tencent cloud


Definitions of Key Types

Last updated: 2021-05-11 17:57:06
This document is currently invalid. Please refer to the documentation page of the product.



    Room entry parameters.


    Only if these parameters are correctly set can the user successfully call enterRoom to enter the audio/video room specified by roomId.

    Attribute list

    Attribute Type Description Recommended Value
    sdkAppId UInt32 Application ID, which is required. Tencent Cloud generates bills based on sdkAppId. The ID can be obtained on the account information page in the TRTC Console after the corresponding application is created.
    userId NSString * User ID, which is required. It is the userId of the local user and acts as the login username. If the ID of a user in your account system is "abc", userId can be set to "abc".
    userSig NSString * User signature, which is required. It is the authentication signature corresponding to the current userId and acts as the login password. For more information on the calculation method, please see How to Calculate UserSig.
    roomId UInt32 Room number, which is required. Users in the same room can see and make video calls to one another. The parameter value can be customized but must be unique. If the user ID (userId) is numeric, the room creator's user ID can be directly used as the roomId.
    role TRTCRoleType Role, which applies only to the LVB scenario (TRTCAppSceneLIVE) and does not take effect in the video call scenario. Default value: anchor (TRTCRoleAnchor).
    privateMapKey NSString * Room signature, which is optional. If you want only users with the specified userIds to enter a room, you need to use privateMapKey to restrict the permission. You are recommended to use this parameter only if you have high security requirements. For more information, please see Restricting Room Entry Permissions.
    bussInfo NSString * Business data, which is optional. This field applies only to some advanced features. This parameter is not recommended.



    Video encoding parameters.


    These settings determine the quality of image viewed by remote users, which is also the image quality of recorded video files in the cloud.

    Attribute list

    Attribute Type Description Recommended Value Remarks
    videoResolution TRTCVideoResolution Video resolution. - For video calls, it is recommended to select 360 * 640 or lower for resolution and Portrait for resMode.

    - For MLVB, it is recommended to select 540 * 960 for resolution and Portrait for resMode.

    - For Window and macOS, it is recommended to select 640 * 360 or higher for resolution and Landscape for resMode.
    Resolution set in TRTCVideoResolution is only in landscape mode by default, e.g., 640 * 360.
    If resolution in portrait mode is required, please select Portrait for resMode; for example, 640 * 360 will become 360 * 640 in portrait mode.
    resMode TRTCVideoResolutionMode Resolution mode (landscape/portrait). For MLVB, it is recommended to select Portrait. For Window and macOS, it is recommended to select Landscape. If 640 * 360 resolution is selected for videoResolution and Portrait is selected for resMode, then the final output resolution after encoding will be 360 * 640.
    videoFps int Video capture frame rate. 15 or 20 fps. If the frame rate is lower than 5 fps, there will be obvious lagging; if lower than 10 fps but higher than 5 fps, there will be slight lagging; if higher than 20 fps, too many resources will be wasted (the frame rate of movies is generally 24 fps). The front cameras on many Android phones do not support a capture frame rate higher than 15 fps. For some Android phones that focus too much on beautification features, the capture frame rate of the front cameras may be lower than 10 fps.
    videoBitrate int Video upstreaming bitrate. For more information on the recommended settings, please see the description in the definition of TRTCVideoResolution. If the bitrate is too low, the video will have a lot of blurs.



    Network bandwidth limit parameters.


    Network bandwidth limit parameters. The settings determine the bandwidth limit practices of the SDK in various network conditions (e.g., whether to "ensure definition" or "ensure smoothness" on a weak network).

    Attribute list

    Attribute Type Description Recommended Value Remarks
    preference TRTCVideoQosPreference Whether to select "ensure definition" or "ensure smoothness" on a weak network. - - Smoothness on weak network: on a weak network, the video image will have a lot of blurs but can be smooth with no lagging

    - Definition on weak network: the image will be as clear as possible on a weak network but tend to have more lagging.
    controlMode TRTCQosControlMode Video resolution (on-cloud control - client-based control). On-cloud control. - Server mode (default): on-cloud control. If there are no special needs, please use this mode directly

    - Client mode: client-based control, which is for internal debugging of the SDK and shall not be used by users.



