tencent cloud


8-Core 32 GB 3-Node Cluster Performance Test

Last updated: 2021-10-26 15:59:31

    This document describes the performance metrics of a 3-node ES cluster with 8 CPU cores and 32 GB memory, and 200 GB SSD storage capacity.


    The data comes from GeoNames and contains 11,396,503 entries of geographic location data in text, long, geo, and other types stored in columns and rows with a total size of around 3 GB.

    The comparison between the 8-core 32 GB SSD 200 GB 3-node ES cluster and a community edition cluster with the same specification shows that ES has better performance in all aspects thanks to its optimizations of the underlying storage model (time series merging and continuous cold shard merging), query execution plan (efficient pruning and caching), built-in scenario templates, proprietary JDK, and GC parameter tuning. For more information, please see ES Kernel Enhancement.

    geonames/7.10.1/8-core 32 GB

    Description Metric Unit Task ES Community Edition Difference Value (Community Edition-ES) Difference Percentage (Difference Value/Community Edition) Performance Comparison
    Total write time Cumulative indexing time of primary shards min - 14.2567 15.4834 1.2267 7.92% Superior
    Total GC count and time Total Young Gen GC time s - 3.544 17.73 14.186 80.01% Superior
    Total Young Gen GC count - - 447 1084 637 58.76% Superior
    Total Old Gen GC time s - 0 0 0 - -
    Total Old Gen GC count - - 0 0 0 - -
    Storage size Store size GB - 2.59725 3.07604 0.47879 15.57% Superior
    Heap memory usage Heap used for segments MB - 0.534325 0.766575 0.23225 30.30% Superior
    Heap used for doc values MB - 0.0507355 0.0315514 -0.0191841 -60.80% Inferior
    Heap used for terms MB - 0.370026 0.601349 0.231323 38.47% Superior
    Heap used for norms MB - 0.0396729 0.0817871 0.0421142 51.49% Superior
    Heap used for points MB - 0 0 0 - -
    Heap used for stored fields MB - 0.0119553 0.0518875 0.0399322 76.96% Superior
    Total segment count Segment count - - 7 105 98 93.33% Superior
    Write throughput and time Min Throughput docs/s index-append 153730 132776 -20954 -15.78% Superior
    Median Throughput docs/s index-append 159765 142851 -16914 -11.84% Superior
    Max Throughput docs/s index-append 162791 148669 -14122 -9.50% Superior
    50th percentile latency ms index-append 130.877 151.656 20.779 13.70% Superior
    90th percentile latency ms index-append 162.969 187.779 24.81 13.21% Superior
    99th percentile latency ms index-append 181.428 240.11 58.682 24.44% Superior
    100th percentile latency ms index-append 225.98 285.137 59.157 20.75% Superior
    50th percentile service time ms index-append 130.877 151.656 20.779 13.70% Superior
    90th percentile service time ms index-append 162.969 187.779 24.81 13.21% Superior
    99th percentile service time ms index-append 181.428 240.11 58.682 24.44% Superior
    100th percentile service time ms index-append 225.98 285.137 59.157 20.75% Superior
    error rate % index-append 0 0 0 - -
    Index metrics Min Throughput ops/s index-stats 90.05 90.05 0 0.00% Superior
    Median Throughput ops/s index-stats 90.06 90.07 0.01 0.01% Superior
    Max Throughput ops/s index-stats 90.12 90.13 0.01 0.01% Superior
    50th percentile latency ms index-stats 2.76736 2.65897 -0.10839 -4.08% Inferior
    90th percentile latency ms index-stats 3.58235 3.48937 -0.09298 -2.66% Inferior
    99th percentile latency ms index-stats 3.95798 3.89304 -0.06494 -1.67% Inferior
    99.9th percentile latency ms index-stats 4.39377 9.07619 4.68242 51.59% Superior
    100th percentile latency ms index-stats 9.00375 18.123 9.11925 50.32% Superior
    50th percentile service time ms index-stats 1.57744 1.45244 -0.125 -8.61% Inferior
