tencent cloud



最后更新时间:2023-12-19 16:56:24

    Why can’t I hear anything after I join a video conference?

    After you join a video conference, if there is no sound, check whether you have selected an audio connection mode and make sure your system’s default audio device is set correctly. You will not be able to hear anything until you select an audio connection mode.

    How do I mute attendees as a host?

    Click Attendees after joining the video conference. In the attendee list, click Mute All to mute all attendees, or select Mute next to a specific attendee to mute the attendee.

    How do I unmute attendees as a host?

    If an attendee sends you a request to be unmuted, you can agree to unmute the attendee.

    How do I ask to speak if I was muted by the host?

    If you are using a mobile or PC client, you can click the microphone icon and select Raise Hand.
    If you dialed in via a landline or mobile phone to join the video conference, press 1# to ask to speak.

    What should I do if I can’t hear other attendees during a video conference?

    Troubleshoot the problem as follows: Step 1. Check if the device is functioning properly. (Skip to Step 2 if you are using an iOS or Android client)
    1. Click Settings in the toolbar, select Audio, and click Test to test the speaker. If you can hear music playing, the speaker is working.
    2. If you don’t hear the music, select another speaker device from the speaker drop-down list and test it.
    Step 2. Check whether the system permissions are set correctly. (Perform this step according to the client used)
    macOS: select System Preferences -> Sound -> Output, disable muting, and adjust the output volume to maximum. (You can lower the volume subsequently if you feel it is too high)
    Windows: right click the speaker icon and select Playback devices. Check whether the corresponding device is muted.
    iOS and Android: adjust the volume to maximum. Tap the speaker icon in the upper right corner to switch between handheld mode and hands-free mode.

    What should I do if the other attendees in the video conference cannot hear me?

    Troubleshoot the problem as follows: Step 1. Check if the device is functioning properly. (Skip to Step 2 if you are using an iOS or Android client)
    1. Check bottom menu bar to see if you are muted. If the host has muted you, request to be unmuted.
    2. Click Settings in toolbar, select Audio and click Test to test the microphone. Start to speak and check whether the green indicator bar changes. If the green indicator bar changes, the microphone is working normally.
    3. If the green indicator bar does not change, select another recording device from the microphone drop-down list and test it.
    Step 2. Check whether the system permissions are set correctly. (Perform this step according to the client used)


    1. Select System Preferences > Sound > Output and adjust the output volume to maximum. (You can lower the volume subsequently if you feel it is too loud)
    2. Select System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Microphone, select the checkbox to allow VooV Meeting to access and rejoin the video conference.


    1. Right click the speaker icon and select Recording devices. Check whether the corresponding device is muted.
    2. Windows 10: Select System Settings -> Microphone and allow VooV Meeting to access your microphone.

    iOS and Android

    Check whether the microphone permission is granted to VooV Meeting.

    What can I do if my voice is too soft in a video conference?


    Right click the speaker icon and select Recording devices. Click the corresponding device and select Properties -> Level. Raise the volume as required.


    Select System Preferences -> Sound -> Input and adjust the input volume to maximum.

    What can I do if there is feedback during a video conference?

    There are two types of feedback: when multiple devices join an online video conference from the same location, or when only one device joins the online video conference from the location. You can troubleshoot as follows:
    Feedback occurs when only one device joins a video conference in one location:
    1. Check whether the video conference room contains any high-power audio output devices, such as speakers.
    (1) If such devices exist, first lower the volume to prevent the feedback from affecting other attendees.
    (2) Ensure that the audio mixer settings and connection are correct and that audio receiving devices, such as microphones, are 3 m or farther away from the front side of the speaker. The host can lower the speaker or microphone volume to mitigate feedback.
    2. If no high-power audio output devices exist, the local speaker may be playing sound collected by the local microphone. Disconnect from the video conference and speak into the microphone to check whether sound is transmitted through the local speaker. If it is, modify the system settings. In the sound option, deselect Listen to this device for the microphone to prevent feedback caused by the local sound.
    3. If an echo occurs on two devices in the video conference, feedback will occur. To solve this problem, see “What can I do if echo occurs in a video conference?”.
    4. If the problem persists, feedback may be occurring at other sites and being transmitted to the local site through the network. Remind attendees at other sites to troubleshoot the problem based on the preceding steps and to lower the output volume to prevent feedback from affecting the attendees.
    Feedback occurs when multiple devices join a video conference from the same location:
    1. Refer to the first scenario in the preceding section, and check whether the feedback is cause by inappropriate orientation of the devices.
    2. Check if multiple attendees have turned on their microphones or speakers. The host should remind attendees to mute their microphone and speaker or use a headset to access VooV Meeting.
    3. If the feedback problem persists, it might occur through multiple devices at multiple sites. The host can click Attendees and Mute All in the attendee list and then unmute attendees one by one to check which site is causing feedback, and then can suggest troubleshooting options or mute the attendees at that site.

