, list_multipart_params, &resp_headers);

    Exception Description

    If the SDK operation fails, the result information can be found in the cos_status_t structure returned by the API.

    The cos_status_t structure comprises of the following:

    cos_status_t Member Description Type
    code Status code of the response. 4xx represents the request failure caused by the client, and 5xx represents the failure caused by the server exception For more information, please see COS Error Message Int
    error_code Error Code returned by body when request fails. For more information, please see COS Error Message String
    error_msg Error Message returned by body when request fails. For more information, please see COS Error Message String
    req_id Request ID, which is used to identify the user's unique request String
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