tencent cloud


Complete Multipart Upload

Last updated: 2023-03-02 15:11:45


    This API is used to complete a multipart upload after all parts are uploaded with the Upload Part API. When calling this API, you must specify the PartNumber and ETag of each part in the request body to verify the parts.

    After all parts are uploaded, it will take several minutes for them to be concatenated. Therefore, when the concatenation starts, COS will immediately return status code 200 and use the Transfer-Encoding: chunked response header to return spaces periodically to keep the connection alive until the concatenation is completed. After that, COS will return information about the concatenated object in the last chunk.

    • If any uploaded part is smaller than 1 MB, "400 EntityTooSmall" will be returned when this API is called.
    • If the part numbers are not continuous, "400 InvalidPart" will be returned when this API is called.
    • If the part numbers in the request body are not in ascending order, "400 InvalidPartOrder" will be returned when this API is called.
    • If the uploadId does not exist, 404 (NoSuchUpload) will be returned when this API is called.

    Only the root account or sub-accounts granted the permission of the Complete Multipart Upload API can call this API.


    We recommend you either complete or abort a multipart upload as early as possible, as the uploaded parts of an incomplete multipart upload will take up storage capacity and incur storage fees.

    API Explorer (recommended)
    Tencent Cloud API Explorer makes it easy for you to make online API calls, verify signatures, generate SDK code, and search for APIs. You can use it to query the request and response of each API call and generate sample SDK codes for the call.


    • For a versioning-enabled bucket, COS will automatically generate a unique version ID for the object, and the ID will be returned in the x-cos-version-id response header.
    • For a versioning-suspended bucket, COS will always use null as the version ID of the object and will return the x-cos-version-id: null response header.


    Sample request

    POST /<ObjectKey>?uploadId=UploadId HTTP/1.1
    Host: <BucketName-APPID>.cos.<Region>.myqcloud.com
    Date: GMT Date
    Content-Type: application/xml
    Content-Length: Content Length
    Content-MD5: MD5
    Authorization: Auth String
    [Request Body]

    Request parameters

    Parameter Description Type Required
    uploadId Multipart upload ID obtained from the Initiate Multipart Upload API string Yes

    Request headers

    This API only uses Common Request Headers.

    Request body

    The request body contains application/xml data that includes information about all parts.


    The nodes are described as follows:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type Required
    CompleteMultipartUpload None All request information about Complete Multipart Upload Container No

    Content of CompleteMultipartUpload:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type Required
    Part CompleteMultipartUpload Information about each part Container Yes

    Content of Part:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type Required
    PartNumber CompleteMultipartUpload.Part Part number integer Yes
    ETag CompleteMultipartUpload.Part ETag of the part. The value is obtained from the ETag header in the response to a successful Upload Part request. string Yes


    Response headers

    In addition to common response headers, this API also returns the following response headers. For more information about common response headers, please see Common Response Headers.

    Versioning-Related Headers

    If the object is uploaded to a versioning-enabled bucket, the following response headers will be returned:

    Header Description Type
    x-cos-version-id Version ID of the object string

    SSE-related headers

    If server-side encryption is used during object upload, this API will return headers used specifically for server-side encryption. For more information, please see Server-Side Encryption Headers.

    Response body

    If the request is successful, application/xml data that includes information about the concatenated object will be returned.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <CompleteMultipartUploadResult xmlns="http://www.qcloud.com/document/product/436/7751">

    The nodes are described as follows:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type
    CompleteMultipartUploadResult None Stores the result of Complete Multipart Upload Container

    Content of CompleteMultipartUploadResult

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type
    Location CompleteMultipartUploadResult Location of the concatenated object, formatted as http://<bucketname-appid>.cos.<region>.myqcloud.com/<objectkey> (for example, http://examplebucket-1250000000.cos.ap-beijing.myqcloud.com/exampleobject) string
    Bucket CompleteMultipartUploadResult Bucket where the concatenated object resides, formatted as <bucketname-appid> (for example, examplebucket-1250000000) string
    Key CompleteMultipartUploadResult Object key string
    ETag CompleteMultipartUploadResult ETag of the concatenated object string

    Error codes

    This API returns common error responses and error codes. For more information, see Error Codes.


    This API uses Transfer-Encoding: chunked in the response by default. For readability, samples in this document are displayed without Transfer-Encoding. During use, different languages and libraries can automatically process this encoding form. For more information, see the language- and library-related documents.