    Video quality.


    This indicates the video call quality, based on which corresponding icons can be displayed on UI to represent the line quality of a userId.

    Attribute list

    Attribute Type Description
    userId NSString * User ID.
    quality TRTCQuality Video quality.



    Volume level.


    This indicates the audio volume level, based on which corresponding icons can be displayed on UI to indicate whether a userId is speaking.

    Attribute list

    Attribute Type Description
    userId NSString * userId of the speaking user. nil indicates the local user.
    volume NSUInteger Volume level of the speaking user. Value range: 0–100.



    Media device description.


    On MacOS, there can be multiple devices of each type. The TRTC SDK for macOS provides a set of functions to manipulate these devices.

    Attribute list

    Attribute Type Description
    type TRTCMediaDeviceType Device type.
    deviceId NSString * Device ID.
    deviceName NSString * Device name.



    Screen sharing target information (only for MacOS).


    If you want to add the screen sharing feature to your application, a window selection UI needs to be displayed first generally, so that the user can select the window to be shared. TRTCScreenCaptureSourceInfo is mainly used to define the window ID, type, name, and thumbnail.

    Attribute list

    Attribute Type Description
    type TRTCScreenCaptureSourceType Screen sharing type: a specified window or entire screen.
    sourceId NSString * Window ID.
    sourceName NSString * Window name.
    extInfo NSDictionary * Window attribute.
    thumbnail NSImage * Window thumbnail.
    icon NSImage * Window icon.



    Network speed test result.


    The startSpeedTest API of TRTCCloud can be used to test the network speed before a user enters a room (this API cannot be called during a call). The speed test result will be returned once every 2–3 seconds, and the test result of one IP address will be returned each time.

    Attribute list

    Attribute Type Description
    ip NSString * Server IP address.
    quality TRTCQuality Network quality, which is tested and calculated based on the internal evaluation algorithm. The smaller the loss and round-trip time (RTT), the higher the network quality score.
    upLostRate float Upstreaming packet loss rate between 0 and 1.0. For example, 0.3 indicates that 3 data packets may be lost in every 10 packets sent to the server.
    downLostRate float Downstreaming packet loss rate between 0 and 1.0. For example, 0.2 indicates that 2 data packets may be lost in every 10 packets received from the server.
    rtt uint32_t Delay in milliseconds, which is the round-trip time between the current device and CVM instance. The smaller the value, the better. The normal value range is 10–100 ms.



    Video frame information.


    TRTCVideoFrame is used to describe the raw data of a frame of video image, which can be the image before frame encoding or after frame decoding.

    Attribute list

    Attribute Type Description Recommended Value
    pixelFormat TRTCVideoPixelFormat Video pixel format. TRTCVideoPixelFormat_NV12
    bufferType TRTCVideoBufferType Video data structure type. TRTCVideoBufferType_PixelBuffer
    pixelBuffer CVPixelBufferRef Video data when bufferType is TRTCVideoBufferType_PixelBuffer. -
    data NSData * Video data when bufferType is TRTCVideoBufferType_NSData. -
    timestamp uint64_t Video frame timestamp in milliseconds. This parameter can be set to 0 for custom video capture, and in this case, the SDK will automatically set the timestamp field. However, please "evenly" set the calling interval of sendCustomVideoData.
    width uint32_t Video width. This parameter can be left empty if custom video capture is enabled.
    height uint32_t Video height. This parameter can be left empty if custom video capture is enabled.
    rotation TRTCVideoRotation Clockwise rotation angle of video pixels. -



    Audio frame data.


    Audio frame data.