    90th percentile service time ms index-stats 1.8317 1.66173 -0.16997 -10.23% Inferior
    99th percentile service time ms index-stats 2.0752 1.94615 -0.12905 -6.63% Inferior
    99.9th percentile service time ms index-stats 2.24891 2.64752 0.39861 15.06% Superior
    100th percentile service time ms index-stats 2.31078 16.5015 14.19072 86.00% Superior
    error rate % index-stats 0 0 0 - -
    Node metrics Min Throughput ops/s node-stats 90.06 90.06 0 0.00% Superior
    Median Throughput ops/s node-stats 90.12 90.12 0 0.00% Superior
    Max Throughput ops/s node-stats 90.36 90.39 0.03 0.03% Superior
    50th percentile latency ms node-stats 2.9754 2.93862 -0.03678 -1.25% Inferior
    90th percentile latency ms node-stats 4.07929 4.0283 -0.05099 -1.27% Inferior
    99th percentile latency ms node-stats 5.0754 4.78946 -0.28594 -5.97% Inferior
    99.9th percentile latency ms node-stats 6.53613 17.0702 10.53407 61.71% Superior
    100th percentile latency ms node-stats 6.93454 24.7832 17.84866 72.02% Superior
    50th percentile service time ms node-stats 2.23841 2.17713 -0.06128 -2.81% Inferior
    90th percentile service time ms node-stats 2.65367 2.62466 -0.02901 -1.11% Inferior
    99th percentile service time ms node-stats 3.92073 3.93043 0.0097 0.25% Superior
    99.9th percentile service time ms node-stats 4.92842 4.48172 -0.4467 -9.97% Inferior
    100th percentile service time ms node-stats 5.92757 23.7859 17.85833 75.08% Superior
    error rate % node-stats 0 0 0 - -
    Default query with all documents having a score of 1 (match_all) Min Throughput ops/s default 50.03 50.03 0 0.00% Superior
    Median Throughput ops/s default 50.04 50.04 0 0.00% Superior
    Max Throughput ops/s default 50.08 50.08 0 0.00% Superior
    50th percentile latency ms default 3.53894 3.40291 -0.13603 -4.00% Inferior
    90th percentile latency ms default 4.11403 4.57279 0.45876 10.03% Superior
    99th percentile latency ms default 4.92737 5.37426 0.44689 8.32% Superior
    99.9th percentile latency ms default 5.74037 25.897 20.15663 77.83% Superior
    100th percentile latency ms default 7.32557 27.2085 19.88293 73.08% Superior
    50th percentile service time ms default 2.7831 2.67459 -0.10851 -4.06% Inferior
    90th percentile service time ms default 3.17322 2.97996 -0.19326 -6.49% Inferior
    99th percentile service time ms default 3.77477 3.38794 -0.38683 -11.42% Inferior
    99.9th percentile service time ms default 4.19186 25.1729 20.98104 83.35% Superior
    100th percentile service time ms default 6.58243 26.1698 19.58737 74.85% Superior
    error rate % default 0 0 0 - -
    Term query Min Throughput ops/s term 99.66 100.05 0.39 0.39% Superior
    Median Throughput ops/s term 100.07 100.08 0.01 0.01% Superior
    Max Throughput ops/s term 100.11 100.15 0.04 0.04% Superior
    50th percentile latency ms term 2.83987 2.72933 -0.11054 -4.05% Inferior
    90th percentile latency ms term 3.32569 3.16805 -0.15764 -4.98% Inferior
    99th percentile latency ms term 3.96055 3.66753 -0.29302 -7.99% Inferior
    99.9th percentile latency ms term 4.33961 9.62272 5.28311 54.90% Superior
    100th percentile latency ms term 5.70421 16.4559 10.75169 65.34% Superior
    50th percentile service time ms term 2.08935 2.00258 -0.08677 -4.33% Inferior
    90th percentile service time ms term 2.53284 2.24384 -0.289 -12.88% Inferior
    99th percentile service time ms term 2.99484 2.64135 -0.35349 -13.38% Inferior
    99.9th percentile service time ms term 3.37709 6.10442 2.72733 44.68% Superior
    100th percentile service time ms term 5.24029 15.8044 10.56411 66.84% Superior
    error rate % term 0 0 0 - -
    Phrase query Min Throughput ops/s phrase 110.04 110.06 0.02 0.02% Superior
    Median Throughput ops/s phrase 110.08 110.07 -0.01 -0.01% Superior
