tencent cloud



最終更新日:2024-01-09 10:47:31

    1. API Description

    Domain name for API request: emr.tencentcloudapi.com.

    This API is used to scale out instances.

    A maximum of 20 requests can be initiated per second for this API.

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    2. Input Parameters

    The following request parameter list only provides API request parameters and some common parameters. For the complete common parameter list, see Common Request Parameters.

    Parameter Name Required Type Description
    Action Yes String Common Params. The value used for this API: ScaleOutInstance.
    Version Yes String Common Params. The value used for this API: 2019-01-03.
    Region No String Common Params. This parameter is not required for this API.
    TimeUnit Yes String Time unit of scale-out. Valid values:
  • s: Second. When PayMode is 0, TimeUnit can only be s.
  • m: Month. When PayMode is 1, TimeUnit can only be m.
  • TimeSpan Yes Integer Time span of scale-out, which needs to be used together with TimeUnit.
    InstanceId Yes String Instance ID.
    PayMode Yes Integer Instance billing mode. Valid value:
  • 0: Pay-as-you-go.
  • ClientToken No String Client token.
    PreExecutedFileSettings.N No Array of PreExecuteFileSettings Bootstrap script settings.
    TaskCount No Integer Number of task nodes to be added.
    CoreCount No Integer Number of core nodes to be added.
    UnNecessaryNodeList.N No Array of Integer Processes unnecessary for scale-out.
    RouterCount No Integer Number of router nodes to be added.
    SoftDeployInfo.N No Array of Integer Deployed service.
  • SoftDeployInfo and ServiceNodeInfo are in the same group and mutually exclusive with UnNecessaryNodeList.
  • The combination of SoftDeployInfo and ServiceNodeInfo is recommended.
  • ServiceNodeInfo.N No Array of Integer Started process.
    DisasterRecoverGroupIds.N No Array of String List of spread placement group IDs. Only one can be specified currently.
    Tags.N No Array of Tag List of tags bound to added nodes.
    HardwareResourceType No String Resource type selected for scaling. Valid values: host (general CVM resource) and pod (resource provided by TKE or EKS cluster).
    PodSpec No PodSpec Specified information such as pod specification and source for scale-out with pod resources.
    ClickHouseClusterName No String Server group name selected for ClickHouse cluster scale-out.
    ClickHouseClusterType No String Server group type selected for ClickHouse cluster scale-out. Valid values: new (create a group) and old (select an existing group).
    YarnNodeLabel No String Yarn node label specified for rule-based scale-out.
    PodParameter No PodParameter Custom pod permission and parameter
    MasterCount No Integer Number of master nodes to be added.
    When a ClickHouse cluster is scaled, this parameter does not take effect.
    When a Kafka cluster is scaled, this parameter does not take effect.
    When HardwareResourceType is pod, this parameter does not take effect.
    StartServiceAfterScaleOut No String Whether to start the service after scale-out. true: Yes; false: No.
    ZoneId No Integer AZ, which defaults to the primary AZ of the cluster.
    SubnetId No String Subnet, which defaults to the subnet used when the cluster is created.
    ScaleOutServiceConfAssign No String Pre-defined configuration set
    AutoRenew No Integer Whether to enable auto-renewal. Valid values: 0 (no), 1 (yes).

    3. Output Parameters

    Parameter Name Type Description
    InstanceId String Instance ID.
    DealNames Array of String Order number.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ClientToken String Client token.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    FlowId Integer Scale-out workflow ID.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    BillId String Big order ID.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    RequestId String The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.

    4. Example

    Example1 Scaling out a cluster

    Input Example

    POST / HTTP/1.1
    Host: emr.tencentcloudapi.com
    Content-Type: application/json
    X-TC-Action: ScaleOutInstance
    <Common request parameters>
        "InstanceId": "emr-5n3l5c83",
        "TimeUnit": "s"
        "CoreCount": "1",
        "PayMode": "0",
        "TimeSpan": "3600"

    Output Example

        "Response": {
            "BillId": "",
            "ClientToken": "",
            "DealNames": [
            "FlowId": 0,
            "InstanceId": "emr-5n3l5c83",
            "RequestId": "f0f11d21-6d0d-4f73-9177-8ae4ec456068"

    5. Developer Resources


    TencentCloud API 3.0 integrates SDKs that support various programming languages to make it easier for you to call APIs.