    Attribute list

    Attribute Type Description
    data NSData * Audio data.
    sampleRate TRTCAudioSampleRate Sample rate.
    channels int Number of sound channels.
    timestamp uint64_t Timestamp in milliseconds.



    Position information of each channel of subimage in On-Cloud MixTranscoding.


    TRTCMixUser is used to specify the detailed position of the video image of each channel (i.e., each userId).

    Attribute list

    Attribute Type Description
    userId NSString * userId that engages in mixing.
    roomID NSString * Room that engages in On-Cloud MixTranscoding. The nil value indicates the local room.
    rect CGRect Layer position coordinates and dimensions. The top-left corner is the origin (0,0) (absolute pixel value).
    zOrder int Layer number (1–15), which must be unique.
    streamType TRTCVideoStreamType Whether the primary image (TRTCVideoStreamTypeBig) or screen sharing image (TRTCVideoStreamTypeSub) engages in mixing.
    pureAudio BOOL Whether the pure audio mode is enabled.



    On-Cloud MixTranscoding configuration.


    This contains the final encoding quality and the positions of images of each channel.

    Attribute list

    Attribute Type Description Recommended Value
    mode TRTCTranscodingConfigMode Transcoding config mode. -
    appId int Tencent Cloud LVB application ID. Please select a created application in the TRTC Console, click Account Info, and get the ID in "LVB Info".
    bizId int Tencent Cloud LVB business ID. Please select a created application in the TRTC Console, click Account Info, and get the ID in "LVB Info".
    videoWidth int Width of video resolution in px after being transcoded. -
    videoHeight int Height of video resolution in px after being transcoded. -
    videoBitrate int Bitrate of video resolution in Kbps after being transcoded. -
    videoFramerate int Frame rate of video resolution in FPS after being transcoded. 15
    videoGOP int GOP interval of video resolution in seconds after being transcoded. 3
    audioSampleRate int Audio sample rate after being transcoded. 48000
    audioBitrate int Audio bitrate in Kbps after being transcoded. 64
    audioChannels int Number of sound channels after being transcoded. 2
    mixUsers NSArray< TRTCMixUser * > * Position information of each channel of subimage. -



    CDN relayed push parameters.

    Attribute list

    Attribute Type Description
    appId int Tencent Cloud application ID. Please select a created application in the TRTC Console, click Account Info, and get the ID in "LVB Info".
    bizId int Tencent Cloud LVB business ID. Please select a created application in the TRTC Console, click Account Info, and get the ID in "LVB Info".
    url NSString * Relayed push URL.



    Audio recording parameters.


    Please set the parameters correctly to ensure that the audio recording file can be successfully generated.

    Attribute list

    Attribute Type Description Remarks
    filePath NSString * File path, which is the storage path to the audio recording file and is required. The path needs to be specified by the user and must exist and be writable. The file name and its extension need to be specified in the path, and the extension determines the format of the audio recording file. Currently supported formats are PCM, WAV, and AAC. For example, if the specified path is path/to/audio.aac, a file in AAC format will be generated. Please specify a valid path that is readable/writable; otherwise, the audio recording file cannot be generated.



    Audio effect.

    Attribute list

    Attribute Type Description Recommended Value Remarks
    effectId int Audio effect ID. - Each audio effect needs to be assigned with a unique ID, through which the audio effect can be manipulated, such as starting/stopping and adjusting volume level.
    path NSString * Absolute path to the audio effect file. - -
    loopCount int Number of loop playback times. Value range: 0 or any positive integer. Default value: 0. 0 indicates that the audio effect will be played back once; 1 indicates that the audio effect will be played back twice; and so on. -
    publish BOOL Whether to send audio effect to remote users. YES: when the audio effect is played back locally, it will be upstreamed to the cloud and can be heard by remote users; NO: the audio effect will not be upstreamed to the cloud and can only be heard locally. Default value: NO. -
    volume int Volume level of audio effect. Value range: 0–100. Default value: 100. -



    Local audio/video statistics.

