tencent cloud


Extracting Object Content

Last updated:


    This document provides an overview of APIs and SDK code samples related to object content extraction.
    Extracting object content
    Extracts the content of a specified object (in CSV or JSON format)

    Extracting Object Content


    COS Select supports extracting content from objects in the following formats:
    CSV: an object is stored in CSV format with its data records separated with a specific delimiter.
    JSON: an object is stored in JSON format, which can be either a JSON file or a JSON list.
    To use COS Select, you must have the permission on cos:GetObject.
    CSV and JSON objects need to be encoded in UTF-8.
    COS Select can extract CSV and JSON objects compressed by gzip or bzip2.
    COS Select can extract CSV and JSON objects encrypted with SSE-COS.

    Sample code

    // Bucket name in the format of bucketname-APPID. You can get APPID by referring to https://console.tencentcloud.com/developer.
    string bucket = "examplebucket-1250000000";
    string key = "exampleobject"; // Object key
    SelectObjectRequest request = new SelectObjectRequest(bucket, key);
    ObjectSelectionFormat.JSONFormat jSONFormat = new ObjectSelectionFormat.JSONFormat();
    jSONFormat.Type = "DOCUMENT";
    jSONFormat.RecordDelimiter = "\\n";
    string outputFile = "select_local_file.json";
    request.SetExpression("Select * from COSObject")
    .SetInputFormat(new ObjectSelectionFormat(null, jSONFormat))
    .SetOutputFormat(new ObjectSelectionFormat(null, jSONFormat))
    .SetCosProgressCallback(delegate (long progress, long total) {
    Console.WriteLine("OnProgress : " + progress + "," + total);
    SelectObjectResult selectObjectResult = cosXml.SelectObject(request);
    catch (COSXML.CosException.CosClientException clientEx)
    Console.WriteLine("CosClientException: " + clientEx.StackTrace);
    Console.WriteLine("CosClientException: " + clientEx.Message);
    catch (COSXML.CosException.CosServerException serverEx)
    Console.WriteLine("CosServerException: " + serverEx.GetInfo());
    For the complete sample, go to GitHub.
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