    Max Throughput ops/s phrase 110.11 110.11 0 0.00% Superior
    50th percentile latency ms phrase 2.74088 2.89197 0.15109 5.22% Superior
    90th percentile latency ms phrase 3.30207 3.39345 0.09138 2.69% Superior
    99th percentile latency ms phrase 4.8127 8.22389 3.41119 41.48% Superior
    99.9th percentile latency ms phrase 5.57204 25.9978 20.42576 78.57% Superior
    100th percentile latency ms phrase 6.54587 27.9116 21.36573 76.55% Superior
    50th percentile service time ms phrase 1.98839 2.18937 0.20098 9.18% Superior
    90th percentile service time ms phrase 2.41365 2.51158 0.09793 3.90% Superior
    99th percentile service time ms phrase 4.00121 3.24254 -0.75867 -23.40% Inferior
    99.9th percentile service time ms phrase 4.70793 25.7224 21.01447 81.70% Superior
    100th percentile service time ms phrase 5.67829 27.4831 21.80481 79.34% Superior
    error rate % phrase 0 0 0 - -
    Aggregation query without cache Min Throughput ops/s country_agg_uncached 3.6 3.6 0 0.00% Superior
    Median Throughput ops/s country_agg_uncached 3.61 3.61 0 0.00% Superior
    Max Throughput ops/s country_agg_uncached 3.61 3.61 0 0.00% Superior
    50th percentile latency ms country_agg_uncached 130.314 162.61 32.296 19.86% Superior
    90th percentile latency ms country_agg_uncached 147.567 176.4 28.833 16.35% Superior
    99th percentile latency ms country_agg_uncached 165.174 184.368 19.194 10.41% Superior
    100th percentile latency ms country_agg_uncached 174.015 269.972 95.957 35.54% Superior
    50th percentile service time ms country_agg_uncached 129.186 161.723 32.537 20.12% Superior
    90th percentile service time ms country_agg_uncached 146.921 175.819 28.898 16.44% Superior
    99th percentile service time ms country_agg_uncached 164.579 183.7 19.121 10.41% Superior
    100th percentile service time ms country_agg_uncached 172.827 269.339 96.512 35.83% Superior
    error rate % country_agg_uncached 0 0 0 - -
    Aggregation query with cache Min Throughput ops/s country_agg_cached 100.04 100.03 -0.01 -0.01% Superior
    Median Throughput ops/s country_agg_cached 100.05 100.06 0.01 0.01% Superior
    Max Throughput ops/s country_agg_cached 100.08 100.08 0 0.00% Superior
    50th percentile latency ms country_agg_cached 2.29531 2.10251 -0.1928 -9.17% Inferior
    90th percentile latency ms country_agg_cached 3.57418 3.49217 -0.08201 -2.35% Inferior
    99th percentile latency ms country_agg_cached 3.91685 3.74707 -0.16978 -4.53% Inferior
    99.9th percentile latency ms country_agg_cached 4.19749 4.05757 -0.13992 -3.45% Inferior
    100th percentile latency ms country_agg_cached 4.51842 4.63039 0.11197 2.42% Superior
    50th percentile service time ms country_agg_cached 1.57861 1.40612 -0.17249 -12.27% Inferior
    90th percentile service time ms country_agg_cached 1.89111 1.58866 -0.30245 -19.04% Inferior
    99th percentile service time ms country_agg_cached 2.19488 1.74583 -0.44905 -25.72% Inferior
    99.9th percentile service time ms country_agg_cached 3.42563 3.46564 0.04001 1.15% Superior
    100th percentile service time ms country_agg_cached 4.28971 3.97654 -0.31317 -7.88% Superior
    error rate % country_agg_cached 0 0 0 - -
    Paged pull Min Throughput pages/s scroll 20.04 20.04 0 0.00% Superior
    Median Throughput pages/s scroll 20.05 20.04 -0.01 -0.05% Superior
    Max Throughput pages/s scroll 20.06 20.06 0 0.00% Superior
    50th percentile latency ms scroll 538.421 556.145 17.724 3.19% Superior
    90th percentile latency ms scroll 543.566 573.903 30.337 5.29% Superior
    99th percentile latency ms scroll 582.263 585.602 3.339 0.57% Superior
    100th percentile latency ms scroll 584.75 587.091 2.341 0.40% Superior
    50th percentile service time ms scroll 537.068 554.325 17.257 3.11% Superior
