tencent cloud


Android SDK

Last updated: 2019-08-14 10:49:06
The documentation is not available now.

    Preparations for Development

    Acquiring SDK

    Android SDK for Cloud Object Storage (COS) can be downloaded from Android SDK.

    For more examples, refer to Android SDK Demo.

    Preparations for Development

    1. Android 2.2 or later version is supported for SDK;
    2. Your mobile phone must be connected to such networks as GPRS, 3G or WIFI;
    3. Some features may not function properly if there is not enough storage space on your mobile phone;
    4. Get APP ID, SecretID and SecretKey from the Console. For more information, refer to Permission Control.

    Configuring SDK

    Import the following jar packages into configuration project:

    • cos-android-sdk1.4.2.jar
    • okhttp-3.2.0.jar
    • okio-1.6.0.jar

    SDK needs some permissions related to network access. The following permission entries should be included in AndroidManifest.xml:

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE"/>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE"/>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK"/>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>


    You need to instantiate COSClient and COSClientConfig before performing operations:

    Instantiating COSClientConfig

    Instantiate COSClientConfig object by calling COSClientConfig() method.

    COSClientConfig config = new COSClientConfig();

    Configuring COSClientConfig

    Method Description
    setEndPoint(COSEndPoint endPoint) Set the region: South China COSEndPoint.COS_GZ; North China COSEndPoint.COS_TJ; East China COSEndPoint.COS_SH. In SDK, default is South China.
    setConnectionTimeout(int connectionTimeout) Set connection timeout
    setSocketTimeout(int socketTimeout) Read timeout
    setMaxConnectionsCount(int maxConnectionsCount) Maximum number of concurrent connections
    setMaxRetryCount(int maxRetryCount) Number of retry attempts for a failed request

    Instantiating COSClient

    Instantiate COSClient object by calling COSClient (Context context, String appid, COSClientConfig config, String peristenceId) method.

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Required Description
    context Context Yes Context
    appid String Yes APPID registered with Tencent Cloud
    config COSClientConfig No Configuration setting
    persistenceId String No Persistence ID. Each COSClient needs to be configured with an unique ID for the persistent storage of the list of unfinished tasks, so that the upload task can be resumed when you reenter the application after exit. If this field is Null, the list cannot be stored persistently


    //Create COSClientConfig object, and modify default configuration parameters as required
    COSClientConfig config = new COSClientConfig();
    //Set the region
    Context context = getApplicationContext();
    String appid =  "APPID registered with Tencent Cloud";
    String peristenceId = "Persistence ID";
    //Create COSlient object to perform operations on COS
    COSClient cos = new COSClient(context,appid,config,peristenceId);

    Quick Start

    Initializing COSClient

    String appid =  "APPID registered with Tencent Cloud";
    Context context = getApplicationContext();
    String peristenceId = "Persistence ID";
    //Create COSClientConfig object, and modify default configuration parameters as required
    COSClientConfig config = new COSClientConfig();
    //For example, set the region
    COSClient cos = new COSClient(context,appid,config,peristenceId);

    Uploading a File

    String bucket = "cos space name";
    String cosPath = "Remote path, i.e. the path stored on COS";
    String srcPath = "Absolute path of local file";
    String sign = "Signature. Multiple-time signature is used here";
    PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest = new PutObjectRequest();
    putObjectRequest.setListener(new  IUploadTaskListener(){
        public void onSuccess(COSRequest cosRequest, COSResult cosResult) {
             PutObjectResult result = (PutObjectResult) cosResult;
             if(result != null){
                 StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                 stringBuilder.append(" Upload result: ret=" + result.code + "; msg =" +result.msg + "\n");
                 stringBuilder.append(" access_url= " + result.access_url == null ? "null" :result.access_url + "\n");
                 stringBuilder.append(" resource_path= " + result.resource_path == null ? "null" :result.resource_path + "\n");
                 stringBuilder.append(" url= " + result.url == null ? "null" :result.url);
         public void onFailed(COSRequest COSRequest, final COSResult cosResult) {
             Log.w("TEST","An error occurred during the upload: ret =" +cosResult.code + "; msg =" + cosResult.msg);
         public void onProgress(COSRequest cosRequest, final long currentSize, final long totalSize) {
             float progress = (float)currentSize/totalSize;
             progress = progress *100;
             Log.w("TEST","Progress: " + (int)progress + "%"); 

