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Last updated: 2018-09-28 17:00:40
The documentation is not available now.

    This document describes how to integrate the TRTC SDK to a Mac device.

    Downloading Source Code

    You can download the complete demo code used in this document.
    Download Demo Code


    Create a Mac project

    If you already have a project to integrate, skip to Integrate the SDK.
    First, create a project with Xcode to integrate the SDK.
    Open Xcode and click File -> New -> Project:

    Select macOS -> Cocoa App

    Name the project as TRTCMac Integration SDK and select Objective-C as Language. Enter Team, Organization Name and Organization Identifier as needed. Click Next. Select a location to store the project, and then click Create.

    Integrate the SDK

    Obtain the SDK

    ILiveSDK for Mac is comprised of the following SDKs:

    • IMSDK: Provides IM (Instant Messaging)
    • AVSDK: Provides the underlying audio/video features
    • ILiveSDK: Encapsulates audio/video APIs based on AVSDK to make them easy to use

    Create a folder named FrameworksMac in the project directory to store the SDK. As ILiveSDK has multiple SDKs, an SDK download script is provided for you to obtain all these SDKs.
    Click the download script and place it under the FrameworksMac folder you just created:

    Run the download script (Open the terminal, run the cd command to go to the FrameworksMac directory, and then run sh LoadSDK.sh) to download all the SDKs. After a moment, the downloaded package will be automatically decompressed and deleted.

    Import the SDK

    After the download is completed, right-click on Project -> Add Files to "TRTCMac" to import the SDK to the project:

    Select the new FrameworksMac folder in the pop-up select box, and then click Add:

    The added project directory is as follows:

    Add system dependent libraries

    Some system libraries relied on by SDKs in ILiveSDK need to be added to the project.
    Click PROJECT -> TARGETS -> General. At the bottom of Linked Frameworks and Libraries section, click +, enter the system library name, and click Add.

    List of system libraries to be added

    • libsqlite3.tbd
    • libiconv.tbd
    • libstdc++.6.tbd
    • libc++.tbd
    • libz.tbd
    • libresolve.9.tbd
    • CoreWLAN.framework
    • QuartzCore.framework
    • QAVSDK.framework
    • TLSSDK.framework
    • QALSDK.framework
    • ILiveSDK.framework
    • IMCore.framework
    • IliveLogReport.framework
    • TILFilterSDK.framework
    • ImSDK.framework

    All the added system libraries are stored in the Frameworks folder. To add these system libraries to your project in an easy manner, you can download our demo code (Click to download) and directly drag the system libraries in the Frameworks folder to the Linked Frameworks and Libraries section under your project.

    Configure the project

    To use the SDK properly, you also need to make the following configurations:
    -Configure ObjC
    Build Settings -> Other Linker Flags -> -ObjC:

    Run and check the SDK

    After the above steps are completed, you can use ILiveSDK. Add the code to the viewDidLoad function of ViewController.m to obtain the version number:

    //Import the header file
    #import <ILiveSDK/ILiveCoreHeader.h>
    //Obtain the version number
    NSLog(@"ILiveSDK version:%@",[[ILiveSDK getInstance] getVersion]);
    NSLog(@"AVSDK version:%@",[QAVContext getVersion]);
    NSLog(@"IMSDK version:%@",[[TIMManager sharedInstance] GetVersion]);
    //Print results
    2018-09-03 11:49:28.060945+0800 TRTCMac[73399:23447259] ILiveSDK version:
    2018-09-03 11:49:28.060956+0800 TRTCMac[73399:23447259] AVSDK version:
    2018-09-03 11:49:28.060969+0800 TRTCMac[73399:23447259] IMSDK version:v2.5.4.10421.10420

    You have successfully integrated ILiveSDK.


    If you have any questions, send us an email to trtcfb@qq.com.

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