tencent cloud


TRTCChatSalon (Flutter)

Last updated: 2022-02-10 14:19:09

    TRTCChatSalon is based on Tencent Real-Time Communication (TRTC) and Instant Messaging (IM). Its features include:

    • A user can create a chat salon and become a speaker, or enter a salon as a listener.
    • The room owner can accept a listener’s request to speak as well as remove a speaker.
    • A listener can request to speak and become a speaker. A speaker can also become a listener.
    • All users can send text messages.

    TRTCChatSalon is an open-source class depending on two closed-source Tencent Cloud SDKs. For the specific implementation process, please see Chat Salon (Flutter).

    • TRTC SDK: the TRTC SDK is used as a low-latency audio chat component.
    • IM SDK: the AVChatRoom feature of the IM SDK is used to implement chat rooms. The attribute APIs of IM are used to store room information such as the seat list, and invitation signaling is used to send requests to speak or invite others to speak.

    TRTCChatSalon API Overview

    Basic SDK APIs

    API Description
    sharedInstance Gets a singleton object.
    destroySharedInstance Terminates singleton object.
    registerListener Sets event listener.
    unRegisterListener Terminates event listener.
    login Logs in.
    logout Logs out.
    setSelfProfile Sets profile.

    Room APIs

    API Description
    createRoom Creates a room (called by room owner). If the room does not exist, the system will automatically create a room.
    destroyRoom Terminates a room (called by room owner).
    enterRoom Enters a room (called by listener).
    exitRoom Exits a room (called by listener).
    getRoomInfoList Gets room list details.
    getRoomMemberList Gets the information of all users in the room.
    getArchorInfoList Gets the list of speakers in the room.
    getUserInfoList Gets the user information of the specified userId.

    Mic APIs

    API Description
    enterMic Becomes a speaker.
    leaveMic Becomes a listener.
    muteMic Mutes/Unmutes a speaker (called by room owner).
    kickMic Removes a speaker (called by room owner).

    Local audio APIs

    API Description
    startMicrophone Enables mic capturing.
    stopMicrophone Stops mic capturing.
    muteLocalAudio Mutes/Unmutes local audio.
    setSpeaker Turns the speaker on.
    setAudioCaptureVolume Sets mic capturing volume.
    setAudioPlayoutVolume Sets playback volume.

    Remote audio APIs

    API Description
    muteRemoteAudio Mutes/Unmutes a specified member.
    muteAllRemoteAudio Mutes/Unmutes all members.

    Background music and audio effect APIs

    API Description
    getAudioEffectManager Gets the background music and audio effect management object TXAudioEffectManager.

    Message sending APIs

    API Description
    sendRoomTextMsg Broadcasts a text message in the room. This API is generally used for on-screen comments.

    APIs for sending requests to speak

    API Description
    raiseHand Requests to speak.
    agreeToSpeak Accepts the request to speak (called by room owner).
    refuseToSpeak Rejects the request to speak (called by room owner).

    TRTCChatSalonDelegate API Overview

    Common event callback APIs

    API Description
    onError Error
    onWarning Warning
    onKickedOffline Kicked offline

    Room event callback APIs

    API Description
    onRoomDestroy The room was closed.
    onAnchorListChange Speaker list change
    onUserVolumeUpdate User volume

    Seat list change callback APIs

    API Description
    onAnchorEnterMic Someone became a speaker after requesting or being invited by the room owner.
    onAnchorLeaveMic Someone became a listener or was moved to listeners by the room owner.
    onMicMute The room owner muted a speaker.

    Callback APIs for room entry/exit by listeners

    API Description
    onAudienceEnter A listener entered the room.
    onAudienceExit A listener exited the room.

    Message event callback APIs

    API Description
    onRecvRoomTextMsg A text message was received.

    Callback APIs for sending requests to speak

    API Description
    onRaiseHand A listener requested to speak.
    onAgreeToSpeak The room owner accepted the listener’s request to speak.
    onRefuseToSpeak The room owner rejected the listener’s request to speak.

    Basic SDK APIs


    This API is used to get a TRTCChatSalon singleton object.

    static Future<TRTCChatSalon> sharedInstance()


    This API is used to terminate a TRTCChatSalon singleton object.


    After the instance is terminated, the externally cached TRTCChatSalon instance can no longer be used. You need to call sharedInstance again to get a new instance.

    static void destroySharedInstance()


    This API is used to set an event listener.

    void registerListener(VoiceListenerFunc func)

    setDelegate is the delegate callback of TRTCChatSalon.


    This API is used to remove the component event listener.

    void unRegisterListener(VoiceListenerFunc func)

    The parameters are as detailed below:

    Parameter Type Description
    func VoiceListenerFunc Status notifications in TRTCChatSalon are sent to the function you specify.


    This API is used to log in.