    Command Line Interface

    6. Error Code

    The following only lists the error codes related to the API business logic. For other error codes, see Common Error Codes.

    Error Code Description
    FailedOperation Operation failed.
    FailedOperation.CheckIfSupportPodStretch Operation failed.
    FailedOperation.DuplicateOrderNotAllowed Duplicate order. Please check the EMR console.
    FailedOperation.GetCvmConfigQuotaFailed Failed to fetch the specifications of the CVM.
    FailedOperation.GetCvmServerFailed Failed to call the CVM service.
    FailedOperation.NotSupportPod Operation failed. The pods are not supported.
    InternalError Internal error.
    InternalError.AccountCgwError An error occurred while calling another service API.
    InternalError.CamCgwError An error occurred while calling another service API.
    InternalError.CamError An error occurred while calling another service API.
    InternalError.CbsCgwError An error occurred while calling another service API.
    InternalError.CbsError An error occurred while calling another service API.
    InternalError.CdbCgwError An error occurred while calling another service API.
    InternalError.CdbError An error occurred while calling another service API.
    InternalError.ConfigCgwError An error occurred while calling another service API.
    InternalError.CvmError An error occurred while calling another service API.
    InternalError.EKSError Error in calling EKS.
    InternalError.KmsError An error occurred while calling another service API.
    InternalError.ProjectCgwError An error occurred while calling another service API.
    InternalError.SgError An error occurred when calling a security group API.
    InternalError.TKEError An error occurred while calling TKE.
    InternalError.TagError An error occurred while calling another service API.
    InternalError.TradeCgwError An error occurred while calling another service API.
    InternalError.VpcCgwError An error occurred while calling another service API.
    InternalError.VpcError An error occurred while calling another service API.
    InternalError.WoodServerError An error occurred while calling another service API.
    InvalidParameter Invalid parameter.
    InvalidParameter.AppIdResourceNotMatch Parameter error.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidAppId Invalid AppId.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidClickHouseCluster Invalid ClickHouse cluster.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidClientToken Invalid ClientToken.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidClusterId Invalid parameter: ClusterId.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidCoreCount The number of core nodes is invalid.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidCount The count must be greater than 0.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidCountNum A scale-out request only applies to task nodes or core nodes.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidCustomizedPodParam Error message: Invalid PodParameter.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidEksInstance Invalid EKS instance.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidInstanceName Invalid cluster name.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidJobFlow Invalid process task.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidPaymode Invalid billing mode.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidResourceSpec Invalid resource specification.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidSercurityGrpupId Invalid security group ID.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidServiceNodeInfo The ServiceNodeInfo parameter is invalid or incorrect.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidSoftDeployInfo The InvalidSoftDeployInfo parameter is invalid or incorrect.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidTaskCount The number of task nodes cannot exceed 20.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidTimeSpan Invalid timespan.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidTimeUnit Invalid TimeUnit.
    InvalidParameter.InvalidTkeInstance The TKE cluster ID is invalid, or the TKE cluster is not eligible.
    InvalidParameterValue.InvalidTkeInstance The TKE cluster ID is invalid, or the TKE cluster is not eligible.
    ResourceInUse.InstanceInProcess The instance is under workflow.
    ResourceInsufficient.DiskInsufficient The disk specification is insufficient.
    ResourceInsufficient.InstanceInsufficient The node specification is unsupported or has been sold out.
    ResourceNotFound.ClusterNotFound The instance was not found.
    ResourceNotFound.InstanceNotFound The instance was not found.
    ResourceNotFound.TKEPreconditionNotFound Preset components of the TKE cluster are not deployed.
    ResourceNotFound.TagsNotFound No specified tag found.
    ResourceUnavailable.ResourceSpecNotDefaultSpec There is no default value of the current resource spec.
    ResourcesSoldOut The resources have been sold out.
    ResourcesSoldOut.CbsSoldOut The CBS resources have been sold out.
    ResourcesSoldOut.CvmSoldOut CVM instances have been sold out.