    Downloading a File

    String downloadURl =  "URL for downloading the file";
    String savePath = "The path under which the file is saved locally";
    String sign = "Signature is required if token hotlink protection is enabled, otherwise it is not required";
    GetObjectRequest getObjectRequest = new GetObjectRequest(downloadURl,savePath);
    getObjectRequest.setListener(new IDownloadTaskListener() {
        public void onProgress(COSRequest cosRequest, final long currentSize, final long totalSize) {
            float progress =  currentSize / (float)totalSize;
            progress = progress * 100;
            progressText.setText("progress =" + (int) (progress) + "%");
            Log.w("TEST", "progress =" + (int) (progress) + "%");
       public void onSuccess(COSRequest cosRequest, COSResult cosResult) {
           Log.w("TEST","code =" + cosResult.code + "; msg =" + cosResult.msg);
       public void onFailed(COSRequest COSRequest, COSResult cosResult) {
            Log.w("TEST","code =" + cosResult.code + "; msg =" + cosResult.msg);
    GetObjectResult getObjectResult = cos.getObject(getObjectRequest);                

    Generating Signature

    Signature Types:

    Type Description
    Multiple-time It can be used multiple times before the expiration time
    One-time It is bound to the source URL and only be used once

    Acquiring Signature:

    This is the SIGN used in SDK. It is recommended to use the server-side SDK and send the request to business server from mobile device.

    Creating a Directory

    Method Prototype

    You can create a directory under specified bucket by calling this API. The steps are as follows:

    1. Instantiate CreateDirRequest object by calling CreateDirRequest();
    2. Call createDir method of COSClient, input CreateDirRequest, and get the returned CreateDirResult object;

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Required Description
    appid String Yes APP ID of Tencent Cloud
    bucket String Yes Name of bucket to which the directory belongs
    cosPath String Yes The path under which the directory will be created
    biz_attr String No Attribute bound to the directory. This is maintained by the user's personnel.
    sign String Yes Signature information. Multiple-time signature is used here
    listener ICmdTaskListener No Result callback

    Returned Result

    Request result is returned through member variables of CreateDirResult object.

    Member Variable Name Type Description
    code String Result code
    msg String Detailed result information
    ctime long (Unix timestamp) Creation time


    CreateDirRequest createDirRequest = new CreateDirRequest();
    createDirRequest.setListener(new ICmdTaskListener() {
        public void onSuccess(COSRequest cosRequest, COSResult cosResult) {
            final CreateDirResult createDirResult = (CreateDirResult) cosResult;
            Log.w("TEST","Directory creation succeed: ret=" + createDirResult.code + "; msg=" + createDirResult.msg 
                +"ctime = " + createDirResult.ctime));
        public void onFailed(COSRequest COSRequest, final COSResult cosResult) {
             Log.w("TEST","Directory creation failed: ret=" + cosResult.code + "; msg=" + cosResult.msg);
    CreateDirResult result = cos.createDir(createDirRequest);

    Querying List of Directories

    Method Prototype

    You can query the list of specified directories by calling this API. The steps are as follows:

    1. Instantiate ListDirRequest object by calling ListDirRequest();
    2. Call listDir method of COSClient, input ListDirRequest, and get the returned ListDirResult object;

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Required Description
    appid String Yes APP ID of Tencent Cloud
    bucket String Yes Name of bucket to which the directory belongs
    cosPath String Yes Remote relative path
    num int No Number of returned results. Both default and maximum are 1000
    content String No Transparently transmitted field. This field must be left empty for the first pull. To pull next page, please transmit the context in the returned values of the previous page to the parameters in a transparent way
    prefix String No Prefix query string
    sign String Yes Signature information. Multiple-time signature is used here
    listener ICmdTaskListener No Result callback

    Returned Result

    The request results are returned through member variables of ListDirResult object.

    Member Variable Name Type Description
    code String Result code
    msg String Detailed result information
    content String Transparently transmitted field
    listover boolean Identify whether the list is complete; true: The list is complete; false: The list is to be continued
    infos List List attributes of files or folders in the list of directories


    ListDirRequest listDirRequest = new ListDirRequest();
    listDirRequest.setListener(new ICmdTaskListener() {
        public void onSuccess(COSRequest cosRequest, COSResult cosResult) {
                //Query succeeded
            ListDirResult listObjectResult = (ListDirResult) cosResult;
            if(listObjectResult.infos != null && listObjectResult.infos.size() > 0){
            for(int i = 0; i < length; i++){
                String str = listObjectResult.infos.get(i);
                try {
                    JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(str);
                     //The search results are files
                    //The search results are folders
                } catch (JSONException e) {
            if (!listover) {
                // Next page exists. Save the status information of current page.
                String content = result.content;
        public void onFailed(COSRequest COSRequest, final COSResult cosResult) {
            Log.w("TEST",Directory query failed:ret=" + cosResult.code  + "; msg =" + cosResult.msg);
    // Prefix query is supported
    ListDirResult result=cos.listDir(listDirRequest);

