tencent cloud


Publishing Module

Last updated: 2023-03-07 14:53:15


    Modules are Terraform configurations that allow you to manage a group of resources and can provide better business abstraction and lower costs in some multi-resource scenarios. In addition, you can publish modules on GitHub on the Terraform registry. This document describes how to create and publish a Terraform TencentCloud module.


    Creating a public module

    Create a code repository on GitHub.

    • The name should be in the format of terraform-<provider>-<name>, such as terraform-tencentcloud-vpc.

    • A basic module contains the following files:

       ├── main.tf # Write module resources
       ├── variables.tf # Declare module variables
       ├── outputs.tf # Declare module outputs
       ├── LICENCE # Declare license
       └── README.md # Readme

    We recommend you add the example directory as instructed in terraform-tencentcloud-vpc/examples to store the examples for importing and using the module.

    Publishing the module

    1. Log in to registry.terraform.io, select Publish in the top-right corner of the page, and click Module from the drop-down list as shown below:

    2. Expand the Select Repository on GitHub drop-down list to view all the module repositories that you have management permissions for and select the target module as shown below:


    You can also publish a module through a personal GitHub repository. The modules whose repositories are named in the format of terraform-tencentcloud-<name> will also be included in the tencentcloud modules.

    1. Select I agree to the Terms of Use. and click PUBLISH MODULE.

    2. The repository will be automatically synced to the Terraform registry in a few minutes as shown below:

    (Optional) Adding repository merge check

    If your module involves multi-person collaboration, you can use GitHub Actions to preliminarily check the code with merge requests.

    Here, terraform-tencentcloud-vpc is used as an example. Create the .github/workflow directory in the root directory of the repository and create the pull-request.yml file. Below is the sample code:

    name: MR_CHECK
        branches: [ master ]
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - uses: actions/checkout@v2
          - uses: hashicorp/setup-terraform@v1
          - name: Module Files Checking
            run: |
              test -d examples || echo "[WARN] Missing ./examples in modules directory, we strongly recommend you to provide example usage of this module."
              for i in ${files[@]} ; do
                fileCount=$(find ./ -name $i | wc -l)
                if [[ $fileCount -gt 0 ]]; then
                  echo "[INFO] File: $i exist."
                  echo "[ERROR] Missing $i, a recommend module should include these files:\n ${files[@]}"
                  exit -1
          - name: Terraform Validate
            run: |
              terraform init
              terraform validate
          - name: Terraform Format Check
            run: |
              terraform fmt -diff -check -recursive

    The description is as follows:

    • Module Files Checking: Check whether the directory contains the file needed above.

    • Terraform Validate: Check the module parameters.

    • Terraform Format Check: Verify the Terraform code format in the module.

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