    Attribute list

    Attribute Type Description
    width uint32_t Video width.
    height uint32_t Video height.
    frameRate uint32_t Frame rate in fps.
    videoBitrate uint32_t Video sending bitrate in Kbps.
    audioSampleRate uint32_t Audio sample rate in Hz.
    audioBitrate uint32_t Audio sending bitrate in Kbps.
    streamType TRTCVideoStreamType Stream type (big image | small image | secondary channel image).



    Audio/video statistics of a remote user.

    Attribute list

    Attribute Type Description
    userId NSString * User ID, which specifies the user whose video stream is to be queried.
    finalLoss uint32_t Total packet loss rate of this line in percent (%)
    A smaller value is preferred; for example, if the packet loss rate is 0, it means the network conditions are good. The packet loss rate is the total packet loss rate in one turn of upstreaming and downstreaming between the userId and server. If downLoss is 0% but finalLoss is not 0, it indicates that there was an irrecoverable packet loss in upstreaming from the userId.
    width uint32_t Video width.
    height uint32_t Video height.
    frameRate uint32_t Receipt frame rate in fps.
    videoBitrate uint32_t Video bitrate in Kbps.
    audioSampleRate uint32_t Audio sample rate in Hz.
    audioBitrate uint32_t Audio bitrate in Kbps.
    streamType TRTCVideoStreamType Stream type (big image | small image | secondary channel image).




    Attribute list

    Attribute Type Description
    upLoss uint32_t Client-to-server upstream packet loss rate in percent (%). The smaller the value, the better. For example, if the packet loss rate is 0, it means the network conditions are good. If the value is 30%, it indicates that 30% of data packets sent to the server by the SDK were lost during upstreaming.
    downLoss uint32_t Server-to-client downstream packet loss rate in percent (%). The smaller the value, the better. For example, if the packet loss rate is 0, it means the network conditions are good. If the value is 30%, it indicates that 30% of data packets sent to the server by the SDK were lost during downstreaming.
    appCpu uint32_t CPU utilization of the current application in percent (%).
    systemCpu uint32_t CPU utilization of the current system in percent (%).
    rtt uint32_t Delay in milliseconds, which is the round-trip time between the SDK and CVM instance. The smaller the value, the better. Generally rtt lower than 50 ms is satisfactory, while rtt higher than 100 ms will result in long call latency. As data upstreaming and downstreaming share the same network connection, rtt is the same for the local user and remote user.
    receivedBytes uint64_t Total number of received bytes (including signals and audios/videos).
    sentBytes uint64_t Total number of sent bytes (including signals and audios/videos).
    localStatistics NSArray< TRTCLocalStatistics * > * Local audio/video statistics, which are an array since they may contain statistics of multiple channels, such as big image, small image, and secondary channel image.
    remoteStatistics NSArray< TRTCRemoteStatistics * > * Remote audio/video statistics, which are an array since they may contain statistics of multiple channels, such as big image, small image, and secondary channel image.



    Video resolution.


    Here, only the landscape resolution is defined. If the portrait resolution (e.g., 360 * 640) needs to be used, Portrait must be selected for TRTCVideoResolutionMode.