    90th percentile service time ms scroll 542.428 572.308 29.88 5.22% Superior
    99th percentile service time ms scroll 580.372 583.701 3.329 0.57% Superior
    100th percentile service time ms scroll 583.612 584.764 1.152 0.20% Superior
    error rate % scroll 0 0 0 - -
    Script query (using expression script) Min Throughput ops/s expression 2 2 0 0.00% Superior
    Median Throughput ops/s expression 2 2 0 0.00% Superior
    Max Throughput ops/s expression 2 2 0 0.00% Superior
    50th percentile latency ms expression 265.631 277.403 11.772 4.24% Superior
    90th percentile latency ms expression 287.121 299.5 12.379 4.13% Superior
    99th percentile latency ms expression 311.788 434.462 122.674 28.24% Superior
    100th percentile latency ms expression 391.745 446.275 54.53 12.22% Superior
    50th percentile service time ms expression 264.462 276.536 12.074 4.37% Superior
    90th percentile service time ms expression 285.113 298.434 13.321 4.46% Superior
    99th percentile service time ms expression 310.991 434.014 123.023 28.35% Superior
    100th percentile service time ms expression 390.33 445.661 55.331 12.42% Superior
    error rate % expression 0 0 0 - -
    Script query (using painless static script without dynamically getting field values) Min Throughput ops/s painless_static 1.5 1.5 0 0.00% Superior
    Median Throughput ops/s painless_static 1.5 1.5 0 0.00% Superior
    Max Throughput ops/s painless_static 1.5 1.5 0 0.00% Superior
    50th percentile latency ms painless_static 337.96 364.636 26.676 7.32% Superior
    90th percentile latency ms painless_static 358.738 383.504 24.766 6.46% Superior
    99th percentile latency ms painless_static 375.017 459.529 84.512 18.39% Superior
    100th percentile latency ms painless_static 395.417 557.708 162.291 29.10% Superior
    50th percentile service time ms painless_static 337.111 363.478 26.367 7.25% Superior
    90th percentile service time ms painless_static 357.771 382.45 24.679 6.45% Superior
    99th percentile service time ms painless_static 374.121 458.343 84.222 18.38% Superior
    100th percentile service time ms painless_static 394.632 556.401 161.769 29.07% Superior
    error rate % painless_static 0 0 0 - -
    Script query (using painless static script with dynamically getting field values) Min Throughput ops/s painless_dynamic 1.5 1.5 0 0.00% Superior
    Median Throughput ops/s painless_dynamic 1.5 1.5 0 0.00% Superior
    Max Throughput ops/s painless_dynamic 1.5 1.5 0 0.00% Superior
    50th percentile latency ms painless_dynamic 334.684 365.354 30.67 8.39% Superior
    90th percentile latency ms painless_dynamic 354.406 390.406 36 9.22% Superior
    99th percentile latency ms painless_dynamic 377.214 552.417 175.203 31.72% Superior
    100th percentile latency ms painless_dynamic 381.276 554.12 172.844 31.19% Superior
    50th percentile service time ms painless_dynamic 333.654 364.353 30.699 8.43% Superior
    90th percentile service time ms painless_dynamic 353.246 389.419 36.173 9.29% Superior
    99th percentile service time ms painless_dynamic 375.956 551.619 175.663 31.84% Superior
    100th percentile service time ms painless_dynamic 379.75 553.208 173.458 31.35% Superior
    error rate % painless_dynamic 0 0 0 - -
    Geographic range query (based on Gaussian decay function) Min Throughput ops/s decay_geo_gauss_function_score 1 1 0 0.00% Superior
    Median Throughput ops/s decay_geo_gauss_function_score 1 1 0 0.00% Superior
    Max Throughput ops/s decay_geo_gauss_function_score 1 1 0 0.00% Superior
    50th percentile latency ms decay_geo_gauss_function_score 327.972 327.664 -0.308 -0.09% Inferior
    90th percentile latency ms decay_geo_gauss_function_score 336.979 344.367 7.388 2.15% Superior
