tencent cloud


Uploading Files from Windows to a CVM Using FTP

Last updated: 2024-03-26 17:08:41


    This document describes how to use the FTP service to upload files from a local Windows computer to a CVM.


    You have built the FTP service on CVM.
    To use FTP to upload files to a Linux CVM, see Building the FTP Service (Linux)
    To use FTP to upload files to a Windows CVM, see Building the FTP Service (Windows)


    Connecting to the CVM

    1. Download and install the open-source FileZilla locally.
    If you use version 3.5.3 of FileZilla to upload files via FTP, the upload may fail. We recommend you download and use versions 3.5.1 or 3.5.2 of FileZilla from its official website.
    2. Open FileZilla.
    3. In the FileZilla window, enter information such as the host, username, password, and port, and click Quickconnect.
    Configuration description:
    Host: the public IP of the CVM. Log in to the CVM Console to view the public IP of the CVM on the Instances page.
    Username: the FTP user account configured when you built the FTP service. The figure below uses "ftpuser1" as an example.
    Password: the password corresponding to the FTP user account configured when you built the FTP service.
    Port: the FTP listening port, which is 21 by default. After the connection is successful, you can view the files on the remote CVM site.

    Uploading a file

    In the lower-left "Local site" window, right-click the local file to be uploaded and select Upload to upload it to a Linux CVM, as shown below:
    CVM FTP path does not support the automatic decompression or deletion of uploaded compressed tar files.
    The remote site path is the default path for uploading files to a Linux CVM.

    Downloading a file

    In the lower-right "Remote site" window, right-click the CVM file to be downloaded and choose Download to download it to a local directory.
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