    Enumerated Value Description
    TRTCVideoResolution_120_120 [C] 80 Kbps bitrate is recommended.
    TRTCVideoResolution_160_160 [C] 100 Kbps bitrate is recommended.
    TRTCVideoResolution_270_270 [C] 200 Kbps bitrate is recommended.
    TRTCVideoResolution_480_480 [C] 350 Kbps bitrate is recommended.
    TRTCVideoResolution_160_120 [C] 100 Kbps bitrate is recommended.
    TRTCVideoResolution_240_180 [C] 150 Kbps bitrate is recommended.
    TRTCVideoResolution_280_210 [C] 200 Kbps bitrate is recommended.
    TRTCVideoResolution_320_240 [C] 250 Kbps bitrate is recommended.
    TRTCVideoResolution_400_300 [C] 300 Kbps bitrate is recommended.
    TRTCVideoResolution_480_360 [C] 400 Kbps bitrate is recommended.
    TRTCVideoResolution_640_480 [C] 600 Kbps bitrate is recommended.
    TRTCVideoResolution_960_720 [C] 1,000 Kbps bitrate is recommended.
    TRTCVideoResolution_160_90 [C] 100 Kbps bitrate is recommended.
    TRTCVideoResolution_256_144 [C] 150 Kbps bitrate is recommended.
    TRTCVideoResolution_320_180 [C] 250 Kbps bitrate is recommended.
    TRTCVideoResolution_480_270 [C] 350 Kbps bitrate is recommended.
    TRTCVideoResolution_640_360 [C] 550 Kbps bitrate is recommended.
    TRTCVideoResolution_960_540 [C] 850 Kbps bitrate is recommended.
    TRTCVideoResolution_1280_720 [C] Camera capture - 1,200 Kbps bitrate is recommended [S] Screen sharing - recommended bitrate: LD: 400 Kbps; HD: 600 Kbps.
    TRTCVideoResolution_1920_1080 [S] Screen sharing - 800 Kbps bitrate is recommended.



    Video aspect ratio mode.


    • Landscape resolution: TRTCVideoResolution_640_360 + TRTCVideoResolutionModeLandscape = 640 * 360
    • Portrait resolution: TRTCVideoResolution_640_360 + TRTCVideoResolutionModePortrait = 360 * 640.
    Enumerated Value Description
    TRTCVideoResolutionModeLandscape Landscape resolution.
    TRTCVideoResolutionModePortrait Portrait resolution.



    Video stream type.


    TRTC provides three different audio/video streams, including:

    • Primary image: the most used channel, which is generally used to transmit video data from the camera.
    • Small image: it is similar to the primary image, but with lower resolution and bitrate.
    • Secondary stream image: it is generally used for screen sharing and remote video playback (for example, a teacher plays back a video to students).
    • If the upstream network and performance of the anchor is good, the primary (big) and small images can be sent at the same time.
    • The SDK does not support enabling only the small image, which must be enabled together with the primary image.
    Enumerated Value Description
    TRTCVideoStreamTypeBig Primary image video stream.
    TRTCVideoStreamTypeSmall Small image video stream.
    TRTCVideoStreamTypeSub Secondary stream (screen sharing).



    Image quality.


    The TRTC SDK defines six levels of image quality, among which "Excellent" stands for the best quality, and "Down" indicates that the image quality is unavailable.

    Enumerated Value Description
    TRTCQuality_Unknown Undefined.
    TRTCQuality_Excellent Excellent.
    TRTCQuality_Good Good.
    TRTCQuality_Poor Poor.
    TRTCQuality_Bad Bad.
    TRTCQuality_Vbad Very bad.
    TRTCQuality_Down Unavailable.



    Video image fill mode.


    If video image's display resolution is different from its original resolution, the fill mode needs to be set as below:

    • TRTCVideoFillMode_Fill: the entire screen will be covered by the image, where parts that exceed the screen will be cropped, and the displayed image may be incomplete.
    • TRTCVideoFillMode_Fit: the long side of the image will fit the screen, while the short side will be proportionally scaled with unmatched areas being filled with black color blocks. The displayed image is complete.
    Enumerated Value Description
    TRTCVideoFillMode_Fill The entire screen will be covered by the image, where parts that exceed the screen will be cropped.
    TRTCVideoFillMode_Fit The long side of the image will fit the screen, while the short side will be proportionally scaled with unmatched areas being filled with black color blocks.



    Video image rotation direction.


    The TRTC SDK provides rotation angle setting APIs for local and remote images. The following rotation angles are all clockwise.

    Enumerated Value Description
    TRTCVideoRotation_0 No rotation.
    TRTCVideoRotation_90 Rotates 90 degree clockwise.
    TRTCVideoRotation_180 Rotates 180 degree clockwise.
    TRTCVideoRotation_270 Rotates 270 degree clockwise.



