tencent cloud



Last updated: 2020-03-20 13:13:23
This document is currently invalid. Please refer to the documentation page of the product.

    TRTCCloud @ TXLiteAVSDK.

    Main API class for the TRTC video call feature.

    Creation and Termination


    This API is used to set the TRTCCloudDelegate callback API.

    @property (nonatomic, weak) id< TRTCCloudDelegate > delegate;


    You can use TRTCCloudDelegate to get various status notifications from the SDK. For more information, please see the definitions in TRTCCloudDelegate.h.


    This API is used to set the queue that drives the TRTCCloudDelegate callback.

    @property (nonatomic, strong) dispatch_queue_t delegateQueue;


    The SDK uses the main queue as the driver of TRTCCloudDelegate by default. If you do not specify delegateQueue, the TRTCCloudDelegate callback of the SDK will be called by the main queue. Your operation on UI in the callback function of TRTCCloudDelegate is thread-safe now.


    This API is used to create TRTCCloud singleton.

    + (instancetype)sharedInstance


    This API is used to terminate TRTCCloud singleton.

    + (void)destroySharedIntance

    Room API Functions


    This API is used to enter room.

    - (void)enterRoom:(TRTCParams *)param appScene:(TRTCAppScene)scene 


    Parameter Type Description
    param TRTCParams * Room entry parameters. For more information, please see TRTCParams.
    scene TRTCAppScene Application scenario. Currently, only video call (VideoCall) and LVB (`Live) scenarios are supported.


    If room entry succeeded, the onEnterRoom(result) callback from TRTCCloudDelegate will be received:

    • If room entry succeeded, result will be a positive number (result > 0), indicating the time in milliseconds (ms) used for entering the room.
    • If room entry failed, result will be a negative number (result < 0), indicating the error code for room entry failure. For more information, please see Error Codes.

    No matter whether room entry is successful, enterRoom must be used together with exitRoom. If enterRoom is called again before exitRoom is called, an unexpected error will occur.


    This API is used to exit room.

    - (void)exitRoom


    When the exitRoom API is called, the logic related to room exit will be executed, such as releasing resources of audio/video devices and codecs. After resources are released, the SDK will use the onExitRoom() callback in TRTCCloudDelegate to notify you.
    If you need to call enterRoom() again or switch to another audio/video SDK, please wait until you receive the onExitRoom() callback; otherwise, exceptions such as occupied camera or mic (e.g., AudioSession in iOS) may occur.


    This API is used to switch roles and applies only to the LVB scenario (TRTCAppSceneLIVE).

    - (void)switchRole:(TRTCRoleType)role 


    Parameter Type Description
    role TRTCRoleType Target role, which is anchor by default.


    In the LVB scenario, a user may need to switch between "viewer" and "anchor" roles. You can use the role field in TRTCParams before room entry to determine the role or use the switchRole API to switch roles after room entry.


    This API is used to request cross-room call (anchor competition).

    - (void)connectOtherRoom:(NSString *)param 


    Parameter Type Description
    param NSString * Co-anchoring parameters in the format of JSON string. roomId indicates the target room number, and userId indicates the target user ID.


    In TRTC, two anchors in different rooms can use the "cross-room call" feature to co-anchor across the rooms. They can engage in "co-anchoring competition" without the need to exit their own rooms.
    For example, when anchor A in room "001" uses connectOtherRoom() to successfully call anchor B in room "002", all users in room "001" will receive the onUserEnter(B) and onUserVideoAvailable(B,YES) callbacks of anchor B, and all users in room "002" will receive the onUserEnter(A) and onUserVideoAvailable(A,YES) callbacks of anchor A.
    In short, cross-room call is to share between two anchors in different rooms, so that users in either room can see both of them.

                   Room 001                    Room 002
                --------------              -------------
     Before cross-room call: | Anchor A      |             | Anchor B     |
                | Viewers U, V, and W  |             | Viewers X, Y, and Z |
                --------------              -------------
                  Room 001                     Room 002
                --------------              -------------
     After cross-room call: | Anchors A and B    |             | Anchors B and A   |
                | Viewers U, V, and W  |             | Viewers X, Y, and Z |
                --------------              -------------

    For the sake of compatibility of subsequent extended fields for cross-room call, parameters in JSON format are used currently and must contain at least two fields:

    • roomId: If anchor A in room "001" wants to co-anchor with anchor B in room "002", the roomId must be set to 002 when anchor A calls connectOtherRoom().
    • userId: If anchor A in room "001" wants to co-anchor with anchor B in room "002", the userId must be set to the userId of anchor B when anchor A calls connectOtherRoom().

    The result of requesting cross-room call will be returned through the onConnectOtherRoom() callback in TRTCCloudDelegate.

      NSMutableDictionary * jsonDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
      [jsonDict setObject:@(002) forKey:"roomId"];
      [jsonDict setObject:@"userB" forKey:@"userId"];
      NSData* jsonData = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:jsonDict options:NSJSONWritingPrettyPrinted error:nil];
      NSString* jsonString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:jsonData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
      [trtc connectOtherRoom:jsonString];


    This API is used to exit cross-room call.

    - (void)disconnectOtherRoom


    The result of exiting cross-room call will be returned through the onDisconnectOtherRoom() callback in TRTCCloudDelegate.


    This API is used to set audio/video data reception mode, which must be set before room entry for it to take effect.

    - (void)setDefaultStreamRecvMode:(BOOL)autoRecvAudio video:(BOOL)autoRecvVideo


    Parameter Type Description
    autoRecvAudio BOOL YES: audio data will be automatically received; NO: muteRemoteAudio needs to be called to send or cancel a request. Default value: YES.
    autoRecvVideo BOOL YES: video data will be automatically received; NO: startRemoteView/stopRemoteView needs to be called to send or cancel a request. Default value: YES.


    To deliver an excellent instant broadcasting experience, the SDK automatically receives audio/video upon successful room entry by default, that is, you will immediately receive audio/video data from all remote users. If you do not call startRemoteView, video data will be automatically canceled due to timeout. If you use this API mainly in scenarios where automatic video data reception is not required, such as audio chat, you can select the reception mode based on your actual needs.

    This API takes effect only if it is set before room entry.

    Video API Functions


    This API is used to enable preview image of local video (for iOS).

    - (void)startLocalPreview:(BOOL)frontCamera view:(TXView *)view 


    Parameter Type Description
    frontCamera BOOL YES: front camera; NO: rear camera.
    view TXView * Control that carries the video image.


    When the first video frame starts to be rendered, you will receive the onFirstVideoFrame(nil) callback in TRTCCloudDelegate.


    This API is used to enable preview image of local video (for macOS).

    - (void)startLocalPreview:(TXView *)view 


    Parameter Type Description
    view TXView * Control that carries the video image.


