tencent cloud


Querying File Moderation Job Result

Last updated: 2023-05-05 17:42:30

    Feature Overview

    This API is used to query the result of the specified document moderation job.


    Document moderation results are retained for one month, so you can query moderation results in the past month through this API.

    SDK Recommendation

    COS SDK provides complete capabilities of demo, automatic integration, and signature calculation. You can easily and quickly call APIs through the SDK. For more information, see SDK Overview.


    Sample request

    GET /document/auditing/<jobId> HTTP/1.1
    Host: <BucketName-APPID>.ci.<Region>.myqcloud.com
    Date: <GMT Date>
    Authorization: <Auth String>

    Request headers

    This API only uses Common Request Headers.

    Request body

    This request does not have a request body.


    Response headers

    This API only returns Common Response Headers.

    Response body

    The response body returns application/xml data. The following contains all the nodes:


    The nodes are as described below:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type
    Response None Full information of document moderation. Container

    Response has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type
    JobsDetail Response Details of the document moderation job. Container
    RequestId Response ID automatically generated by the server for a request when the request is sent, which can be used to facilitate fault locating. String

    JobsDetail has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type
    Code Response.JobsDetail Error code, which will be returned only if State is Failed. For more information, see Error Codes. String
    Message Response.JobsDetail Error message, which will be returned only if State is Failed. String
    DataId Response.JobsDetail This field will return the original content in the moderation result, which can contain up to 512 bytes. You can use this field to uniquely identify the data to be moderated in your business. String
    JobId Response.JobsDetail ID of the document moderation job. String
    State Response.JobsDetail Job status. Valid values: Submitted, Success, Failed, Auditing. String
    Suggestion Response.JobsDetail This field indicates the moderation result. You can perform subsequent operations based on the result. We recommend you handle different results based on your business needs.
    Valid values: 0 (normal), 1 (sensitive), 2 (suspiciously sensitive, with human review recommended).
    Label Response.JobsDetail This field is used to return the maliciousness label with the highest priority in the detection result, which represents the moderation result suggested by the model. We recommend you handle different types of violations and suggestions based on your business needs. Return values: Normal, Porn, Ads, and other types of unsafe or inappropriate content. String
    CreationTime Response.JobsDetail Job creation time String
    Object Response.JobsDetail If the moderated file is a file stored in COS, this field indicates its filename. String
    Url Response.JobsDetail The URL of the file to be moderated, which will be returned if Url is selected during job creation. String
    PageCount Response.JobsDetail Document moderation converts a document to images for moderation. This field indicates the total number of generated images. Integer
    Labels Response.JobsDetail This field is used to return the hit moderation scenes and corresponding results. Container
    PageSegment Response.JobsDetail Specific moderation result of each image after the document is converted to images. Container
    UserInfo Response.JobsDetail Business field. This field will not exist if UserInfo is not set during job creation. Container
    ListInfo Response.JobsDetail Blocklist/Allowlist status of the account. Container
    ForbidState Response.JobsDetail If you set automatic freezing, this field indicates the status of the document. 0: not frozen; 1: frozen, 2: file moved. Integer

    Labels has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type
    PornInfo Response.JobsDetail.Labels The moderation result of the pornographic information moderation scene. Container
    AdsInfo Response.JobsDetail.Labels The moderation result of the advertising information moderation scene. Container

    PornInfo and AdsInfo have the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type
    HitFlag Response.JobsDetail.Labels.*Info The moderation result returned for the moderation scene. Return values:
    • 0: Normal.
    • 1: Confirmed as a violation of the current scene.
    • 2: Suspected as a violation of the current scene.
    Score Response.JobsDetail.Labels.*Info The confidence the moderation result hits the moderation scene. Value range: 0–100. The higher the value, the more likely the content hits the currently returned moderation scene.
    For example, Porn 99 means that the content is very likely to be pornographic.

    PageSegment has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type
    Results Response.JobsDetail.PageSegment Detailed moderation result of each image after the document is converted to images. Container Array

    Results has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type
    Url Response.JobsDetail.PageSegment.Results After the document is converted to images, you can view the image content at this URL. It must be a standard URL.
    Note: Each URL is valid for two hours. If you need to view the data after two hours, initiate a new query request.
    Text Response.JobsDetail.PageSegment.Results This field is used to return the OCR text recognition result of the current image. It will be returned only if text content detection is enabled in the moderation policy. String
    PageNumber Response.JobsDetail.PageSegment.Results Number of images, which is usually the number of pages in the document. Integer
    SheetNumber Response.JobsDetail.PageSegment.Results If the moderated file is a spreadsheet, this field indicates the number of sheets. Integer
    Label Response.JobsDetail.PageSegment.Results This field is used to return the maliciousness label with the highest priority in the detection result, which represents the moderation result suggested by the model. We recommend you handle different types of violations and suggestions based on your business needs.
    Return values: Normal, Porn, Ads, and other types of unsafe or inappropriate content.
    Suggestion Response.JobsDetail.PageSegment.Results This field indicates the moderation result. You can perform subsequent operations based on the result. We recommend you handle different results based on your business needs.
    Valid values: 0 (normal), 1 (sensitive), and 2 (suspiciously sensitive, with human review recommended).
    PornInfo Response.JobsDetail.PageSegment.Results The moderation result of the pornographic information moderation scene. Container
    AdsInfo Response.JobsDetail.PageSegment.Results The moderation result of the advertising information moderation scene. Container

