tencent cloud


Release Notes

Last updated: 2024-05-14 16:57:21

    April 2024

    Dynamic Name
    Dynamic Description
    Release Date
    5.x Professional and Platinum Versions' Newly-added Compute Specifications
    5.x Professional Version adds several specifications between 50,000–100,000 TPS;
    5.x Platinum Version refines specifications, shortens step size, and makes purchasing more flexible;
    5.x Professional Version's large specifications and Platinum Version's entire specifications are reduced in price, with the maximum decrease reaching 40%.
    4.x Generic Cluster Selling Form
    The number of nodes is not disclosed to the public; sales are based on TPS, and exceeding TPS is strictly rate-limited;
    Exclusive Physical Resources, higher cost-performance ratio, and lower storage pricing;
    Customized Parameter Tuning based on the business scenario.
    Optimization of the Consumption Status Display in Message Details
    Optimize the display of the consumption status for messages filtered by SQL or TAG filtering rules, correcting the status from Not Consumed to Filtered.
    Optimized Billing Display
    Auto-renewal order detail Page displays specification details.
    Bill additionally displays resource alias.
    Fixed occasional error defects when purchasing and terminating prepaid (annual and monthly subscription) clusters.

    February 2024

    Seamless migration feature and experience optimization
    During the migration of a self-built cluster, VPC network interconnection supports automatic network interconnection of different product types such as CLB and CVM simultaneously.
    When a self-built cluster is migrated from a local IDC, interconnection scenarios involving various network types such as Cloud Connect Network and Direct Connect gateway are supported.
    When metadata is imported, importing the ACL configuration of the source cluster is supported.
    During the cluster traffic switching process, it supports automatic detection of consumer groups (Groups) that have not completed the switch. Supports the removal of Topics that meet the conditions from the migration task. Adds several health checks and other features.
    Topic granularity setting retention time
    For RocketMQ 5.x Professional and Platinum Versions clusters, it supports custom message retention time for each Topic. Users can adjust the retention time of Topic used according to business needs.
    Cluster topic and group quota adjustment
    Users can independently increase or decrease the Topic and Group quotas of a cluster on the page (within a reasonable range set by the page). To ensure the stability of the cluster and the rational use of resources, a small fee will be charged for amounts exceeding the quota.
    Monitoring metrics optimization
    4.x clusters add metrics, including consumer lag metrics and dead-letter message count metrics. Dedicated 4.x and 5.x clusters support public network bandwidth metrics.

    November 2023

    Seamless migration capability
    Supports white-labeled user operations, migrating self-built RocketMQ clusters to RocketMQ 5.x clusters of various specifications. The entire migration process is visualized, and it supports rollback the status during migration.
    Console integration and interaction optimization
    Merge of 4.x and 5.x cluster consoles, unifying interactions across different versions. The display of progress is also supported when a cluster is created. When destroying or downgrading clusters, conduct critical metric assessments.
    Query retry messages
    You can query recent retry messages by Topic, and view the details of each retry by message ID.
    Direct access through global search in the console
    After you search for the RocketMQ cluster ID in the console, being directly redirected to the RocketMQ console is supported.
    Monitoring metrics and interaction optimization
    The topic/group monitoring page supports the comparison of multiple Topic/Group metrics. Supports displaying the comparison of message counts across multiple time intervals.
    Metrics integration with Tencent Cloud Observability Platform (TCOP) Prometheus
    Users can access metrics of various RocketMQ versions using Prometheus instances from Tencent Cloud Observability Platform (TCOP).
    4.x SDK compatibility
    Server-side compatibility with the broadcast consumption mode of the PushConsumer from the 4.x version client SDK.

