tencent cloud


Test template

Last updated: 2022-03-15 16:12:27
This document is currently invalid. Please refer to the documentation page of the product.

    Through the test template generation command, the simulated event structure of related triggers can be generated quickly. The generated simulated event structure can be debugged locally, or you can import it into a file and modify it according to your actual needs to implement your custom test template.

    Create Template

    SCF CLI passed local generate-event Command to generate the test template. The contents of the simulation test template for the specified trigger can be generated by executing different subcommands.
    The command format for using triggers and detailed events within triggers is scf local generate-event {trigger} {trigger-event} . For example, to simulate the PUT event of Cloud Object Storage (COS), the command is scf local generate-event cos put .

    Parameter description

    More detailed triggers and events are shown in the following table:

    Trigger Event Description
    Apigateway Proxy API Gateway responds to request event
    Ckafka Consume Ckafka consumption message event
    Cmq Notification CMQ Topic message event
    Cos Post/put/delete Cloud Object Storage's POST, PUT and DELETE events
    Timer Timeup Timing trigger event

    Usage Examples

    The command to generate the test template outputs the JSON content of the test template directly in the terminal. Example:

    $ scf local generate-event cos post
      "Records": [
          "cos": {
            "cosSchemaVersion": "1.0", 
            "cosObject": {
              "url": "http://testpic-1253970026.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/testfile", 
              "meta": {
                "Content-Type": "", 
                "x-cos-request-id": "NWMxOWY4MGFfMjViMjU4NjRfMTUyMV8yNzhhZjM="
              "key": "/1253970026/testpic/testfile", 
              "vid": "", 
              "size": 1029
            "cosBucket": {
              "region": "gz", 
              "name": "testpic", 
              "appid": "1253970026"
            "cosNotificationId": "unkown"
          "event": {
            "eventVersion": "1.0", 
            "eventTime": 1545205770, 
            "requestParameters": {
              "requestSourceIP": "", 
              "requestHeaders": {
            "eventName": "cos:ObjectCreated:Post", 
            "reqid": 179398952, 
            "eventSource": "qcs::cos", 
            "eventQueue": "qcs:0:lambda:cd:appid/1253970026:default.printevent.$LATEST", 
            "reservedInfo": ""

    Local test trigger function

    The generated command can be directly used in the locally triggered calling function through the Shell pipeline.

    For example, execute scf local generate-event cos post | scf local invoke -t template.yaml testfunction Command, use the COS POST simulation event for the function trigger input parameter, and call the testfunction function locally.

    Generate file

    By exporting to a file, you can quickly generate test template files. Based on the test template file, you can modify it to a more realistic test template. For example, execute scf local generate-event cos post > event.json Command, a event.json file will be generated in the current Directory, which contains the contents of the COS POST test event.

    Get a list of templates

    SCF CLI can be accessed through scf eventdata list View all debugging templates under a function.

    Parameter description

    scf eventdata list The supported parameters are as follows:

    Parameters Abbreviated Required Description Example
    Name -n Yes Function Name -n hello_world
    Region -r No To specify the area where the function is located, see Area list -r ap-beijing
    Namespace -ns No Namespace -ns default
    • When region and namespace are not specified, the region and default namespaces in configure are used by default.
    • Executable scf configure get View configure configuration information.

    Usage Examples

    • Execute the following command to view all templates for the specified function.
    $scf eventdata list -n hello
    [>] Region:ap-guangzhou
    [>] Namespace:default 
    [>] Function:hello 
    TestmodelsName       AddTime              ModTime             
    apitest              2019-08-15 20:57:37  2019-08-15 20:57:37 
    costest              2019-08-15 20:58:31  2019-08-15 20:58:31
    • Execute the following command to view the specified area and all templates for a function under the specified namespace.
    $scf eventdata list  -r ap-guangzhou -ns default -n hello
    [>] Region:ap-guangzhou
    [>] Namespace:default 
    [>] Function:hello 
    TestmodelsName       AddTime              ModTime             
    apitest              2019-08-15 20:57:37  2019-08-15 20:57:37 
    costest              2019-08-15 20:58:31  2019-08-15 20:58:31

    Download Template

    SCF CLI can be accessed through scf eventdata get Download all debug templates under a function or specify a template. When downloading the template file, the scf_event_data folder is automatically created under the command execution Directory, and the template file is placed in this folder.

    List of parameters

    scf eventdata get The supported parameters are as follows:

    Parameters Abbreviated Required Description Example
    Name -n Yes Function Name -n hello_world
    Region -r No To specify the area where the function is located, see Area list -r ap-beijing
    Namespace -ns No Namespace -ns default
    EVENT -e No Template name (if left empty, download all by default) -e apitest
    Output-dir -d No Template storage path -d. /
    Force -f No When there is a template with the same name as the cloud locally, it will be forcibly overridden None
    • When the output Directory is left unfilled, it will default to the current Directory.
    • When region and namespace are not specified, the region and default namespaces in configure are used by default.
    • Executable scf configure get View configure configuration information.

    Usage Examples

    • Execute the following command to download all template files for a function under the default configuration area and default namespace.
    $scf eventdata get -n hello
    [>] Downloading event-data: {apitest} ...
    [o] Download event-data: {apitest} success
    [>] Downloading event-data: {costest} ...
    [o] Download event-data: {costest} success
    $ ls
    index.py    scf_event_data    template.yaml
    $ ls scf_event_data/
    apitest.json    costest.json

    When a template file with the same name as the cloud exists locally, the download will fail. If you want to overwrite the local file, use the -f Parameters.

    • Execute the following command to download the specified template file for a function under the default configuration area and default namespace.
    $scf eventdata get -n hello -e apitest 
    [>] Downloading event-data: {apitest} ...
    [o] Download event-data: {apitest} success

    Upload Template

    SCF CLI can be accessed through scf eventdata update Upload the local template file to the cloud.

    List of parameters

    scf eventdata update The supported parameters are as follows:

    Parameters Abbreviated Required Description Example
    Name -n Yes Function Name -n hello_world
    Dir -d Yes Template path -d. /
    Region -r No To specify the area where the function is located, see Area list -r ap-beijing
    Namespace -ns No Namespace -ns default
    Force -f No When there is a template with the same name as the cloud locally, it will be forcibly overridden None
    • When region and namespace are not specified, the region and default namespaces in configure are used by default.
    • Executable scf configure get View configure configuration information.
    • If dir is assigned to Directory, all json files under that Directory will be uploaded. If dir is specified to a specific file, the specified file is uploaded.

    Usage Examples

    • Execute the following command to upload all template files that are local to a function under the default configuration area and default namespace.
    $scf eventdata update -n hello -d scf_event_data/
    [>] Region:ap-guangzhou
    [>] Namespace:default 
    [>] Function:hello 
    [>] Eventdata {apitest} exist in remote,updating event...
    [o] Eventdata {apitest} update success!
    [>] Eventdata {costest} exist in remote,updating event...
    [o] Eventdata {costest} update success!

    When a template file with the same name as the local file exists on the cloud, the upload fails. If you want to overwrite the cloud file, use the -f Parameters.

    • Execute the following command to upload the specified template file for a function under the default configuration area and default namespace.
    $scf eventdata update -n hello -d scf_event_data/apitest.json 
    [>] Region:ap-guangzhou
    [>] Namespace:default 
    [>] Function:hello 
    [o] Eventdata {apitest} update success!
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