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最終更新日:2022-10-13 11:40:07

    Callbacks for publishing, including publisher status, statistics, warnings, and errors


    Callback for error. This callback is triggered when the publisher encounters an error.

    onError(code: number, msg: string, extraInfo: Object): void;


    • code: error code. For details, please see Error codes for publishing.
    • msg: error message
    • extraInfo: extra information. This parameter is not used currently.


    Callback for warning.

    onWarning(code: number, msg: string, extraInfo: Object): void;


    • code: error code. For details, please see Error codes for publishing.
    • msg: error message
    • extraInfo: extra information. This parameter is not used currently.


    For the error information returned for failure to turn the camera or mic on or record the screen, please see getUserMedia exceptions.


    Callback for capturing the first audio frame.

    onCaptureFirstAudioFrame(): void;


    Callback for capturing the first video frame.

    onCaptureFirstVideoFrame(): void;


    Callback of the publisher’s connection status.

    onPushStatusUpdate(status: number, msg: string, extraInfo: Object): void;


    • status: connection status code. For details, please see Status codes for publishing.
    • msg: connection status message
    • extraInfo: extra information. This parameter is not used currently.


    Callback of publisher statistics, primarily WebRTC-related statistics, which may vary from browser to browser.

    onStatisticsUpdate(statistics: Object): void;


    statistics: publishing statistics. For details, please see Publishing statistics.

    Error codes for publishing

    Below are the error codes returned by onError and onWarning:

    Enumerated Value Code Description
    TXLIVE_ERROR_WEBRTC_FAILED -1 Failed to call a WebRTC API.
    TXLIVE_ERROR_REQUEST_FAILED -2 Error when requesting the server to publish streams.
    TXLIVE_WARNING_CAMERA_START_FAILED -1001 Failed to turn the camera on.
    TXLIVE_WARNING_MICROPHONE_START_FAILED -1002 Failed to turn the mic on.
    TXLIVE_WARNING_SCREEN_CAPTURE_START_FAILED -1003 Failed to record the screen.
    TXLIVE_WARNING_MEDIA_FILE_START_FAILED -1004 Failed to open a local media file.
    TXLIVE_WARNING_CAMERA_INTERRUPTED -1005 Capturing from the camera was interrupted (because the device was disconnected or the user denied the access).
    TXLIVE_WARNING_MICROPHONE_INTERRUPTED -1006 Capturing from the mic was interrupted (because the device was disconnected or the user denied the access).
    TXLIVE_WARNING_SCREEN_CAPTURE_INTERRUPTED -1007 Screen recording was interrupted (because the user clicked Chrome’s built-in stop-sharing button).

    Status codes for publishing

    Below are the status codes returned by onPushStatusUpdate:

    Enumerated Value Code Description
    TXLIVE_PUSH_STATUS_DISCONNECTED 0 Disconnected from the server.
    TXLIVE_PUSH_STATUS_CONNECTING 1 Connecting to the server.
    TXLIVE_PUSH_STATUS_CONNECT_SUCCESS 2 Connected to the server.
    TXLIVE_PUSH_STATUS_RECONNECTING 3 Reconnecting to the server.

    Publishing statistics

    The onStatisticsUpdate callback API keeps you up to date on WebRTC-related statistics during publishing. The SDK collects data once every second, and the structure of the object it returns is as follows:

    Parameter Description
    timestamp Timestamp of data collection, i.e., seconds that have elapsed since 00:00:00 UTC, 1 January 1970 till the time of data collection
    video Video statistics
    audio Audio statistics


    Parameter Description
    bitrate Video bitrate (bit/s)
    framesPerSecond Video frame rate
    frameWidth Video width, invalid for Firefox
    frameHeight Video height, invalid for Firefox
    framesEncoded Number of encoded frames
    framesSent Number of published frames, invalid for Firefox
    packetsSent Number of data packets sent
    nackCount Number of negative acknowledgements (NACK)
    firCount Number of Full Intra Requests (FIR)
    pliCount Number of Picture Loss Indications (PLI)
    frameEncodeAvgTime Average encoding time (ms), invalid for Safari and Firefox
    packetSendDelay Average time (ms) data packets are cached locally before being sent, invalid for Firefox


    Parameter Description
    bitrate Audio bitrate (bit/s)
    packetsSent Number of data packets sent