    Beauty (skin smoothing) filter algorithm.


    The TRTC SDK has multiple in-built skin smoothing algorithms. You can select the one most suitable for your product needs.

    Enumerated Value Description
    TRTCBeautyStyleSmooth Smooth, which is suitable for shows since it has more obvious effect.
    TRTCBeautyStyleNature Natural, which retains more facial details and seems more natural subjectively.



    Video pixel format.


    The TRTC SDK provides custom capture and rendering features for video. In the custom capture feature, the following enumerated values can be used to describe the pixel format of the captured video. In the custom rendering feature, the video pixel format of the SDK callback can be specified.

    Enumerated Value Description
    TRTCVideoPixelFormat_Unknown Unknown.
    TRTCVideoPixelFormat_I420 YUV420p I420.
    TRTCVideoPixelFormat_NV12 YUV420sp NV12.
    TRTCVideoPixelFormat_32BGRA BGRA8888.



    Video data container format.


    In custom capture and rendering features, you need to use the following enumerated values to specify the type of container that is used to contain the video data.

    • PixelBuffer: it is most efficient when used directly. The iOS system provides various APIs to get or process PixelBuffer.
    • NSData: it applies only to custom rendering. The SDK performs memory copy from PixelBuffer to NSData, which has certain performance loss.
    Enumerated Value Description
    TRTCVideoBufferType_Unknown Unknown.
    TRTCVideoBufferType_PixelBuffer It is most efficient when used directly. The iOS system provides various APIs to get or process PixelBuffer.
    TRTCVideoBufferType_NSData It applies only to custom rendering. The SDK performs memory copy from PixelBuffer to NSData, which has certain performance loss.



    Mirror type of local video preview.


    The local image supports the following mirror types for iOS:

    Enumerated Value Description
    TRTCLocalVideoMirrorType_Auto Mirrors the front camera's image and does not mirror the rear camera's image.
    TRTCLocalVideoMirrorType_Enable Mirrors images of both the front and rear cameras.
    TRTCLocalVideoMirrorType_Disable Does not mirror the images of both the front and rear cameras.



    Application scenario.


    TRTC can be used in various application scenarios such as videoconferencing and live video broadcasting. The TRTC SDK provides different optimized configurations for different scenarios.

    • VideoCall: video call, i.e., the scenario where most of the time there are two or more people on video calls, such as 1-to-1 online course, 1-to-N (N < 8) video conference, or a small class.
    • LIVE: live video broadcasting (LVB), i.e., the scenario where most of the time there is only one person speaking or performing and occasionally multiple people interact with one another through video, such as co-anchoring in shows.
    Enumerated Value Description
    TRTCAppSceneVideoCall Video call scenario, where optimization for internal encoders and network protocols focuses on smoothness to reduce call latency and lagging.
    TRTCAppSceneLIVE LVB scenario, where optimization for internal encoders and network protocols focuses on performance and compatibility to deliver better performance and definition.



    Role, which applies only to the LVB scenario (TRTCAppSceneLIVE).


    In the LVB scenario, most users are viewers, and only several users are anchors. The differentiation in roles can help TRTC implement better and more specific optimization.

    • Anchor: anchor, who can upstream video and audio. Up to 20 anchors are allowed to upstream videos at the same time in one room.
    • Audience: viewer, who can only watch the video but cannot upstream video or audio. There is no upper limit for the number of viewers in one room.
    Enumerated Value Description
    TRTCRoleAnchor Anchor.
    TRTCRoleAudience Viewer.



    Bandwidth limit mode.


    The TRTC SDK needs to adjust the internal codecs and network module based on the network conditions in real-time to respond to network changes. To support fast algorithm upgrade, the SDK provides two network bandwidth limit modes:

    • ModeServer: on-cloud control, which is the default and recommended mode.
    • ModeClient: client-based control, which is for internal debugging of SDK and shall not be used by users.