    Before this method is called, setCurrentCameraDevice can be called first to select whether to use the macOS device's built-in camera or an external camera. When the first video frame starts to be rendered, you will receive the onFirstVideoFrame(nil) callback in TRTCCloudDelegate.


    This API is used to stop local video capture and preview.

    - (void)stopLocalPreview


    This API is used to specify whether to block local video image.

    - (void)muteLocalVideo:(BOOL)mute 


    Parameter Type Description
    mute BOOL YES: blocks; NO: enables. Default value: NO.


    After the local video is blocked, other members in the room will receive the onUserVideoAvailable callback notification.


    This API is used to start displaying remote video image.

    - (void)startRemoteView:(NSString *)userId view:(TXView *)view 


    Parameter Type Description
    userId NSString * ID of remote user.
    view TXView * Control that carries the video image.


    If you receive the onUserVideoAvailable(userid, YES) notification from the SDK, you can know that the remote user has enabled the video image. Later, when you use the startRemoteView(userid) API to load the remote image of this user, you can use a loading animation to optimize the experience for awaiting video loading. When the first video frame of this user starts to be displayed, you will receive the onFirstVideoFrame(userId) event callback.


    This API is used to stop displaying remote video image.

    - (void)stopRemoteView:(NSString *)userId 


    Parameter Type Description
    userId NSString * ID of remote user.


    After this API is called, the SDK will stop receiving the remote video stream of the specified user and clear relevant video displaying resources.


    This API is used to stop displaying all remote video images.

    - (void)stopAllRemoteView

    If there is a screen sharing image, it will be stopped together with other remote video images.


    This API is used to pause receiving the specified remote video stream.

    - (void)muteRemoteVideoStream:(NSString *)userId mute:(BOOL)mute 


    Parameter Type Description
    userId NSString * ID of remote user.
    mute BOOL Whether to stop reception.


    This API only stops receiving remote user's video stream but does not release displaying resources; therefore, the video image will freeze at the last frame before the muting operation.


    This API is used to stop receiving all remote video streams.

    - (void)muteAllRemoteVideoStreams:(BOOL)mute 


    Parameter Type Description
    mute BOOL Whether to stop reception.


    This API is used to set video encoder parameters.

    - (void)setVideoEncoderParam:(TRTCVideoEncParam *)param 


    Parameter Type Description
    param TRTCVideoEncParam * Video encoding parameters. For more information, please see the definition of TRTCVideoEncParam in TRTCCloudDef.h.


    These settings determine the quality of image viewed by remote users, which is also the image quality of recorded video files in the cloud.


    This API is used to set network bandwidth limit parameters.

    - (void)setNetworkQosParam:(TRTCNetworkQosParam *)param 


    Parameter Type Description
    param TRTCNetworkQosParam * Network bandwidth limit parameters. For more information, please see the definition of TRTCNetworkQosParam in TRTCCloudDef.h.


    The settings determine the bandwidth limit practices of the SDK in various network conditions (e.g., whether to "ensure definition" or "ensure smoothness" on a weak network).


    This API is used to set rendering mode of local image.

    - (void)setLocalViewFillMode:(TRTCVideoFillMode)mode 


    Parameter Type Description
    mode TRTCVideoFillMode Fill (the image may be stretched or cropped) or fit (there may be black color in unmatched areas).


    This API is used to set rendering mode of remote image.

    - (void)setRemoteViewFillMode:(NSString *)userId mode:(TRTCVideoFillMode)mode 


    Parameter Type Description
    userId NSString * User ID.
    mode TRTCVideoFillMode Fill (the image may be stretched or cropped) or fit (there may be black color in unmatched areas).


    This API is used to set clockwise rotation angle of local image.

    - (void)setLocalViewRotation:(TRTCVideoRotation)rotation 


    Parameter Type Description
    rotation TRTCVideoRotation Rotation angles of 90, 180, and 270 degrees are supported. Default value: TRTCVideoRotation_0.


    This API is used to set clockwise rotation angle of remote image.

    - (void)setRemoteViewRotation:(NSString *)userId rotation:(TRTCVideoRotation)rotation 


    Parameter Type Description
    userId NSString * User ID.
    rotation TRTCVideoRotation Rotation angles of 90, 180, and 270 degrees are supported. Default value: TRTCVideoRotation_0.


    This API is used to set direction of image output by video encoder (i.e., video image viewed by remote user or recorded by server).

    - (void)setVideoEncoderRotation:(TRTCVideoRotation)rotation 


    Parameter Type Description
    rotation TRTCVideoRotation Currently, rotation angles of 0 and 180 degrees are supported. Default value: TRTCVideoRotation_0.


    When an iPad or iPhone is rotated 180 degrees, as the capture direction of the camera does not change, the video image viewed by remote users will be upside-down. In this case, you can call this API to rotate the image output by the SDK to remote users 180 degrees, so that remote users can view the normal image.


    This API is used to set mirror mode of local camera's preview image (for iOS).

    - (void)setLocalViewMirror:(TRTCLocalVideoMirrorType)mirror 


    Parameter Type Description
    mirror TRTCLocalVideoMirrorType Mirror mode. Default value: TRTCLocalVideoMirrorType_Auto.


    This API is used to set mirror mode of local camera's preview image (for macOS).

    - (void)setLocalViewMirror:(BOOL)mirror 


    Parameter Type Description
    mirror BOOL Mirror mode. Default value: YES.


    This API is used to set mirror mode of image output by encoder.

    - (void)setVideoEncoderMirror:(BOOL)mirror 


    Parameter Type Description
    mirror BOOL Whether to enable remote mirror mode. YES: yes; NO: no. Default value: NO.


    This API does not change the preview image of the local camera; instead, it changes the video image viewed by the remote user (and recorded by the server).


    This API is used to set adaptation mode of the g-sensor.

    - (void)setGSensorMode:(TRTCGSensorMode)mode 


    Parameter Type Description
    mode TRTCGSensorMode G-sensor mode. For more information, please see the definition of TRTCGSensorMode. Default value: TRTCGSensorMode_UIAutoLayout.


    This API is used to enable dual-channel encoding mode with big and small images.

    - (int)enableEncSmallVideoStream:(BOOL)enable withQuality:(TRTCVideoEncParam *)smallVideoEncParam 


    Parameter Type Description
    enable BOOL Whether to enable small image encoding. Default value: NO.
    smallVideoEncParam TRTCVideoEncParam * Video parameters of small image stream.


    0: success; -1: the big image is already of the lowest image quality.


    If the current user is a major role (such as anchor, teacher, or host) in the room and uses PC or Mac, this mode can be enabled. In this mode, the current user will output two channels of video streams, i.e., HD and LD, at the same time (only one channel of audio stream will be output though). This mode will consume more network bandwidth and CPU computing resources.
    As for remote viewers in the same room:

    • If the downstream network is good, they can select the HD image.
    • If the downstream network is poor, they can select the LD image.