    Updating Directory

    Method Prototype

    You can update the information of specified directory by calling this API. The steps are as follows:

    1. Instantiate UpdateObjectRequest object by calling UpdateObjectRequest();
    2. Call updateObject method of COSClient, input UpdateObjectRequest, and get the returned UpdateObjectResult object;

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Required Description
    appid String Yes APP ID of Tencent Cloud
    bucket String Yes Name of bucket to which the directory belongs
    cosPath String Yes Remote relative path
    sign String Yes Signature information. One-time signature is used here
    bizAttr String No Attributes bound to the directory
    listener ICmdTaskListener No Result callback

    Returned Result

    Request result is returned through member variables of UpdateObjectResult object.

    Member Variable Name Type Description
    code String Result code
    msg String Detailed result information


    UpdateObjectRequest updateObjectRequest = new UpdateObjectRequest();
    updateObjectRequest.setListener(new ICmdTaskListener() {
        public void onSuccess(COSRequest cosRequest, COSResult cosResult) {
            //Update successful
            Log.w("TEST", cosResult.code+" : "+cosResult.msg);
         public void onFailed(COSRequest COSRequest, COSResult cosResult) {
             //Update failed
             Log.w("TEST", cosResult.code+" : "+cosResult.msg);
    UpdateObjectResult result = cos.updateObject(updateObjectRequest);

    Querying a Directory

    Method Prototype

    You can query the information of specified directory by calling this API. The steps are as follows:

    1. Instantiate GetObjectMetadataRequest object by calling GetObjectMetadataRequest() method;
    2. Call getObjectMetadata method of COSClient, input GetObjectMetadataRequest, and get the returned GetObjectMetadataResult object;

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Required Description
    appid String Yes APP ID of Tencent Cloud
    bucket String Yes Name of bucket to which the directory belongs
    cosPath String Yes Remote relative path
    sign String Yes Signature information. Multiple-time signature is used here
    listener ICmdTaskListener No Result callback

    Returned Result

    Request result is returned through member variables of GetObjectMetadataResult object.

    Member Variable Name Type Description
    code String Result code
    msg String Detailed result information
    biz_attr String Attributes bound to the directory
    ctime long (Unix timestamp) Creation time
    mtime long (Unix timestamp) Last modification time


    GetObjectMetadataRequest getObjectMetadataRequest = new GetObjectMetadataRequest();
    getObjectMetadataRequest.setListener(new ICmdTaskListener() {
         public void onSuccess(COSRequest cosRequest, COSResult cosResult) {
             GetObjectMetadataResult result = (GetObjectMetadataResult) cosResult;
             StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
             stringBuilder.append("code=" + result.code + "; msg=" +result.msg + "\n");
             stringBuilder.append("ctime =" +result.ctime + "; mtime=" +result.mtime + "\n" );
             stringBuilder.append("biz_attr=" + result.biz_attr == null ? "" : result.biz_attr );
          public void onFailed(COSRequest cosRequest, final COSResult cosResult) {
              Log.w("TEST", cosResult.code+" : "+cosResult.msg);
    GetObjectMetadataRequest result = cos.getObjectMetadata(getObjectMetadataRequest);  

    Deleting a Directory

    Method Prototype

    You can delete specified directory by calling this API. The steps are as follows. Note: only empty directories can be deleted:

    1. Instantiate RemoveEmptyDirRequest object by calling RemoveEmptyDirRequest() method;
    2. Call removeEmptyDir method of COSClient, input RemoveEmptyDirRequest, and get the returned RemoveEmptyDirResult object;

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Required Description
    appid String Yes APP ID of Tencent Cloud
    bucket String Yes Name of bucket to which the directory belongs
    cosPath String Yes Remote relative path
    sign String Yes Signature information. One-time signature is used here
    listener ICmdTaskListener No Result callback

    Returned Result

    Request result is returned through member variables of RemoveEmptyDirResult object.

