tencent cloud


Common Elements

Last updated: 2021-07-05 10:56:15

    This document describes common elements used in batch operations.


    Node Parent Node Description Type Required
    Location Manifest Location of the object inventory Location Object Yes
    Spec Manifest Format of the object inventory. If the format is CSV, this element will describe the fields contained in the inventory Spec Object Yes


    Node Parent Node Description Type Required
    ETag Location Specifies the ETag of the object inventory; length: 1-1,024 bytes String Yes
    ObjectArn Location Specifies the unique resource ID of the object inventory; length: 1-1,024 bytes String Yes
    ObjectVersionId Location Specifies the version ID of the object inventory; length: 1-1,024 bytes String No


    Node Parent Node Description Type Required
    Fields Spec Describes the fields contained in the inventory. If the format is COSBatchOperations_CSV_V1, this element is required to specify the fields in the CSV file. Valid values: Ignore, Bucket, Key, VersionId Array of Strings No
    Format Spec Specifies the format of the object inventory. Valid values: COSBatchOperations_CSV_V1, COSInventoryReport_CSV_V1 String Yes



    A single job can only contain one of the following operations.

    Node Parent Node Description Type Required
    COSPutObjectCopy Operation Specifies the parameters for the batch replication of objects in the inventory COSPutObjectCopy Object No
    COSInitiateRestoreObject Operation Specifies the parameters for the batch restoration of ARCHIVED objects in the inventory COSInitiateRestoreObject No


    Node Parent Node Description Type Required
    AccessControlDirective COSPutObjectCopy Specifies the ACL replication mode. Valid values: Copy, Replaced, Add.
    Copy: inherits the ACL of the source object.
    Replaced: replaces the source ACL.
    Add: adds a new ACL based on the source ACL.
    String No
    AccessControlGrants COSPutObjectCopy Controls the access permissions of an object AccessControlGrants Object No
    CannedAccessControlList COSPutObjectCopy Defines the ACL attribute of an object. Valid values: private, public-read String No
    PrefixReplace COSPutObjectCopy Specifies whether to replace the source object prefix. If set to true, the object prefix is replaced. It is used together with <resourcesprefix> and <targetkeyprefix>. Default value: false boolean No
    ResourcesPrefix COSPutObjectCopy Specifies the source object prefix to be replaced. This parameter takes effect only when <prefixreplace> is set to true. To replace a directory, the directory should end with a slash (/). This parameter can be up to 1,024 bytes and can be left empty. string No
    TargetKeyPrefix COSPutObjectCopy Specifies the target prefix that replaces the source object prefix. This parameter takes effect only when <prefixreplace> is set to true. To replace a directory, the directory should end with a slash (/). This parameter can be up to 1,024 bytes and can be left empty.
    Example: Assume that the source object is picture.jpg. If you set ResourcesPrefix to pic and TargetKeyPrefix to abc, picture.jpg will be changed to abcture.jpg.
    If ResourcesPrefix is empty and TargetKeyPrefix carries a value, a prefix will be added.
    If both ResourcesPrefix and TargetKeyPrefix carry a value, the prefix will be replaced.
    If ResourcesPrefix carries a value and TargetKeyPrefix is left empty, the prefix will be deleted.
    String No
    ModifiedSinceConstraint COSPutObjectCopy If the object is modified after the specified time, the operation will be performed; otherwise, 412 will be returned Timestamp No
    UnModifiedSinceConstraint COSPutObjectCopy If the object is not modified after the specified time, the operation will be performed; otherwise, 412 will be returned Timestamp No
    MetadataDirective COSPutObjectCopy Specifies whether to copy the metadata of the source object, or replace the metadata with that specified in <newobjectmetadata>. Valid values: Copy, Replaced. Add. Copy: inherits the metadata of the source object. Replaced: replaces the source metadata. Add: adds new metadata based on the source metadata. String No
    NewObjectMetadata COSPutObjectCopy Configures the metadata of an object NewObjectMetadata Object No
    TaggingDirective COSPutObjectCopy Specifies whether to copy the tag of the source object, or replace the tag with that specified in <newobjecttagging>. Valid values: Copy, Replaced, Add. Copy: inherits the tag of the source object. Replaced: replaces the source tag. Add: adds a tag based on the source tag. String No
    NewObjectTagging COSPutObjectCopy Configures the object tag. This parameter must be specified if <taggingdirective> is set to Replace or Add. NewObjectTagging No
    StorageClass COSPutObjectCopy Configures the storage class of an object. Enumerated values: STANDARD (default), STANDARD_IA. String No
    TargetResource COSPutObjectCopy Configures the destination bucket for the replication. Please specify it with "qcs", e.g., qcs::cos:ap-beijing::result-1250000000 String Yes


    Node Parent Node Description Type Required
    ExpirationInDays COSInitiateRestoreObject Specifies the number of days after which the copy will expire and be deleted automatically. It is an integer ranging from 1 to 365. Integer Yes
    JobTier COSInitiateRestoreObject Specifies the restoration mode. Valid values: Bulk, Standard. String Yes


    Node Parent Node Description Type Required
    COSGrant AccessControlGrants Configures access control COSGrant Object No


    Node Parent Node Description Type Required
    Grantee COSGrant Specifies the user to which the permission is granted Grantee Object Yes
    Permission COSGrant Specifies the permission to be granted. Enumerated values: READ, WRITE, FULL_CONTROL String Yes


    Node Parent Node Description Type Required
    DisplayName Grantee Username String No
    Identifier Grantee User ID in qcs format (UIN), e.g., qcs::cam::uin/100000000001:uin/100000000001 String Yes
    TypeIdentifier Grantee Specifies the identifier type. Currently, only user ID is supported. Enumerated value: ID String Yes


    Node Parent Node Description Type Required
    CacheControl NewObjectMetadata Cache directives as defined in RFC 2616. It will be stored as object metadata. String No
    ContentDisposition NewObjectMetadata Filename as defined in RFC 2616, which will be stored in the object metadata String No
    ContentEncoding NewObjectMetadata Encoding format as defined in RFC 2616. It will be stored as object metadata. String No
    ContentType NewObjectMetadata Content type as defined in RFC 2616. It will be stored as object metadata. String No
    HttpExpiresDate NewObjectMetadata Cache expiration time as defined in RFC 2616. It will be stored as object metadata. String No
    SSEAlgorithm NewObjectMetadata Server-side encryption algorithm. Currently, only AES256 is supported String No
    UserMetadata NewObjectMetadata Includes user-defined object metadata Array of Key and Value No


    Node Parent Node Description Type Required
    Bucket Report Bucket to which a job report is delivered String Yes
    Enabled Report Specifies whether to output a job report Boolean Yes
    Format Report Job report format. Valid value: Report_CSV_V1 String Yes
    Prefix Report Job report prefix; length: 0-256 bytes String No
    ReportScope Report Specifies whether the job report records all operations or only failed operations. Valid values: AllTasks, FailedTasksOnly String Yes


    Node Parent Node Description Type
    NumberOfTasksFailed ProgressSummary Number of failed operations Integer
    NumberOfTasksSucceeded ProgressSummary Number of successful operations Integer
    TotalNumberOfTasks ProgressSummary Total number of operations Integer