    Dual-channel encoding will consume more CPU resources and network bandwidth; therefore, this feature can be enabled on macOS, Windows, or high-spec tablets, but should not be enabled on phones.


    This API is used to select whether to view the big or small image of the specified uid.

    - (void)setRemoteVideoStreamType:(NSString *)userId type:(TRTCVideoStreamType)type 


    Parameter Type Description
    userId NSString * User ID.
    type TRTCVideoStreamType Video stream type, i.e., big image or small image. Default value: big image.


    To implement this feature, the dual-channel encoding mode must be enabled by the uid through enableEncSmallVideoStream; otherwise, this operation will not take effect.


    This API is used to set the video quality preferred by viewers.

    - (void)setPriorRemoteVideoStreamType:(TRTCVideoStreamType)type 


    Parameter Type Description
    type TRTCVideoStreamType Selects whether to watch big image or small image by default. Default value: big image.


    It is recommended to select the LD small image for low-spec devices first. If the dual-channel encoding mode is not enabled, this operation will not take effect.

    Audio API Functions


    This API is used to enable local audio capture and upstreaming.

    - (void)startLocalAudio


    This function will start mic capture and transmit audio data to other users in the room.
    The SDK does not enable local audio capture and upstreaming by default, and you need to call this function to enable it; otherwise, other users in the room cannot hear you.

    This function will check the mic permission. If the current application does not have permission to use the mic, the SDK will ask the user to grant the permission.


    This API is used to disable local audio capture and upstreaming.

    - (void)stopLocalAudio


    When local audio capture and upstreaming is disabled, other members in the room will receive the onUserAudioAvailable(NO) callback notification.


    This API is used to mute local audio.

    - (void)muteLocalAudio:(BOOL)mute 


    Parameter Type Description
    mute BOOL YES: blocks; NO: enables. Default value: NO.


    After local audio is muted, other members in the room will receive the onUserAudioAvailable(NO) callback notification.
    Different from stopLocalAudio, muteLocalAudio will not stop sending audio/video data; instead, it continues to send mute packets of an extremely low bitrate. Since some video file formats such as MP4 have a high requirement for audio continuity, an MP4 recording file cannot be played back smoothly if stopLocalAudio is used. Therefore, muteLocalAudio is recommended in scenarios where the requirement for recording quality is high, so as to record MP4 files with better compatibility.


    This API is used to set audio routing.

    - (void)setAudioRoute:(TRTCAudioRoute)route 


    Parameter Type Description
    route TRTCAudioRoute Audio routing, i.e., whether the audio is output by speaker or receiver. Default value: TRTCAudioModeSpeakerphone.


    The hands-free mode of video call features in WeChat and Mobile QQ is implemented based on audio routing. Generally, a mobile phone has two speakers, one is the receiver at the top with low volume, and the other is the stereo speaker at the bottom with high volume. The purpose of setting audio routing is to determine which speaker will be used.


    This API is used to mute the specified user's audio.

    - (void)muteRemoteAudio:(NSString *)userId mute:(BOOL)mute 


    Parameter Type Description
    userId NSString * ID of remote user.
    mute BOOL YES: mutes; NO: does not mute.


    This API is used to mute all users' audio.

    - (void)muteAllRemoteAudio:(BOOL)mute 


    Parameter Type Description
    mute BOOL YES: mutes; NO: does not mute.


    This API is used to enable volume reminder.

    - (void)enableAudioVolumeEvaluation:(NSUInteger)interval 


    Parameter Type Description
    interval NSUInteger Sets the interval in ms for triggering the onUserVoiceVolume callback. The minimum interval is 100 ms. If the value is smaller than 0, the callback will be disabled. It is recommended to set this parameter to 300 ms.


    After this feature is enabled, the SDK will return the evaluation of the voice volume level of each channel in onUserVoiceVolume(). To enable this feature, call this API before calling [startLocalAudio](#startlocalaudio).

    The volume bar in the demo is implemented based on this API.


    This API is used to start audio recording.

    - (int)startAudioRecording:(TRTCAudioRecordingParams *)param 


    Parameter Type Description
    param TRTCAudioRecordingParams * Audio recording parameters. For more information, please see TRTCAudioRecordingParams.


    0: success; -1: audio recording has been started; -2: failed to create file or directory; -3: the audio format of the specified file extension is not supported.


    After this API is called, the SDK will record all audios (such as local audio, remote audio, and background music) in the current call to a file. No matter whether room entry is performed, this API will take effect once called. If audio recording is still ongoing when exitRoom is called, it will stop automatically.


    This API is used to stop audio recording.

    - (void)stopAudioRecording


    If audio recording is still ongoing when exitRoom is called, it will stop automatically.


    This API is used to set the system volume type used in call.

    - (void)setSystemVolumeType:(TRTCSystemVolumeType)type 


    Parameter Type Description
    type TRTCSystemVolumeType System volume type. For more information, please see TRTCSystemVolumeType.

    This API must be called before startLocalAudio is called.


    This API is used to enable in-ear monitoring.

    - (void)enableAudioEarMonitoring:(BOOL)enable 


    Parameter Type Description
    enable BOOL YES: enables; NO: disables. Default value: NO.


    After in-ear monitoring is enabled, the local user can hear their own voice.

    This API takes effect only if the user wears headphones.

    Camera API Functions


    This API is used to switch cameras.

    - (void)switchCamera


    This API is used to query whether the current camera supports zoom.

    - (BOOL)isCameraZoomSupported


    This API is used to set zoom factor (focal length) of camera.

    - (void)setZoom:(CGFloat)distance 


    Parameter Type Description
    distance CGFloat Value range: 1–5. The greater the value, the further the focal length.


    The value range is 1–5. 1 indicates the furthest view (normal lens), and 5 indicates the nearest view (enlarging lens).
    It is recommended to set the maximum value to 5. If the maximum value is greater than 5, the video will become blurry.


    This API is used to query whether the device supports flash (flash mode).

    - (BOOL)isCameraTorchSupported


    This API is used to enable or disable flash.

    - (BOOL)enbaleTorch:(BOOL)enable 


    Parameter Type Description
    enable BOOL YES: enables; NO: disables. Default value: NO.


    This API is used to query whether the device supports setting focus.

    - (BOOL)isCameraFocusPositionInPreviewSupported


    This API is used to set camera focus.

    - (void)setFocusPosition:(CGPoint)touchPoint 


    Parameter Type Description
    touchPoint CGPoint Focus position.


    This API is used to query whether the device supports automatic recognition of face position.

    - (BOOL)isCameraAutoFocusFaceModeSupported


    This API is used to enable automatic recognition of face position.

    - (void)enableAutoFaceFoucs:(BOOL)enable 


    Parameter Type Description
    enable BOOL YES: enables; NO: disables. Default value: YES.


    This API is used to gets list of cameras.

    - (NSArray< TRTCMediaDeviceInfo * > *)getCameraDevicesList


    List of cameras, in which the first one is the current default device of the system.


