tencent cloud


OPPO Channel Integration

Last updated: 2024-01-16 17:39:39


    The OPPO channel is a system-level push channel officially provided by OPPO. The OPPO's system channel can deliver push messages to an OPPO phone without requiring the user to open the application. For more information, visit OPPO PUSH's official website.
    The OPPO channel currently does not support in-app messages, which will be delivered through the TPNS channel.
    The OPPO channel imposes a certain quota limit on the number of daily push messages. For more information, see Vendor Channel Limit Description. When this limit is exceeded, excessive messages will be pushed through the TPNS channel.
    The OPPO channel is supported by OPPO ColorOS v3.1 or later.


    Applying for permission

    Use an OPPO enterprise developer account to log in to the OPPO Developer Platform, and select Management Center > App Service Platform > Mobile App List > Select App > Development Service > Push Service to apply for the OPPO PUSH permission.
    The notification bar push permissions can be granted only if the application is published on OPPO AppStore and its main business is not lending.

    Obtaining a key

    You can only view the key under a developer account (root account).
    1. After OPPO PUSH is activated, you can select OPPO PUSH Platform > Configuration Management > Application Configuration to view the AppKey, AppSecret, and MasterSecret.
    2. Copy and paste the AppKey, AppSecret, and MasterSecret parameters of the application into TPNS console > Configuration Management > Basic Configuration > OPPO Official Push Channel.

    Configuring the push channel

    To be compatible with channel configurations for Android 8.0 or later on OPPO phones, you need to create a default TPNS channel in the OPPO console. For more information, see OPPO's official documentation. The configuration items are as described below:
    Channel ID: default_message
    Channel Name: default notification


    Integrating through Android Studio

    Import the dependencies related to OPPO PUSH. The sample code is as follows:
    // For OPPO PUSH SDK, [VERSION] is the version number of the current SDK and can be obtained from the "SDK for Android".
    implementation 'com.tencent.tpns:oppo:[VERSION]-release'
    // For SDK v1.3.2.0 or later, you need to add the following dependency statements. Otherwise, the registration of OPPO PUSH will fail.
    implementation 'com.google.code.gson:gson:2.6.2'
    implementation 'commons-codec:commons-codec:1.15'
    For OPPO PUSH, [VERSION] is the version number of the current SDK and can be viewed in SDK for Android.

    Integrating through Eclipse

    After getting the TPNS SDK package for OPPO PUSH, configure the major TPNS version and the following content in the manual integration method detailed on TPNS's official website.
    1. Open the Other-push-jar folder and import the OPPO PUSH-related JAR into the project.
    2. Add a class resource file to the project with the following code:
    package com.pushsdk;
    class R {
    public static final class string {
    public final static int system_default_channel = com.tencent.android.tpns.demo.R.string.app_name; //This can be changed to a custom string resource ID
    3. Add the following configuration to the Androidmanifest.xml file :
    <!--Permissions required by OPPO PUSH-->
    <uses-permission android:name="com.coloros.mcs.permission.RECIEVE_MCS_MESSAGE"/>
    <uses-permission android:name="com.heytap.mcs.permission.RECIEVE_MCS_MESSAGE"/>
    <action android:name="com.coloros.mcs.action.RECEIVE_MCS_MESSAGE" />
    <action android:name="com.heytap.mcs.action.RECEIVE_MCS_MESSAGE" />
    <action android:name="com.heytap.msp.push.RECEIVE_MCS_MESSAGE" />

    Enabling OPPO PUSH

    Call the following code before calling TPNS' XGPushManager.registerPush:
    // Note that OPPO's `AppKey` rather than the `AppID` is required here
    XGPushConfig.setOppoPushAppId(getApplicationContext(), "OPPO’s AppKey");
    // Note that OPPO's `AppSecret` rather than the `AppKey` is required here
    XGPushConfig.setOppoPushAppKey(getApplicationContext(), "OPPO’s AppSecret");
    // Enable third-party push
    XGPushConfig.enableOtherPush(getApplicationContext(), true);
    // The log of successful registration is as follows:
    I/TPush: [RegisterReservedInfo] Reservert info: other push token is : CN_fc0f0b38220cba7a1bcbda20857e021b other push type: oppo
    I/TPush: [PushServiceBroadcastHandler] >> bind OtherPushToken success ack with [accId = 150000**** , rsp = 0] token = 007a4105425********52ac1e1360c6780f3 otherPushType = oppo otherPushToken = CN_fc0f0b3822****7a1bcbda20857e021b

    Code obfuscation

    -keep public class * extends android.app.Service
    -keep class com.heytap.mcssdk.** {*;}
    -keep class com.heytap.msp.push.** { *;}
    Obfuscation rules must be stored in the proguard-rules.pro file at the application project level.


    Querying OPPO PUSH registration error codes

    If you observe logs similar to the following, it indicates that registration with the OPPO channel fails. In this case, you can use the method described below to get the OPPO PUSH registration error code.
    [OtherPushClient] handleUpdateToken other push token is: other push type: OPPO
    In debugging mode of the push service, filter logs by the keyword OtherPush to view the return code logs, for example, [OtherPushOppoImpl] OppoPush Register failed, code=14, msg=INVALID_APP_KEY. Then locate the error cause and rectify the error by referring to Troubleshooting Vendor Channel Registration Failures.

    Why do I receive the error code 30 when I push messages with OPPO PUSH?

    Official messages cannot be sent during application approval. Please go to the OPPO PUSH platform to check the push permission approval progress.
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