    October 2023

    Seamless migration capability
    Supports white-labeled user operations, migrating self-built RocketMQ clusters to dedicated RocketMQ 4.x clusters. The entire migration process is visualized, and it supports rollback the status during migration.
    Message cross-cluster replication
    RocketMQ 4.x clusters support message replication across different clusters at the Topic granularity. The replicated messages support multiple filtering methods, and the replication process can be visually monitored and started or stopped at any time.
    Metadata import and export supported
    RocketMQ 4.x clusters support exporting Topics and Groups and other metadata into .xlsx format documents, and support importing into other clusters.
    Query messages by TAG
    The message query page supports querying messages by TAG.
    Client stack trace viewing
    4.x cluster supports viewing the stack traces of each client within a Group.
    View the queue details of a Topic
    On the Topic details page of the dedicated RocketMQ 4.x cluster, you can find the distribution of different queues of the current Topic across various Broker nodes. On the group details page, you can find the consumption status of different queues of different Topics subscribed by the current group.
    Resource deletion interaction optimization
    When deleting resources in a RocketMQ 4.x virtual cluster, it performs evaluations based on metrics such as current message backlog and optimizes the presentation of pages and warning messages during deletion. For dedicated clusters upon return, an "being isolated" status is add to prevent accidental deletion of resources, allowing them to be retrieved and restored at any time without incurring charges throughout the isolation period.
    Public network allowlist supports subnet
    For RocketMQ 4.x dedicated clusters, when enabling public network allowlist, subnet entry is supported. The interaction prompt for adding public network allowlist is optimized.

    September 2023

    RocketMQ 5.x commercial product form latest release
    All product types (Trial/Basic/Pro/Platinum) support hourly and monthly subscription. Supports upgrading and downgrading between different types.
    Compute and storage are more elastic: Storage is billed hourly based on actual usage, and compute supports elastic TPS beyond specifications to address unexpected surge traffic.
    More comprehensive monitoring metrics. Supports multi-level metric drilling down for Topic&Group&Client ID.
    Support for the import and export of metadata.
    Support for client stack trace viewing.

    July 2023

    Release Date
    Refined group metrics
    You can view the related consumption metrics of a topic subscribed by the group on the monitoring page of the Group tab.
    Refined topic billing metrics
    You can view the number of API calls made by a specific topic in a virtual cluster during production in the console.
    Optimized bill display
    In the pay-as-you-go mode for virtual clusters, you can view the cluster corresponding to the resource usage fee charged for a topic in the bill.
    Optimized message heap display
    Due to the limitation of the consumption mode, message heaps are not displayed for the group and the consumer in the broadcasting consumption mode.

    April 2023

    Release Date
    Supported modifying message retention period in dedicated clusters
    The default message retention time for a dedicated cluster is three days after it is created. You can modify the message retention time of the dedicated cluster by clicking Edit on the cluster list page, and the modification will take effect for all topics in the entire cluster.
    Supported downgrade for dedicated clusters
    You can reduce node configuration for a dedicated cluster by reducing node specifications in the console.
    Supported sequential messages over HTTP
    TDMQ for RocketMQ supports the partitionally sequential messages over HTTP. You can use implement partitionally sequential messages over HTTP by integrating the corresponding client.
    Added metrics and alarms for node load in dedicated clusters
    You can configure node-related metrics and alarms in the TCOP console for an dedicated cluster, so that you can view metrics such as the load status of each node of the current dedicated cluster.

    March 2023

    Release Date
    Added the aggregation of monitoring metrics for topics under a consumer group
    You can configure monitoring metrics and alarms for topics under a consumer group in the TCOP console, so that you can view related monitoring metrics of topics subscribed by a certain group, such as message heap and production/consumption speed.
    Supported downloading messages and dead letter messages.
    You can query messages and dead letter messages in the console, and download a single message or multiple messages in batch. In the downloaded file, you can check the message sending time, message content and related attributes.
    Supported displaying the top ranking of resources on the cluster details page
    TDMQ for RocketMQ provides a resource top ranking list for you if you have a large number of topics and groups. It ranks topics and groups in the cluster according to dimensions such as message heap and consumption/production speed, so that you can focus on the health of top resources.
    Supported resetting consumption offset for offline consumers
    TDMQ for RocketMQ supports automatically filtering out the groups with the broacasting consumption mode in the console, and allows you to reset the offset for offline consumers (non-pull mode).
    Disabled automatic group creation
    In order to ensure the stability of the online cluster and prevent metadata redundancy in the console, TDMQ for RocketMQ has disabled the configuration of automatic group creation. When starting the consumer client, you need to create the corresponding group in the console first.

