tencent cloud


Fault Injection Testing

Last updated: 2023-12-26 11:31:04


    This document simulates website system behaviors upon latency faults when the stock service is accessed, aiming to test the service elasticity and optimize the access experience of website users. The stock service has a fixed latency of seven seconds as shown below:


    Configure the VirtualService bound to the stock service and set the fault injection policy for accessing the stock service: 100% of the requests will have a fixed latency of seven seconds.
    apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
    kind: VirtualService
    name: stock-vs
    namespace: base
    - stock.base.svc.cluster.local
    - route:
    - destination:
    host: stock.base.svc.cluster.local
    fixedDelay: 7000ms
    value: 100
    After the configuration, click ADD TO CART on the demo website page to add an item to the cart or click YOUR CART to call the cart service. The cart service will then call the stock service to query the stock, and the stock service will experience a fixed latency of seven seconds. Click CHECKOUT on the cart page to start the checkout process to call the order service. The order service will then call the stock service to query the stock, and the stock service will experience a fixed latency of seven seconds. The latency means that the page will be in the loading status for seven seconds until the fault disappears, which adversely affects users' browsing experience. The waiting status after the cart service calls the stock service is as shown below:
    A timeout period can be configured to optimize the browsing experience of website users.
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