tencent cloud


Payment Overdue

Last updated: 2024-01-16 17:28:37
    Note: If you are a customer of a Tencent Cloud partner, the rules regarding resources when there are overdue payments are subject to the agreement between you and the partner.


    Tencent Push Notification Service provides pay-as-you-go modes. If your account has overdue payment for a certain period of time, the system will suspend your service and repossess resources. For more information, please see the following sections.

    Pay-As-You-Go (Postpaid) Mode

    Pay-as-you-go billing is an elastic billing mode of Tencent Push Notification Service. You can activate or terminate the service at any time, and the service fees will be charged by the number of daily active users (DAUs) and settled daily. This mode has relatively high prices and is suitable for scenarios where the number of DAUs fluctuates greatly. After purchasing the pay-as-you-go service, please ensure that your account balance is always sufficient. If your account has overdue payment for more than 24 hours, the pay-as-you-go service will be suspended.

    Service suspension mechanism

    At 06:00 every day, the system will settle the fees incurred the previous day, generate a bill, and deduct the fees from your account balance. If your account balance is insufficient or the sum of available balance and frozen amount is negative, and the deduction cannot be completed, your account will have overdue payment.
    The system will push payment overdue reminders when your account has overdue payment through phone call, SMS, WeChat, email, and Message Center (subject to the actual receipt channels and recipients configured in Message Center).
    If you fail to make the payment in 24 hours, the service will be officially suspended. If you make the payment in 24 hours, the service will remain available.
    After the service is suspended, the device registration, account, and tag binding logic can be used normally, but the push feature will become unavailable.
    If you have activated the non-stop feature offered to key accounts, the service will not be suspended due to overdue payment of your account, you can continue to use it, and fees will continue to be charged. If you haven't activated this feature, you can contact sales to apply for activation.

    Repossession mechanism

    After the service is suspended, if you fail to make the payment in seven days, the repossession policy will start.
    After resources are repossessed, your application token information, account and tag information, push history, and other resource data will be deleted immediately and cannot be recovered.
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