tencent cloud


C ++ SDK

Last updated: 2018-10-08 16:22:51
The documentation is not available now.

    Preparations for Development

    github Project

    Development Environment

    1. Install the library and header files of openssl http://www.openssl.org/source/
    2. Install the library and header files of curl https://curl.haxx.se/download.html
    3. Install the library and header files of jsoncpp https://github.com/open-source-parsers/jsoncpp
    4. Install the library and header files of boost http://www.boost.org/
    5. Install cmake tools http://www.cmake.org/download/
    6. Get APP ID, SecretID, SecretKey from the console.


    1. The sdk provides the library and header files of curl and jsoncpp, which can be replaced when the libraries above are complied. If the libraries above have been installed to the system, you can also delete the corresponding library and header files in the sdk.
    2. By default, curl does not support multithreaded environments. If the project uses multithreading, when executing "configure" during the compiling of curl, the parameter "--enable-ares" needs to be specified to enable asynchronous DNS resolution. This can be achieved through a c-ares library, and if the system does not have one, you can download it from http://c-ares.haxx.se/ for installation.
    3. Version 1.y.x of jsoncpp needs the support of c++11. If it is not supported by the compiler, you can use version 0.y.x.

    Configuring SDK

    Download the source code from github, and integrate it into your development environment.

    Execute the following command:

    cd ${cos-cpp-sdk} 
    mkdir -p build 
    cd build 
    cmake .. 

    There are examples of common APIs in cos_demo.cpp. The generated cos_demo can be run directly, and the generated static library name is libcossdk.a. Put the generated libcossdk.a under the lib path of your own project, and copy the include directory to the include path of your own project.

    Generating Signature

    Multiple-time Signature

    Method Prototype

    static string AppSignMuti(const uint64_t appId, 
                              const string &secretId, 
                              const string &secretKey, 
                              const uint64_t expired_time, 
                              const string &bucketName);

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Required Default Value Description
    appId uint64_t Yes None APP ID of the project
    secretId String Yes None Secret ID of the user
    secretKey String Yes None SecretKey of the user
    expired_time uint64_t No None Expiration time, Unix timestamp
    bucketName String No None bucket name

    Returned Result

    Return value: signature string


    uint64_t expired = time(NULL) + 60;
    string sign = Auth::AppSignMuti(10000000,"SecretId","SecretKey",expired,"bucketName");

    One-time Signature

    Method Prototype

    static string AppSignOnce(const uint64_t appId, 
                              const string &secretId, 
                              const string &secretKey, 
                              const string &path, 
                              const string &bucketName);

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Required Default Value Description
    appId uint64_t Yes None APP ID of the project
    secretId String Yes None SecretId of the project
    secretKey String Yes None SecretKey of the project
    bucketName String No None bucket name
    path String Yes None File path, which shall begin with a forward slash. For example, /filepath/filename is the full path of the file under the bucketname

    Returned Result

    Return value: signature string


    string path= "/myFloder/myFile.rar";
    sign = Auth::AppSignOnce(10000000, "SecretId", "SecretKey", path, bucketName);


    API description: Before using COS, you need to set COS system parameters, and then create CosConfig and CosAPI objects respectively. All the COS operations are based on CosAPI objects.

    Configuring File

    "Region":"sh",   //COS region. East China region: sh; South China region: gz; North China region: tj. Both upload and download domains are related to it, so it has to be correct
    "SignExpiredTime":360, //Signature timeout
    "CurlConnectTimeoutInms":180,  //http timeout
    "CurlGlobalConnectTimeoutInms":360, //
    "UploadSliceSize":1048576, //File part size. Available values include 524288, 1048576, 2097152, and 3145728
    "IsUploadTakeSha":0, //Indicate whether the file is uploaded with sha value. 0: Without, 1: With
    "DownloadDomainType":2, //Download domain type. 1: cdn, 2: cos, 3: innercos, 4: Custom domain
    "SelfDomain":"",//Custom domain
    "UploadThreadPoolSize":5, //Thread pool size for uploading a single file in multipart
    "AsynThreadPoolSize":2, //Thread pool size for asynchronous upload and download
    "LogoutType":1 //Log output type. 0: Not output, 1: Output to screen, 2: Output to syslog

    COS API Object Construction Prototype

    CosConfig(const string& config_file);
    CosAPI(CosConfig& config);

    Creating a Directory

    API Description: It is used to create a directory. A directory can be created under specified bucket through this API.

