tencent cloud


Triggering Job (Independent Node)

Last updated: 2022-10-31 14:20:55

    Feature Description

    This API is used to trigger a batch data processing job through independent job parameters.

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    Sample request

    POST /inventorytriggerjob HTTP/1.1
    Host: <BucketName-APPID>.ci.<Region>.myqcloud.com
    Date: <GMT Date>
    Authorization: <Auth String>
    Content-Length: <length>
    Content-Type: application/xml

    Request headers

    This API only uses common request headers. For more information, see Common Request Headers.

    Request body

    This request requires the following request body:

          <UserData>this is my inventorytriggerjob</UserData>

    The nodes are described as follows:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type Required
    Request None Request container Container Yes

    Request has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type Required
    Name Request Batch data processing job name, which can contain up to 128 letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores. String Yes
    Type Request Batch operation job type: Job String Yes
    Input Request Information of the media file to be processed Container Yes
    Operation Request Operation rule Container Yes

    Input has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type Required
    Manifest Request.Input Name of the COS inventory file, i.e., the manifest.json file generated by the COS inventory feature. String No
    UrlFile Request.Input Name of the URL file, where each URL is a COS object access address. String No
    Prefix Request.Input Object prefix String No
    Object Request.Input Media filename String No

    Operation has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type Required
    TimeInterval Request.Operation Trigger range filtered by time Container No
    Tag Request.Operation Tag of the created media job String Yes
    Output Request.Operation
    • Output address
    • If the media job type is not VideoTag, ExtractDigitalWatermark, MediaInfo, or QualityEstimate, this parameter will be required.
    Container No
    JobParam Request.Operation Job parameter Container Yes
    QueueId Request.Operation Queue ID String Yes
    UserData Request.Operation User information String No
    JobLevel Request.Operation Job priority. The greater the value, the higher the priority. Valid values: 0, 1, 2. Default value: 0. String No
    CallBackFormat Request.Operation Job callback format, which can be JSON or XML (default). It has a higher priority than that of the queue. String No
    CallBackType Request.Operation Job callback type, which can be Url (default) or TDMQ. It has a higher priority than that of the queue. String No
    CallBack Request.Operation Job callback address, which has a higher priority than that of the queue. If it is set to no, no callbacks will be generated at the callback address of the queue. String No
    CallBackMqConfig Request.Operation TDMQ configuration for job callback, which will be required if CallBackType is TDMQ. Container No

    CallBackMqConfig has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type Required
    MqRegion Request.Operation.CallBackMqConfig Message queue region. Valid values: sh (Shanghai), bj (Beijing), gz (Guangzhou), cd (Chengdu), hk (Hong Kong, China). String Yes
    MqMode Request.Operation.CallBackMqConfig Message queue mode. Default value: Queue.
    Topic: Topic subscription
    Queue: Queue service
    String Yes
    MqName Request.Operation.CallBackMqConfig TDMQ topic name String Yes

    Operation.Tag supports the following types:

    Job Type Tag
    Video-to-animated image conversion Animatin
    Intelligent thumbnail SmartCover
    Audio/Video transcoding Transcode
    Screenshot Snapshot
    Speech recognition SpeechRecognition
    Audio/Video splicing Concat
    Voice/Sound separation VoiceSpearte
    Video montage VideoMontage
    Voice/Sound separation VoiceSeparate
    Video enhancement VideoProcess
    Super resolution SuperResolution
    Audio/Video remuxing Segment
    Video tagging VideoTag
    Image processing PicProcess
    Digital watermark DigitalWatermark
    Digital watermark extraction ExtractDigitalWatermark
    Async media information query MediaInfo
    Audio/Video stream separation StreamExtract
    Text to speech Tts
    Audio noise cancellation NoiseReduction
    Video quality analysis QualityEstimate

    TimeInterval has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type Required Default Value Constraints
    Start Request.Operation.TimeInterval Start time String No 0
    • Upload time of the scanned object
    • %Y-%m-%dT%H:%m:%S%z
    End Request.Operation.TimeInterval End time String No Current time
    • Upload time of the scanned object
    • %Y-%m-%dT%H:%m:%S%z