    A macOS device has a built-in camera and supports USB cameras. If you want users to be able to select their external cameras, you can provide a feature of selecting from multiple cameras.


    This API is used to get the currently used camera.

    - (TRTCMediaDeviceInfo *)getCurrentCameraDevice


    This API is used to set the camera to be used.

    - (int)setCurrentCameraDevice:(NSString *)deviceId 


    Parameter Type Description
    deviceId NSString * Device ID obtained from getCameraDevicesList.


    0: success; -1: failure.

    Audio Device API Functions


    This API is used to get list of mics.

    - (NSArray< TRTCMediaDeviceInfo * > *)getMicDevicesList


    List of mics, in which the first one is the current default device of the system.


    A macOS device has a built-in high-quality mic and supports external mics. In addition, many USB cameras have built-in mics. If you want users to be able to select their external mics, you can provide a feature of selecting from multiple mics.


    This API is used to get the current mic device.

    - (TRTCMediaDeviceInfo *)getCurrentMicDevice


    This API is used to get current mic device information.


    This API is used to set the mic to be used.

    - (int)setCurrentMicDevice:(NSString *)deviceId 


    Parameter Type Description
    deviceId NSString * Device ID obtained from getMicDevicesList.


    0: success; <0: failure.


    This API is used to get current mic volume level.

    - (float)getCurrentMicDeviceVolume


    Mic volume level.


    This API is used to set mic volume level.

    - (void)setCurrentMicDeviceVolume:(NSInteger)volume 


    Parameter Type Description
    volume NSInteger Mic volume level. Value range: 0–100.


    This API is used to get list of speakers.

    - (NSArray< TRTCMediaDeviceInfo * > *)getSpeakerDevicesList


    List of speakers, in which the first one is the current default device of the system.


    This API is used to get the currently used speaker.

    - (TRTCMediaDeviceInfo *)getCurrentSpeakerDevice


    This API is used to get current speaker device information.


    This API is used to set the speaker to be used.

    - (int)setCurrentSpeakerDevice:(NSString *)deviceId 


    Parameter Type Description
    deviceId NSString * Device ID obtained from getSpeakerDevicesList.


    0: success; <0: failure.


    This API is used to get current speaker volume level.

    - (float)getCurrentSpeakerDeviceVolume


    Speaker volume level.


    This API is used to set current speaker volume level.

    - (int)setCurrentSpeakerDeviceVolume:(NSInteger)volume 


    Parameter Type Description
    volume NSInteger Speaker volume to be set. Value range: 0–100.


    0: success; <0: failure.

    Beauty Filter API Functions


    This API is used to get the beauty filter management object.

    - (TXBeautyManager *)getBeautyManager


    You can use the following features with beauty filter management:

    • Set beauty effects such as "beauty filter style", "brightening", "rosy skin", "eye enlarging", "face slimming", "chin slimming", "chin lengthening or shortening", "face shortening", "nose narrowing", "eye brightening", "teeth whitening", "eye bag removal", "wrinkle removal", and "smile line removal".
    • Adjust the "hairline", "eye distance", "eye corners", "mouth shape", "nose wing", "nose position", "lip thickness", and "face shape".
    • Set animated effects such as facial pendants (materials)
    • Add makeup effects
    • Recognize gestures


    This API is used to set effect levels of beauty, brightening, and rosy skin filters.

    - (void)setBeautyStyle:(TRTCBeautyStyle)beautyStyle beautyLevel:(NSInteger)beautyLevel whitenessLevel:(NSInteger)whitenessLevel ruddinessLevel:(NSInteger)ruddinessLevel TRTC_DEPRECAETD_BEAUTY_API


    Parameter Type Description
    beautyStyle TRTCBeautyStyle Beauty filter style: smooth or natural. The smooth style has more obvious skin smoothing effect and is suitable for entertaining scenarios.
    beautyLevel NSInteger Effect level of the beauty filter. Value range: 0–9; 0 indicates that the filter is disabled, and the greater the value, the more obvious the effect.
    whitenessLevel NSInteger Effect level of the brightening filter. Value range: 0–9; 0 indicates that the filter is disabled, and the greater the value, the more obvious the effect.
    ruddinessLevel NSInteger Effect level of the rosy skin filter. Value range: 0–9; 0 indicates that the filter is disabled, and the greater the value, the more obvious the effect.


    The SDK is integrated with two skin smoothing algorithms of different styles. One is called "smooth" and is suitable for shows as its effect is more obvious. The other is called "natural", which retains more facial details and seems more natural subjectively.


    This API is used to specify material filter effect.

    - (void)setFilter:(TXImage *)image 


    Parameter Type Description
    image TXImage * Specified material, i.e., color lookup table. The material must be in PNG format.


    This API is used to set effect level of a filter.

    - (void)setFilterConcentration:(float)concentration 


    Parameter Type Description
    concentration float Value range: 0–1. The greater the value, the more obvious the effect. Default value: 0.5.


    In application scenarios such as shows, a high effect level is required to highlight the characteristics of anchors. The default effect level is 0.5, and if it is not sufficient, it can be adjusted with the following APIs.


    This API is used to add watermark.

    - (void)setWatermark:(TXImage *)image streamType:(TRTCVideoStreamType)streamType rect:(CGRect)rect 


    Parameter Type Description
    image TXImage * Watermark image, which must be a PNG image with transparent background.
    streamType TRTCVideoStreamType setWatermark needs to be called twice if the screen sharing channel also requires a watermark.
    rect CGRect Unified coordinates of the watermark relative to the encoded resolution. Value range of x, y, width, and height: 0–1.


    The watermark position is determined by rect, which is in the format of (x, y, width, height).

    • x: X coordinate of watermark, which is a floating point number between 0 and 1.
    • y: Y coordinate of watermark, which is a floating point number between 0 and 1.
    • width: width of watermark, which is a floating point number between 0 and 1.
    • height: it does not need to be set. The SDK will automatically calculate the height according to the watermark image's aspect ratio.

    For example, if the current encoding resolution is 540 * 960 and rect is set to (0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0), then the coordinates of the top-left point of the watermark will be (540 * 0.1, 960 * 0.1), i.e., (54, 96), the watermark width will be 540 * 0.2 = 108 px, and the height will be calculated automatically.


    This API is used to set effect level of the eye enlarging filter (it takes effect only in TRTC Commercial edition and is invalid in other editions).

    - (void)setEyeScaleLevel:(float)eyeScaleLevel TRTC_DEPRECAETD_BEAUTY_API


    Parameter Type Description
    eyeScaleLevel float Effect level of the eye enlarging filter. Value range: 0–9; 0 indicates that the filter is disabled, and the greater the value, the more obvious the effect.


    This API is used to set effect level of the face slimming filter (it takes effect only in TRTC Commercial edition and is invalid in other editions).

