tencent cloud



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    A bucket is a carrier of objects, which can be considered as a "container" for storing objects. You can manage buckets and configure attributes for buckets through various methods such as the Tencent Cloud console, APIs, and SDKs. For example, you can set a bucket to be used for static website hosting or set access permission for a bucket.
    For more information, see Bucket Overview.


    An object is the basic unit of COS and is stored in a bucket just like a photo stored in an album. You can manage objects in different ways including Tencent Cloud console, APIs, and SDKs. An object is named in the format of <ObjectKey>.
    For more information, see Object Overview.


    APPID is a fixed unique application ID automatically assigned to you after you sign up for a Tencent Cloud account. You can view your APPID on the Account Information page.
    APPID is usually used in bucket names. A complete bucket name consists of a custom string and APPID separated by hyphen, such as examplebucket-1250000000, where 1250000000 is the APPID.


    APPID can also be used to generate temporary keys, specify bucket policies, or specify resources in CAM policy settings. In such cases, APPID is also referred to as UID, both of which have the same value.
    For more information, see Bucket Overview, Overview, and Resource Description Method.


    A UIN is an account ID. It is fixed, unique, and in one-to-one correspondence to an APPID and can be viewed in Account Information. In COS, it can be used to generate temporary keys, specify bucket policies, or specify resources in CAM policy settings. In such cases, UIN and UID are used in the same way, but they have different prefixes.
    For more information, see Overview and Resource Description Method.


    An access control list (ACL) is a resource-based access management option and describes an access permission. In COS, an ACL can be used to manage the access to buckets and objects. You can use it to grant other root accounts, sub-accounts, and user groups basic read and write permissions.
    For more information, see Basic Concepts of Access Control and ACL.


    Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) refers to HTTP requests where the origin of the resource that initiates the request is different from the origin of the destination resource.


    SecretId and SecretKey, collectively referred to as the API key, are the security credential used for authentication when you access a TencentCloud API and can be viewed on the Manage API Key key. SecretKey is used to encrypt signature strings and verify them on the server. You can create multiple API keys for one APPID.


    SecretId and SecretKey, collectively referred to as the API key, are the security credential used for authentication when you access a TencentCloud API and can be viewed on the Manage API Key key. SecretId is used to identify the API caller. You can create multiple API keys for one APPID.


    A policy consists of several elements and is used to describe specific information about authorization. For more information, see Overview.

    Public network downstream traffic

    Public network downstream traffic is the traffic generated by data transfer from COS to the client over the internet, including the traffic generated by downloading an object directly through an object link or by browsing an object at a static website endpoint.

    CDN origin-pull traffic

    CDN origin-pull traffic is the traffic generated by data transfer from COS to CDN edge node.

    Default endpoint

    The default endpoint is COS origin's domain name, which is automatically generated based on the bucket name and region when you create a bucket. It's important to distinguish it from the default acceleration domain name. For more information, see Overview.

    Default CDN acceleration domain name

    It is the domain name passing through CDN cache nodes, which is generated by default and you can choose to enable or disable. For more information, see Overview.

    Custom CDN acceleration domain name

    You can bind for your bucket a custom domain name to CDN and access objects in your bucket using this domain name. For more information, see Overview.

    Custom origin domain name

    You can bind your own domain name as a custom endpoint to the bucket for access to the objects in it. For more information, see Overview.

    Data retrieval

    Storage classes suitable for cold data include STANDARD_IA and ARCHIVE. To read or download data in STANDARD_IA, the backend needs to retrieve it first. ARCHIVED data cannot be read or downloaded until it is restored to the STANDARD storage class.


    MAZ refers to the multi-AZ storage architecture provided by COS. Your data is distributed among multiple IDCs in a region. When an IDC fails in extreme cases such as natural disasters or power outages, the multi-AZ storage architecture can still provide stable and reliable storage services.
    For more information, see Overview of Multi-AZ Feature.


    A region is a physical location where data centers are hosted on Tencent Cloud. COS data is stored in the buckets in these regions.
    For more information, see Regions and Access Endpoints.
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