tencent cloud


PUT Object acl

Last updated: 2021-09-17 12:03:51


    This API is used to write an access control list (ACL) to an object. You can set the ACL information through the x-cos-acl and x-cos-grant-* request headers or the request body in XML format.


    • You can set the ACL information either through request headers or through the request body.
    • PUT Object acl is an overwriting operation. The new ACL will overwrite the old one.
    • You can only grant permissions to Tencent Cloud CAM root accounts or anonymous users. To grant permissions to sub-accounts or user groups, please use the PUT Bucket policy API. For more information about ACL, please see ACL Overview.
    • To call this API, you need to have permission to write ACL to the object.
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    Sample requests

    Sample 1

    PUT /<ObjectKey>?acl HTTP/1.1
    Host: <BucketName-APPID>.cos.<Region>.myqcloud.com
    Date: GMT Date
    Content-Length: 0
    Authorization: Auth String

    Sample 2

    PUT /<ObjectKey>?acl HTTP/1.1
    Host: <BucketName-APPID>.cos.<Region>.myqcloud.com
    Date: GMT Date
    Content-Type: application/xml
    Content-Length: Content Length
    Content-MD5: MD5
    Authorization: Auth String
    [Request Body]

    Request parameters

    This API has no request parameter.

    Request headers

    In addition to common request headers, this API also supports the following request headers. For more information about common request headers, please see Common Request Headers.

    Header &dxnbsp;&dxnbsp;&dxnbsp;&dxnbsp;&dxnbsp;&dxnbsp;&dxnbsp;&dxnbsp;&dxnbsp;&dxnbsp;&dxnbsp;&dxnbsp;&dxnbsp;&dxnbsp;&dxnbsp;&dxnbsp;&dxnbsp;&dxnbsp;&dxnbsp;&dxnbsp;&dxnbsp;&dxnbsp;&dxnbsp;&dxnbsp;&dxnbsp;&dxnbsp;&dxnbsp;&dxnbsp;&dxnbsp;&dxnbsp;&dxnbsp;&dxnbsp; Description Type Required
    x-cos-acl Defines the ACL attribute of the object. For the enumerated values, such as default, private, and public-read, please see the Preset ACL section in ACL Overview. Default value: default
    Note: If you do not need access control for the object, set this header to default or leave it empty. In this way, the object will inherit the permissions of the bucket it is stored in.
    Enum No
    x-cos-grant-read Grants a user read permission for an object in the format: id="[OwnerUin]" (e.g., id="100000000001"). You can use commas (,) to separate multiple users, for example, id="100000000001",id="100000000002". string No
    x-cos-grant-read-acp Grants a user read permission for the ACL of an object in the format: id="[OwnerUin]" (e.g., id="100000000001"). You can use commas (,) to separate multiple users, for example, id="100000000001",id="100000000002". string No
    x-cos-grant-write-acp Grants a user write permission for the ACL of an object in the format: id="[OwnerUin]" (e.g., id="100000000001"). You can use commas (,) to separate multiple users, for example, id="100000000001",id="100000000002". string No
    x-cos-grant-full-control Grants a user full permission to operate on an object in the format: id="[OwnerUin]" (e.g., id="100000000001"). You can use commas (,) to separate multiple users, for example, id="100000000001",id="100000000002". string No

    Request body

    The request body contains the application/xml request data, including information about the object owner and authorization.

                <Grantee xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="Group">
                <Grantee xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="CanonicalUser">

    The nodes are described as follows:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type Required
    AccessControlPolicy None All request information about the PUT Object acl operation Container Yes

    Content of AccessControlPolicy:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type Required
    Owner AccessControlPolicy Information about the object owner Container Yes
    AccessControlList AccessControlPolicy Information about the grantee and permissions Container Yes

    Content of AccessControlPolicy.Owner:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type Required
    ID AccessControlPolicy.Owner Complete ID of the object owner in the format of qcs::cam::uin/[OwnerUin]:uin/[OwnerUin]
    Example: qcs::cam::uin/100000000001:uin/100000000001
    string Yes

    Content of AccessControlPolicy.AccessControlList:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type Required
    Grant AccessControlPolicy.
    A single permission. Each AccessControlList supports up to 100 Grant nodes. Container Yes

    Content of AccessControlPolicy.AccessControlList.Grant:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type Required
    Grantee AccessControlPolicy.
    Grantee information. xsi:type can be set to Group or CanonicalUser. If set to Group, the child node can only include URI. If set to CanonicalUser, the child node can only include ID. Container Yes
    Permission AccessControlPolicy.
    Permission granted. For the enumerated values, such as READ and FULL_CONTROL, please see Actions on objects in ACL Overview. Enum Yes

    Content of AccessControlPolicy.AccessControlList.Grant.Grantee:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type Required
    URI AccessControlPolicy.
    Preset user group. For more information, please see Preset user group in ACL Overview.
    Example: http://cam.qcloud.com/groups/global/AllUsers or http://cam.qcloud.com/groups/global/AuthenticatedUsers
    string Required if xsi:type of the grantee is set to Group
    ID AccessControlPolicy.
    Compete ID of the grantee in the format of qcs::cam::uin/[OwnerUin]:uin/[OwnerUin]
    Example: qcs::cam::uin/100000000001:uin/100000000001
    string Required if xsi:type of the grantee is set to CanonicalUser


    Response headers

    This API only returns Common Response Headers.

    Response body

    The response body of this API is empty.

    Error codes

    This API returns common error responses and error codes. For more information, please see Error Codes.


    Sample 1: configuring ACL through request headers


    PUT /exampleobject?acl HTTP/1.1
    Host: examplebucket-1250000000.cos.ap-beijing.myqcloud.com
    Date: Mon, 09 Sep 2019 13:11:09 GMT
    x-cos-acl: public-read
    x-cos-grant-read-acp: id="100000000002"
    Content-Length: 0
    Authorization: q-sign-algorithm=sha1&q-ak=AKID8A0fBVtYFrNm02oY1g1JQQF0c3JO****&q-sign-time=1568034669;1568041869&q-key-time=1568034669;1568041869&q-header-list=content-length;date;host;x-cos-acl;x-cos-grant-read-acp&q-url-param-list=acl&q-signature=43faf0a3231435a922e16526709c281a537d****
    Connection: close


    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Length: 0
    Connection: close
    Date: Mon, 09 Sep 2019 13:11:10 GMT
    Server: tencent-cos
    x-cos-request-id: NWQ3NjRmNmRfZjZjMjBiMDlfMmE5MWJfMTI3OWZh****

    Sample 2: configuring ACL through the request body


    PUT /exampleobject?acl HTTP/1.1
    Host: examplebucket-1250000000.cos.ap-beijing.myqcloud.com
    Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2019 06:32:02 GMT
    Content-Type: application/xml
    Content-Length: 594
    Content-MD5: zUPEBc1TeGrqTqEfPV7rxg==
    Authorization: q-sign-algorithm=sha1&q-ak=AKID8A0fBVtYFrNm02oY1g1JQQF0c3JO****&q-sign-time=1568097122;1568104322&q-key-time=1568097122;1568104322&q-header-list=content-length;content-md5;content-type;date;host&q-url-param-list=acl&q-signature=edab1b68ce0f747604906354afbe5702b24c****
    Connection: close
                <Grantee xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="Group">
                <Grantee xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="CanonicalUser">


    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Length: 0
    Connection: close
    Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2019 06:32:02 GMT
    Server: tencent-cos
    x-cos-request-id: NWQ3NzQzNjJfZmVhODBiMDlfMjc5MGVfMTM4OTky****

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