tencent cloud


Cross-Bucket Replication

Terakhir diperbarui:2024-02-02 14:36:36


    This document provides an overview of APIs and SDK code samples related to bucket copying.
    Setting cross-bucket replication
    Sets a cross-bucket replication rule for a bucket
    Querying cross-bucket replication
    Queries the cross-bucket replication rule of a bucket
    Deleting cross-bucket replication
    Deletes a cross-bucket replication rule of a bucket

    Setting Cross-Bucket Replication

    API description

    This API is used to set a cross-bucket replication rule for a bucket.

    Sample code

    // Bucket name in the format of bucketname-APPID. You can get APPID by referring to https://console.tencentcloud.com/developer.
    string bucket = "examplebucket-1250000000";
    string ownerUin = "100000000001"; //Replication initiator identifier: OwnerUin
    string subUin = "100000000001"; //Replication initiator identifier: SubUin
    PutBucketReplicationRequest request = new PutBucketReplicationRequest(bucket);
    // Set replication
    PutBucketReplicationRequest.RuleStruct ruleStruct =
    new PutBucketReplicationRequest.RuleStruct();
    ruleStruct.id = "replication_01"; // Identifies the replication rule
    ruleStruct.isEnable = true; // Indicates whether the rule is enabled. true: enabled; false: not enabled
    ruleStruct.appid = "1250000000"; //APPID
    ruleStruct.region = "ap-beijing"; // Destination bucket region
    ruleStruct.bucket = "destinationbucket-1250000000"; // Format: BucketName-APPID
    ruleStruct.prefix = "34"; // Prefix matching policy
    List<PutBucketReplicationRequest.RuleStruct> ruleStructs =
    new List<PutBucketReplicationRequest.RuleStruct>();
    request.SetReplicationConfiguration(ownerUin, subUin, ruleStructs);
    PutBucketReplicationResult result = cosXml.PutBucketReplication(request);
    catch (COSXML.CosException.CosClientException clientEx)
    Console.WriteLine("CosClientException: " + clientEx);
    catch (COSXML.CosException.CosServerException serverEx)
    Console.WriteLine("CosServerException: " + serverEx.GetInfo());
    For the complete sample, please go to GitHub.

    Querying Cross-Bucket Replication

    API description

    This API is used to query the cross-bucket replication rule of a bucket.

    Sample code

    // Bucket name in the format of bucketname-APPID. You can get APPID by referring to https://console.tencentcloud.com/developer.
    string bucket = "examplebucket-1250000000";
    GetBucketReplicationRequest request = new GetBucketReplicationRequest(bucket);
    GetBucketReplicationResult result = cosXml.GetBucketReplication(request);
    // Bucket cross-region replication configuration
    ReplicationConfiguration conf = result.replicationConfiguration;
    catch (COSXML.CosException.CosClientException clientEx)
    Console.WriteLine("CosClientException: " + clientEx);
    catch (COSXML.CosException.CosServerException serverEx)
    Console.WriteLine("CosServerException: " + serverEx.GetInfo());
    For the complete sample, please go to GitHub.

    Deleting Cross-Bucket Replication

    API description

    This API is used to delete the cross-bucket replication rule set for a bucket.

    Sample code

    // Bucket name in the format of bucketname-APPID. You can get APPID by referring to https://console.tencentcloud.com/developer.
    string bucket = "examplebucket-1250000000";
    DeleteBucketReplicationRequest request = new DeleteBucketReplicationRequest(bucket);
    DeleteBucketReplicationResult result = cosXml.DeleteBucketReplication(request);
    catch (COSXML.CosException.CosClientException clientEx)
    Console.WriteLine("CosClientException: " + clientEx);
    catch (COSXML.CosException.CosServerException serverEx)
    Console.WriteLine("CosServerException: " + serverEx.GetInfo());
    For the complete sample, please go to GitHub.
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