tencent cloud


Basic Features

Last updated: 2018-10-08 17:54:26
The documentation is not available now.


    This API is used to detect whether WebRTC is supported.
    Syntax example:
    WebRTCAPI.fn.detectRTC(options, callback);

    Parameter description:

    Parameter Type Description
    options object Parameter


    Parameter Type Description
    screenshare boolean Whether to perform screen sharing detection. Defaults to true.

    Callback's info field:

    Field Description Note
    support Whether WebRTC is supported
    h264Support Whether H.264 is supported H.264 must be supported
    screenshare Whether screen sharing is supported Plug-ins must be installed

    Actual example:

            screenshare : false
        }, function(info){
        if( !info.support ) {
            alert('WebRTC is not supported')


    This API is used to initialize WebRTC.
    Syntax example:

    var RTC = new WebRTCAPI( options , succ , error)

    Parameter description:

    Parameter Type Description
    options object Parameter
    succ function Callback successful
    error function Callback failed

    Options description:

    Parameter Type Description Note
    sdkAppId integer sdkappid of application (if there is any doubt, see Integrating the SDK ) Required
    accountType integer Account type (if there is any doubt, see Integrating the SDK ) Required
    userId string The unique ID of the user, which is the user name we often say (if there is any doubt, see Integrating the SDK) Required
    userSig string Required. Identity signature, equivalent to the role of login password (if there is any doubt, see Integrating the SDK ) Required
    closeLocalMedia boolean Whether to disable the automatic push (if set to true, the push at the local end will not be initiated after the entering/creating operation is completed; if the push is required, the push API needs to be actively called by the business) Optional. Defaults to false.
    audio boolean Whether to enable audio collection Optional. Defaults to true.
    video boolean Whether to enable video collection Optional. Defaults to true.
    debug object Debug mode (Prints the log on the console) {log:true, uploadLog:true, vconsole:true} Optional
    peerAddNotify boolean p2p connection notification. The business side determines whether a connection is required before establishing a p2p connection. Need to be used with [onPeerConnectionAdd] of [Advanced Event Notifications] Optional. Defaults to false.

    Actual example:

    var RTC = new WebRTCAPI( {
        "userId": userId,
        "sdkAppId":  sdkappid,
        "accountType":  accountType,
        "userSig": userSig
    } );
    // Debug mode
    var RTC = new WebRTCAPI( {
        "userId": userId,
        "sdkAppId":  sdkappid,
        "accountType":  accountType,
        "userSig": userSig,
            "log": true, //Whether to print the debug log on the console. It is false by default
            "vconsole": true //Whether the vconsole is shown (to facilitate viewing logs on the mobile end)
            "uploadLog": true //Whether to report the log
    } );

    WebRTCAPI.enterRoom ( WebRTCAPI.createRoom )

    This API is used to create or enter an audio/video room.
    Syntax example

    var RTC = new WebRTCAPI( ... )
    //Note: This must be called in the successful initialized callback of WebRTCAPI
    RTC.enterRoom( options, succ , error );

    Parameter description:

    Parameter Type Required Description
    options object Yes Parameter
    succ function No Callback successful
    error function No Callback failed

    Options description:

    Parameter Type Required Description
    roomid integer Yes Room ID
    privateMapKey string No It refers to the key to enter the room with the specified roomID. If the business believes that there is no need to restrict the permission of users, you can leave it unset (if there is any doubt, see Integrating the SDK)
    role string Yes Switches the user role in the Screen Setting Console - SPEAR engine configuration
    pureAudioPushMod integer No Audio-only push mode. You need to use this parameter when you need to perform non-interactive broadcasting and recording
    1 => This is an audio-only push, so there is no need to record mp3 files
    2 => This is an audio-only push, and the recording file is mp3
    recordId integer No Custom business ID at automatic recording, int32, which is assigned to users at recording callback

    Actual example:

    var RTC = new WebRTCAPI({
        "userId": "username",
        "sdkAppId":  1400012345,
        "accountType":  12345,
        "userSig": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    }, function(data){
        //Initialized successfully
        RTC.createRoom( {
            roomid : 123456,
            role : "user",
        }, function(){
            //Entered the room successfully
        } ,  function(data){
            //Failed to enter the room
        } );
    }, function(data){
        //Initialization failed


    This API is used to exit the audio/video room.
    Syntax example

     var RTC = new WebRTCAPI( ... )
     //Note: This must be called in the successful initialized callback of WebRTCAPI
     RTC.quit(  succ , error );

    Parameter description:

    Parameter Type Description Note
    succ function Callback successful Optional
    error function Callback failed Optional

    Actual example:

    var RTC = new WebRTCAPI( ... )
    //Note: This must be called in the successful initialized callback of WebRTCAPI
    RTC.quit(  function(){
        //Exited successfully
    } , function(){
        //Failed to exit
    } );
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