tencent cloud


Final Request Format

마지막 업데이트 시간:2020-08-04 14:33:15

    Concatenation rule

    A TencentCloud API request URL is concatenated as follows:

    https:// + request domain name + request path + ? + final request parameter string

    The elements of each URL are described as follows:

    • Request domain name: subject to the product or product module to which the API belongs. For example, the request domain name for the DescribeInstances API used to query the CVM instance list is cvm.api.qcloud.com. For the request domain name of a specific product, see the description of each API.
    • Request path: a fixed path for requesting TencentCloud APIs. For example, the request path for Tencent Cloud CVM is always /v2/index.php.
    • Final request parameter string: consisting of common request parameters and API request parameters.


    The final request URL for a TencentCloud API is as follows:
    Taking Tencent Cloud CVM's DescribeInstances API as an example, the first six parameters are common request parameters, while the last six ones are API request parameters.

    &Signature=mysignature       // Common request parameters
    &zoneId=100003      // API request parameters

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