    You are recommended to use on-cloud control, so that when upgrading the QoS algorithm, you do not need to upgrade the SDK to get a better experience.

    Enumerated Value Description
    TRTCQosControlModeClient Client-based control (which is for internal debugging of SDK and shall not be used by users).
    TRTCQosControlModeServer On-cloud control (default).



    Image quality preference.


    This specifies whether to "ensure smoothness" or "ensure definition" when the TRTC SDK is used on a weak network:

    • Smooth: smoothness is ensured on a weak network, i.e., ensuring the smoothness and sending of the audio, while the video image will have a lot of blurs but can be smooth with no lagging.
    • Clear: definition is ensured on a weak network, i.e., the image will be as clear as possible but tend to lag.
    Enumerated Value Description
    TRTCVideoQosPreferenceSmooth Ensures smoothness on a weak network.
    TRTCVideoQosPreferenceClear Ensures definition on a weak network.



    Audio sample rate.


    The audio sample rate is used to measure the audio fidelity. A higher sample rate indicates higher fidelity. If there is music in the application scenario, TRTCAudioSampleRate48000 will be recommended.

    Enumerated Value Description
    TRTCAudioSampleRate16000 16 kHz sample rate.
    TRTCAudioSampleRate32000 32 kHz sample rate.
    TRTCAudioSampleRate44100 44.1 kHz sample rate.
    TRTCAudioSampleRate48000 48 kHz sample rate.



    Audio playback mode (audio routing).

    The hands-free mode of video call features in WeChat and Mobile QQ is implemented based on audio routing. Generally, a mobile phone has two speakers, one is the receiver at the top with low volume, and the other is the stereo speaker at the bottom with high volume. The purpose of setting audio routing is to determine which speaker will be used.

    • Speakerphone: speaker at the bottom of a phone, which has high volume and is suitable for playing back music.
    • Earpiece: receiver at the top of a phone, which has low volume and is suitable for calls.
    Enumerated Value Description
    TRTCAudioModeSpeakerphone Speaker.
    TRTCAudioModeEarpiece Receiver.



    Audio reverb mode.


    This enumerated value applies to reverb mode in the LVB scenario and is mainly used in LVB shows.

    Enumerated Value Description
    TRTCReverbType_0 Disables reverb.
    TRTCReverbType_1 KTV
    TRTCReverbType_2 Small room.
    TRTCReverbType_3 Big hall.
    TRTCReverbType_4 Deep.
    TRTCReverbType_5 Resonant.
    TRTCReverbType_6 Metallic.
    TRTCReverbType_7 Husky.



    Voice changer mode.


    This enumerated value applies to voice changer mode in the LVB scenario and is mainly used in LVB shows.

    Enumerated Value Description
    TRTCVoiceChangerType_0 Disables the voice changer.
    TRTCVoiceChangerType_1 Naughty boy.
    TRTCVoiceChangerType_2 Little girl.
    TRTCVoiceChangerType_3 Middle-aged man.
    TRTCVoiceChangerType_4 Heavy metal.
    TRTCVoiceChangerType_5 Being cold.
    TRTCVoiceChangerType_6 Non-native speaker.
    TRTCVoiceChangerType_7 Furious animal.
    TRTCVoiceChangerType_8 Chubby.
    TRTCVoiceChangerType_9 Strong electric current.
    TRTCVoiceChangerType_10 Robot.
    TRTCVoiceChangerType_11 Ethereal voice.



    System volume type.


    Smartphones usually have two system volume types, i.e., call volume and media volume.

    • Call volume: volume type dedicated to the VoIP scenario. It will forcibly enable acoustic echo cancellation (AEC) and has low sound quality, and its volume level cannot be set to 0.
    • Media volume: volume type dedicated to music and movie playback through players. It will not enable AEC and can be set to 0 with the volume buttons on the phone. In media volume mode, AEC can be implemented by using the SDK's built-in acoustic algorithm if needed.