    Output has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type Required Constraints
    Region Request.Operation.Output Bucket region String Yes None
    Bucket Request.Operation.Output Bucket name String Yes None
    Object Request.Operation.Output Result filename String No
    • If the media job type is not Snapshot, VoiceSeparate, or StreamExtract, this parameter will be required.
    • If the media job type is SmartCover and Request.Operation.JobParam.SmartCover.Count is greater than 1, the ${Number} parameter must be included.
    • If the media job type is Snapshot and Snapshot.Count is greater than 1, the ${Number} parameter must be included.
    AuObject Request.Operation.Output Voice/Sound result filename String No If the media job type is VideoSeParete, this parameter will take effect. This parameter and Object cannot be empty at the same time.
    SpriteObject Request.Operation.Output Image sprite name String No
    • If the media job type is Snapshot, this parameter will take effect. This parameter and Object cannot be empty at the same time.
    • If Snapshot.Count is greater than 1, the ${Number} parameter must be included.
    • Only the jpg format is supported.
    StreamExtract Request.Operation.Output Configuration information of the stream separation result file. If the media job type is StreamExtract, this parameter will take effect and be required. Container Yes None

    StreamExtract has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type Required
    Index Request.Operation.Output.StreamExtract Stream number, which corresponds to Response.MediaInfo.Stream.Video.Index and Response.MediaInfo.Stream.Audio.Index in the media information. For more information, see Getting Media File Information. If the input media format is mxf, only video streams can be extracted. String Yes
    Object Request.Operation.Output.StreamExtract Result output filename String Yes

    JobParam has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type Required
    TemplateId Request.Operation.JobParam Template ID String No
    TranscodeTemplateId Request.Operation.JobParam Transcoding template ID, which will take effect if the media job type is VideoProcess, SuperResolution, or SDR2HDR. Container No
    Animation Request.Operation.JobParam Animated image job parameter, which will take effect if the media job type is Animation. Container No
    Transcode Request.Operation.JobParam Transcoding job parameter, which will take effect if the media job type is Transcode, VideoProcess, SuperResolution, or SDR2HDR. String No
    SmartCover Request.Operation.JobParam Intelligent thumbnail job parameter, which will take effect if the media job type is SmartCover. Container No
    DigitalWatermark Request.Operation.JobParam Digital watermark parameter, which will take effect if the media job type is Transcode, VideoProcess, SuperResolution, or DigitalWatermark. Container No
    Watermark Request.Operation.JobParam Watermark template parameter, which is the same as Request.Watermark in the watermark template creation API CreateMediaTemplate and will take effect if the media job type is Transcode, SDR2HDR, VideoProcess, or SuperResolution. Container No
    RemoveWatermark Request.Operation.JobParam Digital watermark removal parameter, which will take effect if the media job type is Transcode. Container No
    WatermarkTemplateId Request.Operation.JobParam Watermark template parameter, which is the same as Request.Watermark in the watermark template creation API CreateMediaTemplate and will take effect if the media job type is Transcode, SDR2HDR, VideoProcess, or SuperResolution. Container No
    RemoveWatermark Request.Operation.JobParam Digital watermark removal parameter, which will take effect if the media job type is Transcode. Container No
    Snapshot Request.Operation.JobParam Screenshot job parameter, which will take effect if the media job type is Snapshot. Container No
    SpeechRecognition Request.Operation.JobParam Speech recognition job parameter, which will take effect if the media job type is SpeechRecognition. Container No
    ConcatTemplate Request.Operation.JobParam Splicing job parameter, which will take effect if the media job type is Concat. Container No
    VoiceSeparate Request.Operation.JobParam Voice/Sound separation job parameter, which will take effect if the media job type is VoiceSeparate. Container No
    VideoMontage Request.Operation.JobParam Video montage job parameter, which will take effect if the media job type is VideoMontage. Container No
    SDRtoHDR Request.Operation.JobParam SDR-to-HDR job parameter, which will take effect if the media job type is SDRtoHDR. Container No
    VideoProcess Request.Operation.JobParam Video enhancement job parameter, which will take effect if the media job type is VideoProcess. Container No
    SuperResolution Request.Operation.JobParam Super resolution job parameter, which will take effect if the media job type is SuperResolution. Container No
    Segment Request.Operation.JobParam Remuxing job parameter, which will take effect if the media job type is Segment. Container No
    ExtractDigitalWatermark Request.Operation.JobParam Digital watermark extraction job parameter, which will take effect if the media job type is ExtractDigitalWatermark. Container No
    VideoTag Request.Operation.JobParam Video tagging job parameter, which will take effect if the media job type is VideoTag. Container No
    TtsTpl Request.Operation.JobParam Text-to-speech template parameter, which will take effect if the media job type is Tts. Container No

    TemplateId is used first. If TemplateId is unavailable, the corresponding job type parameter is used.