    What can I do if an echo occurs during a video conference?

    During a video conference, echoes are classified into local and peer echoes. Local echo indicates that you can hear your own voice, and peer echo indicates that other attendees can hear their own voices. Troubleshoot the problem as follows:

    Local echo

    1. Follow the steps for troubleshooting feedback to check that the echo is not caused by incorrect system configuration or multiple devices joining the video conference from the same location.
    2. Ask attendees at other sites to troubleshoot the echo based on the instructions for troubleshooting peer echo.

    Peer echo

    If attendees at other sites hear an echo during the video conference, perform the following operations at the local site:
    1. Disable the local microphone or speaker to check whether the peer echo is caused by the local site. If the peer site no longer hears an echo, the echo is caused by the local site. If the peer site still hears an echo, the echo is caused by a third party in the video conference. Ask the third party to mute their microphone or speaker to assist in checking the echo source.
    2. Keep the speaker away from the microphone and do not place large obstacles within 30 cm in front of the speaker to prevent strong sound reflection. Lower the speaker volume. We recommend that the speaker volume to be set below 80% of the maximum volume. Lower the microphone volume. If possible, use an external microphone in the video conference room.
    3. If the problem persists, enable the microphone only when you speak. If only one individual is joining the video conference at the site, we recommend that they use a headset. Exit VooV Meeting and rejoin the video conference.

    What can I do when rustling noises occur during a video conference?

    Noises that occur during a video conference are classified into the following scenarios:
    1. All or most attendees hear the noises.
    2. Only a specific attendee hears the noises.
    3. Some attendees hear noises but some do not.
    Troubleshoot the problem as follows:
    All or most attendees hear the noises: The microphone of an attendee might pick up noise. Perform the following operations:
    1. If the host can see noise from an attendee in the noise prompt, the host can mute the attendee and remind the attendee to check the problem.
    2. The attendee who is muted due to noise should first check whether their environment is noisy. The attendee can use the Test Microphone feature in audio settings to have VooV Meeting test the microphone quality and environmental noise. If the surrounding is noisy, the attendee can change to another location to join the video conference. If it is inconvenient for them to change their location, the attendee can use a headset to join the video conference. The attendee can also reduce the microphone volume.
    3. If the surrounding is not noisy, but there is still noise, check if there is an issue with the microphone. Try changing the microphone. For example, use a headset or the microphone of the device and check whether the noise exists.
    4. If noise occurs but no noise prompt is reported, the network connection may be abnormal. To solve this problem, see “What can I do if the sound is stuttering, speeding up, or slowing down during a video conference?”.
    Only a specific attendee hears noises: If only one attendee hears noises, the attendee’s microphone or speaker is causing the issue. The attendee can troubleshoot the problem as follows:
    1. Check if there is another software, for example, a music player or voice chat application, running in the background. If so, close the software.
    2. In VooV Meeting’s audio settings, use the Test Speaker feature to have VooV Meeting check whether the device is working properly. Adjust the volume to a normal level. If the sound is abnormal, the playback device, either the speaker or sound card, is defective. We recommend that you replace the faulty device. For example, you can switch from using the speaker to using a headset.
    3. If the playback sound is normal but the sound is stuttering, speeding up, or slowing down during the video conference, the downstream network is abnormal. To solve this problem, see the solution to “What can I do if my voice is too soft in a video conference?”.
    Some attendees can hear noises but some do not: The attendees who hear the noises may have the same problem as that described in the scenario where Only a specific attendee hears noises. The host can ask these attendees to troubleshoot the problem based on the steps described in that scenario.

    What can I do if the sound is stuttering, speeding up, or slowing down during a video conference?

    This problem usually occurs when the network connection is abnormal. There are many possible causes for abnormal network connection. The device’s NIC could be abnormal or there might be other applications occupying data bandwidth. It could be due to poor uplink network connection or there could be network jitters or congestion. Troubleshoot the problem as follows:
    1. Check that the environment and device are not the cause.
    2. Check whether the Wi-Fi or 4G signal is normal. If the network condition is poor, change to a higher quality network or dial in to join the video conference.
    3. If you are not sure whether the network connection is working properly, test the connection with another application.
    4. If the problem persists, disable features that consume high bandwidth, such as video and screen sharing, to optimize voice call quality.




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