    99th percentile latency ms decay_geo_gauss_function_score 343.562 417.386 73.824 17.69% Superior
    100th percentile latency ms decay_geo_gauss_function_score 344.135 420.996 76.861 18.26% Superior
    50th percentile service time ms decay_geo_gauss_function_score 326.554 326.503 -0.051 -0.02% Inferior
    90th percentile service time ms decay_geo_gauss_function_score 336.053 343.32 7.267 2.12% Superior
    99th percentile service time ms decay_geo_gauss_function_score 342.151 416.72 74.569 17.89% Superior
    100th percentile service time ms decay_geo_gauss_function_score 342.843 419.488 76.645 18.27% Superior
    error rate % decay_geo_gauss_function_score 0 0 0 - -
    Geographic range query (based on Gaussian decay function with dynamically getting field values through script) Min Throughput ops/s decay_geo_gauss_script_score 1 1 0 0.00% Superior
    Median Throughput ops/s decay_geo_gauss_script_score 1 1 0 0.00% Superior
    Max Throughput ops/s decay_geo_gauss_script_score 1 1 0 0.00% Superior
    50th percentile latency ms decay_geo_gauss_script_score 341.152 344.421 3.269 0.95% Superior
    90th percentile latency ms decay_geo_gauss_script_score 349.94 371.575 21.635 5.82% Superior
    99th percentile latency ms decay_geo_gauss_script_score 354.76 420.658 65.898 15.67% Superior
    100th percentile latency ms decay_geo_gauss_script_score 364.169 438.541 74.372 16.96% Superior
    50th percentile service time ms decay_geo_gauss_script_score 339.967 342.961 2.994 0.87% Superior
    90th percentile service time ms decay_geo_gauss_script_score 348.493 370.146 21.653 5.85% Superior
    99th percentile service time ms decay_geo_gauss_script_score 353.559 418.767 65.208 15.57% Superior
    100th percentile service time ms decay_geo_gauss_script_score 362.748 437.195 74.447 17.03% Superior
    error rate % decay_geo_gauss_script_score 0 0 0 - -
    Custom scoring function query (defining function based on field value) Min Throughput ops/s field_value_function_score 1.5 1.5 0 0.00% Superior
    Median Throughput ops/s field_value_function_score 1.5 1.5 0 0.00% Superior
    Max Throughput ops/s field_value_function_score 1.51 1.51 0 0.00% Superior
    50th percentile latency ms field_value_function_score 120.538 129.323 8.785 6.79% Superior
    90th percentile latency ms field_value_function_score 137.702 152.985 15.283 9.99% Superior
    99th percentile latency ms field_value_function_score 147.851 185.772 37.921 20.41% Superior
    100th percentile latency ms field_value_function_score 169.961 186.405 16.444 8.82% Superior
    50th percentile service time ms field_value_function_score 119.159 128.146 8.987 7.01% Superior
    90th percentile service time ms field_value_function_score 136.338 151.555 15.217 10.04% Superior
    99th percentile service time ms field_value_function_score 146.981 184.934 37.953 20.52% Superior
    100th percentile service time ms field_value_function_score 168.964 185.269 16.305 8.80% Superior
    error rate % field_value_function_score 0 0 0 - -
    Custom scoring function query (dynamically getting field values through script to calculate scores) Min Throughput ops/s field_value_script_score 1.5 1.5 0 0.00% Superior
    Median Throughput ops/s field_value_script_score 1.5 1.5 0 0.00% Superior
    Max Throughput ops/s field_value_script_score 1.51 1.51 0 0.00% Superior
    50th percentile latency ms field_value_script_score 168.069 171.907 3.838 2.23% Superior
    90th percentile latency ms field_value_script_score 178.933 184.467 5.534 3.00% Superior
    99th percentile latency ms field_value_script_score 196.982 200.137 3.155 1.58% Superior
    100th percentile latency ms field_value_script_score 198.722 206.461 7.739 3.75% Superior
    50th percentile service time ms field_value_script_score 166.827 170.653 3.826 2.24% Superior
