tencent cloud


Getting Started

Last updated: 2024-05-27 11:16:10

    1. Understanding Platform Roles and Permissions

    1.1. Role and Permission Description

    Super Administrator
    Role Overview: The highest authority within the company, which is existent and unique.
    Scope of Permission: Possesses all functional permissions, capable of adding personnel teams, assigning any role and joining any team, and authorized to approve the joining information of registered members.
    Platform Administrator
    Role Overview: Can only be set by the Super Admin (multiple platform administrators allowed), equivalent to the management team of a company.
    Scope of Permission: Inheriting the Super Admin's permissions but only applicable to the roles of team administrators and regular users.
    Team administrator
    Role Overview: Can be added or set as an administrator (or multiple administrators) by the Super Admin or Platform Administrator (multiple allowed), equivalent to the team administrator of a company.
    Scope of Permission: Can add regular members, set roles for regular members, apply to join other teams, and approve registration information for new members.
    Team Operator
    Role Overview: Primarily responsible for internal operations within the affiliated team, requiring approval from the Team Administrator.
    Scope of Permission: Can add new applications, handle the review process for Mini Program launches, but cannot review registration information for new members.
    Team Developer
    Role Overview: Primarily responsible for internal operations within the affiliated team, requiring approval from the Team Administrator.
    Scope of Permission: Can write Mini Program code, associate applications with Mini Programs, submit Mini Programs for review, but cannot approve registration information for new members.
    Read-Only Role
    Role Overview: Primarily used by auditing and inspection personnel, providing permission to view data only.

    1.2. role relationship diagram


    2. Access process

    ‌The Tencent Cloud Mini Program Platform (TCMPP) empowers enterprises technical capabilities for mini program development, testing, release, operations, and application integration into the mini program container. The following figure shows the entire process from the TCMPP activation to the mini program release in your own application.
    ‌The following describes how to get started with TCMPP.

    3. Enterprise super administrator

    3.1. Preparation

    In order to use product platform services, please follow the following steps: First, the super administrator within the enterprise needs to register a Tencent Cloud account and log in to the Tencent Cloud console for Identity Verification Guide. Then log in to the product console and complete the service authorization, and you can experience the product capabilities for free (public cloud users can experience it directly, and privatized users can contact the sales staff for details and purchase the required services).

    3.2. Create users and teams

    Teams within TCMPP can be used to mark and manage a group of users, Mini Programs, and applications. Enterprises can leverage teams to efficiently manage personnel and resources belonging to different business lines. Data is isolated between different teams, but cross-team associations of Mini Programs and applications are allowed. Both super administrators and platform administrators can create, edit, and delete teams.
    In the console menu, navigate to Team Management > Team List. Upon entering the page, if no teams have been previously created on the platform, you can click Create New Team in the center of the page to start adding a team.

    3.2.1. Create teams

    In the left menu of the console, locate User Management > User List. Upon opening the page, click Create New User in the upper left corner to start adding users.
    Username: Used for user identity recognition and search.
    Login account: The account used by the user for login.
    Login password: The password used by the user for login. Depending on the selection, the platform can generate it automatically, or it can be manually entered by the administrator.
    Team permissions: You can designate the user as either a platform administrator or a regular member. A platform administrator can manage all teams, resources, and regular members on TCMPP, but they cannot manage super administrators or other platform administrators. Regular members can gain partial resource management permissions by joining a team and assuming a team role.
    Team Name: Used for internal identification and search within the platform.
    Set Team Administrator: You can select one ordinary user to serve as the team administrator. Super administrators and platform administrators cannot join a team or serve as a team administrator. An ordinary user can simultaneously serve as the team administrator for multiple teams.
    Team permissions: You can select the permissions to be assigned to the team, with at least one item needing to be selected, or both items can be selected. Teams with Mini Program management permissions can create and manage Mini Programs, while teams with application management permissions can integrate and manage applications.Once a team is created, changes to team permissions are temporarily unsupported.

    3.2.2. Add existing members

    In the left menu of the console, locate Team Management > Member Management. By clicking Add Team Member in the upper left corner, you can select existing regular users on the platform to join the team.
    Select the Affiliated Team: Choose the target team to which members need to be added.
    Select Members: Clicking will open a selection box for adding team members, where users can be selected to join the team. Simultaneously, the administrator must assign team roles to the newly joined team members. For a detailed explanation of roles, see Role and Permission Description.