    Member Variable Name Type Description
    code String Result code
    msg String Detailed result information


    RemoveEmptyDirRequest removeEmptyDirRequest = new RemoveEmptyDirRequest();
    removeEmptyDirRequest.setListener(new ICmdTaskListener() {
        public void onSuccess(COSRequest cosRequest, COSResult cosResult) {
            final DeleteObjectResult removeEmptyDirResult = (DeleteObjectResult) cosResult;
            Log.w("TEST","removeDir Result: ret=" + removeEmptyDirResult.code + "; msg=" + removeEmptyDirResult.msg );
        public void onFailed(COSRequest COSRequest, final COSResult cosResult) {
            Log.w("TEST","Failed to delete directory:ret=" + cosResult.code  + "; msg =" + cosResult.msg);
    RemoveEmptyDirResult result = cos.removeEmptyDir(removeEmptyDirRequest); 

    Uploading a File

    Method Prototype

    You can upload specified file by calling this API. The steps are as follows:

    1. Instantiate PutObjectRequest object by calling PutObjectRequest() method;
    2. Call putObject method of COSClient, input PutObjectRequest, and get the returned PutObjectResult object;

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Required Description
    appid String Yes APP ID of Tencent Cloud
    bucket String Yes Name of bucket to which the directory belongs
    cosPath String Yes Remote relative path
    srcPath String Yes Local absolute path
    insertOnly String No Whether to overwrite the file with the same name: "0": Allowed; "1": Not Allowed (default).
    slice_size int No Size of a part in case of multipart upload. Default is 1M
    sign String Yes Signature information. Multiple-time signature is used here
    listener IUploadTaskListener No Result callback

    Returned Result

    Request request is returned through member variables of PutObjectResult object.

    Member Variable Name Type Description
    code String Result code
    msg String Detailed result information
    access_url String URL for file access
    url String URL for file operation


    PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest = new PutObjectRequest();
     /* Whether to overwrite the file with the same name: "0": Allowed; "1": Not Allowed;
    //Whether to enable multipart upload
    putObjectRequest.setSliceFlag(true);//Whether to perform multipart upload: true: Multipart Upload; false: Simple File Upload
    putObjectRequest.setSlice_size(1024*1024);//Size of a part in multipart upload
    putObjectRequest.setListener(new  IUploadTaskListener(){
        public void onSuccess(COSRequest cosRequest, COSResult cosResult) {
             PutObjectResult result = (PutObjectResult) cosResult;
             StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
             stringBuilder.append(" Upload result: ret=" + result.code + "; msg =" +result.msg + "\n");
             stringBuilder.append(" access_url= " + result.access_url + "\n");
             stringBuilder.append(" resource_path= " + result.resource_path + "\n");
             stringBuilder.append(" url= " result.url);
        public void onFailed(COSRequest COSRequest, final COSResult cosResult) {
             Log.w("TEST","An error occurred during the upload: ret =" +cosResult.code + "; msg =" + cosResult.msg);
        public void onProgress(COSRequest cosRequest, final long currentSize, final long totalSize) {
             float progress = (float)currentSize/totalSize;
             progress = progress *100;
             Log.w("TEST","Progress: " + (int)progress + "%");
    PutObjectResult result = cos.putObject(putObjectRequest);

    Updating a File

    Method Prototype

    You can update the information of specified file by calling this API. The steps are as follows:

    1. Instantiate UpdateObjectRequest object by calling UpdateObjectRequest() method;
    2. Call updateObject method of COSClient, input UpdateObjectRequest, and get the returned UpdateObjectResult object;

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Required Description
    appid String Yes APP ID of Tencent Cloud
    bucket String Yes Name of bucket to which the directory belongs
    cosPath String Yes Remote relative path
    sign String Yes Signature information. One-time signature is used here
    bizAttr String No Attributes bound to the directory
    authority String No File operation permissions. Same as bucket permissions (COSAuthority.EINVALID); private read/write permissions (COSAuthority.EWRPRIVATE); public read permission and private write permission (COSAuthority.EWPRIVATERPUBLIC)
    custom_headers Map<String,String> No Custom header of file: For example, Cache-Control, Content-Disposition, Content-Language, x-cos-meta-.
    listener ICmdTaskListener No Result callback

    Returned Result

    Request result is returned through member variables of UpdateObjectResult object.

    Member Variable Name Type Description
    code String Result code
    msg String Detailed result information


    UpdateObjectRequest updateObjectRequest = new UpdateObjectRequest();
    updateObjectRequest.setListener(new ICmdTaskListener() {
        public void onSuccess(COSRequest cosRequest, COSResult cosResult) {
            Log.w("TEST", cosResult.code+" : "+cosResult.msg);
        public void onFailed(COSRequest COSRequest, COSResult cosResult) {
                            Log.w("TEST", cosResult.code+" : "+cosResult.msg);
    UpdateObjectResult result= cos.updateObject(updateObjectRequest);

    Querying a File

    Method Prototype

    You can query the information of specified file by calling this API. The steps are as follows:

    1. Instantiate GetObjectMetadataRequest object by calling GetObjectMetadataRequest() method;
    2. Call getObjectMetadata method of COSClient, input GetObjectMetadataRequest, and get the returned GetObjectMetadataResult object;

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Required Description
    appid String Yes APP ID of Tencent Cloud
    bucket String Yes Name of bucket to which the directory belongs
    cosPath String Yes Remote relative path
    sign String Yes Signature information. Multiple-time signature is used here
    listener ICmdTaskListener No Result callback

    Returned Result

    Request result is returned through member variables of GetObjectMetadataResult object.