    Method Prototype

    string CosAPI::FolderCreate(FolderCreateReq& request);

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
    request FolderCreateReq None Directory creation request
    request Member Type Default Value Setting Method Description
    bucket string None Constructor bucket name
    cosPath string None Constructor Destination path for uploading
    bizAttr string Empty string Constructor Folder attribute

    Returned Result

    The json string of the request result from the function return value will be returned

    Parameter Name Type Description
    code Int Error code. 0 indicates success
    message String Description information
    data Array Returned data. Refer to "Restful API Directory Creation"


    FolderCreateReq folderCreateReq(bucket,folder,folder_biz_attr);
    string rsp = cos.FolderCreate(folderCreateReq);

    Updating Directory

    API Description: It is used to update the custom attribute of a directory business. The custom attribute field of a business can be updated through this API.

    Method Prototype

    string FolderUpdate(FolderUpdateReq& request);

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
    request FolderUpdateReq None Directory update request
    Parameter Name Type Default Value Setting Method Description
    bucket String None Constructor bucket name
    cosPath String None Constructor Full path of a directory
    bizAttr string Null Constructor Folder attribute

    Returned Result

    The json string of the request result from the function return value will be returned

    Parameter Name Type Description
    code Int Error code. 0 indicates success
    message String Description information
    data Array Returned data. Refer to "Restful API Directory Update"


    FolderUpdateReq folderUpdateReq(bucket,folder, folder_biz_attr);
    string rsp = cos.FolderUpdate(folderUpdateReq);

    Querying a Directory

    API Description: It is used to query the directory attribute. The attribute of a directory can be queried through this API.

    Method Prototype

    string CosAPI::FolderStat(FolderStatReq& request);

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
    request FolderUpdateReq None Directory query request
    Parameter Name Type Default Value Setting Method Description
    bucket String None Constructor bucket name
    cosPath String None Constructor Full path of a directory

    Returned Result

    The json string of the request result from the function return value will be returned

    Parameter Name Type Description
    code Int Error code. 0 indicates success
    message String Description information


    FolderStatReq folderStatReq(bucket,folder);
    string rsp = cos.FolderStat(folderStatReq);

    Deleting a Directory

    API Description: It is used to delete a directory. Empty directories can be deleted through this API, but a directory with valid files or directories cannot be deleted.

    Method Prototype

    string CosAPI::FolderDelete(FolderDeleteReq& request);

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
    request FiledeleteReq None File deletion request
    Parameter Name Type Default Value Setting Method Description
    bucket String None Constructor bucket name
    cosPath String None Constructor Full path of a directory

    Returned Result

    The json string of the request result from the function return value will be returned

    Parameter Name Type Description
    code Int Error code. 0 indicates success
    message String Description information


    FolderDeleteReq folderDeleteReq(bucket,folder);
    string rsp = cos.FolderDelete(folderDeleteReq);

    List of Directories

    API Description: It is used to list the files and directories under a directory. The attributes of the files and directories under a directory can be queried through this API.

    Method Prototype

    string CosAPI::FolderList(FolderListReq& request);

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
    request FolderUpdateReq None Directory list request
    Parameter Name Type Default Value Setting Method Description
    bucket String None Constructor bucket name
    cosPath String None Constructor Full path of a directory
    listNum int 1000 Constructors Number of entries for the query. The maximum is 1000
    context string Empty string Constructor Query context. If you want to query the first page, an empty string should be passed. To turn pages, "context" in the query response of the previous page needs to be set in the parameter

    Returned Result

    The json string of the request result from the function return value will be returned

    Parameter Name Type Required Description
    code Int Yes Error code. 0 indicates success
    message String Yes Description information
    data Array Yes Returned data, refer to "Restful API List of Directories"


    FolderListReq folderListReq(bucket,folder);
    string rsp = cos.FolderList(folderListReq);

    Uploading a File

    API description: File upload, including single file upload and multipart upload (Files over 8 M need to be uploaded in parts).