    90th percentile service time ms field_value_script_score 177.869 183.324 5.455 2.98% Superior
    99th percentile service time ms field_value_script_score 195.586 199.107 3.521 1.77% Superior
    100th percentile service time ms field_value_script_score 197.054 205.323 8.269 4.03% Superior
    error rate % field_value_script_score 0 0 0 - -
    Large terms query Min Throughput ops/s large_terms 1.1 1.1 0 0.00% Superior
    Median Throughput ops/s large_terms 1.1 1.1 0 0.00% Superior
    Max Throughput ops/s large_terms 1.1 1.1 0 0.00% Superior
    50th percentile latency ms large_terms 241.322 597.464 356.142 59.61% Superior
    90th percentile latency ms large_terms 252.637 600.941 348.304 57.96% Superior
    99th percentile latency ms large_terms 265.807 749.895 484.088 64.55% Superior
    100th percentile latency ms large_terms 272.611 751.444 478.833 63.72% Superior
    50th percentile service time ms large_terms 233.129 589.829 356.7 60.48% Superior
    90th percentile service time ms large_terms 244.494 593.562 349.068 58.81% Superior
    99th percentile service time ms large_terms 258.894 742.68 483.786 65.14% Superior
    100th percentile service time ms large_terms 264.352 743.9 479.548 64.46% Superior
    error rate % large_terms 0 0 0 - -
    Large filtered terms query Min Throughput ops/s large_filtered_terms 1.1 1.1 0 0.00% Superior
    Median Throughput ops/s large_filtered_terms 1.1 1.1 0 0.00% Superior
    Max Throughput ops/s large_filtered_terms 1.1 1.1 0 0.00% Superior
    50th percentile latency ms large_filtered_terms 233.192 596.04 362.848 60.88% Superior
    90th percentile latency ms large_filtered_terms 241.102 604.321 363.219 60.10% Superior
    99th percentile latency ms large_filtered_terms 251.835 717.036 465.201 64.88% Superior
    100th percentile latency ms large_filtered_terms 260.27 749.665 489.395 65.28% Superior
    50th percentile service time ms large_filtered_terms 225.052 588.28 363.228 61.74% Superior
    90th percentile service time ms large_filtered_terms 233.16 595.415 362.255 60.84% Superior
    99th percentile service time ms large_filtered_terms 243.603 708.968 465.365 65.64% Superior
    100th percentile service time ms large_filtered_terms 252.129 741.922 489.793 66.02% Superior
    error rate % large_filtered_terms 0 0 0 - -
    Large prohibited terms query Min Throughput ops/s large_prohibited_terms 1.1 1.1 0 0.00% Superior
    Median Throughput ops/s large_prohibited_terms 1.1 1.1 0 0.00% Superior
    Max Throughput ops/s large_prohibited_terms 1.1 1.1 0 0.00% Superior
    50th percentile latency ms large_prohibited_terms 235.179 610.41 375.231 61.47% Superior
    90th percentile latency ms large_prohibited_terms 241.076 631.544 390.468 61.83% Superior
    99th percentile latency ms large_prohibited_terms 255.983 774.92 518.937 66.97% Superior
    100th percentile latency ms large_prohibited_terms 259.046 779.168 520.122 66.75% Superior
    50th percentile service time ms large_prohibited_terms 227.487 603.342 375.855 62.30% Superior
    90th percentile service time ms large_prohibited_terms 233.792 624.55 390.758 62.57% Superior
    99th percentile service time ms large_prohibited_terms 248.53 767.511 518.981 67.62% Superior
    100th percentile service time ms large_prohibited_terms 251.083 771.655 520.572 67.46% Superior
    error rate % large_prohibited_terms 0 0 0 - -
    Descending order query Min Throughput ops/s desc_sort_population 1.5 1.5 0 0.00% Superior
    Median Throughput ops/s desc_sort_population 1.51 1.51 0 0.00% Superior
    Max Throughput ops/s desc_sort_population 1.51 1.51 0 0.00% Superior
    50th percentile latency ms desc_sort_population 48.387 56.6622 8.2752 14.60% Superior
    90th percentile latency ms desc_sort_population 63.073 94.9756 31.9026 33.59% Superior