    DigitalWatermark has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type Required
    Message Request.Operation.JobParam.DigitalWatermark The string embedded by the digital watermark, which can contain up to 64 letters, digits, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and asterisks (*). String Yes
    Type Request.Operation.JobParam.DigitalWatermark Watermark type, which currently can be set to Text only. String Yes
    Version Request.Operation.JobParam.DigitalWatermark Watermark version, which currently can be set to V1 only. String Yes
    IgnoreError Request.Operation.JobParam.DigitalWatermark
    • Whether to ignore the watermarking failure and continue the job. Valid values: true, false (default).
    • If Request.Operation.Tag is DigitalWatermark, this parameter will not take effect, and the job will fail if watermark adding fails.
    String No

    Animation has the following sub-nodes:
    Same as Request.Operation.Animation as described in Submitting Video-to-Animated Image Conversion Job.

    Transcode has the following sub-nodes:
    Same as Request.Operation.Transcode as described in Submitting Audio/Video Transcoding Job.

    Watermark has the following sub-nodes:
    Same as Request.Operation.Watermark as described in Submitting Audio/Video Transcoding Job.

    RemoveWatermark has the following sub-nodes:
    Same as Request.Operation.RemoveWatermark as described in Submitting Audio/Video Transcoding Job.

    SmartCover has the following sub-nodes:
    Same as Request.Operation.SmartCover as described in Submitting Intelligent Thumbnail Job.

    Snapshot has the following sub-nodes:
    Same as Request.Operation.Snapshot as described in Submitting Video Frame Capturing Job.

    SpeechRecognition has the following sub-nodes:
    Same as Request.Operation.SpeechRecognition as described in Submitting Speech Recognition Job.

    ConcatTemplate has the following sub-nodes:
    Same as Request.Operation.ConcatTemplate as described in Submitting Video Splicing Job.

    VoiceSeparate has the following sub-nodes:
    Same as Request.Operation.VoiceSeparate as described in Submitting Voice/Sound Separation Job.

    VideoMontage has the following sub-nodes:
    Same as Request.Operation.VideoMontage as described in Submitting Video Montage Job.

    SDRtoHDR has the following sub-nodes:
    Same as Request.Operation.SDRtoHDR as described in Submitting SDR-to-HDR Job.

    VideoProcess has the following sub-nodes:
    Same as Request.Operation.VideoProcess as described in Submitting Video Enhancement Job.

    SuperResolution has the following sub-nodes:
    Same as Request.Operation.SuperResolution as described in Submitting Super Resolution Job.

    Segment has the following sub-nodes:
    Same as Request.Operation.Segment as described in Submitting Remuxing Job.

    ExtractDigitalWatermark has the following sub-nodes:
    Same as Request.Operation.ExtractDigitalWatermark as described in Submitting Digital Watermark Extracting Job.

    VideoTag has the following sub-nodes:
    Same as Request.Operation.VideoTag as described in Submitting Video Tagging Job.

    TtsTpl has the following sub-nodes:
    Same as Request.Operation.TtsTpl as described in Submitting Text-to-Speech Job.


    Response headers

    This API only returns common response headers. For more information, see Common Response Headers.

    Response body

    The response body returns application/xml data. The following contains all the nodes:

              <UserData>this is my inventorytriggerjob</UserData>

    The nodes are as described below:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type
    Response None Result storage container Container

    Response has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type
    RequestId Response Unique ID of the request String
    JobsDetail Response Job details Container

    JobsDetail has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type
    Code Response.JobsDetail Error code, which will be returned only if State is Failed String
    Message Response.JobsDetail Error message, which will be returned only if State is Failed String
    Type Response.JobsDetail Batch operation job type: Job String
    Name Response.JobsDetail Job name String
    JobId Response.JobsDetail Job ID String
    State Response.JobsDetail Job status. Valid values: Submitted, Running, Success, Failed, Pause, Cancel. String
    CreationTime Response.JobsDetail Job creation time String
    StartTime Response.JobsDetail Job start time String
    EndTime Response.JobsDetail Job end time String
    Input Response.JobsDetail Input resource address of the job, which is the same as the Request.Input node in the request. Container
    Operation Response.JobsDetail Operation rule, which is the same as the Request.Input Operation node in the request. Container

    Error codes

    There are no special error messages for this request. For common error messages, see Error Codes.



    POST /inventorytriggerjob HTTP/1.1
    Content-Length: 166
    Content-Type: application/xml
          <UserData>this is my inventorytriggerjob</UserData>


    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/xml
    Content-Length: 230
    Connection: keep-alive
    Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2022 15:23:12 GMT
    Server: tencent-ci
    x-ci-request-id: NjJiZDU1ZmZfOTBmYTUwNjRfNzdjY18xYQ==
              <UserData>this is my inventorytriggerjob</UserData>