    Future<ActionCallback> login(int sdkAppId, String userId, String userSig)

    The parameters are as detailed below:

    Parameter Type Description
    sdkAppId int You can view the SDKAppID via Application Management > Application Info in the TRTC console.
    userId String ID of the current user, which is a string that can contain only letters (a-z and A-Z), digits (0-9), hyphens (-), and underscores (_).
    userSig String Tencent Cloud's proprietary security signature. For more information on how to get it, please see UserSig.


    This API is used to log out.

    Future<ActionCallback> logout()


    This API is used to set profile.

    Future<ActionCallback> setSelfProfile(String userName, String avatarURL)

    The parameters are as detailed below:

    Parameter Type Description
    userName String Nickname
    avatarURL String Profile photo address

    Room APIs


    This API is used to create a room.

    Future<ActionCallback> createRoom(int roomId, RoomParam roomParam)

    The parameters are as detailed below:

    Parameter Type Description
    roomId int Room ID. You need to assign and manage the IDs in a centralized manner. Multiple roomID values can be aggregated into a chat salon room list. Currently, Tencent Cloud does not provide management services for chat salon room lists. Please manage the list by yourself.
    roomParam RoomParam Room information, such as room name and cover information

    The process of creating an audio chat room and becoming a speaker is as follows:

    1. A user calls createRoom to create a chat salon, passing in room attributes such as room ID.
    2. The user receives an onAnchorEnterSeat notification that someone became a speaker, and mic capturing is enabled automatically.


    This API is used to terminate a room (called by room owner).

    Future<ActionCallback> destroyRoom()


    This API is used to enter a room (called by listener).

    Future<ActionCallback> enterRoom(int roomId)

    The parameters are as detailed below:

    Parameter Type Description
    roomId int Room ID

    The process of entering a room as a listener is as follows:

    1. A user gets the latest chat salon list from your server. The list may contain the roomId and room information of multiple chat salons.
    2. Select a chat salon, and call enterRoom with the room ID passed in to enter.
    3. After room entry, the user can call getArchorInfoList to get the speaker list and call getRoomMemberList to get the user list. The user list minus the speaker list is the listener list.
    4. The user receives an onAnchorEnterMic notification that someone became a speaker.


    This API is used to exit a room.

    Future<ActionCallback> exitRoom()


    This API is used to get room list details. The room name and cover are set by the room owner via roomInfo when calling createRoom().


    You don’t need this API if both the room list and room information are managed on your server.

    Future<RoomInfoCallback> getRoomInfoList(List<String> roomIdList)

    The parameters are as detailed below:

    Parameter Type Description
    roomIdList List<String> Room ID list


    This API is used to get the user list of a room.


    By default, the user list includes only the latest 31 users who entered an IM live chat group.

    Future<MemberListCallback> getRoomMemberList(double nextSeq)

    The parameters are as detailed below:

    Parameter Type Description
    nextSeq double Pulling-by-page flag. It is set to 0 when the information is pulled for the first time. If the callback succeeds and nextSeq is not 0, pagination is needed. The value of this field is passed in for the next pull until the value becomes 0.


    This API is used to get the list of speakers in the room.

    Future<UserListCallback> getArchorInfoList()


    This API is used to get the user information of a specified userId.

    Future<UserListCallback> getUserInfoList(List<String> userIdList)

    The parameters are as detailed below:

    Parameter Type Description
    userIdList List IDs of the users to query. If this parameter is null, the information of all users in the room is obtained.

    Mic APIs


    This API is used to become a speaker (called by room owner or listener).


    After a user becomes a speaker, all members in the room will receive an onAnchorEnterSeat notification.

    Future<ActionCallback> enterMic();

    Calling this API will immediately modify the speaker list. A listener needs to call raiseHand first to send a request to the room owner and call this API after receiving onAgreeToSpeak.


    A speaker became a listener.


    After a speaker becomes a listener, all members in the room will receive an onAnchorLeaveMic notification.

    Future<ActionCallback> leaveMic()


    This API is used to mute/unmute a seat (called by room owner).


    After the speaker list changes, all users in the room will receive onAnchorListChange and onMicMute notifications.

    Future<ActionCallback> muteMic(bool mute)


    This API is used to remove a speaker (called by room owner).


    After the room owner removes a speaker, all users in the room will receive an onAnchorLeaveMic notification.

    Future<ActionCallback> kickMic(String userId)

    The parameters are as detailed below:

    Parameter Type Description
    userId String User ID of the speaker to remove

    Calling this API will immediately modify the speaker list.

    Local Audio APIs


    This API is used to enable mic capturing.

    void startMicrophone(int quality)

    The parameters are as detailed below:

    Parameter Type Description
    quality int Audio quality. For more information, please see TRTC SDK.