    Example 1: simple use case (with versioning disabled)


    POST /exampleobject?uploadId=1585130821cbb7df1d11846c073ad648e8f33b087cec2381df437acdc833cf654b9ecc6361 HTTP/1.1
    Host: examplebucket-1250000000.cos.ap-beijing.myqcloud.com
    Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2020 10:07:26 GMT
    Content-Type: application/xml
    Content-Length: 353
    Content-MD5: Me/0Gvtc2x4VPIOhoIRllw==
    Authorization: q-sign-algorithm=sha1&q-ak=AKID8A0fBVtYFrNm02oY1g1JQQF0c3JO****&q-sign-time=1585130846;1585138046&q-key-time=1585130846;1585138046&q-header-list=content-length;content-md5;content-type;date;host&q-url-param-list=uploadid&q-signature=45dae7b1a54930587f8123954664b1b5148b****
    Connection: close


    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/xml
    Content-Length: 378
    Connection: close
    Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2020 10:07:26 GMT
    Server: tencent-cos
    x-cos-hash-crc64ecma: 2290339086971918696
    x-cos-request-id: NWU3YjJkNWVfZDFjODJhMDlfMTk2ODJfMmEyNTA0****
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <CompleteMultipartUploadResult xmlns="http://www.qcloud.com/document/product/436/7751">

    Sample 2: using server-side encryption SSE-COS


    POST /exampleobject?uploadId=1590862540251355295a5c736513d70d42b92bbde4f0fafb5e0ecb314b55aa0018cc9fa76f HTTP/1.1
    Host: examplebucket-1250000000.cos.ap-beijing.myqcloud.com
    Date: Sat, 30 May 2020 18:16:08 GMT
    Content-Type: application/xml
    Content-Length: 153
    Content-MD5: wmpyfdr9s/A+VCBwDdC1bA==
    Authorization: q-sign-algorithm=sha1&q-ak=AKID8A0fBVtYFrNm02oY1g1JQQF0c3JO****&q-sign-time=1590862568;1590869768&q-key-time=1590862568;1590869768&q-header-list=content-length;content-md5;content-type;date;host&q-url-param-list=uploadid&q-signature=abe1fd2d2c057c8f3e4d331a0448b06ecf5b****
    Connection: close


    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/xml
    Content-Length: 378
    Connection: close
    Date: Sat, 30 May 2020 18:16:08 GMT
    Server: tencent-cos
    x-cos-hash-crc64ecma: 4510578591875220731
    x-cos-request-id: NWVkMmEyZThfYTJjMjJhMDlfMmQzOV8zYTM5****
    x-cos-server-side-encryption: AES256
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <CompleteMultipartUploadResult xmlns="http://www.qcloud.com/document/product/436/7751">

    Sample 3: using server-side encryption SSE-KMS


    POST /exampleobject?uploadId=15908625793957d71176fa878282d266a95b79dc2aec159b4a73d1d79c80d4f931cda6ad65 HTTP/1.1
    Host: examplebucket-1250000000.cos.ap-beijing.myqcloud.com
    Date: Sat, 30 May 2020 18:16:40 GMT
    Content-Type: application/xml
    Content-Length: 153
    Content-MD5: jUFgTSZThmPT3qseea0mRQ==
    Authorization: q-sign-algorithm=sha1&q-ak=AKID8A0fBVtYFrNm02oY1g1JQQF0c3JO****&q-sign-time=1590862600;1590869800&q-key-time=1590862600;1590869800&q-header-list=content-length;content-md5;content-type;date;host&q-url-param-list=uploadid&q-signature=68aaf036efac07ef8d6ef101f81a1589849a****
    Connection: close


    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/xml
    Content-Length: 378
    Connection: close
    Date: Sat, 30 May 2020 18:16:40 GMT
    Server: tencent-cos
    x-cos-hash-crc64ecma: 4510578591875220731
    x-cos-request-id: NWVkMmEzMDhfYzhjODJhMDlfMjNhYTBfMjdmNjNl****
    x-cos-server-side-encryption: cos/kms
    x-cos-server-side-encryption-cos-kms-key-id: 48ba38aa-26c5-11ea-855c-52540085****
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <CompleteMultipartUploadResult xmlns="http://www.qcloud.com/document/product/436/7751">