    - (void)setFaceScaleLevel:(float)faceScaleLevel TRTC_DEPRECAETD_BEAUTY_API


    Parameter Type Description
    faceScaleLevel float Effect level of the face slimming filter. Value range: 0–9; 0 indicates that the filter is disabled, and the greater the value, the more obvious the effect.


    This API is used to set effect level of the chin slimming filter (it takes effect only in TRTC Commercial edition and is invalid in other editions).

    - (void)setFaceVLevel:(float)faceVLevel TRTC_DEPRECAETD_BEAUTY_API


    Parameter Type Description
    faceVLevel float Effect level of the chin slimming filter. Value range: 0–9; 0 indicates that the filter is disabled, and the greater the value, the more obvious the effect.


    This API is used to set effect level of the chin lengthening/shortening or shortening filter (it takes effect only in TRTC Commercial edition and is invalid in other editions).

    - (void)setChinLevel:(float)chinLevel TRTC_DEPRECAETD_BEAUTY_API


    Parameter Type Description
    chinLevel float Effect level of the chin lengthening/shortening filter. Value range: -9–9; 0 indicates that the filter is disabled, a value smaller than 0 indicates that the chin is shortened, while a value greater than 0 indicates that the chin is lengthened.


    This API is used to set effect level of the face shortening filter (it takes effect only in TRTC Commercial edition and is invalid in other editions).

    - (void)setFaceShortLevel:(float)faceShortlevel TRTC_DEPRECAETD_BEAUTY_API


    Parameter Type Description
    faceShortlevel float Effect level of the face shortening filter. Value range: 0–9; 0 indicates that the filter is disabled, and the greater the value, the more obvious the effect.


    This API is used to set effect level of the nose slimming filter (it takes effect only in TRTC Commercial edition and is invalid in other editions).

    - (void)setNoseSlimLevel:(float)noseSlimLevel TRTC_DEPRECAETD_BEAUTY_API


    Parameter Type Description
    noseSlimLevel float Effect level of the nose slimming filter. Value range: 0–9; 0 indicates that the filter is disabled, and the greater the value, the more obvious the effect.


    This API is used to set green screen video (it takes effect only in TRTC Commercial edition and is invalid in other editions).

    - (void)setGreenScreenFile:(NSURL *)file 


    Parameter Type Description
    file NSURL * Path to the video file, which can be in MP4 format. nil: disables the effect.


    The green screen feature here is not intelligent keying. It requires that there be a green screen behind the videoed person or object for further chroma keying.


    This API is used to select AI animated effect pendant (it takes effect only in TRTC Commercial edition and is invalid in other editions).

    - (void)selectMotionTmpl:(NSString *)tmplPath TRTC_DEPRECAETD_BEAUTY_API


    Parameter Type Description
    path NSString * Path to animated effect file.


    This API is used to mute animated effect (it takes effect only in TRTC Commercial edition and is invalid in other editions).

    - (void)setMotionMute:(BOOL)motionMute TRTC_DEPRECAETD_BEAUTY_API


    Parameter Type Description
    motionMute BOOL YES: mutes; NO: does not mute.


    Some animated effects have audio effects, which can be disabled through this API when they are played back.

    Secondary Stream API Functions (macOS)


    This API is used to start displaying screen sharing image of a remote user.

    - (void)startRemoteSubStreamView:(NSString *)userId view:(TXView *)view 


    Parameter Type Description
    userId NSString * ID of remote user.
    view TXView * Rendering control.


    Different from startRemoteView() that is used to display the primary image, this API can only be used to display the image of the secondary channel (e.g., screen sharing and remote video playback).

    This API must be called after onUserSubStreamAvailable is called back.


    This API is used to stop displaying screen sharing image of a remote user.

    - (void)stopRemoteSubStreamView:(NSString *)userId 


    Parameter Type Description
    userId NSString * ID of remote user.


    This API is used to set display mode of screen sharing image.

    - (void)setRemoteSubStreamViewFillMode:(NSString *)userId mode:(TRTCVideoFillMode)mode 


    Parameter Type Description
    userId NSString * User ID.
    mode TRTCVideoFillMode Fill (the image may be stretched or cropped) or fit (there may be black color in unmatched areas). Default value: TRTCVideoFillMode_Fit.


    Different from setRemoteViewFillMode() that is used to set the display mode of primary image, this API can be used to set the remote image of the secondary channel (e.g., screen sharing and remote video playback).


    This API is used to enumerate shareable windows.

    - (NSArray< TRTCScreenCaptureSourceInfo * > *)getScreenCaptureSourcesWithThumbnailSize:(CGSize)thumbnailSize iconSize:(CGSize)iconSize 


    Parameter Type Description
    thumbnailSize CGSize Specifies thumbnail size of the window to be obtained. The thumbnail can be drawn on the window selection UI.
    iconSize CGSize Specifies icon size of the window to be obtained.


    List of windows (including the screen).


    If you want to add the screen sharing feature to your application, a window selection UI needs to be displayed first generally, so that the user can select the window to be shared. You can use the related functions to get the ID, type, name, and thumbnail of shareable windows and implement the window selection UI with the obtained information. Or, you can use the window selection UI implemented in the demo's source code.

    The returned list includes the screen and application windows. The screen will be in the first several elements in the list.


    This API is used to set screen sharing parameters. This method can be called during screen sharing.

    - (void)selectScreenCaptureTarget:(TRTCScreenCaptureSourceInfo *)screenSource rect:(CGRect)rect capturesCursor:(BOOL)capturesCursor highlight:(BOOL)highlight 


    Parameter Type Description
    screenSource TRTCScreenCaptureSourceInfo * Specifies sharing source.
    rect CGRect Specify the area to be captured (if CGRectZero is passed in, the full screen will be shared by default).
    capturesCursor BOOL Whether to capture mouse cursor.
    highlight BOOL Whether to highlight the window being shared.


    If you want to switch to another window to be shared during screen sharing, you can call this function again without starting screen sharing again.


    This API is used to start screen sharing.

    - (void)startScreenCapture:(NSView *)view 


    Parameter Type Description
    view NSView * Parent control of the rendering control.


    This API is used to stop screen capture.

    - (int)stopScreenCapture


    0: success; <0: failure.


    This API is used to pause screen sharing.

    - (int)pauseScreenCapture


    0: success; <0: failure.


    This API is used to resume screen sharing.

    - (int)resumeScreenCapture


    0: success; <0: failure.


    This API is used to set encoder parameters for screen sharing.

    - (void)setSubStreamEncoderParam:(TRTCVideoEncParam *)param 


    Parameter Type Description
    param TRTCVideoEncParam * Secondary stream encoding parameters. For more information, please see the definition of TRTCVideoEncParam in TRTCCloudDef.h.


    Different from setVideoEncoderParam() that is used to set the encoder of primary image, this function can only be used to set the encoder of the secondary channel (screen sharing and remote video playback).
    These settings determine the quality of image viewed by remote users, which is also the image quality of recorded video files in the cloud.


