tencent cloud


Managing CloudAudit Log Shipping

Last updated: 2023-12-24 09:33:37


    You can set to ship the operation logs of all accounts within the organization to a designated Cloud Object Storage (COS) bucket. This facilitates centralized management and analysis of logs and audit of account operations. This document describes how to set CloudAudit log shipping in a landing zone.


    You have logged in to the Tencent Cloud console and gone to the Control Center > Landing zone page.


    1. On the Landing zone page, click Add configuration.
    2. In the Add configuration pop-up window, select Manage CloudAudit log shipping and click Confirm.
    3. On the Configure CloudAudit log shipping page that appears, provide CloudAudit log information, including basic information, managed events, and shipping method.
    Tracking set: Enter a name for the tracking set, which must be 3 to 128 characters long and contain uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores (_).
    Event type: The default value is Write only. You can change it to Read only or All.
    Destination: Create a COS bucket for log shipping, specify the region where the bucket is located, and name the bucket.
    4. Click Next: Preview to go to the preview page.
    5. After confirming that the preview is correct, click Apply.
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