tencent cloud


Java SDK

Last updated: 2018-08-24 09:24:18
The documentation is not available now.

    Preparations for Development

    cos java sdk v4 github Project

    Environment Dependency

    JDK 1.7

    Installing SDK

    • maven installation

    Add dependencies to Pom.xml

    • Source code installation

    Download source codes from cos java sdk v4 github

    Uninstalling SDK

    Delete pom dependencies or source codes

    Historical Version

    Version 4.2 is specifically designed for the COS 4.X system whose APIs are basically the same as 3.x. If you need the historical version, please refer to cos java sdk v3 github

    Generating Client Object

    Initializing Key Information

            long appId = 1000000;
            String secretId = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
            String secretKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
            // Set the bucket to be operated
            String bucketName = "xxxxxxxxx";
            // Initialize key information
            Credentials cred = new Credentials(appId, secretId, secretKey);

    Initializing Client Configuration (e.g. Set the Region)

            // Initialize client configuration
            ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig();
            // Set the region of the bucket. For example, South China: "gz", North China: "tj" and East China: "sh";

    Generating the Client

            // Initialize cosClient
            COSClient cosClient = new COSClient(clientConfig, cred);

    Uploading a File

    Method Prototype

    String uploadFile(UploadFileRequest request);

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
    request UploadFileRequest None Uploading file request
    request Member Type Default Value Setting Method Description
    bucketName String None Constructor or set method bucket name
    cosPath String None Constructor or set method cos path, which must start with the root / under the bucket. File path cannot end with /. For example, /mytest/demo.txt
    localPath String None Constructor or set method The absolute path uploaded via disk files
    contentBufer byte[] None Constructor or set method buffer content uploaded via memory
    bizAttr String Null Constructor or set method Note for file, mainly the description of the use of the file
    insertOnly InsertOnly (enumeration) NO_OVER_WRITE (not overwrite) set method Indicate whether to insert only and not overwrite the existing file. NO_OVER_WRITE means inserting only and not overwriting the existing file; when the file exists, an error will be returned. OVER_WRITE means overwriting the existing file
    enableShaDigest boolean false set method Indicate whether to calculate sha digest. If enabled, when there is a file containing same content under the bucket, instant upload will be triggered. Calculating sha consumes a certain CPU and time. Thus, it is recommended that you do not enable it for large files.
    taskNum int 16 set method Number of concurrent file uploads

    Returned Value

    Type of Returned Value Description of Returned Value
    String {'code':\$code, 'message':$mess, 'data':\$data}. If "code" is 0, it means success. "message" indicates SUCCESS or failure reason. "data" contains related attributes. For details, refer to the Returned Value module


    UploadFileRequest uploadFileRequest = new UploadFileRequest(bucketName,         "/sample_file.txt", "local_file_1.txt");
    String uploadFileRet = cosClient.uploadFile(uploadFileRequest);

    Downloading a File

    Method Prototype

    String getFileLocal(GetFileLocalRequest request);

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
    request GetFileLocalRequest None Request for downloading files
    request Member Type Default Value Setting Method Description
    bucketName String None Constructor or set method bucket name
    cosPath String None Constructor or set method cos path, which must start with the root / under the bucket. File path cannot end with /. For example, /mytest/demo.txt
    localPath String None Constructor or set method The local path to be downloaded
    useCDN boolean true set method Indicate whether to download from CDN
    referer String Empty string set method Referer configuration (for bucket that enables refer hotlink protection)
    rangeStart long 0 set method Start of download range. Refer to Http Range
    rangeEnd long Long.MAX_VALUE set method End of download range. Refer to Http Range


    String localPathDown = "src/test/resources/local_file_down.txt";
    GetFileLocalRequest getFileLocalRequest =
      new GetFileLocalRequest(bucketName, cosFilePath, localPathDown);
    String getFileResult = cosClient.getFileLocal(getFileLocalRequest);

    Moving a File

    Method Prototype

    String moveFile(MoveFileRequest request);

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
    request MoveFileRequest None Request for moving files
    request Member Type Default Value Setting Method Description
    bucketName String None Constructor or set method bucket name
    cosPath String None Constructor or set method cos path, which must start with the root / under the bucket. File path cannot end with /. For example, /mytest/demo.txt
    dstCosPath String None Constructor or set method Destination path for moving files, which must start with the root / under the bucket. File path cannot end with /. For example, /mytest/demo.txt.move
    overWrite Enumeration type NO_OVER_WRITE (not overwrite) set method setOverWrite When the moved target file already exists, you can choose to overwrite or not overwrite it. Not overwrite by default


    String cosFilePath = "/sample_file.txt";
    String dstCosFilePath = "/sample_file.txt.bak";
    MoveFileRequest moveRequest =
      new MoveFileRequest(bucketName, cosFilePath, dstCosFilePath);
    String moveFileResult = cosClient.moveFile(moveRequest);

    Getting File Attributes

    Method Prototype

    String statFile(StatFileRequest request);

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
    request StatFileRequest None Getting file attribute request
    request Member Type Default Value Setting Method Description
    bucketName String None Constructor or set method bucket name
    cosPath String None Constructor or set method cos path, which must start with the root / under the bucket. File path cannot end with /. For example, /mytest/demo.txt