    January 2023

    Release Date
    Added the option of querying last 100 messages
    TDMQ for RocketMQ adds the new option of querying last 100 messages on the message query page. The query results are sequenced by time to solve the problem that the paginated results are not in strict chronological order.
    Supported batch deletion of groups and topics
    You can batch delete redundant groups and topics in the console to lower operating costs.
    Supported the public network allowlist for dedicated clusters
    You can enable the public network IP whitelist upon cluster purchase or at any time later to filter out IPs that pose security risks.

    December 2022

    Release Date
    Started billing for virtual clusters officially
    TDMQ for RocketMQ has ended its public beta of virtual clusters on December 28, 2022 and will start billing for such clusters. The billing mode is pay-as-you-go (postpaid), which is suitable for testing or scenarios with unpredictable traffic peaks.
    Supported traffic throttling for API calls of sending and receiving messages in virtual clusters
    In order to ensure the stability of the virtual cluster, TDMQ for RocketMQ will implement traffic throttling by cluster or topic. You can view the corresponding throttling monitoring metrics on the cluster monitoring or topic monitoring page.
    Supported metadata migration for virtual clusters
    You can use the metadata migration tool to migrate the metadata from open-source RocketMQ to TDMQ for RocketMQ virtual clusters.
    Supported the HTTP protocol
    TDMQ for RocketMQ supports the access over HTTP. You can view the HTTP access address on the cluster details page.
    Supported resending dead letter messages
    The message query feature allows you to resend a single dead letter message or resend them in batches. After a dead letter message is resent, it will be delivered to the retry queue of the original queue; however, it will not be deleted immediately from the dead letter queue; instead, it will be deleted at the end of the message lifecycle (3 days).

    November 2022

    Release Date
    Supported public network bandwidth
    Dedicated cluster: Billing by the public network bandwidth has been started, and additional fees will be incurred after the public network access is enabled. Virtual cluster: Billing by the public network bandwidth hasn't been started, and we recommend you use the public network access only in testing and debugging environments.
    Supported adjusting the node specification and storage specification
    If the current cluster specifications cannot meet your business needs, you can increase the node specification, node quantity, and storage specification in the console.
    Supported sending test messages
    You can manually send test messages to the specified topic in the console.
    Added the consumption status description
    When querying messages, you can view the message consumption status and exception diagnosis information and send messages again on the message details page.
    Optimized the UI display of the dedicated cluster overview page in the console
    Optimized the UI display of the group list page
    Corrected and optimized some dedicated cluster metrics
    1. The original calculation method for some monitoring metrics such as consumption speed and message heap was incorrect and leaded to higher aggregated hourly values at cluster and group levels. This is fixed now.
    2. Note: After the new metric calculation method is released, historical metric values may be invisible or have breakpoints when you view related metrics in the console or on the CM chart, and null values may be returned when you pull the historical (11.2–11.XX) metric values of dedicated clusters through TencentCloud API.

    October 2022

    Release Date
    Launched the dedicated cluster feature commercially
    You can purchase dedicated clusters with physical resources isolated between them.
    Supported cluster monitoring
    Monitoring metrics and alarms in different dimensions are displayed for dedicated clusters in the console, such as production, consumption, storage, and consumer group.
    Supported querying dead letter messages in dedicated clusters
    On the message query page, you can query a dead letter message based on its ID or the dedicated cluster's group. This will be supported for virtual clusters in the future.
    Supported consumption verification
    After querying a specific message, you can push it to a specified online client to check whether the client consumes it logically as expected.

    December 2021

    Release Date
    Launched the message query and message trace features
    You can query the production record of a message by its key/ID to see its details and trace, with the trace accurate to each retry until the message is delivered to the dead letter queue.
    Supported configuring alarms in TCOP
    You can configure alarms for metrics such as message production traffic/speed threshold, the number of online producers, and message heap in the TCOP console.
    Supported configuring the topic partition count as needed
    You can configure up to 32 topic partitions as needed.
    Provided demos for multiple programming languages

    September 2021

    Release Date
    Launched TDMQ for RocketMQ
    TDMQ for RocketMQ is a proprietary message queue service developed by Tencent. It is compatible with all components and principles of Apache RocketMQ, and supports connection to RocketMQ 4.6.1 or later without any modifications. It also has the underlying benefits of computing-storage separation and flexible scaling.
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