    Method Prototype

    string CosAPI::FileUpload(FileUploadReq& request);

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
    request FileUploadReq None File upload request
    Parameter Name Type Default Value Setting Method Description
    bucket String None Constructor bucket name
    srcPath String None Constructor Path of local file to be uploaded
    cosPath String None Constructor Full path of a file
    bizAttr string None setBizAttr() File attribute
    insertOnly int 1 Constructor and setInsertOnly() Indicate whether to overwrite the file with the same name. 0 means overwriting the file with the same name. 1 means not overwriting, and when the file exists, an error will be returned
    sliceSize int 1048576 setSliceSize() Size of a part. Available values include 512K, 1M (default), 2M, and 3M. It needs to be converted to bytes

    Returned Result

    The json string of the request result from the function return value will be returned

    Parameter Name Type Required Description
    code Int Yes Error code. 0 indicates success
    message String Yes Description information
    data Array No Returned data. Refer to "Restful API File Upload"


    FileUploadReq fileUploadReq(bucket, srcPath, dstPath);
    string rsp = cos.FileUpload(fileUploadReq);

    Updating a File

    API Description: It is used to update the custom attribute of a directory business. The custom attribute field of a business can be updated through this API.

    Method Prototype

    string CosAPI::FileUpdate(FileUpdateReq& request);

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
    request FileUpdateReq None File update request
    Parameter Name Type Required Setting Method Description
    bucket String Yes Constructor bucket name
    cosPath String Yes Constructor Path of the file in Cloud Object Storage
    bizAttr string No setBizAttr() File attribute
    authority string No setAuthority() File permission. The valid values of bucket permissions will be inherited by default: eInvalid (inherit bucket), eWRPrivate (private), eWPrivateRPublic (public-read)
    forbid int No setForbid() Flag of being banned for a file
    custom_header map No setCustomHeader() Custom attribute

    custom_header Description

    Parameter Name Type Required Description
    Cache-Control string No Refer to the Cache-Control in HTTP header
    Content-Type string No Refer to the Content-Type in HTTP header
    Content-Disposition string No Refer to the Content-Language in HTTP header
    Content-Language string No Refer to the Content-Disposition in HTTP header
    Content-Encoding string No Refer to the Content-Encoding in HTTP header
    x-cos-meta- string No Customized HTTP header. Parameters must start with x-cos-meta-, and the value is defined by the user. Multiple values are allowed

    Tips: custom_header is updated as a whole, i.e., you can choose to update some of the attributes, and if you just update some, other attributes will be erased.

    Returned Result

    The json string of the request result from the function return value will be returned:

    Parameter Name Type Required Description
    code Int Yes Error code. 0 indicates success
    message String Yes Description information


    FileUpdateReq fileUpdateReq(bucket,dstpath);
    string rsp = cos.FileUpdate(fileUpdateReq);

    Querying a File

    API Description: It is used to query a file. Attributes of a file can be queried through this API.

    Method Prototype

    string CosAPI::FileStat(FileStatReq& request)

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
    request FileStatReq None File query list request


    Parameter Name Type Required Default Value Description
    bucket String Yes None bucket name
    cosPath String Yes None Full path of the file in Cloud Object Storage

    Returned Result

    The json string of the request result from the function return value will be returned

    Parameter Name Type Required Description
    code Int Yes Error code. 0 indicates success
    message String Yes Error message
    data Array Yes Returned data. Refer to "Restful API Query for File"


    FileStatReq fileStatReq(bucket,dstpath);
    string rsp = cos.FileStat(fileStatReq);

    Deleting a File

    API Description: It is used to delete a file. An uploaded file can be deleted through this API.

    Method Prototype

    FileDeleteReq fileDeleteReq(bucket,dstpath);
    string rsp = cos.FileDelete(fileDeleteReq);

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
    request FiledeleteReq None File deletion request


    Parameter Name Type Required Default Value Description
    bucket String Yes None bucket name
    cosPath String Yes None Full path of the file in Cloud Object Storage

    Returned Result

    The json string of the request result from the function return value will be returned

    Parameter Name Type Required Description
    code Int Yes Error code. 0 indicates success
    message String Yes Description information


    FileDeleteReq fileDeleteReq(bucket,dstpath);
    string rsp = cos.FileDelete(fileDeleteReq);
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