    Returned Value

    Type of Returned Value Description of Returned Value
    String {'code':\$code, 'message':$mess, 'data':\$data}. If "code" is 0, it means success. "message" indicates SUCCESS or failure reason. "data" contains related attributes. For details, refer to the Returned Value module


    StatFileRequest statFileRequest = new StatFileRequest(bucketName, "/sample_file.txt");
    String statFileRet = cosClient.statFile(statFileRequest);

    Updating File Attributes

    Method Prototype

    String updateFile(UpdateFileRequest request);

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
    request UpdateFileRequest None Updating file attribute request
    request Member Type Default Value Setting Method Description
    bucketName String None Constructor or set method bucket name
    cosPath String None Constructor or set method cos path, which must start with the root / under the bucket. File path cannot end with /. For example, /mytest/demo.txt
    bizAttr String None set method Note for file, mainly the description of the use of the file
    authority String (enumeration) None set method File permissions. The valid values of bucket permissions will be inherited by default: eInvalid (inherit bucket), eWRPrivate (private), eWPrivateRPublic (public-read)
    cacheControl String None set method Refer to the Cache-Control in HTTP header
    contentType String None set method Refer to the Content-Type in HTTP header
    contentLanguage String None set method Refer to the Content-Language in HTTP header
    contentDisposition String None set method Refer to the Content-Disposition in HTTP header
    x-cos-meta- String None set method Customized HTTP header. Parameters must start with x-cos-meta-, and the value is defined by the user. Multiple values are allowed

    Tips: You can update only some of the attributes. For the HTTP headers cache_control, content_type, content_disposition and x-cos-meta-, if you just update some, other headers will be erased. That is, these four attributes are updated as a whole.

    Returned Value

    Type of Returned Value Description of Returned Value
    String {'code':\$code, 'message':$mess}. If "code" is 0, it means success. "message" indicates SUCCESS or failure reason. For details, refer to the Returned Value module


    UpdateFileRequest updateFileRequest = new UpdateFileRequest(bucketName, "/sample_file.txt");
    updateFileRequest.setBizAttr("Test directory");
    updateFileRequest.setCacheControl("no cache");
    updateFileRequest.setXCosMeta("x-cos-meta-xxx", "xxx");
    updateFileRequest.setXCosMeta("x-cos-meta-yyy", "yyy");
    String updateFileRet = cosClient.updateFile(updateFileRequest);

    Deleting a File

    Method Prototype

    String delFile(DelFileRequest request);

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
    request DelFileRequest None Deleting file request
    request Member Type Default Value Setting Method Description
    bucketName String None Constructor or set method bucket name
    cosPath String None Constructor or set method cos path, which must start with the root / under the bucket. File path cannot end with /. For example, /mytest/demo.txt

    Returned Value

    Type of Returned Value Description of Returned Value
    String {'code':\$code, 'message':$mess}. If "code" is 0, it means success. "message" indicates SUCCESS or failure reason. For details, refer to the Returned Value module


    DelFileRequest delFileRequest = new DelFileRequest(bucketName, "/sample_file_move.txt");
    String delFileRet = cosClient.delFile(delFileRequest);

    Creating a Directory

    Method Prototype

    String createFolder(CreateFolderRequest request);

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
    request CreateFolderRequest None Creating directory request
    request Member Type Default Value Setting Method Description
    bucketName String None Constructor or set method bucket name
    cosPath String None Constructor or set method cos path, which must start with the root / under the bucket. Directory path must end with /. For example, /mytest/dir/
    bizAttr String Null set method Note for directory, mainly the description of the use of the directory

    Returned Value

    Type of Returned Value Description of Returned Value
    String {'code':\$code, 'message':$mess}. If "code" is 0, it means success. "message" indicates SUCCESS or failure reason. For details, refer to the Returned Value module


    CreateFolderRequest createFolderRequest = new CreateFolderRequest(bucketName, "/sample_folder/");
    String createFolderRet = cosClient.createFolder(createFolderRequest);

    Getting Directory Attributes

    Method Prototype

    String statFolder(StatFolderRequest request);

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
    request StatFolderRequest None Getting directory attribute request
    request Member Type Default Value Setting Method Description
    bucketName String None Constructor or set method bucket name
    cosPath String None Constructor or set method cos path, which must start with the root / under the bucket. Directory path must end with /. For example, /mytest/dir/

    Returned Value

    Type of Returned Value Description of Returned Value
    String {'code':\$code, 'message':$mess, 'data':\$data}. If "code" is 0, it means success. "message" indicates SUCCESS or failure reason. "data" contains related attributes. For details, refer to the Returned Value module


    StatFolderRequest statFolderRequest = new StatFolderRequest(bucketName, "/sample_folder/");
    String statFolderRet = cosClient.statFolder(statFolderRequest);

    Updating Directory Attributes

    Method Prototype

    String updateFolder(UpdateFolderRequest request);