    99th percentile latency ms desc_sort_population 71.7498 97.2611 25.5113 26.23% Superior
    100th percentile latency ms desc_sort_population 83.3593 97.7817 14.4224 14.75% Superior
    50th percentile service time ms desc_sort_population 47.0436 55.1461 8.1025 14.69% Superior
    90th percentile service time ms desc_sort_population 61.3731 93.9102 32.5371 34.65% Superior
    99th percentile service time ms desc_sort_population 70.4811 95.6134 25.1323 26.29% Superior
    100th percentile service time ms desc_sort_population 81.6517 96.009 14.3573 14.95% Superior
    error rate % desc_sort_population 0 0 0 - -
    Ascending order query Min Throughput ops/s asc_sort_population 1.5 1.5 0 0.00% Superior
    Median Throughput ops/s asc_sort_population 1.51 1.51 0 0.00% Superior
    Max Throughput ops/s asc_sort_population 1.51 1.51 0 0.00% Superior
    50th percentile latency ms asc_sort_population 49.2469 57.9177 8.6708 14.97% Superior
    90th percentile latency ms asc_sort_population 67.5894 76.0044 8.415 11.07% Superior
    99th percentile latency ms asc_sort_population 84.6384 97.5143 12.8759 13.20% Superior
    100th percentile latency ms asc_sort_population 85.8124 97.5606 11.7482 12.04% Superior
    50th percentile service time ms asc_sort_population 47.8438 56.5861 8.7423 15.45% Superior
    90th percentile service time ms asc_sort_population 66.0821 74.7343 8.6522 11.58% Superior
    99th percentile service time ms asc_sort_population 83.6026 96.2868 12.6842 13.17% Superior
    100th percentile service time ms asc_sort_population 84.2175 96.6563 12.4388 12.87% Superior
    error rate % asc_sort_population 0 0 0 - -
    search_after query with sorting in ascending order Min Throughput ops/s asc_sort_with_after_population 1.5 1.5 0 0.00% Superior
    Median Throughput ops/s asc_sort_with_after_population 1.51 1.51 0 0.00% Superior
    Max Throughput ops/s asc_sort_with_after_population 1.51 1.51 0 0.00% Superior
    50th percentile latency ms asc_sort_with_after_population 99.1943 83.423 -15.7713 -18.91% Inferior
    90th percentile latency ms asc_sort_with_after_population 86.0298 98.895 12.8652 13.01% Superior
    99th percentile latency ms asc_sort_with_after_population 102.268 131.329 29.061 22.13% Superior
    100th percentile latency ms asc_sort_with_after_population 106.33 132.25 25.92 19.60% Superior
    50th percentile service time ms asc_sort_with_after_population 68.2272 82.1201 13.8929 16.92% Superior
    90th percentile service time ms asc_sort_with_after_population 84.685 97.2085 12.5235 12.88% Superior
    99th percentile service time ms asc_sort_with_after_population 101.133 130.033 28.9 22.23% Superior
    100th percentile service time ms asc_sort_with_after_population 105.094 131.274 26.18 19.94% Superior
    error rate % asc_sort_with_after_population 0 0 0 - -
    Query with sorting high base fields in descending order (quickly getting topK based on DistanceFeatureQuery) Min Throughput ops/s desc_sort_geonameid 6.02 6.02 0 0.00% Superior
    Median Throughput ops/s desc_sort_geonameid 6.02 6.02 0 0.00% Superior
    Max Throughput ops/s desc_sort_geonameid 6.03 6.03 0 0.00% Superior
    50th percentile latency ms desc_sort_geonameid 5.53008 5.15391 -0.37617 -7.30% Inferior
    90th percentile latency ms desc_sort_geonameid 6.20276 6.05507 -0.14769 -2.44% Inferior
    99th percentile latency ms desc_sort_geonameid 6.67673 7.41936 0.74263 10.01% Superior
    100th percentile latency ms desc_sort_geonameid 6.95103 24.1732 17.22217 71.24% Superior
    50th percentile service time ms desc_sort_geonameid 4.61231 4.38941 -0.2229 -5.08% Inferior
    90th percentile service time ms desc_sort_geonameid 5.45982 5.20354 -0.25628 -4.93% Inferior