    This API is used to set audio mixing volume level of screen sharing.

    - (void)setSubStreamMixVolume:(NSInteger)volume 


    Parameter Type Description
    volume NSInteger Volume level set. Value range: 0–100.


    The greater the value, the larger the ratio of the secondary stream volume level to the mic volume level. You are not recommended to set a high value for this parameter as a high volume level will cover the mic sound.

    Custom Capture and Rendering API Functions


    This API is used to enable custom video capture mode.

    - (void)enableCustomVideoCapture:(BOOL)enable 


    Parameter Type Description
    enable BOOL Whether to enable. Default value: NO.


    After the custom mode is enabled, the SDK will not run the original video capture process and retain only the encoding and sending capabilities. You need to use sendCustomVideoData() to continuously insert the captured video image into the SDK.


    This API is used to deliver the captured video data to the SDK.

    - (void)sendCustomVideoData:(TRTCVideoFrame *)frame 


    Parameter Type Description
    frame TRTCVideoFrame * Video data, which can be in PixelBuffer NV12, BGRA, or I420 format.


    It is recommended to enter the following information for TRTCVideoFrame (other fields can be left empty):

    • pixelFormat: TRTCVideoPixelFormat_NV12 is recommended.
    • bufferType: TRTCVideoBufferType_PixelBuffer is recommended.
    • pixelBuffer: common video data format on iOS.
    • data: raw video data format, which is used if bufferType is NSData.
    • timestamp: if the intervals for timestamp are uneven, the audio/video sync and quality of MP4 recording will be seriously affected.
    • width: video image length, which needs to be set if bufferType is NSData.
    • height: video image width, which needs to be set if bufferType is NSData.

    For more information, please see Custom Capture and Rendering.

    • The SDK has an internal frame rate control logic, and the target frame rate set in setVideoEncoderParam shall prevail. If the frame rate is too high, automatic frame discarding may occur; if too low, automatic frame interpolation will be implemented.
    • It is recommended to set timestamp in frame to 0, so that the SDK will set the timestamp by itself. However, please "evenly" set the calling interval of sendCustomVideoData; otherwise, the video frame rate will be unstable.


    This API is used to set callback of custom rendering for local video.

    - (int)setLocalVideoRenderDelegate:(id< TRTCVideoRenderDelegate >)delegate pixelFormat:(TRTCVideoPixelFormat)pixelFormat bufferType:(TRTCVideoBufferType)bufferType 


    Parameter Type Description
    delegate id< TRTCVideoRenderDelegate > Custom rendering callback.
    pixelFormat TRTCVideoPixelFormat Specifies the called back pixel format.
    bufferType TRTCVideoBufferType PixelBuffer: this can be directly converted to UIImage by using imageWithCVImageBuffer; NSData: this is memory-mapped video data.


    0: success; <0: error.


    After this method is set, the SDK will skip its own rendering process and call back the captured data. Therefore, you need to complete image rendering on your own.

    • pixelFormat specifies the format of the called back data, such as NV12, i420, and 32BGRA.
    • bufferType specifies the buffer type. PixelBuffer has the highest efficiency, while NSData makes the SDK to perform a memory conversion internally, which will result in extra performance loss.


    This API is used to set callback of custom rendering for remote video.

    - (int)setRemoteVideoRenderDelegate:(NSString *)userId delegate:(id< TRTCVideoRenderDelegate >)delegate pixelFormat:(TRTCVideoPixelFormat)pixelFormat bufferType:(TRTCVideoBufferType)bufferType 


    Parameter Type Description
    userId NSString * Specifies target userId.
    delegate id< TRTCVideoRenderDelegate > Custom rendering callback.
    pixelFormat TRTCVideoPixelFormat Specifies the called back pixel format.
    bufferType TRTCVideoBufferType PixelBuffer: this can be directly converted to UIImage by using imageWithCVImageBuffer; NSData: this is memory-mapped video data.


    0: success; <0: error.


    This method is similar to setLocalVideoRenderDelegate. The difference is that one is callback of rendering the local image, while the other is callback of rendering the remote image.

    Before this function is called, startRemoteView needs to be called to get the video stream of the remote user (view can be set to nil for this end); otherwise, there will be no data called back.


    This API is used to enable custom audio capture mode.

    - (void)enableCustomAudioCapture:(BOOL)enable 


    Parameter Type Description
    enable BOOL Whether to enable. true: yes; false: no. Default value: NO.


    After the custom mode is enabled, the SDK will not run the original audio capture process and retain only the encoding and sending capabilities. You need to use sendCustomAudioData() to continuously insert the captured audio data into the SDK.

    As acoustic echo cancellation (AEC) requires strict control on the audio capture and playback time, after custom audio capture is enabled, AEC may fail.


    This API is used to deliver the captured audio data to the SDK.

    - (void)sendCustomAudioData:(TRTCAudioFrame *)frame 


    Parameter Type Description
    frame TRTCAudioFrame * Audio data.


    It is recommended to enter the following information for TRTCAudioFrame:

    • data: audio frame buffer. Audio frame data must be in PCM format, and it is recommended to set sampling time to 20 ms for each frame. For example, if the sample rate is 48000, then the frame length for mono channel will be 48000 * 0.02s * 1 * 16 bit = 15360 bit = 1920 bytes.
    • sampleRate: sample rate. Currently, only 48000 is supported.
    • channel: number of channels (if stereo is used, data is interwoven). Valid values: 1: mono channel; 2: dual channel.
    • timestamp: if the intervals for timestamp are uneven, the audio/video sync and quality of MP4 recording will be seriously affected.

    For more information, please see Custom Capture and Rendering.

    You can set timestamp in frame to 0, so that the SDK will set the timestamp by itself. However, please "evenly" set the calling interval of sendCustomAudioData; otherwise, the audio will be unstable.


    This API is used to set audio data callback.

    - (void)setAudioFrameDelegate:(id< TRTCAudioFrameDelegate >)delegate 


    Parameter Type Description
    delegate id< TRTCAudioFrameDelegate > Audio data callback. If delegate = nil, data callback will be stopped.


    After this method is set, the SDK will internally call back the audio data (in PCM format), including:

    • onCapturedAudioFrame: audio data captured by current mic
    • onPlayAudioFrame: audio data from each remote user before audio mixing
    • onMixedPlayAudioFrame: audio data to be played back by speaker after audio data from each channel is mixed

    Custom Message Sending API Functions


    This API is used to send custom message to all users in the room.

    - (BOOL)sendCustomCmdMsg:(NSInteger)cmdID data:(NSData *)data reliable:(BOOL)reliable ordered:(BOOL)ordered 


    Parameter Type Description
    cmdID NSInteger Message ID. Value range: 1–10.
    data NSData * Message to be sent, which can contain up to 1 KB (1,000 bytes) of data.
    reliable BOOL Whether reliable sending is enabled; if yes, the recipient needs to temporarily store the data of a certain period to wait for re-sending, which will cause certain delay.
    ordered BOOL Whether orderly sending is enabled, i.e., whether the data should be received in the same order in which it is sent; if yes, the recipient needs to temporarily store and sort messages, which will cause certain delay.