    This API is used to stop mic capturing.

    void stopMicrophone()


    This API is used to mute/unmute the local audio.

    void muteLocalAudio(bool mute)

    The parameters are as detailed below:

    Parameter Type Description
    mute bool Mutes/Unmutes. For more information, please see TRTC SDK.


    This API is used to turn the speaker on.

    void setSpeaker(bool useSpeaker)

    The parameters are as detailed below:

    Parameter Type Description
    useSpeaker bool true: speaker; false: receiver


    This API is used to set the mic capturing volume.

    void setAudioCaptureVolume(int volume)

    The parameters are as detailed below:

    Parameter Type Description
    volume int Capturing volume. Value range: 0-100 (default: 100)


    This API is used to set the playback volume.

    void setAudioPlayoutVolume(int volume)

    The parameters are as detailed below:

    Parameter Type Description
    volume int Playback volume. Value range: 0-100 (default: 100)


    This API is used to mute/unmute a specified user.

    void muteRemoteAudio(String userId, bool mute)

    The parameters are as detailed below:

    Parameter Type Description
    userId String Specified user ID
    mute bool true: mutes; false: unmutes.


    This API is used to mute/unmute all users.

    void muteAllRemoteAudio(bool mute)

    The parameters are as detailed below:

    Parameter Type Description
    mute bool true: mutes; false: unmutes.

    Background Music and Audio Effect APIs


    This API is used to get the background music and audio effect management object TXAudioEffectManager.

    TXAudioEffectManager getAudioEffectManager()

    Message Sending APIs


    This API is used to broadcast a text message in a room, which is generally used for on-screen comments.

    Future<ActionCallback> sendRoomTextMsg(String message)

    The parameters are as detailed below:

    Parameter Type Description
    message String Text message.

    APIs for sending requests to speak


    This API is used to send a request to speak (called by listener).

    void raiseHand()


    This API is used to accept a request to speak (called by room owner).

    Future<ActionCallback> agreeToSpeak(String userId)

    The parameters are as detailed below:

    Parameter Type Description
    userId String User ID.


    This API is used to reject a request to speak (called by room owner).

    Future<ActionCallback> refuseToSpeak(String userId)

    The parameters are as detailed below:

    Parameter Type Description
    userId String User ID.

    TRTCChatSalonDelegate Event Callback APIs

    Common Event Callback APIs


    Callback for error.


    This callback indicates that the SDK encountered an unrecoverable error. Such errors must be listened for, and UI reminders should be sent to users if necessary.

    The parameters are as detailed below:

    Parameter Type Description
    errCode int Error code
    errMsg String Error message
    extraInfo String Extended field. Certain error codes may carry extra information for troubleshooting.


    Callback for warning.

    The parameters are as detailed below:

    Parameter Type Description
    warningCode int Warning code
    warningMsg String Warning message
    extraInfo String Extended field. Certain error codes may carry extra information for troubleshooting.


    Callback for being kicked offline because another user logged in to the same account.

    Room Event Callback APIs


    Callback for room termination. When the owner terminates the room, all users in the room will receive this callback.


    Callback for speaker list change.

    The parameters are as detailed below:

    Parameter Type Description
    userId String User ID
    mute bool Muted or not


    Callback of the volume of each member in the room after the volume reminder is enabled.

    The parameters are as detailed below:

    Parameter Type Description
    userId String User ID
    volume int Volume. Value range: 0-100

    Seat Callback APIs


    Someone became a speaker.

    The parameters are as detailed below:

    Parameter Type Description
    userId String ID of the user who became a speaker
    userName String Nickname
    userAvatar String Profile photo address
    mute bool Muted or not. Default: unmuted


    A speaker became a listener.

    The parameters are as detailed below:

    Parameter Type Description
    userId String ID of the user who became a listener


    Whether a user is muted by the room owner.

    The parameters are as detailed below:

    Parameter Type Description
    userId String User ID
    mute bool Muted or not

    Callback APIs for Room Entry/Exit by Listener


    A listener entered the room.

    The parameters are as detailed below:

    Parameter Type Description
    userId String ID of the user who entered the room
    userName String Nickname
    userAvatar String Profile photo address


    A listener exited the room.

    The parameters are as detailed below:

    Parameter Type Description
    userId String User ID

    Message Event Callback APIs


    A text message was received.

    The parameters are as detailed below:

    Parameter Type Description
    message String Text message
    sendId String Sender’s user ID
    userAvatar String Sender’s profile photo
    userName String Sender’s nickname

    Callback APIs for sending requests to speak (hand raising)


    A request to speak was received.

    The parameters are as detailed below:

    Parameter Type Description
    userId String ID of the user who requested to speak


    The room owner accepted the request to speak.

    The parameters are as detailed below:

    Parameter Type Description
    userId String User ID of the room owner


    The room owner rejected the request to speak.

    The parameters are as detailed below:

    Parameter Type Description
    userId String User ID of the room owner
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