    Currently, the SDK provides two control modes of system volume types, including:

    • TRTCSystemVolumeTypeAuto: "call volume with mic and media volume without mic", i.e., the call volume mode will be used in a call, while the media volume mode will be used when a user only watches the video without speaking.
    • TRTCSystemVolumeTypeMedia: the media volume will be used all the time. If a user is on a call, the SDK will use the built-in algorithm for AEC.

    Considering the increment in the installation package size, only the SDKs in the TRTC Enterprise and Professional editions contain the acoustic algorithm library. If TRTCSystemVolumeTypeMedia is selected in the TRTC Lite edition, echo issues will occur, so please do so with caution.

    Enumerated Value Description
    TRTCSystemVolumeTypeAuto Default type, in which the SDK automatically selects the appropriate volume type.
    TRTCSystemVolumeTypeMedia Only the media volume is used, and the SDK does not use the call volume.



    Log level.


    Different log levels indicate different levels of details and number of logs. It is recommended to set the log level to TRTCLogLevelInfo generally.

    Enumerated Value Description
    TRTCLogLevelVerbose Outputs logs at all levels.
    TRTCLogLevelDebug Outputs logs at the DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and FATAL levels.
    TRTCLogLevelInfo Outputs logs at the INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and FATAL levels.
    TRTCLogLevelWarn Outputs logs at the WARNING, ERROR, and FATAL levels.
    TRTCLogLevelError Outputs logs at the ERROR and FATAL levels.
    TRTCLogLevelFatal Outputs logs at the FATAL level.
    TRTCLogLevelNone No SDK logs will be output.



    Switch of the g-sensor.


    This configuration item applies only to mobile devices such as iPhones and iPads, and needs to be used together with the current UI layout mode.

    • Disable: this value indicates that the video image direction will not be adjusted along with the sensed gravity direction.
    • UIAutoLayout: this value indicates that the SDK will not automatically adjust the rotation direction of LocalVideoView, which will be adjusted by the system instead. It can be used if the application UI supports gravity sensing.
    • UIFixLayout: this value indicates that the SDK will automatically adjust the rotation direction of LocalVideoView and can be used if the application UI currently does not support gravity sensing.
    Enumerated Value Description
    TRTCGSensorMode_Disable Disables the g-sensor.
    TRTCGSensorMode_UIAutoLayout Enables the g-sensor, which can be used if the application UI supports gravity sensing.
    TRTCGSensorMode_UIFixLayout Enables the g-sensor, which can be used if the application UI currently does not support gravity sensing.



    Device type (only for macOS).


    On MacOS, there can be multiple devices of each type. The TRTC SDK for macOS provides a set of functions to manipulate these devices.

    Enumerated Value Description
    TRTCMediaDeviceTypeUnknown Undefined.
    TRTCMediaDeviceTypeAudioInput Mic.
    TRTCMediaDeviceTypeAudioOutput Speaker or receiver.
    TRTCMediaDeviceTypeVideoCamera Camera.
    TRTCMediaDeviceTypeVideoWindow Window (for screen sharing).
    TRTCMediaDeviceTypeVideoScreen Entire screen (for screen sharing).



    Screen sharing target type (only for macOS).


    This enumerated value is mainly used for the SDK to distinguish between screen sharing targets (a window or the entire screen).

    Enumerated Value Description
    TRTCScreenCaptureSourceTypeUnknown Undefined.
    TRTCScreenCaptureSourceTypeWindow The screen sharing target is a macOS window.
    TRTCScreenCaptureSourceTypeScreen The screen sharing target is the entire desktop of macOS.



    MixTranscoding parameter configuration mode.


    Currently, only the manual configuration mode is supported, i.e., all parameters of TRTCTranscodingConfig need to be set manually.

    Enumerated Value Description
    TRTCTranscodingConfigMode_Unknown Undefined.
    TRTCTranscodingConfigMode_Manual Manual configuration of MixTranscoding parameters.
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