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
    request UpdateFolderRequest None Updating directory attribute request
    request Member Type Default Value Setting Method Description
    bucketName String None Constructor or set method bucket name
    cosPath String None Constructor or set method cos path, which must start with the root / under the bucket. Directory path must end with /. For example, /mytest/dir/
    bizAttr String Null set method Note for directory, mainly the description of the use of the directory

    Returned Value

    Type of Returned Value Description of Returned Value
    String {'code':\$code, 'message':$mess}. If "code" is 0, it means success. "message" indicates SUCCESS or failure reason. For details, refer to the Returned Value module


    UpdateFolderRequest updateFolderRequest = new UpdateFolderRequest(bucketName, "/sample_folder/");
    updateFolderRequest.setBizAttr("This is a test directory");
    String updateFolderRet = cosClient.updateFolder(updateFolderRequest);

    Getting List of Directories

    Method Prototype

    String listFolder(ListFolderRequest request);

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
    request ListFolderRequest None Getting directory member request
    request Member Type Default Value Setting Method Description
    bucketName String None Constructor or set method bucket name
    cosPath String None Constructor or set method cos path, which must start with the root / under the bucket. Directory path must end with /. For example, /mytest/dir/
    num int 199 Constructor or set method Number of members in the list obtained. The maximum is 199
    prefix String Null Constructor or set method Prefix of members for search. For example, if the prefix is test, it means only searching files or directories that start with test
    context String Null Constructor or set method Transparently transmitted field, which is obtained from the response content. If you want to query the first page, an empty string should be passed as context. To turn pages, the context in the returned content of the previous page should be transparently transmitted to the parameter

    Returned Value

    Type of Returned Value Description of Returned Value
    String {'code':\$code, 'message':$mess, 'data':\$data}. If "code" is 0, it means success. "message" indicates SUCCESS or failure reason. "data" contains the member list. For details, refer to the Returned Value module


    ListFolderRequest listFolderRequest = new ListFolderRequest(bucketName, "/sample_folder/");
    String listFolderRet = cosClient.listFolder(listFolderRequest);

    Deleting a Directory

    Method Prototype

    String delFolder(DelFolderRequest request);

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
    request DelFolderRequest None Deleting directory request
    request Member Type Default Value Setting Method Description
    bucketName String None Constructor or set method bucket name
    cosPath String None Constructor or set method cos path, which must start with the root / under the bucket. Directory path must end with /. For example, /mytest/dir/

    Returned Value

    Type of Returned Value Description of Returned Value
    String {'code':\$code, 'message':$mess}. If "code" is 0, it means success. "message" indicates SUCCESS or failure reason. For details, refer to the Returned Value module


    DelFolderRequest delFolderRequest = new DelFolderRequest(bucketName, "/sample_folder/");
    String delFolderRet = cosClient.delFolder(delFolderRequest);

    Signature Management

    The signature module provides APIs for generating multiple-time signature, one-time signature, and download signature. The multiple-time signature and one-time signature are used within the APIs of file-related and directory-related operations, so users do not need to care about them. The download signature is used to help users generate the signature for downloading the private bucket file.

    Multiple-time Signature

    String getPeriodEffectiveSign(String bucketName, String cosPath, Credentials cred, long expired)

    Usage Scenarios

    Uploading files, renaming files, creating directories, getting file and directory attributes, and pulling lists of directories

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
    bucket String None bucket name
    cos_path unicode None The cos path that needs a signature
    cred Credentials None User identity information, including appid, secretId, and secretkey
    expired long None Expiration time of the signature, Unix timestamp

    Returned Value

    String encoded with base64


    Credentials cred = new Credentials(appId, secretId, secretKey);
    long expired = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000 + 600;
    String signStr = Sign.getPeriodEffectiveSign(bucketName, "/pic/test.jpg", cred, expired);

    One-time Signature

    String getOneEffectiveSign(String bucketName, String cosPath, Credentials cred)

    Usage Scenarios

    Deleting and updating files and directories

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
    bucket unicode None bucket name
    cos_path unicode None The cos path that needs a signature
    cred Credentials None User identity information, including appid, secretId, and secretkey

    Returned Value

    String encoded with base64


    Credentials cred = new Credentials(appId, secretId, secretKey);
    String signStr = Sign.getOneEffectiveSign(bucketName, "/pic/test.jpg", cred);

    Download Signature

    String getDownLoadSign(String bucketName, String cosPath, Credentials cred, long expired)

    Usage Scenarios

    Generating download signature of file for downloading private bucket files

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Default Value Description
    bucket unicode None bucket name
    cos_path unicode None The cos path that needs a signature
    cred Credentials None User identity information, including appid, secretId, and secretkey
    expired long None Expiration time of the signature, Unix timestamp

    Returned Value

    String encoded with base64


    Credentials cred = new Credentials(appId, secretId, secretKey);
    long expired = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000 + 600;
    String signStr = Sign.getDownLoadSign(bucketName, "/pic/test.jpg", cred, expired);

    Returned Value

    Code Meaning
    0 Operation succeeded
    -1 Incorrect input parameter. For example, the local file path entered does not exist; cos file path does not conform to standards
    -2 Network error, such as 404
    -3 An exception occurs while trying to connect cos, such as connection timeout
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