    Example 4: using server-side encryption SSE-C


    POST /exampleobject?uploadId=1590862610acd643927bad05cd3947bf98b56b04b0b0b2a45a49969f87cc95b7fd5fcc065a HTTP/1.1
    Host: examplebucket-1250000000.cos.ap-beijing.myqcloud.com
    Date: Sat, 30 May 2020 18:17:11 GMT
    Content-Type: application/xml
    Content-Length: 153
    Content-MD5: MnXmb3yvrbwMfBlUwUE1Hg==
    Authorization: q-sign-algorithm=sha1&q-ak=AKID8A0fBVtYFrNm02oY1g1JQQF0c3JO****&q-sign-time=1590862631;1590869831&q-key-time=1590862631;1590869831&q-header-list=content-length;content-md5;content-type;date;host&q-url-param-list=uploadid&q-signature=5ce15a35c591eb797e8abaf210313e58ac03****
    Connection: close


    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/xml
    Content-Length: 378
    Connection: close
    Date: Sat, 30 May 2020 18:17:11 GMT
    Server: tencent-cos
    x-cos-hash-crc64ecma: 4510578591875220731
    x-cos-request-id: NWVkMmEzMjdfODljOTJhMDlfMzQ2ZDNfMWMwZWYy****
    x-cos-server-side-encryption-customer-algorithm: AES256
    x-cos-server-side-encryption-customer-key-MD5: U5L61r7jcwdNvT7frmUG8g==
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <CompleteMultipartUploadResult xmlns="http://www.qcloud.com/document/product/436/7751">

    Example 5: versioning-enabled


    POST /exampleobject?uploadId=15908626631e1995018f81a5e563837d6d7f1b51d7c97dff09989296403e32366e52f2877b HTTP/1.1
    Host: examplebucket-1250000000.cos.ap-beijing.myqcloud.com
    Date: Sat, 30 May 2020 18:18:04 GMT
    Content-Type: application/xml
    Content-Length: 153
    Content-MD5: wmpyfdr9s/A+VCBwDdC1bA==
    Authorization: q-sign-algorithm=sha1&q-ak=AKID8A0fBVtYFrNm02oY1g1JQQF0c3JO****&q-sign-time=1590862684;1590869884&q-key-time=1590862684;1590869884&q-header-list=content-length;content-md5;content-type;date;host&q-url-param-list=uploadid&q-signature=5409509944602014d1b61cb4bbe1e39003b4****
    Connection: close


    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/xml
    Content-Length: 378
    Connection: close
    Date: Sat, 30 May 2020 18:18:04 GMT
    Server: tencent-cos
    x-cos-hash-crc64ecma: 4510578591875220731
    x-cos-request-id: NWVkMmEzNWNfOGNjOTJhMDlfMWQ4NjJfMWM0NGUw****
    x-cos-version-id: MTg0NDUxNTMyMTEwNDU1NDc3OTc
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <CompleteMultipartUploadResult xmlns="http://www.qcloud.com/document/product/436/7751">

    Example 6: versioning-suspended


    POST /exampleobject?uploadId=1590862705b4349d597c0db1281e1c666bc431eb468b3a64076be7093c91a963bc5ead2ea4 HTTP/1.1
    Host: examplebucket-1250000000.cos.ap-beijing.myqcloud.com
    Date: Sat, 30 May 2020 18:18:45 GMT
    Content-Type: application/xml
    Content-Length: 153
    Content-MD5: wmpyfdr9s/A+VCBwDdC1bA==
    Authorization: q-sign-algorithm=sha1&q-ak=AKID8A0fBVtYFrNm02oY1g1JQQF0c3JO****&q-sign-time=1590862725;1590869925&q-key-time=1590862725;1590869925&q-header-list=content-length;content-md5;content-type;date;host&q-url-param-list=uploadid&q-signature=b212e42daaeabcd2b8e9f6722b62fe8d618b****
    Connection: close


    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/xml
    Content-Length: 378
    Connection: close
    Date: Sat, 30 May 2020 18:18:45 GMT
    Server: tencent-cos
    x-cos-hash-crc64ecma: 4510578591875220731
    x-cos-request-id: NWVkMmEzODVfZjZjMjBiMDlfNGYzZV8zODc4****
    x-cos-version-id: null
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <CompleteMultipartUploadResult xmlns="http://www.qcloud.com/document/product/436/7751">

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