tencent cloud


File Transfer

Last updated: 2023-12-22 11:31:59
    After creating a file transfer (upload/download) test task successfully, you can analyze the overall file transfer performance on the Test Statistics page.


    1. Log in to the CAT console.
    2. Click Test Statistics on the left sidebar and select File transfer.
    3. On the Test Statistics page, analyze the test data in multiple dimensions such as map, line chart, figure, and detailed data.

    Metric description

    Average transfer speed (KB/s)
    The average speed of downloading or uploading the target file:
    Average transfer speed = number of bytes actually downloaded or uploaded / transfer duration.
    Time to first packet (s)
    Download: The time taken by the client to receive the first response packet from the server after initiating a download request.
    Upload: The time taken by the client to send a packet after initiating an upload request.
    Success rate (%)
    The ratio of successful transfers to the total number of transfers.
    Transferred file size (KB)
    Total number of uploaded or downloaded bytes, subject to the task type.
    Number of error data samples.
    Valid tests
    Number of valid data samples.
    Transfer duration (s)
    Download: The time taken to download the target file.
    Upload: The time taken to receive the target file sent by the client.
    DNS time
    The time taken to convert an input domain to an IP.
    TCP time
    The time taken to establish a TCP connection when the target file is downloaded or uploaded.
    Top 5 error types
    The top five error types of the most errors.
    Top 5 slowest regional ISPs
    The top five ISPs with the lowest average transfer speed.
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