    YES: message has been sent successful; NO: failed to send message.


    This API can be used to broadcast your custom data to other users in the room though the audio/video data channel. Due to reuse of this channel, please strictly control the frequency of sending custom messages and message size; otherwise, the quality control logic of the audio/video data will be affected, causing uncertain issues.

    This API has the following restrictions:

    • Up to 30 messages can be sent per second to all users in the room.
    • A packet can contain up to 1 KB of data; if the threshold is exceeded, the packet is very likely to be discarded by the intermediate router or server.
    • A client can send up to 8 KB of data in total per second.
    • reliable and ordered must be set to the same value (YES or NO) and cannot be set to different values currently.
    • You are strongly recommended to use different cmdIDs for messages of different types. This can reduce message delay when orderly sending is required.


    This API is used to embed custom data of a small size in video frames.

    - (BOOL)sendSEIMsg:(NSData *)data repeatCount:(int)repeatCount 


    Parameter Type Description
    data NSData * Data to be sent, which can contain up to 1 KB (1,000 bytes) of data.
    repeatCount int Data sending count.


    YES: the message is allowed and will be sent to subsequent video frames; NO: the message is not allowed to be sent.


    Different from how sendCustomCmdMsg works, sendSEIMsg directly inserts data into the video data header. Therefore, even if the video frames are relayed to LVB CDN, the data will always exist. As the data needs to be embedded in the video frames, it is recommended to keep the data size under several bytes.
    The most common use is to embed the custom timestamp into video frames through sendSEIMsg so as to implement a perfect alignment between messages and video image.

    This API has the following restrictions:

    • The data will not be instantly sent after this API is called; instead, it will be inserted into the next video frame after the API call.
    • Up to 30 messages can be sent per second to all users in the room (this limit is shared with sendCustomCmdMsg).
    • Each packet can be up to 1 KB (this limit is shared with sendCustomCmdMsg). If a large amount of data is sent, the video bitrate will increase, which may reduce the video quality or even cause lagging.
    • Each client can send up to 8 KB of data in total per second (this limit is shared with sendCustomCmdMsg).
    • If multiple times of sending is required (i.e., repeatCount > 1), the data will be inserted into subsequent repeatCount video frames in a row for sending, which will increase the video bitrate.
    • If repeatCount is greater than 1, the data will be sent for multiple times, and the same message may be received multiple times in the onRecvSEIMsg callback; therefore, deduplication is required.

    Background Audio Mixing API Functions


    This API is used to start background music.

    - (void)playBGM:(NSString *)path withBeginNotify:(void(^)(NSInteger errCode))beginNotify withProgressNotify:(void(^)(NSInteger progressMS, NSInteger durationMS))progressNotify andCompleteNotify:(void(^)(NSInteger errCode))completeNotify 


    Parameter Type Description
    path NSString * Path to music file.
    beginNotify void(^)(NSInteger errCode) Callback notification of the start of music playback.
    progressNotify void(^)(NSInteger progressMS, NSInteger durationMS) Notification of music playback progress in milliseconds.
    completeNotify void(^)(NSInteger errCode) Callback notification of the end of music playback.


    This API is used to stop background music.

    - (void)stopBGM


    This API is used to pause background music.

    - (void)pauseBGM


    This API is used to resume background music.

    - (void)resumeBGM


    This API is used to get the total length of the music file in milliseconds.

    - (NSInteger)getBGMDuration:(NSString *)path 


    Parameter Type Description
    path NSString * Path to music file. If path is left empty, the length of the music file being played back will be returned.


    The length will be returned if this API is successfully called; otherwise, -1 will be returned.


    This API is used to set playback progress of background music.

    - (int)setBGMPosition:(NSInteger)pos 


    Parameter Type Description
    pos NSInteger In milliseconds.


    0: success; -1: failure.


    This API is used to set mic volume level. This API is used to adjust the mic volume level when background music is played back.

    - (void)setMicVolumeOnMixing:(NSInteger)volume 


    Parameter Type Description
    volume NSInteger Volume level. 100 indicates normal volume level. Value range: 0–100.


    This API is used to set background music volume level. This API is used to control the background music volume level during playback.

    - (void)setBGMVolume:(NSInteger)volume 


    Parameter Type Description
    volume NSInteger Volume level. 100 indicates normal volume level. Value range: 0–100.


    This API is used to set reverb effect (currently, this is supported only for iOS).

    - (void)setReverbType:(TRTCReverbType)reverbType 


    Parameter Type Description
    reverbType TXReverbType Reverb type. For more information, please see TRTCReverbType.


    This API is used to set voice changer type (currently, this is supported only for iOS).

    - (void)setVoiceChangerType:(TRTCVoiceChangerType)voiceChangerType 


    Parameter Type Description
    voiceChangerType TXVoiceChangerType Voice changer type. For more information, please see TRTCVoiceChangerType.

    Sound Effect API Functions


    This API is used to play back sound effect.

    - (void)playAudioEffect:(TRTCAudioEffectParam *)effect 


    Parameter Type Description
    effect TRTCAudioEffectParam * Sound effect.


    You need to assign an ID to each sound effect, through which you can start, stop, or set the volume level of a sound effect. If you want to play back multiple sound effects at the same time, please assign different IDs to them. If you use the same ID for different sound effects, the SDK cannot play them back at the same time; instead, it will stop playing back the old sound effect and then start playing back the new one.


    This API is used to set volume level of a single sound effect.

    - (void)setAudioEffectVolume:(int)effectId volume:(int)volume 


    Parameter Type Description
    effectId int Sound effect ID.
    volume int Volume level. Value range: 0–100. Default value: 100.

    This operation will take precedence over the overall sound effect volume level specified in setAllAudioEffectsVolume.


    This API is used to stop sound effect.

    - (void)stopAudioEffect:(int)effectId 


    Parameter Type Description
    effectId int Sound effect ID.


    This API is used to stop all sound effects.

    - (void)stopAllAudioEffects


    This API is used to set volume level of all sound effects.

    - (void)setAllAudioEffectsVolume:(int)volume 


    Parameter Type Description
    volume int Volume level. Value range: 0–100. Default value: 100.

    The volume level set by this operation will take precedence over that of an individual sound effect specified in setAudioEffectVolume.

    Device and Network Test API Functions


    This API is used to start network speed test (do not test during a video call so as to avoid affecting the call quality).

