tencent cloud


Deploying with Docker

Last updated:
    This document describes how to use Docker to deploy GooseFS.


    1. You have installed Docker 19.03.14 or a later version.
    2. You have installed CentOS 7 or a later version
    3. You have obtained a GooseFS docker image, such as goosefs:v1.0.0.


    1. Create a directory called ufs to mount the local directory to the root directory of GooseFS:
    mkdir /tmp/goosefs_ufs
    2. Run the master process:
    docker run -d --rm \\
    --net=host \\
    --name=goosefs-master \\
    -v /tmp/goosefs_ufs:/opt/data \\
    -Dgoosefs.master.hostname=localhost \\
    -Dgoosefs.master.mount.table.root.ufs=/opt/data" \\
    goosefs:v1.0.0 master
    -Dgoosefs.master.hostname: sets the master address.
    -Dgoosefs.master.mount.table.root.ufs: sets the mount point in the root directory of GooseFS.
    -v /tmp/goosefs_ufs:/opt/data: maps the local directory to the docker container.
    --net=host: Docker uses the host’s network.
    3. Run the worker process.
    docker run -d --rm \\
    --net=host \\
    --name=goosefs-worker1 \\
    --shm-size=1G \\
    -Dgoosefs.worker.memory.size=1G \\
    -Dgoosefs.master.hostname=localhost" \\
    goosefs:v1.0.0 worker

    Operation Example

    1. View the container:
    [root@VM-0-7-centos ~]# docker ps | grep goosefs
    0bda1cac76f4 goosefs:v1.0.0 "/entrypoint.sh mast…" 32 minutes ago Up 32 minutes goosefs-master
    b6260f9a0134 goosefs:v1.0.0 "/entrypoint.sh work…" About an hour ago Up About an hour goosefs-worker1
    2. Go to the container:
    docker exec -it 0bda1cac76f4 /bin/bash
    3. Mount the COS directory:
    goosefs fs mount --option fs.cosn.userinfo.secretId={secretId} \\
    --option fs.cosn.userinfo.secretKey={secretKey} \\
    --option fs.cosn.bucket.region=ap-beijing \\
    --option fs.cosn.impl=org.apache.hadoop.fs.CosFileSystem \\
    --option fs.AbstractFileSystem.cosn.impl=org.apache.hadoop.fs.CosN \\
    /cosn {COS bucket}
    4. View the directory:
    [goosefs@VM-0-7-centos goosefs-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-noUI-noHelm]$ goosefs fs ls /
    drwxrwxrwx goosefs goosefs 1 PERSISTED 01-01-1970 08:00:00:000 DIR /cosn
    drwxr-xr-x root root 0 PERSISTED 06-25-2021 11:01:24:000 DIR /my
    5. View the worker node:
    [goosefs@VM-0-7-centos goosefs-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-noUI-noHelm]$ goosefs fsadmin report capacity
    Capacity information for all workers:
    Total Capacity: 1024.00MB
    Tier: MEM Size: 1024.00MB
    Used Capacity: 0B
    Tier: MEM Size: 0B
    Used Percentage: 0%
    Free Percentage: 100%
    Worker Name Last Heartbeat Storage MEM 0 capacity 1024.00MB
    used 0B (0%)
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