tencent cloud


MPS Function Processing Overview

最終更新日:2021-01-22 17:55:10

    Through the function processing service, you can quickly process and operate on the callback events generated by MPS. Events are pushed to SCF through an MPS trigger, and then callback event processing and response are implemented through function computation of Serverless Framework.
    The overall data processing flow is as shown below:

    Function Processing Practices

    CLS can send data in a log topic to SCF for processing through an MPS trigger to satisfy the needs of various use cases, such as video event notification, status monitoring, and alarm processing as detailed below:

    Function Processing Scenario Description
    Video task callback backup to COS Backs up task callbacks generated by MPS to COS through SCF promptly
    Video task callback notification tool Receives MPS data messages in real time and pushes them through WeCom, email, etc.


    Data is delivered to SCF, which incurs corresponding computation fees. For billing details, please see SCF Billing Overview.





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