tencent cloud


Slow Upload over Public Network

Last updated:


    Symptom 1
    The upload speed is low (below 8 Mbps) over a home network, while it is normal over a corporate network.
    The upload speed is low (below 8 Mbps) over a corporate network, while it is normal over a 4G network.
    Symptom 2
    : The upload is slow at a custom domain name.

    Possible Causes

    Symptom 1
    1.1 The speed is low due to your ISP and network conditions.
    1.2 CORS is used and thus the speed is low.
    Symptom 2: CNAME resolves the custom domain name to other products (e.g., Content Delivery Network (CDN), Cloud Virtual Machine (CVM), or Anti-DDoS) before resolving to COS.


    Symptom 1: Check the network conditions of your client. For detailed directions, see Troubleshooting client network issues.
    Symptom 2: Reduce the intermediate links by modifying the DNS record for your custom domain name to improve the transfer efficiency. For detailed directions, see Modifying custom domain name's DNS record.


    Troubleshooting client network issues

    1. Run the following command to check whether the ISP of the IP address is the same as that of the client network:
    ping COS domain name
    For example:
    ping examplebucket-1250000000.cos.ap-beijing.mqcloud.com
    If so, proceed to step 3.
    If not, proceed to step 2.
    Check whether a proxy is enabled in the browser (with Chrome as an example)
    2.1 Open Chrome and click
    > Settings in the top-right corner.
    2.2 Click Advanced. On the System page, click Open your computer's proxy settings to open the configuration window of your OS.
    Check whether a proxy is enabled.
    If so, disable the proxy.
    If not, proceed to step 3.
    Check whether your Wi-Fi router limits the speed.
    If so, allocate the bandwidth as needed.
    If not, proceed to step 4.
    Test the performance of the upload to COS over the current network.
    The following example uses a 20 MB object and COSCMD to test the upload and download speeds:
    coscmd probe -n 1 -s 20
    A message similar to the following will be displayed, from which you can get the average, min, and max speeds:
    5. Visit Speed Test to test the speed. Then, compare the tested speed with the data obtained in step 4 to determine whether the client has used the maximum bandwidth.
    If the speeds obtained in step 4 are below the client bandwidth, contact us.
    If the speeds obtained in step 4 equal to the client bandwidth but don't reach the speed promised by your ISP, contact your ISP.
    If the speeds obtained in step 4 equal to the client bandwidth and reach the bandwidth promised by your ISP, proceed to step 6.
    Check whether the client is accessing a bucket residing in another country/region.
    If so, we recommend you enable COS' global acceleration feature.
    If not, contact us.

    Modifying custom domain name's DNS record

    1. Check whether the custom domain name is resolved to a COS domain name.
    If so, contact us. Common COS domain names are as follows:
    XXX.cos.ap-beijing.myqcloud.com (default COS domain name)
    XXX.cos.accelerate.myqcloud.com (COS global acceleration domain name)
    XXX.cos-website.ap-beijing.myqcloud.com (COS static website domain name)
    XXX.picbj.myqcloud.com (COS' default CI domain name)
    If not, proceed to step 2. Common non-COS domain names are as follows:
    XXX.file.myqcloud.com or XXX.cdn.dnsv1.com (Tencent Cloud CDN's default domain names)
    XXX.w.kunlungr.com (Alibaba Cloud CDN's default domain name)
    Resolve the custom domain name to the desired COS domain name via the CNAME record and upload data.
    For example, upload.mydomain.com cname XXX.cos.ap-beijing.myqcloud.com. For detailed directions, see Enabling Custom Origin Domains.
    3. Modify the default COS domain name of the client. The following uses C# as an example:
    CosXmlConfig config = new CosXmlConfig.Builder()
    .SetConnectionTimeoutMs(60000) // Set the connection timeout period in milliseconds, which is 45,000 ms by default.
    .SetReadWriteTimeoutMs(40000) // Set the read/write timeout period in milliseconds, which is 45,000 ms by default.
    .IsHttps(true) // Set HTTPS as the default request method.
    .SetAppid(appid) // Set the APPID of your Tencent Cloud account
    .SetRegion(region) // Set the default bucket region.
    .SetHost("XXXXXX.com") // Enter the custom domain name.
    .SetDebugLog(true) .Build(); // Create the CosXmlConfig object.
    For more information on how to call other SDKs, see SDK Overview.
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