    PornInfo and AdsInfo have the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type
    HitFlag Response.JobsDetail.PageSegment.Results.*Info The moderation result returned for the moderation scene. Return values:
    • 0: Normal.
    • 1: Confirmed as a violation of the current scene.
    • 2: Suspected as a violation of the current scene.
    Category Response.JobsDetail.PageSegment.Results.*Info This field is a subset of Label, indicating the specific moderation category hit; for example, Sexy represents the sexy category in the Porn label. String
    SubLabel Response.JobsDetail.PageSegment.Results.*Info This field indicates the specific sub-label hit by the moderation job; for example, SexBehavior is a sub-label under the Porn label.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no specific sub-labels are hit.
    Score Response.JobsDetail.PageSegment.Results.*Info The confidence the moderation result hits the moderation scene. Value range: 0–100. The higher the value, the more likely the content hits the currently returned moderation scene.
    For example, Porn 99 means that the content is very likely to be pornographic.
    OcrResults Response.JobsDetail.PageSegment.Results.*Info This field represents the detailed OCR result, including the text coordinate information and text recognition result. It will be returned if there is non-compliant content. Container Array

    OcrResults has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type
    Text Response.JobsDetail.PageSegment.Results.*Info.OcrResults The specific text content recognized by OCR in the image. String
    Keywords Response.JobsDetail.PageSegment.Results.*Info.OcrResults Keywords hit by the current moderation scene. String Array
    Location Response.JobsDetail.PageSegment.Results.*Info.OcrResults This parameter is used to return the position (X and Y coordinates of the top-left corner, length, width, and rotation angle) of the OCR detection frame in the image for quick location of the recognized text. Container

    ObjectResults has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type
    Name Response.JobsDetail.PageSegment.Results.*Info.ObjectResults This field is used to return the name of the recognized object, such as person name. String
    Location Response.JobsDetail.PageSegment.Results.*Info.ObjectResults This parameter is used to return the position (X and Y coordinates of the top-left corner, length, width, and rotation angle) of the recognition result in the image for you to quickly locate information. Container

    Location has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Description Type
    X This parameter is used to return the pixel position of the abscissa (X) of the top-left corner of the detection frame. It can be combined with other parameters to uniquely determine the size and position of the detection frame. Float
    Y This parameter is used to return the pixel position of the ordinate of the top-left corner (Y) of the detection frame. It can be combined with other parameters to uniquely determine the size and position of the detection frame. Float
    Height This parameter is used to return the height of the detection frame (the length starting from the top-left corner and extending down the Y axis). It can be combined with other parameters to uniquely determine the size and position of the detection frame. Float
    Width This parameter is used to return the width of the detection frame (the length starting from the top-left corner and extending to the right on the X axis). It can be combined with other parameters to uniquely determine the size and position of the detection frame. Float
    Rotate This parameter is used to return the rotation angle of the detection frame. Valid values: 0–360 (degrees), and the direction is counterclockwise rotation. This parameter can be combined with the X and Y coordinate parameters to uniquely determine the specific position of the detection frame. Float

    UserInfo has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Description Type Required
    TokenId Account information, which can contain up to 128 bytes. String No
    Nickname Nickname information, which can contain up to 128 bytes. String No
    DeviceId Device information, which can contain up to 128 bytes. String No
    AppId Unique app ID, which can contain up to 128 bytes. String No
    Room Room ID information, which can contain up to 128 bytes. String No
    IP IP address information, which can contain up to 128 bytes. String No
    Type Business type, which can contain up to 128 bytes. String No
    ReceiveTokenId User account to receive messages, which can contain up to 128 bytes. String No
    Gender Gender information, which can contain up to 128 bytes. String No
    Level Level information, which can contain up to 128 bytes. String No
    Role Role information, which can contain up to 128 bytes. String No

    Error codes

    This API returns uniform error responses and error codes. For more information, see Error Codes.

    Use Cases


    GET /document/auditing/stb1ca9fc8a34c525400863904**** HTTP/1.1
    Accept: */*
    Authorization: q-sign-algorithm=sha1&q-ak=AKIDZfbOAo7cllgPvF9cXFrJD0a1ICvR****&q-sign-time=1497530202;1497610202&q-key-time=1497530202;1497610202&q-header-list=&q-url-param-list=&q-signature=28e9a4986df11bed0255e97ff90500557e0e****
    Host: examplebucket-1250000000.ci.ap-beijing.myqcloud.com


    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/xml
    Content-Length: 666
    Connection: keep-alive
    Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2017 12:37:29 GMT
    Server: tencent-ci
    x-ci-request-id: NTk0MjdmODlfMjQ4OGY3XzYzYzhf****
              <Text>Haha, hello</Text>
                  <Text>Haha, hello</Text>
              <Text>Haha, hello</Text>
                  <Text>Haha, hello</Text>