tencent cloud


Single-URL Speed Limits

Last updated:


    This document describes how to limit the speed on a single URL when calling the upload or download API.


    The speed range is 819200 to 838860800 (in bit/s), that is, 100 KB/s to 100 MB/s. If a value is not within this range, 400 will be returned.

    Sample 1. Limiting single-URL speed on uploads

    For more information about the speed limits on object uploads and downloads, please see Single-URL Speed Limits.
    #include "cos_http_io.h"
    #include "cos_api.h"
    #include "cos_log.h"
    // `endpoint` is the COS access domain name. For more information, see https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/436/6224.
    static char TEST_COS_ENDPOINT[] = "cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com";
    // A developer-owned secret ID/key used for the project. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.
    static char *TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID; // Your SecretId
    static char *TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET; // Your SecretKey
    // A unique user-level resource identifier for COS access. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.
    static char TEST_APPID[] = "<APPID>"; // Your APPID
    // COS bucket name, in the format of [bucket]-[appid], for example `mybucket-1253666666`. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    static char TEST_BUCKET_NAME[] = "<bucketname-appid>";
    // A unique identifier of an object stored in COS. For more information about objects and object keys, please see https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/436/13324.
    static char TEST_OBJECT_NAME1[] = "1.txt";
    void init_test_config(cos_config_t *config, int is_cname)
    cos_str_set(&config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);
    cos_str_set(&config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);
    cos_str_set(&config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);
    cos_str_set(&config->appid, TEST_APPID);
    config->is_cname = is_cname;
    void init_test_request_options(cos_request_options_t *options, int is_cname)
    options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);
    init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);
    options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);
    void test_put_object_with_limit()
    cos_pool_t *p = NULL;
    int is_cname = 0;
    cos_status_t *s = NULL;
    cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;
    cos_string_t bucket;
    cos_string_t object;
    cos_string_t file;
    cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;
    cos_table_t *headers = NULL;
    // Create a memory pool
    cos_pool_create(&p, NULL);
    // Initialize the request options
    options = cos_request_options_create(p);
    init_test_request_options(options, is_cname);
    cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);
    // The speed range is 819200 to 838860800, that is 100 KB/s to 100 MB/s. If the value is not within this range, 400 will be returned.
    headers = cos_table_make(p, 1);
    cos_table_add_int(headers, "x-cos-traffic-limit", 819200);
    // Upload an object
    cos_str_set(&file, "test_file.bin");
    cos_str_set(&object, TEST_OBJECT_NAME1);
    s = cos_put_object_from_file(options, &bucket, &object, &file, headers, &resp_headers);
    if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {
    printf("put object succeeded\\n");
    } else {
    printf("put object failed\\n");
    // Destroy the memory pool.
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // Get SecretId and SecretKey from environment variables
    if (cos_http_io_initialize(NULL, 0) != COSE_OK) {
    // Set the log level. Default value: `COS_LOG_WARN`
    // Set log output. Default value: `stderr`
    return 0;

    Sample 2. Limiting single-URL speed on downloads

    For more information about the speed limits on object uploads and downloads, please see Single-URL Speed Limits.
    #include "cos_http_io.h"
    #include "cos_api.h"
    #include "cos_log.h"
    // `endpoint` is the COS access domain name. For more information, see https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/436/6224.
    static char TEST_COS_ENDPOINT[] = "cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com";
    // A developer-owned secret ID/key used for the project. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.
    static char *TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID; // Your SecretId
    static char *TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET; // Your SecretKey
    // A unique user-level resource identifier for COS access. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.
    static char TEST_APPID[] = "<APPID>"; // Your APPID
    // COS bucket name, in the format of [bucket]-[appid], for example `mybucket-1253666666`. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    static char TEST_BUCKET_NAME[] = "<bucketname-appid>";
    // A unique identifier of an object stored in COS. For more information about objects and object keys, please see https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/436/13324.
    static char TEST_OBJECT_NAME1[] = "1.txt";
    void init_test_config(cos_config_t *config, int is_cname)
    cos_str_set(&config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);
    cos_str_set(&config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);
    cos_str_set(&config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);
    cos_str_set(&config->appid, TEST_APPID);
    config->is_cname = is_cname;
    void init_test_request_options(cos_request_options_t *options, int is_cname)
    options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);
    init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);
    options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);
    void test_get_object_with_limit()
    cos_pool_t *p = NULL;
    int is_cname = 0;
    cos_status_t *s = NULL;
    cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;
    cos_string_t bucket;
    cos_string_t object;
    cos_string_t file;
    cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;
    cos_table_t *headers = NULL;
    // Create a memory pool
    cos_pool_create(&p, NULL);
    // Initialize the request options
    options = cos_request_options_create(p);
    init_test_request_options(options, is_cname);
    cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);
    // The speed range is 819200 to 838860800, that is 100 KB/s to 100 MB/s. If the value is not within this range, 400 will be returned.
    headers = cos_table_make(p, 1);
    cos_table_add_int(headers, "x-cos-traffic-limit", 819200);
    // Download the object
    cos_str_set(&file, "test_file.bin");
    cos_str_set(&object, TEST_OBJECT_NAME1);
    s = cos_get_object_to_file(options, &bucket, &object, headers, NULL, &file, &resp_headers);
    if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {
    printf("get object succeeded\\n");
    } else {
    printf("get object failed\\n");
    // Destroy the memory pool.
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // Get SecretId and SecretKey from environment variables
    if (cos_http_io_initialize(NULL, 0) != COSE_OK) {
    // Set the log level. Default value: `COS_LOG_WARN`
    // Set log output. Default value: `stderr`
    return 0;
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