    99th percentile service time ms desc_sort_geonameid 5.65304 5.75262 0.09958 1.73% Superior
    100th percentile service time ms desc_sort_geonameid 5.65578 23.3192 17.66342 75.75% Superior
    error rate % desc_sort_geonameid 0 0 0 - -
    search_after query with sorting high base fields in descending order Min Throughput ops/s desc_sort_with_after_geonameid 6.01 6.01 0 0.00% Superior
    Median Throughput ops/s desc_sort_with_after_geonameid 6.02 6.01 -0.01 -0.17% Superior
    Max Throughput ops/s desc_sort_with_after_geonameid 6.02 6.02 0 0.00% Superior
    50th percentile latency ms desc_sort_with_after_geonameid 56.5947 75.9327 19.338 25.47% Superior
    90th percentile latency ms desc_sort_with_after_geonameid 79.6503 88.6273 8.977 10.13% Superior
    99th percentile latency ms desc_sort_with_after_geonameid 87.7773 117.763 29.9857 25.46% Superior
    100th percentile latency ms desc_sort_with_after_geonameid 89.3947 118.003 28.6083 24.24% Superior
    50th percentile service time ms desc_sort_with_after_geonameid 55.4855 75.1241 19.6386 26.14% Superior
    90th percentile service time ms desc_sort_with_after_geonameid 79.2349 87.7269 8.492 9.68% Superior
    99th percentile service time ms desc_sort_with_after_geonameid 87.3803 116.924 29.5437 25.27% Superior
    100th percentile service time ms desc_sort_with_after_geonameid 88.3606 117.768 29.4074 24.97% Superior
    error rate % desc_sort_with_after_geonameid 0 0 0 - -
    Query with sorting high base fields in ascending order (quickly getting topK based on DistanceFeatureQuery) Min Throughput ops/s asc_sort_geonameid 6.02 6.02 0 0.00% Superior
    Median Throughput ops/s asc_sort_geonameid 6.02 6.02 0 0.00% Superior
    Max Throughput ops/s asc_sort_geonameid 6.03 6.03 0 0.00% Superior
    50th percentile latency ms asc_sort_geonameid 5.19317 4.49108 -0.70209 -15.63% Inferior
    90th percentile latency ms asc_sort_geonameid 5.74438 5.01747 -0.72691 -14.49% Inferior
    99th percentile latency ms asc_sort_geonameid 6.22846 5.49664 -0.73182 -13.31% Inferior
    100th percentile latency ms asc_sort_geonameid 11.6377 5.53539 -6.10231 -110.24% Inferior
    50th percentile service time ms asc_sort_geonameid 4.35586 3.56597 -0.78989 -22.15% Inferior
    90th percentile service time ms asc_sort_geonameid 4.92152 3.97107 -0.95045 -23.93% Inferior
    99th percentile service time ms asc_sort_geonameid 5.38949 4.33548 -1.05401 -24.31% Inferior
    100th percentile service time ms asc_sort_geonameid 10.6436 4.5666 -6.077 -133.07% Inferior
    error rate % asc_sort_geonameid 0 0 0 - -
    search_after query with sorting high base fields in ascending order Min Throughput ops/s asc_sort_with_after_geonameid 6.01 6.01 0 0.00% Superior
    Median Throughput ops/s asc_sort_with_after_geonameid 6.02 6.01 -0.01 -0.17% Superior
    Max Throughput ops/s asc_sort_with_after_geonameid 6.02 6.02 0 0.00% Superior
    50th percentile latency ms asc_sort_with_after_geonameid 58.1403 69.5377 11.3974 16.39% Superior
    90th percentile latency ms asc_sort_with_after_geonameid 76.5695 81.7929 5.2234 6.39% Superior
    99th percentile latency ms asc_sort_with_after_geonameid 91.6296 98.1089 6.4793 6.60% Superior
    100th percentile latency ms asc_sort_with_after_geonameid 91.6364 104.363 12.7266 12.19% Superior
    50th percentile service time ms asc_sort_with_after_geonameid 57.1683 68.532 11.3637 16.58% Superior
    90th percentile service time ms asc_sort_with_after_geonameid 75.7573 81.0123 5.255 6.49% Superior
    99th percentile service time ms asc_sort_with_after_geonameid 91.1533 97.807 6.6537 6.80% Superior
    100th percentile service time ms asc_sort_with_after_geonameid 91.3662 103.404 12.0378 11.64% Superior
    error rate % asc_sort_with_after_geonameid 0 0 0 - -
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