    - (void)startSpeedTest:(uint32_t)sdkAppId userId:(NSString *)userId userSig:(NSString *)userSig completion:(void(^)(TRTCSpeedTestResult *result, NSInteger completedCount, NSInteger totalCount))completion 


    Parameter Type Description
    sdkAppId uint32_t Application ID.
    userId NSString * User ID.
    userSig NSString * User signature.
    completion void(^)(TRTCSpeedTestResult *result, NSInteger completedCount, NSInteger totalCount) Test callback, which will be divided into multiple callbacks.


    The speed test result will be used to optimize the SDK's subsequent selection policy. It is recommended to perform the speed test before users place the first call, which will help select the optimal server. If the test result is not satisfactory, you can use a noticeable UI prompt to remind the user to select a better network.

    The speed test will consume a certain amount of traffic and generate a small amount of extra traffic fees as a result.


    This API is used to stop server speed test.

    - (void)stopSpeedTest


    This API is used to start camera test.

    - (void)startCameraDeviceTestInView:(NSView *)view 


    Parameter Type Description
    view NSView * Parent control of the preview control.

    You can use the setCurrentCameraDevice API to switch cameras during the test.


    This API is used to stop video test preview.

    - (void)stopCameraDeviceTest


    This API is used to start mic test.

    - (void)startMicDeviceTest:(NSInteger)interval testEcho:(void(^)(NSInteger volume))testEcho 


    This method is used to test whether the mic can function properly, and volume ranges from 0 to 100.


    This API is used to stop mic test.

    - (void)stopMicDeviceTest


    This API is used to start speaker test.

    - (void)startSpeakerDeviceTest:(NSString *)audioFilePath onVolumeChanged:(void(^)(NSInteger volume, BOOL isLastFrame))volumeBlock 


    This method plays back the specified audio data to test whether the speaker can function properly. If sound can be heard, the speaker is normal.


    This API is used to stop speaker test.

    - (void)stopSpeakerDeviceTest

    MixTranscoding and CDN Relayed Push


    This API is used to set On-Cloud MixTranscoding parameters.

    - (void)setMixTranscodingConfig:(TRTCTranscodingConfig *)config 


    Parameter Type Description
    config TRTCTranscodingConfig * For more information, please see the description of TRTCTranscodingConfig in TRTCCloudDef.h. If nil is passed in, On-Cloud MixTranscoding will be canceled.


    This API will send a command to the Tencent Cloud transcoding server to combine multiple image channels in the room into one channel.
    If you have enabled the "automatic relayed LVB" feature on the feature configuration page in the TRTC Console, each image channel in the room will have a corresponding LVB CDN address, and you can use On-Cloud MixTranscoding to mix multiple image channels from the LVB addresses to one channel and view the mixed image on LVB CDN.
    You can use the transcoding parameters to set the position of each channel of image and quality of the final output image.
    For more information, please see On-Cloud MixTranscoding.
    Sample code: the demo provides the entry for trying out this feature. You can experience it in "On-Cloud Image Mix" and "Share Playback Address" in the "More Features" panel.

    **Image 1**=> decoding => =>
    **Image 2**=> decoding =>  image mixing => encoding => **mixed image**
    **Image 3**=> decoding => =>

    Notes on On-Cloud MixTranscoding:

    • On-cloud transcoding will cause a delay of 1–2 seconds in video playback with CDN.
    • If you call this function, the multiple channels of images will be mixed to the CDN address of your own channel.


    This API is used to relay stream to the specified push address.

    - (void)startPublishCDNStream:(TRTCPublishCDNParam *)param 


    Parameter Type Description
    param TRTCPublishCDNParam * For more information, please see the description of TRTCPublishCDNParam in TRTCCloudDef.h.


    This API will push a command to Tencent Cloud's relay server, and Tencent Cloud will push the current channel of audio/video to your specified RTMP push address.
    If you have enabled the "automatic relayed LVB" feature on the feature configuration page in the TRTC Console, each channel of image in the room will have a default CDN address. Therefore, this feature is not commonly used and required only if you need to configure multiple CDN providers.
    As relaying an individual channel of image to LVB CDN is generally meaningless, this feature is usually used with On-Cloud MixTranscoding, i.e., setMixTranscodingConfig is used to mix multiple image channels to one channel and then relay it.

    Notes on relayed push:

    • By default, audio/video streams can be relayed only to the Tencent Cloud RTMP push address. To relay streams to other cloud services, please submit a ticket to contact us.
    • If you call this function, only your own channel of image will be relayed to the specified RTMP push address by default. Therefore, this API usually needs to be used together with setMixTranscodingConfig.
    • If you have enabled the "automatic relayed LVB" feature on the feature configuration page in the TRTC Console, each channel of image in the room will have a default CDN address. Therefore, this feature is required only if you need to configure multiple CDN providers.


    This API is used to stop relayed push.

    - (void)stopPublishCDNStream

    Log API Functions


    This API is used to get SDK version information.

    + (NSString *)getSDKVersion


    This API is used to set log output level.

    + (void)setLogLevel:(TRTCLogLevel)level 


    Parameter Type Description
    level TRTCLogLevel For more information, please see TRTCLogLevel. Default value: TRTC_LOG_LEVEL_NULL.


    This API is used to disable or enable console log printing.

    + (void)setConsoleEnabled:(BOOL)enabled 


    Parameter Type Description
    enabled BOOL Specifies whether to enable it, which is disabled by default.


    This API is used to enable or disable local log compression.

    + (void)setLogCompressEnabled:(BOOL)enabled 


    Parameter Type Description
    enabled BOOL Specifies whether to enable, which is enabled by default.


    If compression is enabled, the log size will significantly reduce, but logs can be read only after being decompressed by the Python script provided by Tencent Cloud. If compression is disabled, logs will be stored in plaintext and can be read directly in Notepad, but will take up more storage capacity.


    This API is used to modify log storage path.

    + (void)setLogDirPath:(NSString *)path 


    Parameter Type Description
    path NSString * Log storage path.

    The log files are stored in sandbox Documents/log by default. To change the path, call this API before calling other methods.


    This API is used to set log callback.

    + (void)setLogDelegate:(id< TRTCLogDelegate >)logDelegate 


    This API is used to display dashboard.

    - (void)showDebugView:(NSInteger)showType 


    Parameter Type Description
    showType NSInteger 0: does not display; 1: displays lite edition; 2: displays full edition.


    The dashboard is a floating view for status statistics and event notifications to facilitate debugging.


    This API is used to set dashboard margin.

    - (void)setDebugViewMargin:(NSString *)userId margin:(TXEdgeInsets)margin 


    Parameter Type Description
    userId NSString * User ID.
    margin TXEdgeInsets Inner margin of the dashboard. It should be noted that this is based on the percentage of parentView. Value range: 0–1.


    The settings can only take effect if set before showDebugView is called.


    This API is used to call experimental APIs.

    - (void)callExperimentalAPI:(NSString *)jsonStr 


    Parameter Type Description
    jsonStr NSString * JSON string of API and parameter descriptions.

    This API is used to call some experimental APIs.

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