    3.2.3. Add User

    After selecting the sub-user to log in, the sub-user can directly log in using the enterprise super administrator ID + sub-user account name + sub-user password.
    In the left menu of the console, locate Team Management > Member Management, click New Member in the upper left corner to create a new user on the platform and add them to the team at the same time. Users created through this method can only be ordinary members of the platform. Administrators still need to fill in the user name, login account, login password, team and team role.
    However, if you click New User in the upper left corner of the User Management > User List page in the left menu of the console, the account created in this way will be generated under your Tencent Cloud account in the form of a sub-user.
    Username: Used for user identity recognition and search.
    Login account: The account used by the user for login.
    Login password: The password used by the user for login. Depending on the selection, the platform can generate it automatically, or it can be manually entered by the administrator.
    Account Type: You can designate the user as either a platform administrator or a regular member. A platform administrator can manage all teams, resources, and regular members on TCMPP, but they cannot manage super administrators or other platform administrators. Regular members can gain partial resource management permissions by joining a team and assuming a team role.

    3.3. Approval of applications for mini program version release

    Enterprise platform administrators need to serve as reviewers for approval when the mini program is released.

    4. Operations team

    4.1. Create app

    1. Corporate operators can create an application via the Application Homepage by clicking the Connect With Application button. In the first step, fill in the basic application information, such as the iOS Bundle ID [com.tencent.tmf.applet.db] or the Android Package Name [com.tencent.tcmpp.demo].
    Bundle ID and Package Name Please replace the current user with their own Bundle ID and Package Name.
    2. Upon clicking Next, Integrate Mini Program Container, a configuration file will be made available for download. This file will be used in subsequent steps, so please ensure to save it (you can also obtain it from the "View Details" section).

    4.2. Approval of applications for mini program binding\\release

    The administrator of the application needs to act as an auditor for approval when the mini program is bound to the application and when the mini program is released.

    4.2.1. Binding review

    1. Enterprise operation personnel can approve the application in the binding approval process.
    2. After approval, enterprise developers can view the binding status in the binding application.

    4.2.2. Reviewing mini program version

    Corporate operations personnel can process mini program version requests in Mini Program Review.

    5. Development team

    5.1. Creating a mini program

    1. Corporate developers can create a mini program via the Mini Program Homepage by clicking the "Create Mini Program" button.
    2. After clicking Next, enterprise developers can choose to download the latest IDE version on demand in the console, or click the following link to download;
    3. After opening the IDE installation file of TCMPP-Devtools_x64.exe locally, click the desktop icon to enter the IDE homepage and scan the QR code to log in ;

    5.2. Apply for binding application

    Enterprise developers can select the application created in 4.1. Create app in the binding application to apply for binding.

    5.3. Uploading mini program version (for corporate developers)

    1. Upon completing the first three steps mentioned above, corporate developers can create a new project in the IDE (be sure to fill in the mini program's AppID).
    2. After entering the IDE editor, you can directly upload the mini program. Please note that occasional upload failures may occur during this step. In such cases, try uploading multiple times and be patient while waiting for the upload to complete.
    3. After uploading, corporate developers can submit version reviews in Version Management.

    5.4. Releasing mini program (for corporate developers)

    Once approved, corporate developers will be prompted in the "TCMPP development end: Version Management", that they can release the new version of the mini program online.

    6. Real Device Preview of Mini Program (Important)

    Enterprise developers can download the official Demo provided by TCMPP, use the configuration file mentioned inCreate Apps mentioned above, compile and install it themselves, and then preview the mini program.

    6.1. Android

    Android DemoApp source code download address:GitHub download address.
    1. Replace the configuration file in the project with the configuration file downloaded in Chapter 4.1.
    2. Replace the built-in mini program list with the mini program ID that has been bound above to facilitate quick opening of the mini program in DemoApp.
    3. Run DemoApp on a real machine, scan the QR code, search or open the built-in mini program.


    iOS DemoApp source code download address: GitHub download address.
    The BundleID used by the current project is the same as the BundleID configured in the previous application.
    1. Replace the configuration file in the project with the configuration file downloaded in Chapter 4.1.
    2. Replace the built-in mini program list with the mini program ID that has been bound above to facilitate quick opening of the mini program in DemoApp.
    3. Run DemoApp on a real machine, scan the QR code, search or open the built-in mini program.
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