    Member Variable Name Type Description
    code String Result code
    msg String Detailed result information
    biz_attr String Attributes bound to the directory
    ctime long (Unix timestamp) Creation time
    mtime long (Unix timestamp) Last modification time
    sha String sha value of file
    customs_headers Map<String,String> Attribute of file header
    filelen int Length of file


    GetObjectMetadataRequest getObjectMetadataRequest = new GetObjectMetadataRequest();
    getObjectMetadataRequest.setListener(new ICmdTaskListener() {
         public void onSuccess(COSRequest cosRequest, COSResult cosResult) {
             GetObjectMetadataResult result = (GetObjectMetadataResult) cosResult;
             StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
             stringBuilder.append("code=" + result.code + "; msg=" +result.msg + "\n");
             stringBuilder.append("ctime =" +result.ctime + "; mtime=" +result.mtime + "\n" );
             stringBuilder.append("biz_attr=" + result.biz_attr == null ? "" : result.biz_attr );
             stringBuilder.append("sha=" + result.sha);
          public void onFailed(COSRequest cosRequest, final COSResult cosResult) {
              Log.w("TEST", cosResult.code+" : "+cosResult.msg);
    GetObjectMetadataRequest result=cos.getObjectMetadata(getObjectMetadataRequest);  

    Deleting a File

    Method Prototype

    You can delete specified file by calling this API. The steps are as follows:

    1. Instantiate DeleteObjectRequest object by calling DeleteObjectRequest() method;
    2. Call deleteObject method of COSClient, input DeleteObjectRequest, and get the returned DeleteObjectResult object;

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Required Description
    appid String Yes APP ID of Tencent Cloud
    bucket String Yes Name of bucket to which the directory belongs
    cosPath String Yes Remote relative path
    sign String Yes Signature information. One-time signature is used here
    listener ICmdTaskListener No Result callback

    Returned Result

    Request result is returned through member variables of DeleteObjectResult object.

    Member Variable Name Type Description
    code String Result code
    msg String Detailed result information


    DeleteObjectRequest deleteObjectRequest = new DeleteObjectRequest();
    deleteObjectRequest.setListener(new ICmdTaskListener() {
        public void onSuccess(COSRequest cosRequest, COSResult cosResult) {
             Log.w("TEST", cosResult.code+" : "+cosResult.msg);
        public void onFailed(COSRequest COSRequest, COSResult cosResult) {
            Log.w("TEST", cosResult.code+" : "+cosResult.msg);
    DeleteObjectResult result = cos.deleteObject(deleteObjectRequest); 

    Downloading a File

    Method Prototype

    You can download specified file by calling this API. The steps are as follows:

    1. Instantiate GetObjectRequest object by calling GetObjectRequest(String downloadURl, String savePath) method;
    2. Call getObject method of COSClient, input GetObjectRequest, and get the returned GetObjectResult object;

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Required Description
    downloadUrl String Yes URL for file download
    localPath String Yes Absolute path under which the file is saved locally
    sign String No Signature information.It is required if hotlink protection is enabled, otherwise it is not required.
    listener IDownloadTaskListener No Result callback

    Returned Result

    Request result is returned through member variables of GetObjectResult object.

    Member Variable Name Type Description
    code String Result code
    msg String Detailed result information


    GetObjectRequest getObjectRequest = new GetObjectRequest(downloadURl,savePath);
    getObjectRequest.setListener(new IDownloadTaskListener() {
        public void onProgress(COSRequest cosRequest, final long currentSize, final long totalSize) {
            float progress =  currentSize / (float)totalSize;
            progress = progress * 100;
            progressText.setText("progress =" + (int) (progress) + "%");
            Log.w("TEST", "progress =" + (int) (progress) + "%");
        public void onSuccess(COSRequest cosRequest, COSResult cosResult) {
             Log.w("TEST","code =" + cosResult.code + "; msg =" + cosResult.msg);
        public void onFailed(COSRequest COSRequest, COSResult cosResult) {
                            Log.w("TEST","code =" + cosResult.code + "; msg =" + cosResult.msg);
    GetObjectResul result = cos.getObject(getObjectRequest);
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