tencent cloud


Resetting Your Login Password

最終更新日:2024-03-22 10:56:58


    Step 1. Go to the “Forgot password” page

    1. Go to the Tencent Cloud website and click Log In in the top right corner.
    2. On the login page, click Forgot password.

    Step 2. Enter your email address

    Enter your account email and click Next.

    Step 3. Check your inbox

    We will send a password reset email to your inbox. Click Reset Password or copy the link in the email and paste it in a browser. The link address to reset your password remains valid for 48 hours.

    Step 4. Set a new password

    On the password resetting page, enter a new password and confirm it. Click Submit.

    Step 5. Verify your identity

    In the pop-up window, verify your identity as required to complete the resetting process.




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